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The Mega-Cave Shooter Post, because they're totally awesome and sweet

iconoclast said:
Woo, just had a great run in Futari 1.5 Maniac:

1.5 - X360 - Maniac - Reco
694,993,138 - ALL (Lx2) - Normal

No missed up to Larsa. The fight went pretty poorly, but them's the breaks I guess. I don't think I'll be able to do much better than that, unless I learn more advanced strategies. Very happy with that score though, and the replay's up on the leaderboards if anyone wants to check it out (ranked #6).
Making a dent in the top 10 is impressive, nice one.

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
PepsimanVsJoe said:
Hot damn. Hopefully everyone imports the crap out of DDP:R.

I'm doing my part.

I will, assuming they don't screw anything up (a la Deathsmiles US when it first came out.)

Though, I already did my part by buying the JP release a year ago. I'm doing my part twice now, I guess.
I'm guessing the first Cave shooter I've ever played was Mushihime Futari when I imported it. I got the regular edition first print, and never bothered to redeem the DLC. Since I would assume I can barely tell the difference between that version and the versions on the disc (as well as Mega Black "Lavel" that I bought) I never bothered to, and was thinking of selling it.

Since then I got Guwange, I think when it was released, Deathsmiles 2X on GoD soon after release, and Deathsmiles just a few weeks ago from Amazon.

I'm really surprised how much better the first DS is over the second, and it seems clear that it's not just because it's more of a challenge. The enemies and layout and stages and everything seems to be a lot more interesting and clever.

I pre-ordered DDP:R this past week from dvd.co.uk, and just ordered Espgaluda II (Platinum) from Yesasia.com I guess I'm all caught up now, besides the super expensive Pork/Sweets.


Unconfirmed Member
PepsimanVsJoe said:
Hot damn. Hopefully everyone imports the crap out of DDP:R.

I'm doing my part.

I decided to do this once finding out Espagaluda II was Ipad 2 only -_-

getting what should be a pretty dope game out of it tho so I ain't even mad


Good for Europeans!

nocturnedelight said:
I'm really surprised how much better the first DS is over the second, and it seems clear that it's not just because it's more of a challenge. The enemies and layout and stages and everything seems to be a lot more interesting and clever.

The real value of the 360 port of Deathsmiles 2 is the arcade mode, not the default 2X mode. I definitely prefer arcade Deathsmiles 2 over any of the flavors of the original Deathsmiles.


iconoclast said:
AKS (Zetsu + Shin specifically) = best Cave game since Futari. Great news for Europeans.

Really? I love Futari but the demo of Akai Katana didn't do anything for me. Must be that whole scrolling left-to-right thing. Am I doing it wrong?


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Hopefully Akai Katana will be region free....

I'd rather it saw a domestic North American release... I'm worried that Cave games are getting Xenobladed... but I'll take what I can get.
BOTEC said:
Really? I love Futari but the demo of Akai Katana didn't do anything for me. Must be that whole scrolling left-to-right thing. Am I doing it wrong?

I absolutely love Akai Katana. The demo defaults to Shin mode, but I think it also has Zetsu and Arcade on it (not sure though). Have you tried them? Zetsu is superior IMO; it's basically the finished version of the game without the limitations of the aging PCB hardware.

Speaking of Akai Katana, today I decided to give Arcade mode a real shot. Result: 248,106,230 ALL with Type 3. I found it a lot easier than Zetsu, and the constant A, C, A, C, A, C, A, C, etc. to refill the ninja meter quickly gets pretty annoying. It's still fun though, but I don't see any reason to play Arcade mode when Zetsu exists.


iconoclast said:
I absolutely love Akai Katana. The demo defaults to Shin mode, but I think it also has Zetsu and Arcade on it (not sure though). Have you tried them? Zetsu is superior IMO; it's basically the finished version of the game without the limitations of the aging PCB hardware.

Speaking of Akai Katana, today I decided to give Arcade mode a real shot. Result: 248,106,230 ALL with Type 3. I found it a lot easier than Zetsu, and the constant A, C, A, C, A, C, A, C, etc. to refill the ninja meter quickly gets pretty annoying. It's still fun though, but I don't see any reason to play Arcade mode when Zetsu exists.

Hmm, I don't think I tried any other modes. I'll go back and give it another shot.
BocoDragon said:
Hopefully Akai Katana will be region free....

I'd rather it saw a domestic North American release... I'm worried that Cave games are getting Xenobladed... but I'll take what I can get.
100% sure it won't, since DDP DFK isn't. (it's EU+NA, not JP/ASIA, so not "REGION FREE")


And with this, Cave is complete for me. Every 360 release tat works on my NA system i have, and the few that are not (Ketsui / DDPDOJ) I have on Mame / PS2
You can't play Ibara Kuro yet. And while playing Ketsui on mame is okay, I still want the port.
Also, I guess there is no dump for Mushihimesama 1.5 (The first one, not futari) and I would kill for ESP.Rade on xbla.


