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The Official Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts Thread


mujun said:
not this again...

btw i think vp, banjo and kameo are great. banjo was one of my top games for 2008.

Yeah I think the most of the Rare bitterness is directly related to Perfect Dark Zero. Hopefully they will fix that issue this year.


BenjaminBirdie said:
Neither of you have semantic leg to stand on if even one person (read: me) enjoyed N&B and Viva Pinata. That means that, far from being mediocre, they were successful in their intended goal, even if you didn't like them. "Mediocrity" is not a subjective appraisal, it's an objective statement about the merits of the company.
Of course, but when i love a game when i'm doing the extra parts of it [explore, build, etc.] and i don't like it that much when i have to play the actual game, i know something is wrong. [maybe with me, maybe with the game]

But again: of course this is only MY opinion and i sure as hell won't put this game near to PD0 or Ghoulies. [sorry if that seemed the case; i was just quoting bottles on the whole "i still buy every Rare game" thing]
It's just that i love AND hate N&B:lol

I also liked SFAdventures and Kameo.


One thing this game isn't is shallow. It's completely the opposite. :lol

Viva Pinata and N&B are both great games, far from mediocre.


I just read on 1up that "everything is timed". What does that mean? Do you only get a fixed amount of time to complete every level in the game?


ElyrionX said:
I just read on 1up that "everything is timed". What does that mean? Do you only get a fixed amount of time to complete every level in the game?

Each task is timed. Most of the tasks allow plenty of time to complete with trial and error, but there are quite a few that demand retries to get it exactly right (mostly later in the game).


ElyrionX said:
I just read on 1up that "everything is timed". What does that mean? Do you only get a fixed amount of time to complete every level in the game?
Not every single mission [a "Golf" one in Banjo Land isn't, for example], but a huge part, yes.

You get missions by talking to the NPCs in the levels, but the levels themselves are not timed, of course.


Paco said:
Each task is timed. Most of the tasks allow plenty of time to complete with trial and error, but there are quite a few that demand retries to get it exactly right (mostly later in the game).

So the "tasks" make up the levels of the game that you have to pass?
ElyrionX said:
Uhhh, the Asian version of this is going for DIRT CHEAP on Play-Asia now. We're talking about USD 10 here. Is this any good? Is it a platformer?

When I first started playing it last week, I found myself avoiding the vechile based jiggy collection and spending most of my time in the game's overworld hunting down notes and mumbo crates. There is ALOT of platforming and exploring to do in the overworld. I spent hours and hours doing it.

At first, the platforming seemed kind of messy in that there is a lot of surfaces that you can't stand on and you can sort of finagle your way on top of stuff. But I gradually came to really appreciate it. You can use things in the environment (including your vehicle) to create makeshift platforms to get on top of stuff in different ways. I had a lot of fun just exploring Showdown Town and finding creative ways to get to the seemingly inaccesible areas.

Then, by the time I was finished clearing a lot of stuff out in the overworld, I had a ton of cool vehicle parts. And this, in turn, made the vehicle gameplay ALOT more fun. I then had high grip wheels and parts so that I could create vehicles that were easier to control.


BenjaminBirdie said:
Neither of you have semantic leg to stand on if even one person (read: me) enjoyed N&B and Viva Pinata. That means that, far from being mediocre, they were successful in their intended goal, even if you didn't like them. "Mediocrity" is not a subjective appraisal, it's an objective statement about the merits of the company.

:lol :lol :lol

Oh god, are you serious? It’s a subjective statement of appraisal based on their output in recent years.

FFChris said:
One thing this game isn't is shallow. It's completely the opposite.

Viva Pinata and N&B are both great games, far from mediocre.

The vehicle creator does not make up for the repetitive mini-games.


Alright, I read some of the stuff in this thread and I ordered it. It's so damn cheap anyway. Last time I bought something like this off Play-Asia was Midnight Club LA and that turned out to be the best racing game I've ever played. :lol


EternalGamer said:
When I first started playing it last week, I found myself avoiding the vechile based jiggy collection and spending most of my time in the game's overworld hunting down notes and mumbo crates. There is ALOT of platforming and exploring to do in the overworld. I spent hours and hours doing it.

