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The Offical "The Departed" Thread (Reviews/Anticipation/Reactions)!

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Ford Prefect

Holy FUCK was this an awesome movie! I haven't seen too many Scorsese films (Taxi Driver, Raging Bull, Goodfellas, and Gangs of New York complete the list of those I have), but I was pretty hyped for this movie nontheless. Christ, did it deliver!

I didn't find the ending to disappoint, personally, but then I haven't seen the original. Just because
it was Wahlberg's character that killed Damon's, I was satisfied for some reason. That grin on his face was ****ing sick and you just knew what was coming

I loved the humor throughout; very funny movie. Someone suggested that perhaps humor wasn't intended at the
successive body drops at the end, but my entire theatre, as well as myself, could react to that only by laughing. It was a very darkly-hilarious scene.

DiCaprio's sudden death was huge shocker, too.

I "snuck-in" to this movie, btw (SORRY MARTY), after buying a ticket for and watching Little Miss Sunshine for the first time. I need not say which was the better film, but Sunshine's ending was perhaps the more satisfying of the two. Barely.

PS. I was quite happy to hear the Beach Boys tune in Departed :)


The other interesting thing about this movie was:

That Scorcese never revealed the cheating by the shrink with Leo Decaprio. Here you had two rivals and what better way to build further tension than to introduce that storyline.

Not only that, but then to reveal that she was pregnant with his baby ... didn't you think FOR SURE that Matt Damon was going to kill her? Or perhaps the baby would have been the OTHER Leo Decaprio character?

Another clever scriptwriting deke by Scorcese ... kind of tweaking the audience, who have become programmed by typical Hollwood endings.


---- said:
Don't get me wrong this is a great movie by typical Hollywood standards, but people comparing this to Goodfellas are nuts.

Warning: unpopular opinion ahead:

You're right. This is much better than Goodfellas.

Dont get me wrong, Im a Scorsese lover, and worship the ground he walks on, and consider many of his films to be not only my favorites, but some of the greatest ever made. With that said, I have always felt that Goodfellas is easily the single most overrated film Scorsese has ever made, and one of the most overrated movies of the past 25 years. I wouldnt even put it in my Scorsese Top 5, despite most putting it at #1.

Hell, just for the fun of it:

1. Taxi Driver
2. The Departed
3. Raging Bull
4. Mean Streets
5. The Last Temptation Of Christ
Blablurn said:
Andy Lau rocked the original movie! don't think the two hollywood guys can mess with him!

wait you think Andy Lau is a good actor? Damon was way better in this film than Andy Lau was in the original.


Honorary Canadian.
so the two things... was the girls baby possibly leos? and what was in the envelope for her... was it instructions for how to find marky mark and tell him when to make the party start?


Kabuki Waq said:
wait you think Andy Lau is a good actor? Damon was way better in this film than Andy Lau was in the original.

Come on. Andy Lau did a better job... or maybe he didn't, but I prefer the character Andy Lau plays in IA over Matt Damon in TD.

There's that whole attempt at redemption at the end which I really liked. I liked it even better that he wouldn't be redeemed. He would have to live with his inner shame and suffering. Matt Damon didn't portray anything like that. He was a rat through and through.
Tabris said:
Come on. Andy Lau did a better job... or maybe he didn't, but I prefer the character Andy Lau plays in IA over Matt Damon in TD.

There's that whole attempt at redemption at the end which I really liked. I liked it even better that he wouldn't be redeemed. He would have to live with his inner shame and suffering. Matt Damon didn't portray anything like that. He was a rat through and through.

i think this movie wasnt about redemption but the did hint at Damon also letting the stress get to him you know ....not being able to get it up or wanting to move away and "start Fresh" they just ddint hit you over the head with it.


Kabuki Waq said:
i think this movie wasnt about redemption but the did hint at Damon also letting the stress get to him you know ....not being able to get it up or wanting to move away and "start Fresh" they just ddint hit you over the head with it.

Yeah, but that wasn't wanting redemption. That was just stress and wanting out.

I mean how perfect was the line for the IA ending...

Cadet School Principal: Who wants to be like ex-cadet Yan (Tony Leung)?
Andy Lau: I do.

Referencing one of the first scenes in the movie. That's what makes IA more special than TD. TD is just a damn good movie. IA is a movie to come away with some real emotion felt.

Matt Damon didn't portray any of that.


