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The Mega-Cave Shooter Post, because they're totally awesome and sweet


Loves Robotech S1
Okay, I'm buying a J360. Like right now.

Where is the best/cheapest place to order at the moment? I've got one in the cart at hmv.co.jp for 19,800 yen. Suggestions?
luka said:
Okay, I'm buying a J360. Like right now.

Where is the best/cheapest place to order at the moment? I've got one in the cart at hmv.co.jp for 19,800 yen. Suggestions?

I'd like to know too, so if you find something better, let me know. HMV does seem the cheapest out of the of the usual sites at least (play-asia, yesasia).


Loves Robotech S1
iconoclast said:
I'd like to know too, so if you find something better, let me know. HMV does seem the cheapest out of the of the usual sites at least (play-asia, yesasia).
I've been hovering over the buy button for the last few hours and I think my brain has BSOD'd. I'm SO CLOSE but the fact still remains that I'm basically buying it for a few cave ports and nothing else. There are a good number of shooters but nothing else on the machine really interests me (mamoru-kun? otomedius? strike witches? ...no thanks). Now some devs (grev) are going multiplat and who knows how much longer Cave will be supporting it and what their future output is going to look like.

I REALLY want to play DFK though. I've had that LE package sitting on my shelf for the past year. The same nagging feelings always come up whenever I'm about to pull the trigger. aaargghlhhbglhfhbkfg
I actually think Strike Witches is pretty decent, lol. It has a fun scoring system and a bunch of different ways to play, since you can form your own teams out of the girls. Obviously it's not a top tier shooter, but I had fun with it for a while.

But anyway, I still think a J360 is well worth owning for the Cave library alone. Even if all of their games were to get dumped into MAME right now with perfectly accurate slowdown and controls (not happening), I'd still rather play the ports because of the HD graphics, leaderboards, downloadable replays, arrange modes, arrange soundtracks, etc etc. There's already enough content to last for years, even if they were to stop releasing shooters for it entirely (which I don't think is going to happen just yet).


I bought a J360 right before Ketsui was emulated and bought Deathsmiles II a little bit before the GoD release.

No regrets. It's The Best Console.


Loves Robotech S1
iconoclast said:
But anyway, I still think a J360 is well worth owning for the Cave library alone. Even if all of their games were to get dumped into MAME right now with perfectly accurate slowdown and controls (not happening), I'd still rather play the ports because of the HD graphics, leaderboards, downloadable replays, arrange modes, arrange soundtracks, etc etc. There's already enough content to last for years, even if they were to stop releasing shooters for it entirely (which I don't think is going to happen just yet).
You're probably right. Even now the only cave game I've actually cleared is galuda. A full set of SH3 games could probably last me the rest of my life. :p

I'll scour around a bit for a better price then jump on it.


A Good Citizen
I went with 365games going by the positive experience of another GAF member elsewhere

All these UK online gamestores look shady as fuck though. My mind kept saying NO.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Cave has just announced their next iOS game. It's part of the Mushihimesama series, but for the first time, it looks like they've gone with an English name. "Bug Princess"


Not many details in the trailer aside from highlighting that it's part of the legacy of Mushihimesama. Could it just be a port of Mushimesama 1? Probably! (they call Futari "Bug Princess 2" in the trailer) I welcome it.

Mushihimesama basically means Bug Princess.... but I consider this way less charming. (All according to keikaku, etc.)

EDIT: Ahh now I see the text in the trailer... "the arcade + Xbox 360 hit comes to iOS" this is Futari for iPhone, no doubt! Well, I was just wondering why it wasn't on iOS yet.


EDIT 2: Let me re-restate that again: it's probably the first game based on the Japanese trailer.


Loves Robotech S1
Hey guys, I got a thing. :)


My eyes are bleeding neon rainbows. It's beautiful. It was kind of funny when I nearly made it to the end of stage 5 on my first credit ever. It took me weeks to get to stage 4 of DOJ. :p
Those spinning lasers are definitely tricky.

What are the conditions to make the final boss appear? Does it involve getting the alternate paths/midbosses for every stage?


You mean Hibachi / Zatsuza? You need to unlock the second loop.

Tsujou 2nd Loop
Fulfill one of: Collect 35 bee items, or clear the game having lost only one life or used only 2 bombs.

Ura 2nd Loop
Collect all 45 bee items and clear the game having lost only one life and used 2 bombs or less.


Loves Robotech S1
1-ALL get. Quickest 1cc ever? Unquestionably. :p

I can't figure out how to get the ura boss for stage 1 to appear consistently. I've done it, like, once and I'm not sure how. I know it has something to do with the silos...
Also, finding bees is tough. I can't tell if normal shot causes them to flicker like they used to, and if they do it's impossible to discern in the sea of rainbow neon vomit all over the screen.

I can see why some people take issue with this game. The ship/type selection is messy and seems to be balanced for being either incredibly easy or overwhelmingly difficult. The chain doesn't drop instantly when you miss an enemy unless you have full hyper, but at the same time you can't score for tofu unless you have full hyper. Plus you basically have to choose between autobomb and no bombs whatsoever.

Still, I'm having a lot of fun with this game. I'm also not lamenting the lack of 240p arcade mode at all. Shame it's not there but I'd never play it. There is nothing charming or attractive about downscaled CG renders compared to old-fashioned pixel art.

Going to be picking up the BL disc soon. Sounds like it fixes almost every flaw the game has.