At first, the platforming seemed kind of messy in that there is a lot of surfaces that you can't stand on and you can sort of finagle your way on top of stuff. But I gradually came to really appreciate it. You can use things in the environment (including your vehicle) to create makeshift platforms to get on top of stuff in different ways. I had a lot of fun just exploring Showdown Town and finding creative ways to get to the seemingly inaccesible areas.

Then, by the time I was finished clearing a lot of stuff out in the overworld, I had a ton of cool vehicle parts. And this, in turn, made the vehicle gameplay ALOT more fun. I then had high grip wheels and parts so that I could create vehicles that were easier to control.
pretty much yeah, if the whole game was like the overworld it would of been a much better game
Odrion said:
pretty much yeah, if the whole game was like the overworld it would of been a much better game

I'm not sure I agree. As I said, I didn't like the vehicle based stuff at first, but when I got more parts and got better at understanding how to build vehicles that didn't suck, I started really enjoying the jiggy collection.

The game is like Banjo meets Diddy Kong meets Legos and once I got past the learning curb on vehicle creation and controls, I started loving it.


ElyrionX said:
So the "tasks" make up the levels of the game that you have to pass?

Each of the six worlds is broken into 5 or 6 acts, each act containing 3-5 tasks. Depending on your performance (how fast you completed the task), you can net music notes, a jiggy, and a T.T. trophy. Music notes are your currency to buy more vehicle parts, jiggies allow you to access new acts/worlds, and four T.T. trophies amount to one jiggy.

You can easily beat the game without having to complete the harder challenges in the game, but those are typically the most fun since they require the most creativity and skill to complete.


bottles said:
The vehicle creator does not make up for the repetitive mini-games.

Shallow and repeditive are different things. The vehicle creator gives so many ways to complete the tasks it's hard to argue that the game is shallow.
bottles said:
:lol :lol :lol

Oh god, are you serious? It’s a subjective statement of appraisal based on their output in recent years.

Hm. Possible. I've only ever used it as an objective qualifier. Not to mention, it implies a lack of creativity or skill, which I find pretty difficult to ascribe to them.


EternalGamer said:
I'm not sure I agree. As I said, I didn't like the vehicle based stuff at first, but when I got more parts and got better at understanding how to build vehicles that didn't suck, I started really enjoying the jiggy collection.

The game is like Banjo meets Diddy Kong meets Legos and once I got past the learning curb on vehicle creation and controls, I started loving it.
the rest of the game is pretty decent but the design is conflicted with itself (open worlds with linear closed off "goals" inside them) and the amount of time you spend building vehicles and the amount of time you spend doing these short activities is pretty screwed up

also, it's self-aware storyline is very funny but it feels like everything in the game could be interchangeable

still pretty fun and original and most importantly not ANOTHER fpser
FFChris said:
Shallow and repeditive are different things. The vehicle creator gives so many ways to complete the tasks it's hard to argue that the game is shallow.

I think repetitive also has a connotation that is entirely negative but there are lot of games that have "repetitive" gameplay that people really enjoy. The gameplay in Halo is pretty "repetitive" in that you are killing the same 5 different enemy types again and again in a relatively same fashion.

In Banjo, I don't think you can separate the vehicle creation from the "gameplay." It is a part of the gameplay. The game is as much a "puzzle game" where you try to think up and create vehicles that best allow you to compete the challenges as it is about the challenges themselves.
FFChris said:
Shallow and repeditive are different things. The vehicle creator gives so many ways to complete the tasks it's hard to argue that the game is shallow.

But most of the tasks are variations on:

1) Racing (most of these can be crushed with any agile vehicle with jets and wings).

2) A to B escorts, item transportation, etc (Big basket, couches)

There are others, like sumo and sports, but way too many challenges in the game were accomplished with standard, multi-task vehicles.

It'd have been much cooler if there were more obscure puzzles that required unique vehicle concepts.
RiskyChris said:
But most of the tasks are variations on:

1) Racing (most of these can be crushed with any agile vehicle with jets and wings).

2) A to B escorts, item transportation, etc (Big basket, couches)

There are others, like sumo and sports, but way too many challenges in the game were accomplished with standard, multi-task vehicles.

