I think Orchid is the one to use. It is the only way those high scores seem to be gained. His hit box is very tough to see and the wing-tipping throws me off but ultimately he is the best mix since he has that little seeking shit. Plus, he shoots backwards which helps with some of the tanks that come up from the bottom during the later red circling things...though he charges so fast I don't even go down to kill them and instead stay inside, then bomb.
I got to the high forties and 25 billion. Next step is to get 30 billion. Lol, you are gonna jump way beyond me, now. I'm also gonna give the Cat a run to see how he plays out.
Question: the voice at the beggining when you play Orchid/Akai Katana, is that the same VA as Ibara? And, sigh, would have like to have a smallish Ibara level in the game.
I think Orchid is the one to use. It is the only way those high scores seem to be gained. His hit box is very tough to see and the wing-tipping throws me off but ultimately he is the best mix since he has that little seeking shit. Plus, he shoots backwards which helps with some of the tanks that come up from the bottom during the later red circling things...though he charges so fast I don't even go down to kill them and instead stay inside, then bomb.
I got to the high forties and 25 billion. Next step is to get 30 billion. Lol, you are gonna jump way beyond me, now. I'm also gonna give the Cat a run to see how he plays out.
Question: the voice at the beggining when you play Orchid/Akai Katana, is that the same VA as Ibara? And, sigh, would have like to have a smallish Ibara level in the game.