before the iOS sale ends, Ive been thinking of getting a few more games, are the SD versions of Espgaluda II and DoDonPachi Resurrection still worth it? Im thinking of saving up just a little...
Yeah sure, if your phone can't run* the HD versions and/or you're ok with the lower resolution graphics they're fine. In the case of Espgaluda II there's also the separate arcade and smartphone versions if you only want one mode or the other if you want some more price options.
*The iPhone 4 can run them, but it's at like 30fps vs 60 with the non HD ones. I have the HD ones for my iPad 2 but didn't like the framerate hit on my iPhone 4, I've seen others say they're fine with it though.
Out of curiosity, how does one acquire (Canada) a cave arcade machine? And what do they go for? I would love to invest in a machine or the house. (you can own one machine and switch the games out right?)
There's not really a "cave arcade machine", it's the latter part you mentioned, there's generic cabs and you swap the games (and various printed graphic bits) in/out of them. I think the Cave boards still use JAMMA (a wiring standard) for the most part, and most cabs going quite a while back have that. If you want to run other systems, some newer setups use JVS now (Naomi, Type X) and there's hardware to convert between them, can't say I messed with it myself cause it seemed complex and/or expensive.
As for getting them in Canada, I have no clue. I guess just look around on Craigslist or eBay to start, or ask around on some forums. I'm in California and got my Sega Astro City off someone locally on the Shmups forum a few years back, and later a generic Midway cab locally off eBay (I think it had NBA Showtime or Mortal Kombat stuff on it...I bought it for the Espgaluda board inside).
I've heard of some people that import the Japanese candy cabs but haven't followed that in a few years. I figure it's safer to get them locally since you can check them out in person first, and ideally handle the shipping yourself (thank god I had a truck back then). I remember reading some horror stories about cabs arriving with a bunch of cracks or messed up monitor mounts, but I've also heard about perfectly fine ones, ymmv.
Price wise I have no damn clue these days. I got the Astro for $300 or 350 I think, and while at the guy's place bought his Dangun board for $150. The other cab+Espgaluda was also $300-350ish, sold the cab to my friend for $100-200, although never actually collected the money (I just needed to get rid of that huge thing). The other games I got (mix of Cave and Psikyo stuff) were all in the $150-350 range at the time, I guess that was during a lull in popularity or something. I think after I got Ketsui (2004-2005ish?) prices started rocketing up, I particularly remember some collectors just offering ridiculous prices to buy boards.
I haven't bought anything in years so I'm not sure how prices are now, I remember being on some mailing list for a few places I bought from but don't know if they're around anymore. It was pretty nice getting a new price list every month or so, showing everything from older boards to new releases.
Zavvi is alright but expect them to take forever to arrive.
I remember ordering DDPDFK from them last year and taking around two weeks at most, not super fast but not too bad (...and a for few days it may have been stuck at the post office cause identity theft and mail fraud, that really sucked).