GAF's Ed McMahon
DoDonPachi Resurrection Black Label is available on the marketplace for 800 allards.

Also Deathsmiles got added today on Games on Demand, in Europe at least.


Muchi Muchi Pink said:
Risingstar Games is bringing Akai Katana Shin over to PAL territories. Crossing my fingers for you, americans.

I'm importing DDR to America. I hope I can do the same with AKS.


I bought DoDonPachi Resurrection through National Console Support, and hopefully it will be shipping soon. I've never bought through them before. So, for Black Label I'd need to procure European points and presumably a Euro gamertag as well? I know I can find this info elsewhere so if no one feels it necessary to answer.

I'm just excited to add another Cave title to my collection.
Make a european account (search for an address in the uk or whatever country you want), buy some european points via ebay or some other shop selling points online. Download them, play on your us account.
Serious question :

Is an arcade stick REAALY the best way to play a shooter , and more importantly : why ?

I find them imprecise as fuck, strange dead zone and all. Playing dodopachi lack label on a real arcade is a pain to me.

So I was wondering : is it because I started playing shooter with pads ? Is it the saùe for arcade lovers ? Do they think it's better because they started to play on a pad ? Or is there a physical reason to prefer arcade pads ?
JonStark said:
Serious question :

Is an arcade stick REAALY the best way to play a shooter , and more importantly : why ?

I find them imprecise as fuck, strange dead zone and all. Playing dodopachi lack label on a real arcade is a pain to me.

So I was wondering : is it because I started playing shooter with pads ? Is it the saùe for arcade lovers ? Do they think it's better because they started to play on a pad ? Or is there a physical reason to prefer arcade pads ?

It depends. But with a stick you can do pixel-precise taps, if you slightly hit the stick from the side. Yes, you have to relearn to play with a stick. But, you can be really good with a pad, too.
Muchi Muchi Pink said:
No, points are divided into US, Asia and PAL. Or did you mean, If you can redeem them on your us console? Yes, you can.
Thanks, so the XBL subscription cards are region free-then. I always get the two confused.


JonStark said:
Serious question :

Is an arcade stick REAALY the best way to play a shooter , and more importantly : why ?

I find them imprecise as fuck, strange dead zone and all. Playing dodopachi lack label on a real arcade is a pain to me.

So I was wondering : is it because I started playing shooter with pads ? Is it the saùe for arcade lovers ? Do they think it's better because they started to play on a pad ? Or is there a physical reason to prefer arcade pads ?

It's up to you. I don't know which stick did you try, but on mine there's almost no dead zone, I tilt the lever just a little and hear the click of the microswitch. It is certainly better than an analog stick, but aside from that any digital input device can be fine. After all, Prometheus set Dodonpachi's western record with a freaking keyboard! I prefer the stick because it's closer to the arcade experience, but I don't think it gives a competitive advantage to the player.
danmaku said:
It's up to you. I don't know which stick did you try, but on mine there's almost no dead zone, I tilt the lever just a little and hear the click of the microswitch. It is certainly better than an analog stick, but aside from that any digital input device can be fine. After all, Prometheus set Dodonpachi's western record with a freaking keyboard! I prefer the stick because it's closer to the arcade experience, but I don't think it gives a competitive advantage to the player.

Standard stick of an astro city arcade cabinet. I guess I have to lear again how to play. Maybe it' my way to hold it ? I hold the stick as if the top was resting in my palm, instead of putting my hand over it.


JonStark said:
Standard stick of an astro city arcade cabinet. I guess I have to lear again how to play. Maybe it' my way to hold it ? I hold the stick as if the top was resting in my palm, instead of putting my hand over it.

Maybe I'm picturing it wrong, but that sounds super imprecise.

try it like daigo




JonStark said:
Serious question :

Is an arcade stick REAALY the best way to play a shooter , and more importantly : why ?

I find them imprecise as fuck, strange dead zone and all. Playing dodopachi lack label on a real arcade is a pain to me.

So I was wondering : is it because I started playing shooter with pads ? Is it the saùe for arcade lovers ? Do they think it's better because they started to play on a pad ? Or is there a physical reason to prefer arcade pads ?

Is that the only stick you've tried? I ask that that because maybe it was a bad one? There are a few reasons why I prefer a stick to a pad and the main one is the extra precision it seems to give you on making the small movements - very important in a bullet hell. More personally I just find a stick more comfortable, and it's not just the stick, but also the buttons that are important. I find it much easier to hold down multiple buttons or switch rapidly to a different button when they are big and set out nicely compared to the small buttons on different pads.


JonStark said:
Serious question :

Is an arcade stick REAALY the best way to play a shooter , and more importantly : why ?

I find them imprecise as fuck, strange dead zone and all. Playing dodopachi lack label on a real arcade is a pain to me.

