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The Next Nintendo console enigma!


Nintendo have put themselves in a corner, (a very good corner). I'm one to think that the fans would be thrilled just to have more of the same with more (but still rather dated) power. I can't really imagine how they could possibly drop the portable/docked idea. Now that Zelda's out it should be a good indication a version of Totk is being made that will launch with the new system. I'm guessing March 2024.


Gold Member
The next nintendo console is as simple as just add more horsepower. The switch is selling like cupcakes.

As long as their next console is titled "Switch 2" or any other name which emphasises it is the successor of the switch, it is guaranteed to succeed.
Sure, and then have it fail like the Wii U did? Nintendo doesn’t have the $ to have another major flop. They should delay moving on for as long as they can keep sales up: Switch 4K, price drop, etc. and see if they can punt until late 2025/26
Sure, and then have it fail like the Wii U did? Nintendo doesn’t have the $ to have another major flop. They should delay moving on for as long as they can keep sales up: Switch 4K, price drop, etc. and see if they can punt until late 2025/26
The major difference is the Wii looked repulsive to gamers in 2012 whereas the Switch doesn't have that same tarnished reputation in 2023 as it isn't the same kiddie shovelware console.


Charging publishers for carts is a key pillar of Nintendo’s business since the NES days. The ghost of Yamauchi would haunt Furukawa for eternity if they changed it.
True, I expect Nintendo to literally be the last company on earth to leave physical media behind.


Gold Member
Yes because it drew in a lot of casuals, who moved on to smartphones and tablets after the 7th gen stretch. Then there are some hardcore games who brought it to see what it would feel like and got put off.
The market has grown, by a lot. I’m almost a casual nowadays. :(

Astral Dog

You think you know something Nintendon't? they been going about how raw power is not the only thing that matters for 3 generations🤷‍♂️nobody knows how the Switch 2 is going to perform or even what kind of innovation it has
Nintendo knows the game they are playing is a risk,and they can't rest easy thinking simply having more power is enough,but they are smart enough to know their market at least, and that quality games sell


Yes because it drew in a lot of casuals, who moved on to smartphones and tablets after the 7th gen stretch. Then there are some hardcore games who brought it to see what it would feel like and got put off.
This is a popular narrative but ... just tell me what experiences on smartphone replaced Wii Sports or Wii Play. Words with Friends or Angry Birds are vastly different experiences.

The real truth is that nobody - not even Nintendo - wanted to continue down the path of providing games for that audience.
This is a popular narrative but ... just tell me what experiences on smartphone replaced Wii Sports or Wii Play. Words with Friends or Angry Birds are vastly different experiences.

The real truth is that nobody - not even Nintendo - wanted to continue down the path of providing games for that audience.
It doesn't matter if the experience isn't exactly the same, smartphones stole the casual market which is why the Wii U's name is a big reason why it flopped. "Why pay $300 for a new wii when i can just play angry birds on my smartphones with friends?" Then there's also the fact that everyone, including casuals thought the Wii was the lamest kiddish console in existance which certainly didn't help.
It has never been easier for Nintendo to produce a console successor.

All they need is:

- a 3 to 5 teraflop console (same concept as the Switch)
- to name it Switch 2 (very important)
- DLSS in the dock for 4K upscaling
- Hall Effect Sensors for their analog sticks (so they don't break down easily)

That's literally it. Nintendo would be the most idiotic company in the world, if wouldn't follow these 4 simple steps.

3 to 5 TF DLSS 😂 what planet you on bro,

We will be lucky if they get anywhere near steam deck performance,
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The reason why Switch is such a successful console while the WiiU wasn't... is because it's far more traditional. The WiiU was just far too gimmicky. Sure the Switch builds off those gimmicks... but fundamentally, the thing can be used like a traditional console... and players also understand that you can play your games on the go, just as a traditional handheld console as well.

My point, is that as long as Nintendo releases something that can be played in a traditional way... the "power" of the device does not matter in the slightest. The games are what have people purchase Nintendo devices... and there's no sign that Nintendo is going to stop developing hit games of their best IPs any time soon. So a Switch 2 with a modest bump in power, and improved form factor, comfort, and other quality of life aspects.... will absolutely be a monster.

It will be hard to fair for them if they stick close to what is absolutely working for them.


Neo Member
Nintendo is in a very difficult spot right now. Making a successor to the Nintendo Switch is more complicated than just adding more horsepower. People on this forum and others like it are what are called hardcore gaming fans. We keep up with the latest trends and know what is going on behind the scenes. Your average consumer (the masses) do not read gaming news regularly, keep up with trends, or care what any of our opinions are. Having a higher resolution screen and higher framerate means dick to your average consumer. For people to invest in a device it has to offer then much more than what they already have now. Lets look at some trends on devices that offer just hardware upgrades.

