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The Official Bionic Commando Thread


glaurung said:
From all the game play videos and reviews it seems like the face button legend is always on screen.

Can it be turned off, I find it relatively huge-assed and blocky?

You can turn it off. Just go to options, HUD and you'll see it there.
JdFoX187 said:
Still waiting on my copy from the USPS. Those bastards are slow as hell around here. Maybe tomorrow. :(
Weird; mine showed up this morning. In fact, I went into the kitchen when I finally got out of bed at 11:30 and there it was.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
m0dus said:
You may be getting a bit ahead of yourself -- 3 to 4 people in this thread that have the 360 version, playing in both 720p and 1080p claim no tearing (or not enough for it to be extremely noticable). there is a question of whether or not it's the video of the build they have been recording, but I'd hold off until actual confirmation. I will be picking up the 360 version today, so we'll see.
I think it's the type of tearing that is present which is fooling people. You don't see massive lines tearing through the screen, rather, as the camera moves, you see lots of smaller tear lines on the edges of objects. It's difficult to explain, but I can clearly see it.

All of the retail footage of the 360 version has this as does Wanted: Weapons of Fate. It simply seems to be something that occurs with their 360 releases.
I haven't noticed a single instance of tearing. Not that I really know what tearing is, or that I think I would care if I saw it anyway.
dark10x said:
I think it's the type of tearing that is present which is fooling people. You don't see massive lines tearing through the screen, rather, as the camera moves, you see lots of smaller tear lines on the edges of objects. It's difficult to explain, but I can clearly see it.

Hmmm well I will look for it on the objects edges when I play it some more tonight. All that aside, DAMN this game is fun. Actually alot more fun then I ever anticipated. Its pulled me away from my Sacred 2 addiction.


dark10x said:
I think it's the type of tearing that is present which is fooling people. You don't see massive lines tearing through the screen, rather, as the camera moves, you see lots of smaller tear lines on the edges of objects. It's difficult to explain, but I can clearly see it.

All of the retail footage of the 360 version has this as does Wanted: Weapons of Fate. It simply seems to be something that occurs with their 360 releases.

That's just the lack of anti aliasing and different from actual screen tearing. Idk how it works on consoles but pc games have it as well. It happens when your graphics card is rendering more frames faster than your monitor/screen can display so it throws the old frames before they're finished being displayed to display the newer ones.

EDIT: It's kind of a sad sign when the only one on my friends list who has it is me ='(


HorribleJames said:
I'm surprised more people aren't complaining about the dreads. for me this has been a huge obstacle since the first footage.
three words

Classic. Spencer. costume.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Tokubetsu said:
That's just the lack of anti aliasing and different from actual screen tearing. Idk how it works on consoles but pc games have it as well. It happens when your graphics card is rendering more frames faster than your monitor/screen can display so it throws the old frames before they're finished being displayed to display the newer ones.

EDIT: It's kind of a sad sign when the only one on my friends list who has it is me ='(
It's definitely screen tearing. Grin did not lock down the framerate. The game is always aiming for 60 fps but very rarely achieves it. They should have limited it to 30 fps.
dark10x said:
It's definitely screen tearing. Grin did not lock down the framerate. The game is always aiming for 60 fps but very rarely achieves it. They should have limited it to 30 fps.

Hey Dark, all technical things aside, are you enjoying the game?


dark10x said:
It's definitely screen tearing. Grin did not lock down the framerate. The game is always aiming for 60 fps but very rarely achieves it. They should have limited it to 30 fps.

Guess im just lucky then. The only game that I've ever played where I actually noticed screen tearing and it actually BOTHERED me was the PC version of Mirror's Edge. Had to turn on vysnc.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
slasher_thrasher21 said:
Hey Dark, all technical things aside, are you enjoying the game?
Yes, but the technical problems are wearing me down. This happens once in a while where a game comes along and does a lot of things right but ultimately pisses me off with its technical limitations. The gameplay presented in Bionic Commando is directly opposed by the framerate and (especially) loading issues. It's highly unfortunate that every single area is so damn short. The more I play, the more this bothers me. I mean, seriously, that initial leap of faith was insane...and then you're greeted by a loading screen one block from where you land in the city. It's like, everytime the game just about gets moving, it comes to a halt.

So, I suppose that I'm really mixed on it. I love aspects of the game, but feel that it is held back by its technical hitches.

