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The Official All-Encompassing Guitar Hero SUPER THREAD

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TheGreatDave said:
It's red, it's the same shape as the old one, and the only major differences are the insides. Strum bar is supposed to be better, improved touch strip, etc.

i still haven't decided which controller should i buy, i'm thinking about getting GH3's Les Paul or the GH5 bundle. i guess the best option would be the GH5 bundle since i can get Game's " Exclusive Guitar Pack" which includes GH5 + GH:WT + 2 Rolling Stones tracks, and the guitar controller is supposed to be an exclusive red one for 80€.


intheinbetween said:
i still haven't decided which controller should i buy, i'm thinking about getting GH3's Les Paul or the GH5 bundle. i guess the best option would be the GH5 bundle since i can get Game's " Exclusive Guitar Pack" which includes GH5 + GH:WT + 2 Rolling Stones tracks, and the guitar controller is supposed to be an exclusive red one for 80€.
It might be just me, but I find it impossible to go back to the Les Paul after using the WT or RB2 guitars. It's waaaay too small.


Dumb ? I only know about GH5 what I see in the paper ads.

Does GH5 support a full band like WT does? Or is it Guitar only? What's the difference in the new guitars?


2DMention said:
Dumb ? I only know about GH5 what I see in the paper ads.

Does GH5 support a full band like WT does? Or is it Guitar only? What's the difference in the new guitars?
It supports 4 players with whatever combination of instruments they want to use.

The guitar body is the same, but the strum bar is supposed to be better.
Baker said:
It supports 4 players with whatever combination of instruments they want to use.

The guitar body is the same, but the strum bar is supposed to be better.

GH5 is supposed to let you make a band with 2 guitars, drummer and singer, right?


intheinbetween said:
GH5 is supposed to let you make a band with 2 guitars, drummer and singer, right?
Yeah or 4 guitars or 4 drums or 2 guitars and 2 drums or whatever the hell you want.
TheGreatDave said:
Nothing official, but it's all assumed to be true.

It's red, it's the same shape as the old one, and the only major differences are the insides. Strum bar is supposed to be better, improved touch strip, etc.
i'm still of the opinion that half is better than nothing... and we know it isn't Activision/Neversoft's fault. i'll pay to transfer over my songs knowing that the stupid music companies that don't want me to be able to do so aren't getting any of the money i spend transferring.
I'll pay because the cost is next to nothing. It's not like you're being asked to pay £25 or something. It sucks we don't have all the songs, but I still have Band On The Run.

Lust For Life looks way more fun than I expected.


plagiarize said:
i'm still of the opinion that half is better than nothing... and we know it isn't Activision/Neversoft's fault. i'll pay to transfer over my songs knowing that the stupid music companies that don't want me to be able to do so aren't getting any of the money i spend transferring.
I've said it already, but the reasons I'm irked:

1) The only songs I care about are on the half not included.

2) I barely like a handful of songs in WT and 5, so I was hoping to get a more complete package by picking and choosing from a full export list.

It's probably just me being selfish. If there was no export option, I wouldn't be pissed at all. However, since there is (and it's nerfed), I feel a bit let down.


intheinbetween said:
i still haven't decided which controller should i buy, i'm thinking about getting GH3's Les Paul or the GH5 bundle. i guess the best option would be the GH5 bundle since i can get Game's " Exclusive Guitar Pack" which includes GH5 + GH:WT + 2 Rolling Stones tracks, and the guitar controller is supposed to be an exclusive red one for 80€.
Wait... you say you get it from GAME but then you quote the price in euros. Did GAME start shipping Guitar Hero to continental Europe now? When I tried to buy World Tour they said they don't ship hardware outside of the UK.
migulic said:
Wait... you say you get it from GAME but then you quote the price in euros. Did GAME start shipping Guitar Hero to continental Europe now? When I tried to buy World Tour they said they don't ship hardware outside of the UK.

i logged in, added the preorder to the basket, tried to check out and i got no warning about not being able to ship the order to Spain..

i'd like to clarify that i said 80€ because of the conversion from pounds to euros. here in Spain GH5 bundle will be 110€ with no bonuses at all



Wait, if Guitar Hero 5 allows you to play all the instruments in any combination, what's the point of Band Hero? I am so confused. From a few clicks on the official site, Band Hero is just Guitar Hero with terrible music? The "About the Game" description doesn't make it seem like anything different than Guitar Hero.


Has the timing window been increased again? In a few videos I clearly see notes passing completely and yet the game registers it.


The animation where you trigger star power in GH5....worries me. It just looks so offputting when I'm not even playing and just watching it on youtube vids. If I am on the edge of something I am struggling to get through I can well imagine it finishing me off and making me rage around my living room. Damn I hope there is an option to turn it back to previous versions or that it is something I can get used to.