It'd have been much cooler if there were more obscure puzzles that required unique vehicle concepts.

The fifth world (which I STILL haven't finished yet) seems to be exclusively that. You're making blanket statements about item transportation and totally obscuring the fact that you need to edit your vehicle to deal with each individual challenge; keep the seed wet, balance tea shit in that insane landscape, etc.
Odrion said:
the rest of the game is pretty decent but the design is conflicted with itself (open worlds with linear closed off "goals" inside them) and the amount of time you spend building vehicles and the amount of time you spend doing these short activities screw up the pacing.

Well, they are closed off in the sense that they regulate the space you perform the tasks in, but they are not linear. There are all kinds of solutions to the challenges based on the type of vehicle you build. For example, for the Trash Can one, I did it three different ways while trying to get the TT trophy. First I made a giant cart to transport the Trash Can over to the stairs and brought the trash to it. then I tried to make a moving staircase to dump the trash in, and finally I used a floating platform to levitate the trash to it.

As far as the pacing problem due to vehicle building, I sort of agree. But I found that once I had vehicle "templates" to play with, it went much faster. I would just make slight modifications to vehicles I already had and it also encourages you to be constantly tweaking your creations in small ways, which makes the creation process more enjoyable.

Regardless, it really is an incredibly unique gameplay experience and it sort of bums me out that it didn't do very well because they clearly took some big creative chances. And I say this as one of the "nay sayers" when I originally got the game. I still think I would have liked a traditional platformer, but I really respect what they did instead and the result is really fun once you get over the learning curb.
BenjaminBirdie said:
The fifth world (which I STILL haven't finished yet) seems to be exclusively that. You're making blanket statements about item transportation and totally obscuring the fact that you need to edit your vehicle to deal with each individual challenge; keep the seed wet, balance tea shit in that insane landscape, etc.

I think this experience is going to be highly subjective based upon how many parts people have collected and which challenges they do at which point. Having less access to advanced parts forces you to be more creative with your resources. I didn't and still dont' have any "uber vehicles" that i can use in any circumstance. I have to modify mine all the time.

However, I can see how someone who found really good parts early on (big engines etc.) would just be able to create amazing vehicles to crush everything. It's sort of like an RPG where you can get amazing equipment early on to crush things. But those that don't get that equipment will have a very different gameplay experience.

I'm about half way through the game and there are very few challenges where I didn't have to modify one of my creations in some fashion to be successful.


I know you mean that the goals are open ended, yeah. I'm calling them linear and conflicting to the design because the open worlds feel less like levels but challenge hubs.

Also I never expected the game to sell well. For some reason it's a hard to make a case for it to most people.
EternalGamer said:
I think this experience is going to be highly subjective based upon how many parts people have collected and which challenges they do at which point. Having less access to advanced parts forces you to be more creative with your resources. I didn't and still dont' have any "uber vehicles" that i can use in any circumstance. I have to modify mine all the time.

However, I can see how someone who found really good parts early on (big engines etc.) would just be able to create amazing vehicles to crush everything. It's sort of like an RPG where you can get amazing equipment early on to crush things. But those that don't get that equipment will have a very different gameplay experience.

I'm about half way through the game and there are very few challenges where I didn't have to modify one of my creations in some fashion to be successful.

Possibly, but I still think you need to at least tweak for each challenge (at least if you want the TT). Even the hottest ride evah still won't have that Water Spray thing you'd need to keep the seed dry.
Odrion said:
I know you mean that the goals are open ended, yeah. I'm calling them linear and conflicting to the design because the open worlds feel pointless for the most part.

Isn't that the way most open world games work, though? In Grand Theft Auto, the open world is basically just comprised of big yellow glowing "hot spots" that are the closed off level tasks. The overworld is just like a souped up level selection map a la Mario 3 where you just pick the hotspot to enter the level. It just has more bells and whistles to hide the fact.

At least in Banjo exploring the open worlds can actually do something to advance your character. Collecting notes and vehicle parts actually impacts the challenges. In GTA all you can do is hunt down pointless doves.