If only they had released the PC version on day 1. :( I probably should have waited, but I was really in the mood to play a game like this.
dark10x said:
Yes, but the technical problems are wearing me down. This happens once in a while where a game comes along and does a lot of things right but ultimately pisses me off with its technical limitations. The gameplay presented in Bionic Commando is directly opposed by the framerate and (especially) loading issues. It's highly unfortunate that every single area is so damn short. The more I play, the more this bothers me. I mean, seriously, that initial leap of faith was insane...and then you're greeted by a loading screen one block from where you land in the city. It's like, everytime the game just about gets moving, it comes to a halt.

So, I suppose that I'm really mixed on it. I love aspects of the game, but feel that it is held back by its technical hitches.

If only they had released the PC version on day 1. :( I probably should have waited, but I was really in the mood to play a game like this.

Bummer well heres to you making it through the whole game. Man, we need to do the "MIB" memory flash so that you forget all about framerates and tearing, then it would be the shit! :lol

Well hopefully on the pc these problems will be rectified for you.

Also does anyone know if the levels get longer? I just got the rocket launcher for the first time on the rooftop and had a battle against some enemies.


dark10x said:
I think it's the type of tearing that is present which is fooling people. You don't see massive lines tearing through the screen, rather, as the camera moves, you see lots of smaller tear lines on the edges of objects. It's difficult to explain, but I can clearly see it.

All of the retail footage of the 360 version has this as does Wanted: Weapons of Fate. It simply seems to be something that occurs with their 360 releases.

There is no tearing in the 360 version. Stop posting bullshit and enjoy the game
I've been playing the PS3 version for a little bit and before I lay down (I'm sick lol) I wanted to give you guys some impressions.

First of all, it has a very steep learning curve. The swinging mechanic is incredible when you can make the right jumps and launch yourself sky high and continue your chain of swings, but when you do it wrong you will want to stab yourself in the foot with a fork.

The shooting is decent so far, I've only gotten 3 weapons but I find that if you learn early on how to use it correctly it will make it easier down the road.

The game is definitely fun, but like most reviewers my main gripe is the radiation death. It's just such a stupid idea to include, I'd rather some sort of invisible wall rather than dying and having to reset from my last save point.

The loading so far is actually petty quick. When you die, loading from the last checkpoint is roughly a few seconds, but when you load from one large area to another It's in the 20 second mark (I didn't time it).

Overall it's pretty fun, and I really enjoy the swinging and this is something to keep me until Infamous comes out (6 days, woot!).

EDIT - Forgot about the graphics. They are very nice usually, but when you turn fast images will blur a bit in a distance and then come into clarity. There is no screen-tearing (I looked for it) and the framerate hasn't seemed slow to me once.


dark10x said:
Yes, but the technical problems are wearing me down. This happens once in a while where a game comes along and does a lot of things right but ultimately pisses me off with its technical limitations. The gameplay presented in Bionic Commando is directly opposed by the framerate and (especially) loading issues. It's highly unfortunate that every single area is so damn short. The more I play, the more this bothers me. I mean, seriously, that initial leap of faith was insane...and then you're greeted by a loading screen one block from where you land in the city. It's like, everytime the game just about gets moving, it comes to a halt.

So, I suppose that I'm really mixed on it. I love aspects of the game, but feel that it is held back by its technical hitches.

If only they had released the PC version on day 1. :( I probably should have waited, but I was really in the mood to play a game like this.

Dude, go play Heavenly Sword for an hour then come back to Bionic Commando...it will make any tearing you see in BC totally disappear! :lol

No but seriously, I haven't noticed any tearing at all on PS3...i'm playing @ 720p but really haven't noticed anything at all. I guess i'm just more focused on swinging around and shit to notice...
Tomcat said:
There is no tearing in the 360 version. Stop posting bullshit and enjoy the game

Sorry, I have the 360 version and there is definitely tearing. Not that it bugs me that much but it is there. I agree with Dark on most of his points. It is fun but the load times and area limiting radiation make it hard to reccomend it to people. I would give it a 6.5 of of 10. The technical drawbacks are something that wears on you after a while. At first, you are in love and then the game throws another load at you when you've only gone what seems like 1/8th of a mile.



Footage I recorded from 360 version. Just running through training and a few early Ascension city areas.

HD mode is active.

The Radiation is only in areas that you wouldnt even think about trying to access...or are far off the "beaten path" its really a non-issue unless you just randomly swing everywhere. Seriously, you shouldnt get caught in radiation unless you jump into an area thats fairly dense in blue mist. Also collectibles are usually easy to spot.

Not sure about load time complaints. You don't have to load unless you die or progress to another really large area. And even then, its fairly fast (with it installed anyway).


Will drop pants for Sony.
Teknoman said:

Footage I recorded from 360 version. Just running through training and a few early Ascension city areas.

