Koizumi led development, but he mentioned Iwata was an important person in the process with valuable insignes on all aspects of the system.How much was Iwata involved in the Switch's development?
Koizumi led development, but he mentioned Iwata was an important person in the process with valuable insignes on all aspects of the system.How much was Iwata involved in the Switch's development?
A Nintendo Vita wouldn't have flopped. The issue with the vita wasn't the hardware. It was Sony.
When is it okay to say people like the Switch? Fall of 2018?
My girlfriend is not a gamer, at all. She barely plays mobile games. She spent at least 3 hours this weekend playing Mario Kart 8. She learned how to drift, she played time trials against her own ghost to improve her times, and now she wants a Switch.
She wants to buy a game console after playing it for 3 hours. Nintendo is just magical.
Again, all these posts just mean individuals like it. And im happy for them. But lets wait for a more collective opinion that isnt potentially jaded by a honeymoon phase on hardcore gaming community.
A Nintendo Vita wouldn't have flopped. The issue with the vita wasn't the hardware. It was Sony.
Also uh, congrats on getting back into consoles.
I keep asking people if they still like their Switch as much as they did when they bought it, and I have gotten used to the response. People tend to look to the heavens and make a noise of satisfaction. Many people do that wide-eyed nodding thing that loosely translates to yes, Im super into this in a nearly dangerous way.
My girlfriend is very much an "RPG only" gamer -- doesn't like action games, can barely play them at all.
Went over to her place with the Switch, played Zelda on her tv for a bit, then popped it out while she watched some TV, she played it for a few hours, and suddenly she's ordering one from a scalper on eBay ahaha.
I don't love mine, but it is a very solid piece of hardware with a lot of potential.
Since Zelda it has been sitting in it's dock, besides the Splatoon trial.
Not sold on Splatoon or Arms. Liked Splatoon 1 on Wii U but the paid online in the near future plus Splatoon 2 seeming very similar turns me off it. Arms I really hope has a demo/trial/beta test.
Otherwise I will hope for Pokemon Stars and look forward to Mario Odyssey.
The salt in this thread...
But what if Sony brings Vita 2 this E3...
Depends how we define flop. Could we see a Nintendo Vita beating the 3DS HW LTD?
Maybe in Japan but it probably would've still done terrible in US and Europe while we live in a world where dedicated gaming handhelds are on the decline due to Smartphones.
Other factors that could've negatively affected a Nintendo Vita, paying $50 or $60 for a portable only game would probably been seen more negatively because of comparison with home consoles. The Switch gets around this because of being advertised as a home console and can connect to a TV with outputting to 1080p.
PS Vita sold 2-4m in its first year and then slowly died. Actually when all was said and done the Vita probably sold about as much as the WiiU.
Yeah and a Apple WiiU wouldnt have flopped either but thats not the point. Im saying that the Switch performing and being as loved at it is right now...is because Nintendo went the extra mile and didnt just drop a strong portable - like Sony did with the Vita.
A console is more than just the hardware - marketing, games, policies like the Vita memory card prices etc.). Dropping powerful hardware was never the difficult part.
I'd say the honeymoon period ended when Mario Kart came out because we survived the launch drought and big games are hitting often (weekly depending on tastes) now.Seems like the honeymoon period. We'll see how long the marriage lasts.
This is a positive thread.
I'll throw my Switch in the trash immediately.But what if Sony brings Vita 2 this E3...
It sold much better than the WiiU at launch so its death came later on. Launch window sales were pretty good....so it didn't sell well.
I'll throw my Switch in the trash immediately.
What console has ever come out and within two months had early adopters not loving it?
Know what it kind of reminds me of? A portable version of the college experience I had with Nintendo 64. Friends and people from the dorm just stopping in at random to play MK64, Bomberman, DKR, Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, No Mercy, etc. Lots of fun and a great multiplayer experience.
Well I was joking but based on how he announced nx and how Kimishima said he'd follow Iwata's vision as closely as possible my belief is Switch is Iwata's baby and magnum opus.How much was Iwata involved in the Switch's development?
I bought a Wii U for Zelda BOTW when it was announced, I waited an extra two years than expected, but I have that and a handful of VC games I love. So far I see no reason to upgrade to a Switch and there's nothing on the horizon so far that looks attractive. The biggest problem with this platform right now is lack of software, and it looks like that will remain its problem.
I don't see mass effect or GTA being a huge draw on this. I personally would play them, however it's going to be the party machine.
Well I was joking but based on how he announced nx and how Kimishima said he'd follow Iwata's vision as closely as possible my belief is Switch is Iwata's baby and magnum opus.
Isn't a switch thread without port begging. Freaking sad! If people loved their Switch so much, why care that games you like aren't coming to it?
There isn't a lack of software. There's tons. You sound insane.
And your point is?
I know it's a positive thread, but it's easy to identify the salty comments...which is my point.
Sure it wouldn't have been as successful but a strong portable would have still been successful. The switch itself would not have sold as much without Nintendo software. Give it to Sony and you have the Vita part 2 though a bit more successful. Software matters.
It would have had most of the software the 3DS received, probably also had a large price cut if things went dire. It would have done very well I think. Maybe not inherently as good as a 3DS. But there' no DS confusion or 3D maybe damaging kids eyes. So honestly I think it would have done absolutely fine.
The only think that Switch and Vita share is that both are portables - but the Switch offers way more, that is my obvious point. The 3DS is still the cheaper system with a bigger libary - but the Switch offers added value that people are willing to pay for. Thats something neither the 3DS or Vita had at launch.
Just having 3D Screens (3DS) or powerful hardware/good screen(Vita) wasnt enough to charge +200 for a portable system. Switch is the first system that can establish itself in that price category without feeling overpriced for the masses.
The Gamecube is not a handheld. Have a look at the sales of every single Nintendo handheld.That doesn't sound very confident for the Nintendo Vita to succeed if it's repeating the same mistakes as the 3DS, which it then also does things the Vita did since in this scenario, Nintendo doesn't have a home console, so they release the Nintendo Vita TV and it lacks functionality like the touch screen so you end up with games incompatible with the system.
Nintendo already got into shit with their investors after the huge price cut with the 3DS after launch, repeating those mistakes doesn't help Nintendo when they need their investors money to make investments.
This is why Nintendo never released a successor to the 3DS, they couldn't figure out how to get their handhelds to appeal in a world where Smartphones dominate so they went and released games on mobile.
Things cannot be so straightforward that Nintendo would have just been fine with a Nintendo Vita, if that was the case the GameCube should have been a success but it did shit while the Wii turned everyone's assumptions about consoles upside down beating two HD consoles in HW sales.
It sounds like the exact same assumption where people were claiming that the NX needed to be a PS4 clone for Nintendo to succeed.