EternalGamer said:
Isn't that the way most open world games work, though? In Grand Theft Auto, the open world is basically just comprised of big yellow glowing "hot spots" that are the closed off level tasks. The overworld is just like a souped up level selection map a la Mario 3 where you just pick the hotspot to enter the level. It just has more bells and whistles to hide the fact.

At least in Banjo exploring the open worlds can actually do something to advance your character. Collecting notes and vehicle parts actually impacts the challenges. In GTA all you can do is hunt down pointless doves.
the overworld in BK:N&B is awesome and I agree that exploring it rewards you, it's the other levels (the challenge ones or whatever) that I'm talking about

VVV Yeah I love this too and I understand what you mean, but they feel like you're playing with a few toys in a big empty room.


Odrion said:
I know you mean that the goals are open ended, yeah. I'm calling them linear and conflicting to the design because the open worlds feel pointless for the most part.

Except for being a sandbox to play around in with your vehicles. For example, one thing I liked to do in Nutty Acres was take a helicopter/plane hybrid (folding propellor and folding wings) with a sticky ball, grab a cow or some other object and go all the way to the top of the level, drop the cow and play with it on the way down (e.g., catch with a sticky ball again, shoot missiles at it, stick it in the giant gears and try to break them, etc.). Of the 30+ hours I spent with the game, most of it was just playing around and seeing what I could do.

The Terrarium of Terror challenged me to build a compact, high-performance, multi-purpose vehicle because of all the weird angles and obstacles. Once I built one I had fun just flying/driving/hovering/diving around.
EternalGamer said:
Well, they are closed off in the sense that they regulate the space you perform the tasks in, but they are not linear. There are all kinds of solutions to the challenges based on the type of vehicle you build. For example, for the Trash Can one, I did it three different ways while trying to get the TT trophy. First I made a giant cart to transport the Trash Can over to the stairs and brought the trash to it. then I tried to make a moving staircase to dump the trash in, and finally I used a floating platform to levitate the trash to it.

For the challenge in Nutty Acres where you have to collect nuts from across the level and bring them to the nut collector, I first made a huge cage with propellers that uses a suck and blow to suck up nuts, and a detacher to close and open the cage. When flying back my cage with a payload of nuts, I accidentally bumped the nut collector with the cage. It came off. My jaw dropped, I immediately restarted the challenge and used my sticky ball helicopter (this thing is so easy to make and is incredibly useful). Dropped the sticky ball on top of of the nut collector and carried it over to the nuts, and bam, easy TT trophy.

One of my favourite Nuts and Bolts moments for sure.

EDIT: There's always the old standby. When you get ten springs, just get a strong chair and cover it in springs. Ridiculous fun.
Paco said:
Except for being a sandbox to play around in with your vehicles. For example, one thing I liked to do in Nutty Acres was take a helicopter/plane hybrid (folding propellor and folding wings) with a sticky ball, grab a cow or some other object and go all the way to the top of the level, drop the cow and play with it on the way down (e.g., catch with a sticky ball again, shoot missiles at it, stick it in the giant gears and try to break them, etc.). Of the 30+ hours I spent with the game, most of it was just playing around and seeing what I could do.

There are also notes in the levels and you have to explore to find the jingos. A few of the achievements also require to play around with the sandbox elements as well (such as BBQ-ing a cow).
TriangularDuck said:
When flying back my cage with a payload of nuts, I accidentally bumped the nut collector with the cage. It came off. My jaw dropped, I immediately restarted the challenge and used my sticky ball helicopter (this thing is so easy to make and is incredibly useful). Dropped the sticky ball on top of of the nut collector and carried it over to the nuts, and bam, easy TT trophy.

One of my favourite Nuts and Bolts moments for sure.

That's awesome. I just got the sticky ball last time I played but haven't used it on any vehicles yet. This makes me want to go play now.


TriangularDuck said:
For the challenge in Nutty Acres where you have to collect nuts from across the level and bring them to the nut collector, I first made a huge cage with propellers that uses a suck and blow to suck up nuts, and a detacher to close and open the cage. When flying back my cage with a payload of nuts, I accidentally bumped the nut collector with the cage. It came off. My jaw dropped, I immediately restarted the challenge and used my sticky ball helicopter (this thing is so easy to make and is incredibly useful). Dropped the sticky ball on top of of the nut collector and carried it over to the nuts, and bam, easy TT trophy.