HD mode should activate any time now.

The Radiation is only in areas that you wouldnt even think about trying to access...or are far off the "beaten path" its really a non-issue unless you just randomly swing everywhere. Seriously, you shouldnt get caught in radiation unless you jump into an area thats fairly dense in blue mist. Also collectibles are usually easy to spot.

Not sure about load time complaints. You don't have to load unless you die or progress to another really large area. And even then, its fairly fast (with it installed anyway).

Awesome video.


I just turned on. The game definitely started off on the right foot.
LOVE the Capcom logo and classic jingle.


Guns really do seem sorta secondary in the game, just like original BC and Rearmed. That cool though, since you can dispatch anything with just your arm.

? Isnt that the 2p guy in Rearmed?


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Some areas are pretty good. The area where you have to get the black box, for instance, is pretty big and includes a nice mini-boss fight along with great music. That was one of the best parts thus far simply because I was able to swing for more than a city block at a time.

Not sure about load time complaints. You don't have to load unless you die or progress to another really large area. And even then, its fairly fast (with it installed anyway).
It happens constantly, though. The immersion is completely broken by it. I mean, there was literally an area where you come through a tunnel into a single arena and fight two mechs only to immediately head into another tunnel for another load screen. It's like KOTOR in that the game depicts this massive world but you run into loading screens around every corner. When your character can move through the world so fast it really sucks to constantly get slammed with these screens.

The fact that it occurs at death is even worse as it discourages experimentation. It's a bit shorter at death, fortunately (about 10 seconds or so), but it's still highly annoying in a fast paced game like this.

There is no tearing in the 360 version. Stop posting bullshit and enjoy the game
There is, though. Even the video Teknoman posted has visible tearing throughout. It's the loading that's really the deal breaker, though. Honestly, the loading situation reminds me of, dare I say, "Sonic the Hedgehog" 2006. :O


Yeah, theres definitely tearing. Its not as bad as some of the reviews made it, but its definitely there. I can see where you're coming from with the shield mech battle though. Dont think it's Sonic 2006 bad though :lol .

EDIT: HD mode is active, so...watch it again in HD :D
dark10x said:
It happens constantly, though. The immersion is completely broken by it. I mean, there was literally an area where you come through a tunnel into a single arena and fight two mechs only to immediately head into another tunnel for another load screen. It's like KOTOR in that the game depicts this massive world but you run into loading screens around every corner.

I think part of what might make the areas seem bigger to me is the fact that I look all around them for collectables, so I'm throughly exploring. Though honestly, some areas are way bigger then others so not sure what made them choose how big an area should be, etc and when.

Love the music btw.


I'm only a little bit in (just beat some biomechs for the first time), but I'm really having a great time. I like how there are usually a bunch of different ways to approach each situation, and it's so fun just swinging around. I think the game makes it easy for me to feel accomplished. And some things (
start-up jingle, ads around the city (SERVBOT)
) are really pleasing the Capcom fangirl in me, too.
Strider2K99 said:
Is there a mandatory install for PS3 version?

Yes there is. It's about 1.4 gigs I believe but it must really help because after dying it only takes about 3-4 seconds to load. A fresh zone load takes around 20 seconds, so it's not bad at all.

Oh did I mention no screen tearing? :D


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Is anyone playing online multi on PS3 BTW? I've tried to get into games and there just isn't anyone coming up (I'm always stuck waiting on at least one other person).
the gamersyde gameplay vid of the 360 ver has crazy amounts of screen tearing. how someone could not notice it is beyond me

hopefully some site will put out a comparison video just in case i decide to buy this game someday


WickedLaharl said:
the gamersyde gameplay vid of the 360 ver has crazy amounts of screen tearing. how someone could not notice it is beyond me

hopefully some site will put out a comparison video just in case i decide to buy this game someday

Check out the video I posted. Like I said before, unless setting your 360 to display at 1080p cuts down on non-vsynced tearing in games, its really not bad.


I haven't noticed a second of tearing, but it's not like that sort of thing bothers me. There's no loading at all in the 360 version when it's installed, and it sounds like the PS3 version has some annoying loading... no brainer for me.


Even still, there is a small amount...but you have to kinda want to make it appear...if that makes any sense. Nothing that "slices your eyes in half" though.
Alot of the complaints made about the either seem overblown or...just seemingly not true in the retail version.

Maybe the sites or mags have another build?


Teknoman said:
Even still, there is a small amount...but you have to kinda want to make it appear...if that makes any sense. Nothing that "slices your eyes in half" though.
Alot of the complaints made about the either seem overblown or...just seemingly not true in the retail version.