Tabris said:
OK, straight up, this is the best movie of this year and probabaly my favorite Scorsce movie.

Now I have 2 problems with this movie, both revolve around two very fundamental differences between IA and TD.

1) "I'm a cop" - Tony Leung. This is one of the most important lines in the movie and shows the redemption of the character. They almost had this but they ruined it with "I just want my identity, I don't want to be a cop again". This doesn't redeem the character, it shows him as being self serving.

2) “The worst of the Eight Hells is called Continuous Hell. It has the meaning of Continuous Suffering. Thus the name.” - Nirvana Sutra – Verse 19. This profoud statement is completly lost in this movie.

Otherwise, very cool movie!
yeah, but you are talking about eastern philosophy. that wont work in a western framework. you have to see it from a western perspective. even if scorcese tried to include it, it probably would have come off as cheey. and at the end, as you almost said it, but didnt quite say it...IA is an eastern film, The Departed is an western film. made for drastically different audiences.


I always felt Andy Lau was the weak link in IA. He just cant compare with Leung. Oddly enough, I felt the same rang true for The Departed. Damon was good, but every single other person was much better, and DiCaprio, playing the Leung character, totally blew him out of the water.

EDIT: $27M for the weekend and #1! Great for Marty, that's a huge opening for him.



Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
I personally quite like The Departed. I watched IA a long time ago, so I must go back and watch IA again to compare :p
Solo said:
Warning: unpopular opinion ahead:

You're right. This is much better than Goodfellas.

Dont get me wrong, Im a Scorsese lover, and worship the ground he walks on, and consider many of his films to be not only my favorites, but some of the greatest ever made. With that said, I have always felt that Goodfellas is easily the single most overrated film Scorsese has ever made, and one of the most overrated movies of the past 25 years. I wouldnt even put it in my Scorsese Top 5, despite most putting it at #1.

Hell, just for the fun of it:

1. Taxi Driver
2. The Departed
3. Raging Bull
4. Mean Streets
5. The Last Temptation Of Christ

You should have said warning : stupid and very shortlived opinion ahead.

Goodfellas is 10x what The Departed is. I saw The Departed and I liked it, one of the most entertaining movies this year. But in 5 years from now, this will all be forgotten, except for the screen-eating performance by Nicholson, which doesn't only add to the film, in my opinion. Critics who have gotten crazy about The Departed are really just that, crazy. It's not even better than GoNY or The Aviator. It's about on par with The Aviator, but not as visually inventive. There's not even a single shot in The Departed that stands out, except perhaps the final shot, which is fun but not really that deep. The movie's got NOTHING on Goodfellas in writing, cinematography, depth of characters, etc.. Only the acting might be as good.
I though it was good, but not great. The ending starting with
Matt Damon's character turning on Jack Nicholson
was utterly ridiculous and kind of felt like it made everything else that happened in the movie pointless.


Quick question guys. Whose song was it in the scene where Jack Nechelson calls Matt Damon to get rid of the tails (pretty late in the film), it was a rock song with an Irish sense to it?


... IA's ending is no where near a "generic shitty western ending" and you should watch it before you make stupid judgements/comments.
Really good movie I just saw it and would see it again, I was hoping that
Wahlberg would get Damon at the end
so that was good.


Solo said:
Warning: unpopular opinion ahead:

You're right. This is much better than Goodfellas.

Dont get me wrong, Im a Scorsese lover, and worship the ground he walks on, and consider many of his films to be not only my favorites, but some of the greatest ever made. With that said, I have always felt that Goodfellas is easily the single most overrated film Scorsese has ever made, and one of the most overrated movies of the past 25 years. I wouldnt even put it in my Scorsese Top 5, despite most putting it at #1.

Hell, just for the fun of it:

1. Taxi Driver
2. The Departed
3. Raging Bull
4. Mean Streets
5. The Last Temptation Of Christ

Your top 5 is missing Age of Innocence and My Voyage to Italy. :(


Holds a little red book
Blablurn said:
Andy Lau rocked the original movie! don't think the two hollywood guys can mess with him!
That guy really can't act. He's been in over 100 HK productions and 99% of it is complete crap. This is a generally accepted fact. He got big in HK more for his sing-song dance routine that the typical Chinese celebrity goes through more than anything else.
icarus-daedelus said:
Almost everybody dying, including both the protagonist and antagonist, is hardly a typical western ending. I haven't seen Internal Affairs, but what you described (protagonist being given a "new chance at life") sounds far more like the kind of generic shitty western ending shoved down our troats every day than what was in the Departed.