Loves Robotech S1
I'm definitely warming up to 1.5. Been spending some time in practice memorizing bee locations and I think i'll be able to loop this in pretty good time. I'm excited because I've never done that before! Yay imbalanced casual-friendly shumsp! Still don't understand the purpose of strong type though. I know you don't have to use it, but...why is it even there?

Also tried arrange A a few times and I love it. Best part of the package by far, especially since you can nuke the spinning lasers in area 5! :) I hear people complain about them here and there, but I actually like them. This is the first time I've seen a vert with actual physical obstacles to avoid since, what...image fight? It's something that has been sorely missing from the genre lately (with the proliferation of danmaku and the death of traditional hori shumps) and I hope to see more of it. Very creative.

Tried arrange B as well.... I don't really get it, and honestly I'm not sure I want to. :p
I love DDP:R but have a few questions for those that know it:

1) Ive finished the game multiple times, but ive only got one "Mid boss" achievement, how come i havent got the other ones?
2) Which is the best "bomb" or whatever to choose - powerups, bombs only or strong - why not choose strong? Is there a scoring handicap involved with it?
3) where are these secret routes the achievements mention?


Loves Robotech S1
1- I haven't gone over the JP ver achievement list, but it's probably referring to the ura route midbosses. Since you can only get them in order, you probably fought the stage 1 secret boss at least once. I've done it too, but I'm not 100% sure about how to activate it. People say it has to do with the silos and tanks in the beginning, but nearly every superplay I've watched kills them in a different order or has some variance in the path. I've seen danger lasers show up right in the beginning if you can get your chain high quickly enough, I'm thinking that is part of it.

2- Power type is what the big boys use. It's much more difficult but the scoring potential is higher. Bomb is mainly for survival play. Strong... is something else. Apparently it was a secret ship in 1.0. Nothing wrong with using it if you want. It makes for an easy 1cc. :p
In black label Strong faces 2nd loop patterns and suicide bullets to compensate for the imbalance. Pretty cool I think.

3- See point 1. The alternate paths through each stage involves fighting the original bosses from dodonpachi. To get stage 2 route you have to collect all bees and activate stage 1 route and so on. Again, figuring out how to consistently activate the boss in stage 1 has been the trickiest thing for me so far.
I have a japanese xbl account, how can I find the akai katana demo? I really wanna try this game out...

Go up once from the My Xbox channel -> enter the games marketplace -> scroll right 3 times to get to the demo section (to the right of the indie games) -> scroll right until you see the Akai Katana box art (in between Halo Reach and El Shaddai) -> download demo


Go up once from the My Xbox channel -> enter the games marketplace -> scroll right 3 times to get to the demo section (to the right of the indie games) -> scroll right until you see the Akai Katana box art (in between Halo Reach and El Shaddai) -> download demo

You're a wonderful man. One day I'll write a song about your good deed.


A Good Citizen
15 days and no bees. Yeah I'm never importing from the UK again.

Is NSCX the only US-based import shop carrying it? They're a bit expensive but I'm thinking of bitching until I get a refund or something and buying it from somewhere that won't take 50000000000 years to get to me.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
15 days and no bees. Yeah I'm never importing from the UK again.

Is NSCX the only US-based import shop carrying it? They're a bit expensive but I'm thinking of bitching until I get a refund or something and buying it from somewhere that won't take 50000000000 years to get to me.

I ordered from Zaavi and it got to Vancouver just fine. They were quick with Xenoblade, too.


Anybody hear of Cave developing a shmup for PS Vita? I thought I remember reading that somewhere.

A touchscreen shmup would be perfect on Vita with that OLED and quad-core processor!
Anybody hear of Cave developing a shmup for PS Vita? I thought I remember reading that somewhere.

A touchscreen shmup would be perfect on Vita with that OLED and quad-core processor!

I'd prefer an arcade game.

But hey maybe Otomedius will get its touch screen mode back should it ever appear in a Vita compilation.

Yes Boss!

So, I finally got to see the Instant Brain LE packaging. I collect all the Cave LEs and had been curious what type Cave went with this time. Turns out, they went for, yet again, a different size. This one is much wider, and slight a bit shorter, like the DS LE. Here are some pics:


Campared to Futari LE:


It has a cut-out notch, like a book:


Opened up (art book is behind the game):


And the special goods:


Altogether a pretty nice little package! Kinda frustrating that Cave went for another smaller size. And, following EOJ's playthrough on Cave-STG makes it apparent that unlocking Dodonpachi for non-japanese speakers is going to be difficult, which makes me sad. Still, I've beat digitsl novels in the past (things like Cobra on Super-CD), so I'm definitely gonna try to play rhrough thus one.
15 days and no bees. Yeah I'm never importing from the UK again.

Is NSCX the only US-based import shop carrying it? They're a bit expensive but I'm thinking of bitching until I get a refund or something and buying it from somewhere that won't take 50000000000 years to get to me.

where did you import from?


I would wait until Sunday/Monday to see if it will be part of mega monday again. Like someone said, it was 14.95 a day ago or so.

Gah. No money, so I'll have to wait anyway, but thanks for the tip.

Sorry, but KOFXIII was more important.


I just noticed in the pick-up thread, the Rising Star DFK port cover artwork is shit. They've destroyed the beautiful and tranquil scene from the JP LE cover (see luka's post) with some photoshop bullshit.
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