Maybe the sites or mags have another build?
I find that a lot of people are really sensitive to tearing. That sucks for them... I rarely notice it.
Aeana said:
I haven't noticed a second of tearing, but it's not like that sort of thing bothers me. There's no loading at all in the 360 version when it's installed, and it sounds like the PS3 version has some annoying loading... no brainer for me.

lol, pretty sure you've got it mixed up my friend. The 360 version has long loading.

Loading is very fast on the PS3 version.


FuttBuck said:
lol, pretty sure you've got it mixed up my friend. The 360 version has long loading.

Loading is very fast on the PS3 version.
lol systam warzzz

Loading's been totally fine for me.
Teknoman said:

Footage I recorded from 360 version. Just running through training and a few early Ascension city areas.

HD mode is active.

The Radiation is only in areas that you wouldnt even think about trying to access...or are far off the "beaten path" its really a non-issue unless you just randomly swing everywhere. Seriously, you shouldnt get caught in radiation unless you jump into an area thats fairly dense in blue mist. Also collectibles are usually easy to spot.

Not sure about load time complaints. You don't have to load unless you die or progress to another really large area. And even then, its fairly fast (with it installed anyway).

Oh man. When he pulled down that tram, I kind of fell in love a little.
Aeana said:
lol systam warzzz

Loading's been totally fine for me.

Um no? You stated something by taking a guess, there's visual proof that the 360 had long load times so that is what I went by.

I'm not starting anything, I bought the game on the system it runs better on and that happened to be the PS3.


FuttBuck said:
Um no? You stated something by taking a guess, there's visual proof that the 360 had long load times so that is what I went by.

I'm not starting anything, I bought the game on the system it runs better on and that happened to be the PS3.
I admit that I thought people were talking about the PS3 version when they were discussing loading, but the reason for that is that I didn't even notice loading times in the 360 version.

So you're happy with your purchase, and I'm happy with mine. There's nothing more to discuss.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
So what the hell is the problem with this game supposed to be again?

I got accustomed to the swinging mechanic with minutes in the tutorial area, and got all of the hidden icons located there with ease. All you have to do is make sure when swinging to simply let go before the apex of your swing, and you'll go flying forward with no problem. During the first and second sections, I was zipping all over the place and not once did I fuck up; it plays very well. Ditto for the shooting parts, and plus after you get your bionic arm, you can do melee attacks with it to enemies, or use it on the surroundings to hurl objects at them.

One major complaint I have is that when you die, you lose any challenges you have completed in that area. So if you got a hidden retro 8-bit icon somewhere, you're going to have to do it again. That sucks.

Visually it looks good enough; I unlocked the retro Rad Spencer character model, but I think I might switch it back to the default model, because it too cheesy, although since the plot and dialogue are cheesy anyway, it kind of fits. I am playing the PS3 version and there is no screen-tearing; load times have been around 10-17 seconds. The game reminds me of an 80's action movie, especially when using the retro skin! The music is superb, stellar, kick-ass AWESOME.

Other than losing completed challenges when dying, Bionic Commando seems like a pretty enjoyable game to me (so far)! Maybe this really is going to be this gen's PN03 or Godhand all over again.


Lyte Edge said:
Other than losing completed challenges when dying, Bionic Commando seems like a pretty enjoyable game to me (so far)! Maybe this really is going to be this gen's PN03 ...

And I agree..I'm playing the Xbox 360 version and I have yet to be pissed of by the controller, or my eyes have yet to start bleeding because of the tearing (which I haven't noticed..yet)...or haven't killed myself yet because of the long loading times (all under 20 seconds..have yet to install it to see if there's less)..

I'm playing on a "Jasper" so don't know if that's helping..


Not sure why the reviews are more on the negative, the game is a blast.

- Swinging mechanic is awesome, love coming in high and dropping into the action. Also love the swan dive animation

- Gunplay is way better than reviewers are saying, getting new, more powerful weapons from drop points gets you psyched...like being stranded on a desert island and a someone drops in a sandwich. You know what I'm talking about

- Music always seems to pump in at just the right moments, and it's all remixed classic tracks

- Retro costume is so bad ass it's not even funny. Mixed with his cheesy lines makes it perfect...shouldve been default. Also stays in cut scenes

- Graphics are great, very epic/big budget feel to everything

- The radiation stuff is blantantly obvious so far, not an issue

- Load times do cut into the game a little too much so far

- Only noticed tearing in the very beginning (360 version) I think you just need to look for it to notice

- Dropping train cars on people is worth $60 alone
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