One of my favourite Nuts and Bolts moments for sure.

EDIT: There's always the old standby. When you get ten springs, just get a strong chair and cover it in springs. Ridiculous fun.

Same thing happened to me. That was when I started thinking differently about each challenge.
BenjaminBirdie said:
Possibly, but I still think you need to at least tweak for each challenge (at least if you want the TT). Even the hottest ride evah still won't have that Water Spray thing you'd need to keep the seed dry.

Yeah, but that's just one challenge. It's been months since I played, but I really don't remember having to use more than a few different vehicles for the vast majority of challenges, including TT.

I think the game would've benefited from some that required more creativity. I saved every vehicle I made, and only a handful are at all interesting. =(


I search for advice, Gaf.
Should i buy the L.O.G. DLC now that i still have to finish N&B or after i beat the main game?

Also, if i gave my 6 S'n'S eggs to Heggy in B-T, i heard it will unlock blueprints in the DLC, but since i already gave them to Heggy and i don't have the DLC yet, did i miss some text, anything that said, dunno "You unlocked this and this in the Lost Challenges" or do you get the Blueprints without any "warning"?



Rented and beat this game a couple days ago and I must say the vehicle controls are atrocious. Designing a game where EVERY SINGLE object effects your movement is just silly. And uhhhh, hello unrealistic terrain? I must of had 2-3 dozen occasions where my vehicle would do a complete 180 turn and spin out because I ran over something as small as a toaster.

Also, race, race, race, race, shootout, race, escort, race, race. That's the game. All timed, mind you. Whoever made the vehicles stick together and crash so easily in races, while making the AI actually not try to avoid you at all, should honestly rethink common sense.

The humor and graphics showed up to the party in full force but the gameplay is still asleep at home with its phone off.

I bought BK and BT on arcade so Rare got some of my monies anyways, but imagining a platforming banjo with the creativity of N&B is so bittersweet.

PS: The loading screen message that said something along the lines of "If you don't like the vehicle-based gameplay in Nuts and Bolts, go buy Banjo Kazooie off arcade" made me flip off my tv. Yeah, fuck you too :lol. At least they're aware of it so the low sales should come as no surprise.
FunkyMunkey said:
Rented and beat this game a couple days ago and I must say the vehicle controls are atrocious. Designing a game where EVERY SINGLE object effects your movement is just silly. And uhhhh, hello unrealistic terrain? I must of had 2-3 dozen occasions where my vehicle would do a complete 180 turn and spin out because I ran over something as small as a toaster.

How you design your vehicle plays a large part. If something as small as a toaster made your vehicle do a complete 180, maybe it was too light.

Try using heavier parts.
Koopakiller said:
How you design your vehicle plays a large part. If something as small as a toaster made your vehicle do a complete 180, maybe it was too light.

Try using heavier parts.

How is needing to go back again and again to make minute changes fun? It should be quickly accessible and not frustrating. My car was a variant of humba's racer 3 or 4 with some weight added and a spoiler. And the race in particular was I believe the Nutty Acres dry river bed race.


1.) Go fast in the beginning and be rammed by the AI, flying off course and needing to restart.
2.) Go slow and carefully pass them later, blowing the TT chance.
3.) Add weapons and destroy the other racers, running over their parts and flying off course in an exaggerated spin out.

I finally got the TT by being extremely lucky and slipping between two racers, and then going up the side of the gully(on one try I did a 180 here) when crossing them in lap 2.

I understand the limitless possibilities and all that, but Christ.

EDIT: One of my problems is being ocd about getting 100% with games, I guess. Not with this one, though.


FunkyMunkey said:
At least they're aware of it so the low sales should come as no surprise.

I don't think they are "aware" of it, the new Rare just doesn't care about what the fanbase think of their games; maybe the SNES/N64 Rare was like this, too, but without Internet how could we know.
Nowadays they troll the fanbase every 2 sentences, it's pretty fun actually.

However, i think they are still happy with what they did with Banjo... or maybe they just don't give a fuck, they have Microsoft behind them, they can do whatever they want.

