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The night and day system in Zelda


I am curious how Nintendo will implement the night and day system in the new Zelda.

This is how it's been so far:

Zelda OoT - Night and day changes in the overworld. Not in villages. The change is pretty quick.

Zelda MM - Night and day changes everywhere (if I remember correctly) - The change can be slowed down alot.

Zelda WW - Night and day changes on the sea only. Change is slower than OoT, but faster than MM.

The best system so far is without doubt Zelda Majoras Mask. I would really like to see that system minus the timelimit in Zelda 2005.

What would you like to see?


I think they will merge some gameplay elements of MM into this new Zelda, so I'd like to see MM's day/night system.

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
Society said:
The differences between Halo 2 and Zelda are 'night and day'.

Yeah big difference in sales. :)

Anyway I never gave much thought to the day night system, i would like to see a 60 minute cycle that includes a unique morning, Midday, afternoon, Night and late night. Different NPC’s and story lines can be present in towns at each time.
SantaCruZer said:
The best system so far is without doubt Zelda Majoras Mask. I would really like to see that system minus the timelimit in Zelda 2005.

Majora's Mask time system was just awesome. Somehow the overworld and side quests were just as good as the dungeons (which were brilliant in themselves). Going back through time and piecing together ppl's daily lives and completing their sidequests was just awesome. I don't know how ppl struggled or were put of by the time "limit". Time could easily be slowed down enough to spend agers exploring and to easily finish a dungeon (warp back to day one before commencing).

Having said that there is no way they will recycle MM's 3 day limit so a night/day system ala MM without the 3 day time limit would be great for the new Zelda.


I would definately love to see a night a day system as detailed as MM's. Considering the visual approach Nintendo are taking now with the next Zelda, it would be a wasted oppurtunity to keep the Wind Waker system of time passing.
If the day and night system does not play a major role in the next Zelda, as it did in MM, then I would rather see an OOT system. There was something relaxing about going into Kakariko and not have to worry about it getting dark soon.

Oni Jazar

The hardest part about the day and night cycle is keeping the NPC schedules in order. Personally I think having store owners wake up in the morning leave their house for work each day and head to the pub after work is something all rpg games should go for. The cheap meathod is to have a 'scene change' when dawn or dusk hits so that NPC characters 'teleport' to their day or night location.


there's some pics from the nightsky at E3, so atleast we know that it there will be some kind of system.


Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
I actually hope the night and day system applies to everywhere at once. One random neat idea that comes to me would be expanding on the idea of different monsters coming out at night. For example, imagine a catacomb dungeon filled with caskets or crypts, and undead flood out when the moon is up outside - it could be creepy and atmospheric to be racing against time in the dungeon, trying to get out before the sun sets outside... they could have the occassional gap in the dungeon that lets in outside light, so you could see thin streamers of light slowly turning sunset orange, and then fading.

Think of the chills if they timed monster pops with literally the last pixel of line vanishing - a thin streamer dwindling down to nothing as you watch, and the moment it's gone you hear rattles and groans echo through the halls.


I just wanted to jump on the 'MM = Best game ever' bandwagon. If the next Zelda is half as good as MM, we're all in for a treat.
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