-Outside the Apple freaks who buy into the apple cult, Cell phone sales are down by every major brand. The Decline has been tremendous to certain companies. Why? Because the masses are not going to spend hundreds of dollars more on new devices that just offer simple upgrades.

-Lets look at the console market specifically Sony in this case. Granted the PS5 had massive shortages combined with the scummy scalpers inflating the issue until recently. But even if it's not the case this is still true. The vast majority of Playstation players still game on a ps4. Despite there now being PS5's available to buy, many are just happy playing their Playstation 4. Why? Because again many just see it as a minor upgrade to something they already have. Hell most people still do not own 4k TV's and those will not see much benefit at all from upgrading. Eventually the masses will come over when most of their games stop being available on the PS4 but they are content. The PS5 has sold tremendously since launch. Despite that many do not care to upgrade at the present time.

-Lets look at the PC market. There are cards out there with Teraflops that will make your eyes melt. Hell it's to the point you can get a good graphics card for under $250 that beat the ps5/xsx in performance if you know where to look. I have seen refurbished 3080's for under $300 on the market. Depsite all the options, the vast majority of pc players play on ancient hardware. For various reasons, many do not see enough reason to spend hundreds more to upgrade older stuff they already have.

My point is Nintendo is in a bit of a bind here. Yes an improved Switch 2 would be successful and reach the gamers but I do not seen it enough to replicate the Mass Appeal the original Switch has gotten. If they come up with something really unique it could alienate the fans they have made with the Switch. It's kind of a Damn if you do and Damn if you don't situation. Yes releasing a Switch with just improved Hardware would be mildly successful. I just don't think improved visuals and framerate is going to be enough to convince the masses to buy the Switch upgrade.
You lost me when you decided to talk shit about Apple Phones users! Obviously you use an Android and that’s cool!


The vast majority of Playstation players still game on a ps4. Despite there now being PS5's available to buy, many are just happy playing their Playstation 4. Why? Because again many just see it as a minor upgrade to something they already have.
Donald Trump GIF by Election 2016


And that includes first 24 months of the console being on a permanent shortage and sold out everywhere.


I just want to be able to buy their classic games again like you could on the Wii and Wii U eshops rather than having them tied to an online only rental service.


I just want to be able to buy their classic games again like you could on the Wii and Wii U eshops rather than having them tied to an online only rental service.
Sadly not going to happen :(. They'd make less money that way.

2024/2025 "pro" or "2" branded switch with full backwards compat would probably be fine. Nearly all devs will target both devices for a few years. Switch pro can entice buyers with 60FPS and better image quality. Doesn't seem like a grand idea?


Nintendo is in trouble again? Oh no, I didn't know that.

I find it funny how in these threads a company which has existed for (checking...) since fucking 1889 is in trouble - told by an expert who first saw the daylight maybe around 1991.

I think they'll manage.
Am I the only one who thinks OP is 100% on point?
No, I agree as well. After six years, most people had enough of the Switch. The novelty of the hybrid concept has worn off. I'd surprised if they continued with just an upgrade of the inner parts of this thing and call it a day. Would be very un-Nintendo to do. They got to have something new to offer, may that be VR or something else. It'd also address their problem with piracy/emulation which they see as a huge pain in the ass I'm sure.


Honestly they could still have the switch going for at least another two years if they wanted to.

I’m pretty blown away with what they did with TOTK on the device and let’s be honest that game is probably the most innovative game to come along in 10 years.

The 30fps is absolutely fine on a handheld.


An enhanced dock would be cool, play next gen switch games in tv mode or buy the enhanced portable if you desire gaming on the go


Yes because it drew in a lot of casuals, who moved on to smartphones and tablets after the 7th gen stretch. Then there are some hardcore games who brought it to see what it would feel like and got put off.
It doesn't matter if the experience isn't exactly the same, smartphones stole the casual market which is why the Wii U's name is a big reason why it flopped. "Why pay $300 for a new wii when i can just play angry birds on my smartphones with friends?" Then there's also the fact that everyone, including casuals thought the Wii was the lamest kiddish console in existance which certainly didn't help.
The mobile market did affect the casual market in that it made the appeal of a touchscreen less unique.

But the actual casual market itself is alive and well. If you look at the games that were popular with the casual audience on Wii (Wii Sports, Wii Fit, Mario Party 8, Mario Kart 8, Mario Galaxy etc.) they almost all have successful sequels or spiritual successors on Switch.