(won't stop me buying it obviously but yes I am a little concerned)


Neo Member
As this is the only GH thread I can find, I need help GAF.

I've been looking round the internet but can't find any info, does world tour on the Wii have any known sound issues?

It might be my TV and I'm still messing around with it, but on a lot of songs (sweet home alabama is most obvious) the solo for the guitar is really really quiet, it's there just not really audible above the rest of the music, and with guitar turn up in the game's mix it just makes the rhythm still louder than the solo.

I'm playing the audio straight out of the TV and I've never had issues before.

I'll keep fiddling with it...
Why's all the GH discussion been in the RB thread?

I see some people have been managing to pick it up already. Still 2 weeks away here :(


Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?
Hopefully they made it so the strum bar doesn't squeak and break. I can't think of any more improvements. The GH:WT guitar would be the best one ever without those problems.
And mine doesn't squeak and hasn't broke, soooooooo....

Still preordered a new one though. New one looks a lot better.

Reading on ScoreHero, the challenges look kinda weird in the game. I think the final challenge (God of Rock's Final Challenge) is to get 10 million points on a song, which obviously you can only do as a band. That's for the Diamond ranking, Platinum (which you need to beat the game I think) is 5 million. Not really too impressed with that, though I guess if I'm quick I should be able to get a GAF Superband to help me out.

Also, some guy at Neversoft posted this info on Pro Face Off:

1. Players will be matched only at their own difficulty. If after 30 seconds nobody is found, you will be given the option to match against other difficulties or continue searching at your difficulty.
2. If you do play against another difficulty, the lower difficulties will be handicapped by having a lower overall base score. This means that if 2 people play at different difficulties and FC the song, the higher difficulty will always win. Previously, that scenario would have resulted in a tie.

Freakin' finally.


Second-rate Anihawk
pity bump

Hey everybody, my name is Anthony Campos and I work as a Note Tracker here at Neversoft. With all of the GH5 information being released recently, information about the vocals in the game has been pretty sparse. Well, today I’m gonna fill you in on everything you need to know about singing in GH5.

A lot of changes and tweaks have gone into vocals since Guitar Hero World Tour. Some changes are aesthetic, such as the overall look of the pitches in the highway (which are much cleaner and easier to read). There are also some minor changes to earning and maintaining your multiplier. Earning an “Excellent” rating still increases the multiplier by one, but if the player has a 4x multiplier and earns a “Solid” rating, the multiplier will drop to 2x (earning another “Solid” rating consecutively will drop the multiplier back to 1x).

One thing that has changed (that I’m sure competitive singers will be happy about) is that freeform sections no longer affect the players score. Gone are the days of lopsided scoring and exploiting these sections for points. Players are now awarded with a boost to their rock meter. This makes it so freeform sections feel less mandatory, and turns them into something the player can enjoy if they so choose (and possibly help them out in a tight spot if they’re struggling).

Another welcome addition to vocals is the inclusion of Star Power (SP) phrases. Up to this point, SP was awarded to the player based on their performance in each phrase, with an “Excellent” rating giving the player the highest amount of SP available for any given phrase. As a result, this made SP available at any given point since it was awarded after every phrase, removing a lot of the strategy and difficulty from vocals. We now assign SP to individual phrases. These phrases require an “Excellent” rating for SP to be awarded to the player.

One of the new features that I am most excited for is the inclusion of a phrase progress meter. This meter essentially tells the player how well they are currently doing in any given phrase. As a player sings through a phrase, the meter will change color to indicate what rating they will earn or how close they are to earning a particular rating. While it may seem like a rather hum-drum addition, this progress meter is the foundation to how vocals are now scored.

Scoring is handled completely different than how it was handled in previous games. To start off, players will no longer earn a base score per phrase. Phrases are now scored based on the amount of time they stay on pitch. Think of it in terms of how sustains continuously score points on guitar and you have the basic idea. So to put it simply, the more pitches you nail within a phrase, the more points you get! As a result of this new system of scoring, the length of a phrase is directly related to how many points you will earn from a phrase. So if you have two phrases, one short with many short notes, and one very long with long sustained notes, the longer phrase will inherently award more points since you are spending more time singing in that phrase than the shorter one.

So where does the progress meter fit into all of this? Well, in order to earn an “Excellent” rating on a phrase, the player is required to hit 80% of the pitches within that phrase. The progress meter reflects this by changing to the color green when the player crosses that threshold (pictured below). However, even though the meter has turned green, the meter will show the remaining 20%, be that what the player missed or what they have yet to hit. This 20% is where players can squeeze more points out of a phrase even after they’ve earned an “Excellent” rating (also pictured below).


