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The neighbor's dog went inside their house, and the neighbor scolds you for doing so.

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...your neighbor doesn't respect you, like at all. If you're an adult, you don't need to apologize. If you wanted to vacuum, that's cool. But getting yelled at like a child...nah. Maybe you're like 12 or something but I don't see any reason why an adult would scold another adult several times, and make them clean their living room for an hour over some dog fur. And you want to buy them a gift over this?

Does stuff like this happen to you a lot?

I don't want to buy a gift. I want to a good response to this situation.


Nope, but I do care for the rest of her family. My best friend, his sister, and their dog.


The next time someone gets in your face and tells you that you have to vacuum because the way you did a favor for them wasn't up to their standards tell them to fuck off. I can't imagine anyone who would actually vacuum someone's house in this situation, like a little kid forced to rake the yard because he got caught swearing or something.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I don't want to buy a gift. I want to know what is a good response to this situation.

It's dog fur, man. It really isn't that serious. You've gone above and beyond. You didn't act like a jerk, you made a simple mistake.


Some people keep their dogs outside, and that's generally fine. So you probably shouldn't assume a dog is allowed inside someone else's house. It's a pretty innocent mistake, though.

But it's definitely ridiculous of her to scold you for this mistake, unless it's something you've done consciously and repeatedly. And it's insane of her to ask you to clean the resulting mess.

The sane version of this interaction is: "Oh, hey, just want to let you know that we keep the dog outside during shedding season." "Oh, sorry, I didn't know. I won't do that again." "No worries; thanks."
Nope, but I do care for the rest of her family. My best friend, his sister, and their dog.

I think you are probably the only person on GAF who would rather people think they are the creepy guy-next-door who is way too familiar with the neighbor's children than just some dude trying to bang the MILF who lives next to him.
I hope it's clear that I was fine with vacuuming her couches, but she could've been much nicer to me because I picked up her daughter from school 2 weeks ago while my neighbor was away in another state, and I kept an eye on her daughter at a skating rink on a Saturday morning from 7AM to 12PM.

Edit: The neighbor asked me for those favors.


I hope it's clear that I am fine with vacuuming her couches, but she could've been much nicer to me because I picked up her daughter from school 2 weeks ago while my neighbor was away in another state, and I kept an eye on her daughter at a skating rink on a Saturday morning from 7AM to 12PM.
did she ask you to keep an eye on her daughter or was this on your own volition


You actually vacuumed her house because her dog shed there. Wow.

I think I would have been laughing too hard to even respond to that.


I hope it's clear that I am fine with vacuuming her couches, but she could've been nicer after picking up her daughter from school 2 weeks ago while my neighbor was away in another state, and keeping an eye on her daughter at a skating rink on a Saturday morning from 7AM to 12PM.

I don't know what's more unsettling, that you haven't been Junior'd yet or that you haven't been arrested for picking up a young girl at school and then creepily watching her at a skating rink.


I hope it's clear that I am fine with vacuuming her couches

You should not be fine with vacuuming her couches, or at least not be fine with being asked to vacuum her couches as some sort of recompense for an innocent mistake. I guess if you wanted to be extra-nice it would be fine if you had offered to do so.


I'm confused at some of the responses here. The neighbor is allowed to keep a dog outside bar it is up to the legal standards of her area. OP also apparently didn't ask about the dog, and if he did, he clearly disobeyed the neighbor's request. Therefore, he's responsible for the mess the dog made. Vacuuming up his mess isn't unreasonable, and him doing a favor for her beforehand doesn't mean he gets the right to break the neighbor's rules of their own home, which he admitted to doing.

The scolding is up in the air. The nature of the conversation isn't clear, but assuming worst case scenario and that she was talking down to him like a child, then that is indeed wrong and he should talk to her about the tone she was using if he values his relationship with her. However, all these responses that sound like people wouldn't clean up behind themselves- especially after doing something against the house owner's wishes- has taken me aback a little bit. Like, really? How messy are y'all?