So I was wondering : is it because I started playing shooter with pads ? Is it the saùe for arcade lovers ? Do they think it's better because they started to play on a pad ? Or is there a physical reason to prefer arcade pads ?

I definitely prefer a stick. It may be the physical joystick in your cab that's throwing you off. Some models are super loose and imprecise, some are super responsive and accurate. The current favorite joystick among the shooter crowd is the Seimitsu LS-32. Maybe you can install one in your cab to see if it makes a difference.

That said, play it however you like it. I'm not one of those interface Nazis that enforces some "correct" way over others.
Yay, just cracked 300m in Akai Katana (312,842,500 to be precise). I was going to stop playing Arcade after I got my last score, but I noticed there was an achievement for getting over 300m, so I figured why not go for it. And I gotta say, I appreciate Arcade mode more now that I've put more time into it. It's different enough from Zetsu to stand on its own, but I still like Zetsu better anyway.

What I love and kinda hate about this game is that the scoring is SO free form. What I mean is, the highest scoring path through the stage isn't as blatantly obvious as most other games, because most of your score comes from manipulating enemy bullets. It's awesome, but I definitely needed some guidance (replays) to figure out some decent scoring strategies. Oh, and the constant ACACACAC absolutely kills my hand. Game's hard to play for long periods.

Guess I'm going to start working on Shin mode next.
iconoclast said:
Yay, just cracked 300m in Akai Katana (312,842,500 to be precise). I was going to stop playing Arcade after I got my last score, but I noticed there was an achievement for getting over 300m, so I figured why not go for it. And I gotta say, I appreciate Arcade mode more now that I've put more time into it. It's different enough from Zetsu to stand on its own, but I still like Zetsu better anyway.

What I love and kinda hate about this game is that the scoring is SO free form. What I mean is, the highest scoring path through the stage isn't as blatantly obvious as most other games, because most of your score comes from manipulating enemy bullets. It's awesome, but I definitely needed some guidance (replays) to figure out some decent scoring strategies. Oh, and the constant ACACACAC absolutely kills my hand. Game's hard to play for long periods.

Guess I'm going to start working on Shin mode next.

You got the mother fucking 300m achievement...? Good god.

300m in the arcade is fucking hard in AK, and the home port has slightly less slowdown which makes that a beast of a score. Congrats man. 1000/1000?

I'm still missing a few achievements, so I don't have the 1000 yet. It seems like the one for getting the true end in Shin mode is the hardest one I have left, and I'm missing a secret one for 5 points - not sure what that is.

But yeah, it took me a while to get up to 300m. I cleared the game 4 or 5 times with 260-270m scores, and it was hard trying to figure out where I can improve. It might not seem like much, but squeezing an extra 30m out of the game is hard work. lol

Also, didn't phan (the WR holder) get an even higher score on the 360 version? 525m or something. Guy is godlike.


Jeez, hearing some of you guys' scores are making me realize just how ass i am at vertical shooters. Still love them to pieces though.


kaioshade said:
Jeez, hearing some of you guys' scores are making me realize just how ass i am at vertical shooters. Still love them to pieces though.

Same here. I can't even 1CC any game, never mind going through it while on some crazy chaining/milking business.


iconoclast has some of the best taste and best skills in gaming on this forum. Seriously, didn't he 1250/1250 Ninja Gaiden 2? That cements legendary status right there, never mind his mad shooter skills.

I'm fine with admitting I suck, I've never devoted enough time to most of them to even begin to play competently, let alone master them. I appreciate the skill it takes to do so.
kaioshade said:
Jeez, hearing some of you guys' scores are making me realize just how ass i am at vertical shooters. Still love them to pieces though.

dont worry man. i just play for fun. i die more than i did in dark souls so who cares..the game has unlimited continues and everything so just play it. i love cave shooters...but im average at them at best. half the time i barely understand the chaining etc..


Everybody dies a ton. It's all in playing more and focusing on the right things.

People scared off by 1cc attempts should try it anyway. For the easier games, it's not as hard as you think. Just avoid continues and start from the beginning repeatedly, you'll see progress.


The thing for me is, i can 1cc most Cave games at this point. Getting that quadrillion scores that i see is the hard part. Sometimes i can barely wrap my head around how some of those scores come into existence. And it is frustrating as hell. However i am far from giving up, and eventually want to 1k every Cave game i own. Its going to take forever to do so though.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
My Dodonpachi Ressurection is en route to Canada!

Hitoribhoshi said:
100% sure it won't, since DDP DFK isn't. (it's EU+NA, not JP/ASIA, so not "REGION FREE")
Well that's what I meant, obviously ;) Akai Katana doesn't need to be region free in JP since there's already a JP version.

But I know some of you crazy kids have j-360s and such, and want an English text version, or just to support Rising Star Games.
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