This is not meant to be a critic against Rare by the way, they could do a survival-horror Viva Pinata game
[see what i did there?!]
for what i care.
Wizpig said:
I don't think they are "aware" of it, the new Rare just doesn't care about what the fanbase think of their games; maybe the SNES/N64 Rare was like this, too, but without Internet how could we know.
Nowadays they troll the fanbase every 2 sentences, it's pretty fun actually.

:lol I agree it is pretty funny. Unless they have another banjo in the pipeline though, I just find it strange to be so cocky and audacious. Especially towards some people who grew up on Banjo.

And your username wins, period lol.


FunkyMunkey said:
And your username wins, period lol.
It allows me to criticize Rare without being mistaken for a hater:lol [at least that's what i hope]
I love Rare, always did, it's just that i have a Love/Hate relationship with them from the Conker remake on Xbox 1 and PD0. :)

Since Banjo is my favorite Rare series i promised to myself i would wait for "Banjo-Threeie" in order to understand if the guys still could put together a fun game: i like N&B so that's probably a yes, but it also disappointed me in some ways.

Hopefully this post made some sense, in the end i still like this software house that brought us so many masterpieces and i still have faith for the Banjo series. :p

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Wizpig said:
That's like the shittiest race in all the game, i think, frustrating as hell.
The trick with this race is, as with every other race in the game, is to get ahead early and then to stay ahead. Winning by miles is relatively easy in this game, and its the best option, as it cancels out the games most annoying feature, the collision physics.


FunkyMunkey said:
How is needing to go back again and again to make minute changes fun? It should be quickly accessible and not frustrating. My car was a variant of humba's racer 3 or 4 with some weight added and a spoiler. And the race in particular was I believe the Nutty Acres dry river bed race.


1.) Go fast in the beginning and be rammed by the AI, flying off course and needing to restart.
2.) Go slow and carefully pass them later, blowing the TT chance.
3.) Add weapons and destroy the other racers, running over their parts and flying off course in an exaggerated spin out.

I finally got the TT by being extremely lucky and slipping between two racers, and then going up the side of the gully(on one try I did a 180 here) when crossing them in lap 2.

I understand the limitless possibilities and all that, but Christ.

EDIT: One of my problems is being ocd about getting 100% with games, I guess. Not with this one, though.

That was one of my favorite races in the game, but I had built a really nice racing vehicle that was powerful and highly nimble (handled well) from earlier when I was just playing around with vehicle concepts. I raced ahead of them and dipped in out and of the gully with ease.

One of my major disappointments with the game was the lack of races like that. I'm really hoping for a Banjo racer.

Aight, so I've been experimenting with vehicles that can drive up walls and stick to them, and this is a sort of prototype I have going. Wheels on the ground let it approached the wall, then the front wheels stick to it and start driving up it. I have propellers on the front of the car which keep suction against the wall so I'll stick to it. It's not getting very high off the ground yet, but I'm still working. Whaddya think?
autobzooty said:

Aight, so I've been experimenting with vehicles that can drive up walls and stick to them, and this is a sort of prototype I have going. Wheels on the ground let it approached the wall, then the front wheels stick to it and start driving up it. I have propellers on the front of the car which keep suction against the wall so I'll stick to it. It's not getting very high off the ground yet, but I'm still working. Whaddya think?

Way too complex.

You should make a really simple, 4-wheeled car, but put a little propellor (or two) on it and let it "Push" (push RB while selecting it on your car). It will stick to everything!
Pizza Luigi said:
Way too complex.

You should make a really simple, 4-wheeled car, but put a little propellor (or two) on it and let it "Push" (push RB while selecting it on your car). It will stick to everything!

I already did something like that, but it's unable to climb walls at 90 degree angles. For a car like that to get on a wall, it needs to have a quarter pipe leading up to the wall, and you can't find many of those outside the Test-o-Track.

Here's the latest version. It goes up as high as you please, but it doesn't steer very well once you're on the wall.



I seem to be stuck on 46 jiggies. Not enough to open the next door(s) [47], but I have no indication on the map that tasks or jiggies are available anywhere... any suggestions?

EDIT: Nevermind, I found the sketchy dude I can buy jiggies from. Weird, but okay.
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