There isn't a lack of software. There's tons. You sound insane.
What? There's like 3 dozen games out for it. Is that tons?
There isn't a lack of software. There's tons. You sound insane.
Because it's the preferred way for some to play games?Isn't a switch thread without port begging. Freaking sad! If people loved their Switch so much, why care that games you like aren't coming to it?
My point is a handful of negative comments doesn't make a thread salty as you suggested.
Isn't a switch thread without port begging. Freaking sad! If people loved their Switch so much, why care that games you like aren't coming to it?
I have a PS4 Pro and 100+ games for it, but for some reason I only want to play my Switch. It's bizarre. I think I'm hypnotized by the colorful joycons.
Isn't a switch thread without port begging. Freaking sad! If people loved their Switch so much, why care that games you like aren't coming to it?
i wouldn't say there is TONS....come on man. no launch system has tons of software within the first two months
It dawned on me yesterday that every game I own on Switch is playable on a system I already had and I still felt no regret. The hardware features are selling me more than the software available.
Seems like the honeymoon period.
It dawned on me yesterday that every game I own on Switch is playable on a system I already had and I still felt no regret. The hardware features are selling me more than the software available.
The Gamecube is not a handheld. Have a look at the sales of every single Nintendo handheld.
Nintendo's mobile offerings are explicitly to help Nintendo's handheld software sales not replace. Why do you think Super Mario run is the way it is?
Isn't a switch thread without port begging. Freaking sad! If people loved their Switch so much, why care that games you like aren't coming to it?
There isn't a lack of software. There's tons. You sound insane.
No, you're not alone. I've always preferred home consoles over portable ones and like you, I enjoy how quick and snappy it is getting into a game. The option to then take it portable is icing on the cake.I may be alone o this but I REALLY like the Switch as a home console... because is as fast and snappy as a portable. So fast and simple to boot up, jump in. Moving it around is awesome too and lets you have a home console experience elseswhere if you have to move around for a little time. I thought it would replace my 3DS but I actually get what Nintendo says about it being a home console you can carry. The experience is not the one of a handheld device even if you can carry it around.
But what if Sony brings Vita 2 this E3...
It reminds me of the large switch people went through from desktops to laptops.
A laptop could never really replicate the power nor the price of a desktop, but for most people it was good enough and they were willing to sacrifice those things for the convenience of portability.
I own a PS4, X1 and PC and purchased a Switch soon after launch to see what all the buzz was about. After around 80 hours of playing BotW something finally dawned on me; I was bored with with Zelda. I haven't turned my Switch on since.
The switch is the 3DS successor. Just because you you can plug it into a tv through a dock does it not stop it from being so. Why do you think it was announced alongside the mobile plans. Investors wanted Nintendo to leave hardware fullstop. Nintendo really, really didn't want to do that so made a half measure. They released mobile games to appease investors and to work as advertisements for their games. Super Mario go has nothing to do with making money on mobile (that should be blatantly obvious). It's a advert to push mobile gamers to their devices. They explicitly stated this. Some of their games are more aggressive in their pricing strategy (e.g fire emblem). Some less.I don't get how you missed the correlation of the GameCube to a Nintendo Vita, it's pointing out how making a more powerful console doesn't guarantee success. Even the Gameboy showed that against its competitors.
I do know what Nintendo's handheld sales are like, Nintendo handhelds are on a decline now due to Smartphones. It's irrelevant how they were years ago because the environment has changed and Nintendo has to adapt.
Nintendo decided to make games for Smartphones because they couldn't figure out how to make a new handheld that would surpass the 3DS in HW sales and not leave investors pissy about not making mobile games.
So they decided to make mobile games and released the Switch, why else haven't we heard about a 3DS successor? Because they couldn't figure out how to make it successful.
I never said anything about their mobile games replacing handhelds, just that Nintendo haven't been able to make a handheld that can do better sales than the 3DS with the environment that it is in.
But what if Sony brings Vita 2 this E3...
I'd say the honeymoon period ended when Mario Kart came out because we survived the launch drought and big games are hitting often (weekly depending on tastes) now.
It survived nearly two months on one game alone and it's primed for a great summer.
LOL, okay. Your definition of insane seems insane. "Tons" of software does not mean there's much worth purchasing. Especially when I already own and play Zelda on another system, and have access to Mario Kart 8 as well... the two best rated titles on the platform
EDIT: I should also add that I own an Xbox One and PS4 as well. What announced exclusives are even coming out for this thing in the future? I feel it's likely I'll skip this gen, like I wish I had with the Wii.
I have owned a Switch since launch and haven't docked it. I doubt I ever will. It's too much fun as a handheld.
The switch is the 3DS success. Just because you you can plug it into a througha dock does it not stop it from being sp. Why do you think it was announced alongside the mobile plans. Investors wanted Nintendo to leave hardware fullstop. Nintendo really, really didn't want to do that so made a half measure. They released mobile games to appease investors and to work as advertisements for their games. Super Mario go has nothing to do with making money on mobile (that should be blatantly obvious). It's a advert to push mobile gamers to their devices. They explicitly stated this.
Pokémon go drove a massive increase in sales for all their handheld Pokémon games. Seeing this they were confident in moving forward. This is literally their strategy as they themselves have stated it.
The real test is whether people will still want to play on the Switch once RDR2, Destiny 2, GTA6 etc hit the shelves.
What a weird article. It reads like advertorial.
I dont understand those "Switch is really Vita 2".
The design philosophies for both systems are so vastly different that it really doesn't make any sense.
But what if Sony brings Vita 2 this E3...
It does seem to have that weird fanaticism that defined vita owners.
The switch is the 3DS successor. Just because you you can plug it into a tv through a dock does it not stop it from being so.
Good for you, but don't speak for a crowd.
I don't give a shit about who enjoys what.
But if you say people have hated nintendo hardware for a decade then i sure as shit won't rely on 2 months of statistics to say theyve reversed their fortunes. Lets wait for the honeymoon period to get over
But what if Sony brings Vita 2 this E3...
I'd say the honeymoon period ended when Mario Kart came out because we survived the launch drought and big games are hitting often (weekly depending on tastes) now.
It survived nearly two months on one game alone and it's primed for a great summer.
I love the console so much even though I don't like any of the game's a huge load.
I mean I do love Mario Kart but there's only so much I can play.
I've said this in a couple of threads but..
Switch's concept only works because it has become the ONLY (let's not kid ourselves, 3DS will drop like a brick with how successful switch is) platform from the manufacturer. Hybrids only make sense when there are no other platforms eating away support from the main studios.
Would Sony fans be OK with no more big powerful boxes and have hybrids? Meh, i seriously doubt that. Nintendo got us used to not break the graphical barriers since a while now, it's totally different expectations between the platform companies.
A Vita 2 with tier B studios, and main studios focusing on PS4 pro & PS5 eventually, is inevitably bound to fail.
Would Switch be as much of a success if everyone knew there was a new upcoming more powerful console from them coming up and that the libraries would not be compatible? I seriously doubt it would be. Switch is a promise of consolidating handheld/console games from Nintendo.
Isn't a switch thread without port begging. Freaking sad! If people loved their Switch so much, why care that games you like aren't coming to it?
I have a PS4 Pro and 100+ games for it, but for some reason I only want to play my Switch. It's bizarre. I think I'm hypnotized by the colorful joycons.