The same concept applies to SP phrases as well. If the player barely crosses the “Excellent” threshold of a SP phrase, they will be awarded the standard 1/4 of the star power meter. However, if they begin to push into the extra 20% of the progress meter, the player will be awarded extra SP relative to how much of the meter is filled. Think of it like whammying SP for vocals. This new system really makes vocals much more dynamic and reflective of the player’s ability. To put it all in perspective, I have passed the same song multiple times with 100% (FC), and I have never earned the same score twice. For all of you competitive score hunters out there, I’m sure this is just what the doctor ordered.

So there you have it. You are now up to date with everything you need to know about vocals in Guitar Hero 5. Keep on rockin’, and I’ll see you guys online on September 1st! \m/

hmx better rip that for rb3
Do drum silencers actually exist for the GH:WT set? I'm sick of my drums sounding like I'm hitting a large cardboard box, drowning out the music.

If not, do the RB ones fit? I've only ever seen RB ones.
Hey guys, I've been with no internet for a while now and just got it back. Has it been confirmed which GHWT and SHits songs are transferable?
robut said:
Hey guys, I've been with no internet for a while now and just got it back. Has it been confirmed which GHWT and SHits songs are transferable?
The WT songs posted earlier are confirmed to be the ones transfering. Smash Hits, we don't know yet.

I'll stick this shit in the PR OP later.

Rodeo Clown

All aboard! The Love train!
We'll know Smash Hits tomorrow, when someone on Score Hero does the work for us.

Don't expect Sony or Warner, though.
Completely OT, but who the fuck is this?!


Also surprisingly psyched for this game, I may go to walmart and get this at midnight and return the copy I'm getting next-day shipped tomorrow :lol
Terrordactyl said:
Completely OT, but who the fuck is this?!


Also surprisingly psyched for this game, I may go to walmart and get this at midnight and return the copy I'm getting next-day shipped tomorrow :lol
I recommend retailers that work with the NPD.
Of course you do, but what I'm saying is that I have it pre-ordered with next day shipping from Gamestop. I'm considering going to Walmart tonight and picking it up at midnight, then returning my copy I get from Gamestop to Walmart. (this isn't bannable speak is it?) Nothing Illegal going on here AFAIK.
Someone asked the question I wanted about songs to be transferred, but what I am interested in is the Avatars thing. I only have my one avatar. If I want him to be playing my career mode, does that mean he will be surrounded by the freaks known as the Neversoft art department characters? Or will there be random generated avatars on stage with me?

I would much rather have an audience and band of avatars than the models I've seen. Please god let me do something like Rock Band 2 where I can choose the other characters in my band that will play with me and I can make fake avatars for them.


Second-rate Anihawk
Skiptastic said:
Someone asked the question I wanted about songs to be transferred, but what I am interested in is the Avatars thing. I only have my one avatar. If I want him to be playing my career mode, does that mean he will be surrounded by the freaks known as the Neversoft art department characters? Or will there be random generated avatars on stage with me?

I would much rather have an audience and band of avatars than the models I've seen. Please god let me do something like Rock Band 2 where I can choose the other characters in my band that will play with me and I can make fake avatars for them.
You can combine your avatar with the Neversoft mutants, but there might be a way to have some randomly generated avatars. It was very awkward in BBG's stream. :x
Skiptastic said:
Someone asked the question I wanted about songs to be transferred, but what I am interested in is the Avatars thing. I only have my one avatar. If I want him to be playing my career mode, does that mean he will be surrounded by the freaks known as the Neversoft art department characters? Or will there be random generated avatars on stage with me?

I would much rather have an audience and band of avatars than the models I've seen. Please god let me do something like Rock Band 2 where I can choose the other characters in my band that will play with me and I can make fake avatars for them.
You can do this. Pretty sure there's a random avatar option in-game too.
TheGreatDave said:
You can do this. Pretty sure there's a random avatar option in-game too.

FUCK YES. Thank god! I hate the mutants. And watching Kurt Cobain guitar right handed for Saturday Night's All Right for Fighting with Matthew Bellamy singing...I want none of that!
Skiptastic said:
FUCK YES. Thank god! I hate the mutants. And watching Kurt Cobain guitar right handed for Saturday Night's All Right for Fighting with Matthew Bellamy singing...I want none of that!

The new characters do look a lot better than before. (no more random ugly yellow hair guy from WT)


Fun fact: Kurt Cobain stated that King Crimson's album, Red, was a huge influence on how he developed his guitar technique.

Doesn't really make the air drumming any less weird, though.

EDIT: Scatterbrain on Expert+

Appears to be impossible for mere mortals. Those jazz fusion techniques will kill ya.
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