Pellham said:hollywood has superior CG though. see LOTR
Not really a bragging point.
Pellham said:hollywood has superior CG though. see LOTR
---- said:Don't get me wrong this is a great movie by typical Hollywood standards, but people comparing this to Goodfellas are nuts.
Blablurn said:Andy Lau rocked the original movie! don't think the two hollywood guys can mess with him!
Kabuki Waq said:wait you think Andy Lau is a good actor? Damon was way better in this film than Andy Lau was in the original.
Tabris said:Come on. Andy Lau did a better job... or maybe he didn't, but I prefer the character Andy Lau plays in IA over Matt Damon in TD.
There's that whole attempt at redemption at the end which I really liked. I liked it even better that he wouldn't be redeemed. He would have to live with his inner shame and suffering. Matt Damon didn't portray anything like that. He was a rat through and through.
Kabuki Waq said:i think this movie wasnt about redemption but the did hint at Damon also letting the stress get to him you know ....not being able to get it up or wanting to move away and "start Fresh" they just ddint hit you over the head with it.
yeah, but you are talking about eastern philosophy. that wont work in a western framework. you have to see it from a western perspective. even if scorcese tried to include it, it probably would have come off as cheey. and at the end, as you almost said it, but didnt quite say it...IA is an eastern film, The Departed is an western film. made for drastically different audiences.Tabris said:OK, straight up, this is the best movie of this year and probabaly my favorite Scorsce movie.
Now I have 2 problems with this movie, both revolve around two very fundamental differences between IA and TD.
1) "I'm a cop" - Tony Leung. This is one of the most important lines in the movie and shows the redemption of the character. They almost had this but they ruined it with "I just want my identity, I don't want to be a cop again". This doesn't redeem the character, it shows him as being self serving.
2) The worst of the Eight Hells is called Continuous Hell. It has the meaning of Continuous Suffering. Thus the name. - Nirvana Sutra Verse 19. This profoud statement is completly lost in this movie.
Otherwise, very cool movie!
Solo said:Warning: unpopular opinion ahead:
You're right. This is much better than Goodfellas.
Dont get me wrong, Im a Scorsese lover, and worship the ground he walks on, and consider many of his films to be not only my favorites, but some of the greatest ever made. With that said, I have always felt that Goodfellas is easily the single most overrated film Scorsese has ever made, and one of the most overrated movies of the past 25 years. I wouldnt even put it in my Scorsese Top 5, despite most putting it at #1.
Hell, just for the fun of it:
1. Taxi Driver
2. The Departed
3. Raging Bull
4. Mean Streets
5. The Last Temptation Of Christ
Ginko said:Quick question guys. Whose song was it in the scene where Jack Nechelson calls Matt Damon to get rid of the tails (pretty late in the film), it was a rock song with an Irish sense to it?
thanks.antipode said:The Dropkick Murphys:
Solo said:Warning: unpopular opinion ahead:
You're right. This is much better than Goodfellas.
Dont get me wrong, Im a Scorsese lover, and worship the ground he walks on, and consider many of his films to be not only my favorites, but some of the greatest ever made. With that said, I have always felt that Goodfellas is easily the single most overrated film Scorsese has ever made, and one of the most overrated movies of the past 25 years. I wouldnt even put it in my Scorsese Top 5, despite most putting it at #1.
Hell, just for the fun of it:
1. Taxi Driver
2. The Departed
3. Raging Bull
4. Mean Streets
5. The Last Temptation Of Christ
Tabris said:... IA's ending is no where near a "generic shitty western ending" and you should watch it before you make stupid judgements/comments.
That guy really can't act. He's been in over 100 HK productions and 99% of it is complete crap. This is a generally accepted fact. He got big in HK more for his sing-song dance routine that the typical Chinese celebrity goes through more than anything else.Blablurn said:Andy Lau rocked the original movie! don't think the two hollywood guys can mess with him!
icarus-daedelus said:Almost everybody dying, including both the protagonist and antagonist, is hardly a typical western ending. I haven't seen Internal Affairs, but what you described (protagonist being given a "new chance at life") sounds far more like the kind of generic shitty western ending shoved down our troats every day than what was in the Departed.
Great movie, by the way. Took me by surprise. Will buy on DVD. Truncated sentences for the win.
Tabris said:There's that whole attempt at redemption at the end [of Infernal Affairs] which I really liked. I liked it even better that he [Andy/antagonist aka Damon's character] wouldn't be redeemed. He would have to live with his inner shame and suffering. Matt Damon didn't portray anything like that. He was a rat through and through.
Tabris said:1) "I'm a cop" - Tony Leung (protagonist)
He says this during the last dialog to Andy (final confrontation between antagonist & protagonist) to justify his reason for not just forgetting everything that happened.
Solo said:Warning: unpopular opinion ahead:
You're right. This is much better than Goodfellas.
Dont get me wrong, Im a Scorsese lover, and worship the ground he walks on, and consider many of his films to be not only my favorites, but some of the greatest ever made. With that said, I have always felt that Goodfellas is easily the single most overrated film Scorsese has ever made, and one of the most overrated movies of the past 25 years. I wouldnt even put it in my Scorsese Top 5, despite most putting it at #1.
Hell, just for the fun of it:
1. Taxi Driver
2. The Departed
3. Raging Bull
4. Mean Streets
5. The Last Temptation Of Christ
anotheriori said:Unlike Leonardo's character who is self serving since he just wants out because he can't deal with the psychological issues (which western culture is all about; the individual) in IA the good cop has a real sense of duty, justice and what it means to uphold the law.
Foreign Jackass said:You should have said warning : stupid and very shortlived opinion ahead.
But in 5 years from now, this will all be forgotten, except for the screen-eating performance by Nicholson, which doesn't only add to the film, in my opinion. Critics who have gotten crazy about The Departed are really just that, crazy. It's not even better than GoNY or The Aviator.
dynamitejim said:The ending starting withwas utterly ridiculous and kind of felt like it made everything else that happened in the movie pointless.Matt Damon's character turning on Jack Nicholson
MaverickX9 said:If any of Scorsese's pictures are overrated, my vote would go to Casino.
Tim the Wiz said:Advice welcome: I'm going to see The Departed at the cinema on Saturday, so I have the week to rent out the original Infernal Affairs; now, would it be wiser to see the Hong Kong flick first or wait 'till after I see the Scorsese "masterpiece"?
No problem here, I've already seen the movieSolo said:EDIT: Tagged em, Ford. Sorry.
Matt said:See, I don't think that's true. That may have been true at one point (when Leo was in Damon's office after Jack was killed), but then at the end, he arrested Damon. He could have killed him, he knew they might not believe him, he knew Damon might walk, but he arrested him, because that's what cops do, and thats what he wanted to do.
AdmiralViscen said:How didknow toCostello's other police ratat the end?show up to help Matt Damon
Kabuki Waq said:Leo called them.
AdmiralViscen said:So we're to assume that the second guy was the partner to the black guy? I know he called the guy he knew from the academy, but I don't see why he would have called anyone else.
Kabuki Waq said:the black guy probably brought him along since they were on the same team.
AdmiralViscen said:OK, wasn't sure where I'd seen the second guy before.
Didn't think it was a plot hole, just figured I was missing something.
We might want to run through our last few posts and start throwing down some spoiler tags.
Timbuktu said:What I dislike the most in the movie is how they made Kelly Chen and Sammi Chengs characters into one. I dont think that the two male characters would fall in love with the same female.
Goreomedy said:and they merged the two females from Infernal Affairs into one woman (probably the only thing about The Departed I didn't like).