Great movie, by the way. Took me by surprise. Will buy on DVD. Truncated sentences for the win.

I said antagonist, it completly changes things. It felt like IA had more of message and impact after the movie was over unlike the Departed. I completely agree with Tabris.

examples quoted from tabris' posts:
Cadet School Principal: Who wants to be like ex-cadet Yan (Tony Leung, the protagonist)?
Andy Lau [antagonist]: I do.

Tabris said:
There's that whole attempt at redemption at the end [of Infernal Affairs] which I really liked. I liked it even better that he [Andy/antagonist aka Damon's character] wouldn't be redeemed. He would have to live with his inner shame and suffering. Matt Damon didn't portray anything like that. He was a rat through and through.

Tabris said:
1) "I'm a cop" - Tony Leung (protagonist)
He says this during the last dialog to Andy (final confrontation between antagonist & protagonist) to justify his reason for not just forgetting everything that happened.

Unlike Leonardo's character who is self serving since he just wants out because he can't deal with the psychological issues (which western culture is all about; the individual) in IA the good cop has a real sense of duty, justice and what it means to uphold the law.
Solo said:
Warning: unpopular opinion ahead:

You're right. This is much better than Goodfellas.

Dont get me wrong, Im a Scorsese lover, and worship the ground he walks on, and consider many of his films to be not only my favorites, but some of the greatest ever made. With that said, I have always felt that Goodfellas is easily the single most overrated film Scorsese has ever made, and one of the most overrated movies of the past 25 years. I wouldnt even put it in my Scorsese Top 5, despite most putting it at #1.

Hell, just for the fun of it:

1. Taxi Driver
2. The Departed
3. Raging Bull
4. Mean Streets
5. The Last Temptation Of Christ

Goodfellas is an amazing piece of cinema on a bunch of different levels.

If any of Scorsese's pictures are overrated, my vote would go to Casino.

My Scorsese Top 5:

1. Taxi Driver
2. Goodfellas
3. Raging Bull
4. Mean Streets
5. After Hours

Ok, just kidding on After Hours. Number 5 is a toss up between The Last Temptation and The Age of Innocence. I really love Bringing Out the Dead, as well.


anotheriori said:
Unlike Leonardo's character who is self serving since he just wants out because he can't deal with the psychological issues (which western culture is all about; the individual) in IA the good cop has a real sense of duty, justice and what it means to uphold the law.
See, I don't think that's true. That may have been true at one point (when Leo was in Damon's office after Jack was killed), but then at the end, he arrested Damon. He could have killed him, he knew they might not believe him, he knew Damon might walk, but he arrested him, because that's what cops do, and that’s what he wanted to do.


Foreign Jackass said:
You should have said warning : stupid and very shortlived opinion ahead.

But in 5 years from now, this will all be forgotten, except for the screen-eating performance by Nicholson, which doesn't only add to the film, in my opinion. Critics who have gotten crazy about The Departed are really just that, crazy. It's not even better than GoNY or The Aviator.

Uh huh. Im glad to see you've been to the future. Also, Jack's performance wasnt even the film's best. I also guess 92% of critics/filmgoers are crazy, but thats cool. Also, this shits all over both GoNY and The Aviator, both of which felt like Oscar bait, while this finally felt like Marty making a real film again. But whatever, different strokes.

dynamitejim said:
The ending starting with
Matt Damon's character turning on Jack Nicholson
was utterly ridiculous and kind of felt like it made everything else that happened in the movie pointless.

How is that ridiculous? If you found out your boss was an informant throwing people like you to the feds, what would you do?

MaverickX9 said:
If any of Scorsese's pictures are overrated, my vote would go to Casino.

I wouldnt argue there. I didnt say Casino, simply because it isnt praised overly to begin with ala Goodfellas.
Advice welcome: I'm going to see The Departed at the cinema on Saturday, so I have the week to rent out the original Infernal Affairs; now, would it be wiser to see the Hong Kong flick first or wait 'till after I see the Scorsese "masterpiece"?


Tim the Wiz said:
Advice welcome: I'm going to see The Departed at the cinema on Saturday, so I have the week to rent out the original Infernal Affairs; now, would it be wiser to see the Hong Kong flick first or wait 'till after I see the Scorsese "masterpiece"?

