You know how your parents always told you that you can do anything if you put your mind to it?
Well I've put my mind to it for the past two weeks and just can't climb out the 200,000,000 ghetto. Ugh...
Been playing a lot of Akai Katana (arcade) over the last few days. Got a 369 million clear, which got me into the top 5 overall and #2 with Type C. I made a bunch of mistakes as usual, but only one of them really cost me (at the beginning of stage 2), so I'm pretty happy with my run. Maybe some day I can start aiming for 400+, but I think that's pretty far off...
Uploaded my replay here:
Sigh, we have much the same patterns. In fact I went ahead and copied your Stage 2 start strategy (drop out of ninja form to grab energy) which gave me a good score boost. It's hard to pinpoint what I'm doing wrong.
I usually die once in Stage 4, once in Stage 5 (although there's no reason to), and up to two times on the Stage 5/6 bosses. Obviously I think stabilizing the Stage 5 and 6 bosses is probably the key to the score boost I'm looking for.
Here's some craziness that I was not aware of: if you get hit even once during the Stage 6 boss fight, your entire clear/bomb bonus is negated. Something that is really costing me. Oh and if you take even a little bit of laser damage apparently, one of those lives will not count and you will be down 8 mil. I'm ending the game with about 260 mill +/- each time, and if I could just do a little more scoring in the stages and keep about 4 lives up until the end I should be able to clear the 300 mil border. Right now I'm #21 on the leaderboards and thankfully crossed my friend's score which is good cuz he's a dick.
I noticed that you've started suiciding on Stage 1. Is this essential? One thing I think it helps with is the Stage 2 boss, whose second phase likes to kill me every once in awhile. If you have lots of energy, ninja form lasts longer and you can just cheap out the second phase.
You could get some more points out of the Stage 2 mid-boss. There's a technique that involves charging up immediately, and destroying the boss when it's in the blue bullet pattern. It gets you 256 gold, and it triggers a wave of helicopters and one of blue planes afterwards. About a 7/8 mil bonus AFAIK.
Other than that great run. Especially liked the smart bomb on the last phase of the Stage 4 boss. Got you just enough time to charge up again.