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I hope it's clear that I am fine with vacuuming her couches, but she could've been nicer after picking up her daughter from school 2 weeks ago while my neighbor was away in another state, and keeping an eye on her daughter at a skating rink on a Saturday morning from 7AM to 12PM.

I feel you, homie. My grandma always used to say that people treat you the way you let them. Your neighbor asking you vacuum is a wee bit on the ridiculous side since you help them out, but you messed up a little and fixed it. The scolding stuff sounds... troubling to me. Like you're getting taken advantage of or something. I don't know your relationship with them so it's not my business. Just respect yourself and ask that other people do the same.


She "made" you vacuum her house? The fuck? I would have dropped my pants and scooted my bare ass across the carpet if someone ordered me to vacuum their house.
If I was in the situation, and I got a call from the neighbor saying "Hey just so you know, the dog isn't allowed inside during the summer because it sheds" I'd be like "Oh shit I'm sorry, I had no idea (if I didn't) did I leave a mess? Would you like me to zip over there and help clean?"

But to have the neighbor call me up and reprimanded me and demand I come over to clean, and then chastise me WHILE I'M CLEANING is fucking insane. Especially if I've been going out of my way to do favors for her when she asks like babysit her children. Jesus Christ.
I feel you, homie. My grandma always used to say that people treat you the way you let them. Your neighbor asking you vacuum is a wee bit on the ridiculous side since you help them out, but you messed up a little and fixed it. The scolding stuff sounds... troubling to me. Like you're getting taken advantage of or something. I don't know your relationship with them so it's not my business. Just respect yourself and ask that other people do the same.

I'm confused at some of the responses here. The neighbor is allowed to keep a dog outside bar it is up to the legal standards of her area. OP also apparently didn't ask about the dog, and if he did, he clearly disobeyed the neighbor's request. Therefore, he's responsible for the mess the dog made. Vacuuming up his mess isn't unreasonable, and him doing a favor for her beforehand doesn't mean he gets the right to break the neighbor's rules of their own home, which he admitted to doing.

The scolding is up in the air. The nature of the conversation isn't clear, but assuming worst case scenario and that she was talking down to him like a child, then that is indeed wrong and he should talk to her about the tone she was using if he values his relationship with her. However, all these responses that sound like people wouldn't clean up behind themselves- especially after doing something against the house owner's wishes- has taken me aback a little bit. Like, really? How messy are y'all?

These two get me.

I'm wondering whether I should help them in the future


So wait a minute.

Did you know better than to let the dog in? Had she told you this before? If so, things you might have done for her in the recent past have no pull here and you should have known better OP.


Unconfirmed Member
If I was in the situation, and I got a call from the neighbor saying "Hey just so you know, the dog isn't allowed inside during the summer because it sheds" I'd be like "Oh shit I'm sorry, I had no idea (if I didn't) did I leave a mess? Would you like me to zip over there and help clean?"

But to have the neighbor call me up and reprimanded me and demand I come over to clean, and then chastise me WHILE I'M CLEANING is fucking insane. Especially if I've been going out of my way to do favors for her when she asks like babysit her children. Jesus Christ.
For real. It'd be the last time I did any favors for that neighbor again.
So wait a minute.

Did you know better than to let the dog in? Had she told you this before? If so, things you might have done for her in the recent past have no pull here and you should have known better OP.

It has been years since she noticed fur on the couch, so yes, I did know, but I felt sorry for the dog who doesn't get much love from the family. The dog usually stays outside.
I don't know why everyone is making fun of the OP (was the original OP different?). I think your neighbors behaved like jerks. You did them a favor (several, in fact), didn't know the dog is not supposed to be in. It's an honest and small mistake. They should not have made you vacuum the room either. Come the fuck on.
I don't know why everyone is making fun of the OP (was the original OP different?). I think your neighbors behaved like jerks. You did them a favor (several, in fact), didn't know the dog is not supposed to be in. It's an honest and small mistake. They should not have made you vacuum the room either. Come the fuck on.