I'm going to watch IA after this one. I don't want to get spoiled.


Tough call there. I wish I had seen The Departed first, since I knew what was going to happen, so I was cheated in that way, yet I felt The Departed was the better film, so it balanced out. My personal advice would be to see The Departed, then see where it came from, and watch IA. Both are excellent pieces.

EDIT: Tagged em, Ford. Sorry.
Matt said:
See, I don't think that's true. That may have been true at one point (when Leo was in Damon's office after Jack was killed), but then at the end, he arrested Damon. He could have killed him, he knew they might not believe him, he knew Damon might walk, but he arrested him, because that's what cops do, and that’s what he wanted to do.

Hrm your right. Now that I think about it Leo's character holds true as to the IA version. I guess I wasn't as satisfied with the ending and the final dialog between the two and jumped the gun a bit.


shitting in the alley outside your window
Did anyone else absolutely hate the
rat walking across the balcony at the end? Ridiculous. If you're going to do something like that, make it subtle.


It was a bit blunt, but Marty definately had his tongue firmly in his cheek for the whole movie. Didnt really bother me, and my audience laughed at it.


Saw the movie twice over the weekend, still amazing the 2nd time around, loved the whole thing except what was mentioned above. Great acting from everyone, My top movie of the year
Kabuki Waq said:
Leo called them.

So we're to assume that
the second guy was the partner to the black guy? I know he called the guy he knew from the academy, but I don't see why he would have called anyone else.


Who says the black guy didnt tell him where he was going? He probably wanted some form of backup, and didnt know that guy was dirty.
AdmiralViscen said:
So we're to assume that the second guy was the partner to the black guy? I know he called the guy he knew from the academy, but I don't see why he would have called anyone else.

the black guy probably brought him along since they were on the same team.
Kabuki Waq said:
the black guy probably brought him along since they were on the same team.

OK, wasn't sure where I'd seen the second guy before.

Didn't think it was a plot hole, just figured I was missing something.

We might want to run through our last few posts and start throwing down some spoiler tags.


I hadnt even made the connection until seeing this.. but anyone else see some pretty blatant similarities between Death Note and Infernal Affairs/The Departed? I'm reading through Death Note right now (which ****in rocks) and I'd definitely enjoy a Marty remake of it in the same vein. :)


AdmiralViscen said:
OK, wasn't sure where I'd seen the second guy before.

Didn't think it was a plot hole, just figured I was missing something.

We might want to run through our last few posts and start throwing down some spoiler tags.

I don't think The Departed laid out the plot line of the second mole as well as IA did. In IA, we see that the crime boss Sam tried to get a few moles into the police force even though Andy Lau's character was the only one to really succeed. And in the drug deal scene, when Sam tries to make a phone call and the guy's phone rings. I didn't make much out of that and when the guy is revealed as the second mole, it was as surprising as in The Departed. But with IA, it all made sense in hindsight. It also makes sense in The Departed, but there was no development up to that point, which made it feel a bit deus ex machina to me.


hah. and apparently Andy Lau gives The Departed 8 out of 10. He thought it was too long and had too much swearing, but "It was alright to watch and the actors were pretty good."

“What I dislike the most in the movie is how they made Kelly Chen and Sammi Cheng’s characters into one. I don’t think that the two male characters would fall in love with the same female.”

Fair enough, I guess.

I would give it 8/10 too if I had to. Probably 9/10 if it wasn't a remake.


Just something i saw the 2nd time

1. When Leo smashes the Jesus pic over the guys head, the same pic is behind him in the next scene at Queenans house.

Damon enters the business by getting some groceries and dies with groceries in hand. Unrelated but Leo's excuse for not getting to the address on Wash in time is because he was at the grocery store


Console Market Analyst
Timbuktu said:
“What I dislike the most in the movie is how they made Kelly Chen and Sammi Cheng’s characters into one. I don’t think that the two male characters would fall in love with the same female.”

Goreomedy said:
and they merged the two females from Infernal Affairs into one woman (probably the only thing about The Departed I didn't like).

I'm Andy Lau!

I still don't get why they did that. Two strong female supportings would have been best.


Hey, somebody hinted here that Matt Damon's character was a closet homosexual. It crossed my mind in some of the dialogue he had with his wife and Jack Nicholson, seemed a bit defensive about his penis. And then, for some reason Leo calling him a "faggot" resonated in my ears.

Any thoughts?
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