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The Most Common Spelling and Pronunciation Errors in Gaming?


I can never remember if it's Infrogames or Infogrames? Why the fuck they didn't just make it Infogamers is beyond me.


Lemming_JRS said:
Jack and Dexter.

Holy shit. My roommate says that. Then again he has trouble pronouncing a lot of things. I often wonder about this subject though. Is it just because people are idiots and don't care what they say? I usually try to make it a point to know what the hell I'm talking about and to use the correct name for it. Of course, I might run into a problem once in a very long while, but generally I try to COMPREHEND what I'm saying. If you don't know the name for something, go look it up! Don't fake it or try to approximate it. It makes you look stupid. This goes for all the clueless parents out there, too. And its not just limited to video games.

And the HIDEOS thing...that was so widespread I thought it HAD to be an in-joke I wasn't getting? But if its not, that's just pitiful.


Whenever I see "rouge leader" I'm reminded of this photoshop:




Kon Tiki

Miguel said:
That was me.

>_< Thank you for fighting the good fight.

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Meier, Society, and Drinky Doug are the main culprits of spreading this filth.

I think it pretty funny that an American is objecting to a missing 'u' in words. :p

BTW, it is an opaagism,


Meatpuppet said:
OT, but people talking about how they "loose" something.

God damn fucking, YES! This one isn't difficult, yet seems to be permanently set in the minds of so many dumbasses.

User 406

Gaming related: calibur

Non-gaming related: for all intensive purposes

Everyone who uses these must be strangled with their own intestines.


when I was in third grade, we had to do a thing where we wrote out a word for every leter of out name. One of the things I wrote sticks out clearly, because the teacher kept telling me to go sit down and do my paper over as I had repeatedly misspelled something.

Mortal Kombat

That stupid cunt made me rewrite my thing a good 15 times before she tried telling my I had Kombat spelled wrong. I had to get two of my friends to verify for me that it was actually spelled with a K.

Damn you, Ms. Trosko!


FitzOfRage said:
Probably not very common, but when I was a kid, my dad used to always leave the first N off of Nintendo. So he'd say "turn off that Intendo" and it was always annoying.

Yes, I've had that one. Do you live in Norway, by chance? The guy who said it was a father, I remember that much.

But that's still a far cry off the guy who always was content with just "Tendo". I never see him again... Maybe he bought a Tation instead.


Surely some of you are just making stuff up ... right? I mean Morrowing, fractions, Mergatroid, common.
argh. "c'mon" is acceptable, "cmon" is vaguely acceptable, but "common" is not an acceptable way of spelling "come on" >_<

Oh, and i typo Morrowind as Morrowing pretty much whenever i try to type it, since i touch type, and my muscle memory for the ing cluster is much stronger than it is for ind (i usually notice straight away and correct it, though).


FortNinety said:
Easily the mis-pronunciation of Ryu. So, how do you say it?

That's a japanese name, so it's understandable that US people would mess it up.

But there's no excuse for pronouncing Guile "Gully".

Oh, and the point is moot, not mute.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Or "mell-ay". That may just be if you're British though.

I guess we should look at the original French word to see how it's really pronounced though. Which I would...if I had any decent knowledge of French.


I've heard "Ominushu" a whole bunch. Even "Steel Battle-Lion." And way too many people pronounce Halo "Hollow." Problem with these last two is that they're regular English words people screw up.


B-B-Bomba! said:
Addicting. As in, I am addicting you to crack cocaine, whether you like it or not. I think you will probably find it to be very addictive.

I can't stand it when people describe a game as being 'addicting'

That's a pet peeve of mine, too. I blame EGM, since they're the first magazine where I ever saw 'addicting' used in place of 'addictive', and it just seemed to spread from there. Since that was back when the 'War on Drugs' was in full swing, I always had a theory that the editors there didn't want people associating videogames with the evils of drugs, and went out of their way to substitute 'addicting' for the more suggestive 'addictive'. Either that, or they were just ignorant. :p

Another widespread misuse of a word I blame EGM for popularizing is 'prequel'. Prequel does not just mean 'an earlier game in the series'.

Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary said:
Main Entry: pre·quel
Pronunciation: 'prE-kw&l
Function: noun
Etymology: pre- + -quel (as in sequel)
: a literary or dramatic work whose story precedes that of an earlier work

The films in the new Star Wars trilogy can legitimately be called prequels, since they came out after the original trilogy, but tell a story that takes place before those films. You can't say 'Sonic 2 is a better game than its prequel' to refer to Sonic 1. People have been fucking this up for way too long now--beatings with an editorial crowbar are long overdue. :p


FortNinety said:
Easily the mis-pronunciation of Ryu. So, how do you say it?

I have trouble with this one too. I usually pronounce it Rio but I don't know if that's even close to being right. Also ICO is tricky. Is it I-ko, Echo, eee-ko or icko?


Unconfirmed Member
Revolver said:
I have trouble with this one too. I usually pronounce it Rio but I don't know if that's even close to being right. Also ICO is tricky. Is it I-ko, Echo, eee-ko or icko?
No, you're not even close to right...mainly because there's no "o" in the name. :)

The easiest way to say it in English without tripping over yourself is ree-yuu. And we're going to leave it at this and not get into that business again. :lol

And ICO = ee-koh


MetatronM said:
No, you're not even close to right...mainly because there's no "o" in the name. :)

The easiest way to say it in English without tripping over yourself is ree-yuu. And we're going to leave it at this and not get into that business again. :lol

I was thinking Ryo instead of Ryu. :D
holy crap, i can't believe this one hasn't been posted yet.

ninja gaiden

gaiden is pronounced "guy-den" not "gay-den" or "gayden" as one syllable.

to and too irk me, as well as "could care less" which should be "couldn't care less." if you could care less then care less.
Pokemon Colosseum (Coliseum)

Both colosseum and coliseum are correct.

Non-gaming related: for all intensive purposes

This is actually kinda gaming related, if you consider how often the guys at IGN say it. I actually broke down and wrote a (nice, helpful, non-jerky) letter about it a couple of years back and I think they just ignored me.


crestfallen said:
holy crap, i can't believe this one hasn't been posted yet.

ninja gaiden

gaiden is pronounced "guy-den" not "gay-den" or "gayden" as one syllable.
It has. See post #64.

to and too irk me, as well as "could care less" which should be "couldn't care less." if you could care less then care less.
I think that's more a British vs American English thing.

Sho Nuff

GTA: SA has awful grammar. Comma splices aplenty.

"This is the ammunition store, go get a piece and go on a rampage!"


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
I lost a spelling bee in the 5th grade for spelling "Kombat" with a K.

Edit: Apparently old habits never die!


Mumbles said:
That's a japanese name, so it's understandable that US people would mess it up.

But there's no excuse for pronouncing Guile "Gully".

Oh, and the point is moot, not mute.

:lol @ Gully

And, it's a "Moo point...you know, a cow's opinion. It doesn't matter."

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