MY OP was very different with no information.
I was over at my neighbor's house, and I let the dog inside the house so the dog can play with the neighbor's daughter and I. I noticed that the dog doesn't get much love from her family, so why not? Unfortunately, the dog sheds a lot during this season so I should've de-shed her before letting her inside. There's a house rule that the dog can't be inside the house because of the shedding (I'm not sure why my neighbor got the dog in the first place if she won't bother with a bit of fur).

The day after, my neighbor asked me to come over again and scolded me for letting the dog inside the house. My neighbor did not like the fur she found on her couches when she had guests over. She made me vacuum the living room and scolded me more.

I was upset because even though I did help my neighbor recently by watching her daughter at a skating rink from 7AM to 12PM last Saturday and picked her daughter up from school when she was away 2 weeks ago, I still got yelled at and spent over an hour vacuuming,

What is the right response to this situation? I was being nice since my best friend is also her son, the neighbor is going through a rough divorce aftermath, and I didn't want anything bad to happen to the dog if I acted more like a jerk.

I hope it's clear that I was fine with vacuuming her couches, but she could've been much nicer to me because I picked up her daughter from school 2 weeks ago while my neighbor was away in another state, and I kept an eye on her daughter at a skating rink on a Saturday morning from 7AM to 12PM.

Edit: The neighbor asked me for those favors.

LOL! What the hell did I just read? You helped the neighbor by watching their daughter, let the dog in, and she vents at you and makes you vacuum the hair? Are you kidding me?

If the neighbor got mad at me in that situation, I'd apologize for the mistake, but make a note that if the dog wasn't supposed to be inside, she should have told me before hand. If that wasn't good enough and she demanded I vacuum, I'd tell her straight up no, that she sounds ungrateful for my help and not to ask me for any additional favors.

Seriously OP. You're being way too nice in this situation. Way too nice.


If you have any ounce of self respect.


Seriously, sometimes if your nice, people will totally take advantage of you.

Stop being a doormat, and yes you can nip this in the bud if you do something about it.


I'm confused at some of the responses here. The neighbor is allowed to keep a dog outside bar it is up to the legal standards of her area. OP also apparently didn't ask about the dog, and if he did, he clearly disobeyed the neighbor's request. Therefore, he's responsible for the mess the dog made. Vacuuming up his mess isn't unreasonable, and him doing a favor for her beforehand doesn't mean he gets the right to break the neighbor's rules of their own home, which he admitted to doing.

Part of being a person that has other people in your life is that sometimes those other people will do things that annoy or inconvenience you, entirely without intending to. Part of not being an asshole is just rolling with that stuff in a good-natured way, within reason.
I'm confused at some of the responses here. The neighbor is allowed to keep a dog outside bar it is up to the legal standards of her area. OP also apparently didn't ask about the dog, and if he did, he clearly disobeyed the neighbor's request. Therefore, he's responsible for the mess the dog made. Vacuuming up his mess isn't unreasonable, and him doing a favor for her beforehand doesn't mean he gets the right to break the neighbor's rules of their own home, which he admitted to doing.

The scolding is up in the air. The nature of the conversation isn't clear, but assuming worst case scenario and that she was talking down to him like a child, then that is indeed wrong and he should talk to her about the tone she was using if he values his relationship with her. However, all these responses that sound like people wouldn't clean up behind themselves- especially after doing something against the house owner's wishes- has taken me aback a little bit. Like, really? How messy are y'all?

Like, at best you help clean up after the first time. But being told to clean up as if it's a punishment? Nah, that ain't right.
What the hell? Is the dog being neglected? Because your neighbor can fuck off if that's the case.

The dog isn't neglected, but everybody else is busy, so they have a little time with the dog. I wish the neighbor got a dog that doesn't shed so it could more likely stay inside and not spread fur everywhere. I do wish the daughter spends more time with the dog so that the dog would have 1 more playmate. So far I'm the playmate.


OP, your neighbor sounds like an absolute fucking asshole. Stop doing any more favors for her. Maybe sneak that poor dog a treat when they're not home.
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