One of Wii U's big problems was that it didn't have enough games to appeal to that wider audience. The Switch does.
No, I agree as well. After six years, most people had enough of the Switch. The novelty of the hybrid concept has worn off. I'd surprised if they continued with just an upgrade of the inner parts of this thing and call it a day. Would be very un-Nintendo to do. They got to have something new to offer, may that be VR or something else. It'd also address their problem with piracy/emulation which they see as a huge pain in the ass I'm sure.
Why do you think most people have had enough of Switch?


They just made a $1billion movie. And successful theme parks, as well as a console with Wii levels of commercial success. Pretty sure they're in the strongest position ever financially to have another major flop.
They would be fine with another flop. They don’t lose money on the consoles themselves and even with their flops, they are typically profitable. Even the low times of the Wii U were profitable. They are stock piling money with the hardware and software sales of the switch. Add in movies and then parks to their switch success and they should be good for a little while.


going out on a limb here, Nintendo become a streaming/download service available on every platform for a monthly fee
The mobile market did affect the casual market in that it made the appeal of a touchscreen less unique.

But the actual casual market itself is alive and well. If you look at the games that were popular with the casual audience on Wii (Wii Sports, Wii Fit, Mario Party 8, Mario Kart 8, Mario Galaxy etc.) they almost all have successful sequels or spiritual successors on Switch.

One of Wii U's big problems was that it didn't have enough games to appeal to that wider audience. The Switch does.

Why do you think most people have had enough of Switch?
But those spiritual successors didn't sell anywhere near as they did on the Wii. The top selling games are games like Smash bros, Mario kart, etc. Not games like 1 2 switch or Arms.


But those spiritual successors didn't sell anywhere near as they did on the Wii. The top selling games are games like Smash bros, Mario kart, etc. Not games like 1 2 switch or Arms.
Ring Fit Adventure is over 15 million and Switch Sports is at nearly 10 million. So clearly there's a significant market for these types of games. I don't think they'll hit the highs of the Wii series, but the market is far from collapse.

Plus titles like Mario Kart, Mario platformers and Animal Crossing were also huge with the casual audience on Wii and DS, and they are still going strong today.


i keep seeing people saying that Nintendo should patch 30fps switch game so it will be 60fps on the new nintendo system. i dont believe nintendo is going to allow gamers to choose performance and resolusion modes in their next system.


Gold Member
They just made a $1billion movie. And successful theme parks, as well as a console with Wii levels of commercial success. Pretty sure they're in the strongest position ever financially to have another major flop.
They “partnered” to make those things… gave out licenses with creative oversight. Again, $50 Billion is nothing to sneeze at, but it’s not a company with a ton of reserves where they can easily withstand a commercial failure in their primary business.

They’re not Apple, Microsoft or even SNY.

Ev1L AuRoN

I wish Nintendo had the balls to go with x86-64 SoC even if it isn't that powerful, just to facilitate ports from other systems. I image something like the steam deck with lower clock/power profile. But using Zen3+RDNA3. I pay 499 for a system like that, you can make a slim SKU a la Switch mini with an even lower power profile and portable only.
Yes I know, Nintendo would never do that, I'm just dreaming. All I want from the next-gen system is an evolution, not a revolution, keep the Switch formula Nintendo!
They probably redesign the joycons a bit and adjust the form factor, but it'll essentially be a more powerful Switch. Maybe this time they'll have an additional SKU for those that don't play handheld at all.

If they want to accelerate the migration from Switch to Switch 2, they just need to make sure it's backwards compatible and ideally have upgrade patches for select games and smart delivery for cross gen titles.


I wish Nintendo had the balls to go with x86-64 SoC even if it isn't that powerful, just to facilitate ports from other systems. I image something like the steam deck with lower clock/power profile. But using Zen3+RDNA3. I pay 499 for a system like that, you can make a slim SKU a la Switch mini with an even lower power profile and portable only.
Yes I know, Nintendo would never do that, I'm just dreaming. All I want from the next-gen system is an evolution, not a revolution, keep the Switch formula Nintendo!
Sticking with Nvidia and therefore getting DLSS will be more helpful I would say.

It probably won't be as powerful as Steam Deck, I'll be surprised if it matches the power of a base PS4
The leaked specs indicate that it should exceed the PS4 at the very least.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
Nintendo normally delivers something good even if their hardware has a gimmick. Except for the Virtual Boy.

I look forward to whatever is next. Even if it is more of the same.

Mhmmm 2077

I bet they will do some weird shit like "Swiitch" or "Switch Too!", implying it's a new thing, but also is backwards compatible with the original Switch.
Why do you think most people have had enough of Switch?
Anecdotal evidence, personal experiences. Everyone I know that owns one wouldn't get excited over a successor having the exact same features with nothing more to show than faster hardware.
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