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The Official Bionic Commando Thread

Aeana said:
I admit that I thought people were talking about the PS3 version when they were discussing loading, but the reason for that is that I didn't even notice loading times in the 360 version.

So you're happy with your purchase, and I'm happy with mine. There's nothing more to discuss.

Well that makes sense then :p

Waiting for this Cavs game to finish before I swing back into the game (see what I did thar?)


bish gets all the credit :)
wtf how am I supposed to defeat those 2 Biomechs if I don't have any ammo? The Death From Above move works to break the armor, but punching them does nothing.
Just finished the game and guessin I got about 8 hours playtime. Wow what a unexpextedly good game. I mean I was thinking it would be decent. Though this was really alot of fun and towards the end it gets really interesting, perticularily the last scenes.

I will say that the checkpoints could have been better and the story a bit more fleshed out. Aside from that, had a blast.


alr1ghtstart said:
wtf how am I supposed to defeat those 2 Biomechs if I don't have any ammo? The Death From Above move works to break the armor, but punching them does nothing.

Short answer: Watch my video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N2e_dcsGvT0
Long answer: Everything can be defeated with the arm. Pay attention to all hacked relays, and you'll learn enemy weaknesses or shortcuts through the ineptness of enemy forces talking too much :lol Basically "aim for the open spot!" I'm sure you can think of a zippy way to dispatch them.

Code for RAD spencer on Xbox 360:

Go to unlock features section and input: up down left right x b a up down left x a y left right a y start

Probably will end up being this generation's God Hand (HD system wise anyway). 360 gamers, we really need to get some team live games going soon :D

Maybe i'll try to host some games tomorrow - saturday.
Definitely going to rent this tomorrow. Looks pretty awesome.

Where the fuck did GRIN come from? Some games are meh, but they've definitely been impressive as of late.
It's a call higher for "B" games for sure. They're all short but they all have a moderately good story, solid graphics, and well...that cover system is solid.

It'd be interesting to see what they could do with a good budget and a new IP.


Go to unlock features section and input: up down left right x b a up down left x a y left right a y start
Code is linked to Gamer Profile, so that won't work if you don't have Rearmed.


played it some more, only got to the part where you face the first two polymorphs.

...that was intense. One of the most exciting moments in recent videogames history for me, and i'm still very early in the game.

I was hyped for the game when it was announced, then the excitement wore off with time and the MP demo (which i hated) pretty much killed all expectations coupled with average review scores, but i still got the game because i used to be a huge fan of the franchise.

And i am glad i did, because this is the most fun i had with a videogame in a while.
Reviews really need to stop awarding 9s and 10s to decent videogames with great presentation and production values. Bionic Commando might be a little unpolished but it has a lot to say beneath the surface. I'm just loving it.
Might just be the Crackdown of 2009.

Oh, and swinging mechanics couldn't possibly be better than this.
Nemesis556 said:
Code is linked to Gamer Profile, so that won't work if you don't have Rearmed.

Man this is annoying because I don't have BCR on 360, but I have it on PS3. And it sounds like the PS3 version isn't in stock around here...


I like what I'm reading here. How are you guys finding the difficulty? How many diff levels are there available at the beginning?
Tokubetsu said:
Any idea what the prototype gun is?

It replaces the default pistol. It's a more powerful laser pistol. Not gamebreaking, especially since the arm is a much more fun/cool way to dispatch enemies.

I'm a fair bit of the way through the single player, and I've got to say I have no idea where the hate for this game is coming from. The load times aren't instant but they're no longer than I'd usually talk about, and all this talk about "tearing" is from internet cool kids who can see things that you can't. I love this game.

Teknoman: Put me in, coach. I'm ready to play! I played a few rounds of CTF last night and it is WTF AWESOME.
Having time to mull over my playthrough of the game since last night, I also have to ask what the hell these reviewers were on when they gave this a 6 outta 10? Especially after realizing some of the later levels are fairly huge and the game lasts a good 8- 10 hours. It has some a small number of awesome boss battles. The swing mechanic is tons of fun and I was never bored wondering when it was going to be over. If anything I was worried that it was coming to a close too soon. At least they added multiplayer battle, though I dont see many people playing this in the future.

Overall I'd have to agree with the 8 range scored reviews. Its got some beautiful vistas, a kick ass swing mechanic, some fun gameplay, and again the end game had me saying "holy shit! "

If this is the future of Bionic Commando and they intend to do another one, I'm all for it. Again the story could have been more fleshed out and explained, but I was entertained by it throughout.
eso76 said:
Reviews really need to stop awarding 9s and 10s to decent videogames with great presentation and production values.

I just wanted to say that this is one of the truest statements I have read in long time.
Llyranor said:
I like what I'm reading here. How are you guys finding the difficulty? How many diff levels are there available at the beginning?

As it was stated there are 3 difficulty levels. I will say that even on normal I'm dying a bunch of times. This game is no joke, but it's definitely not Ninja Gaiden 2 after Chapter 6 :lol


I cancelled this last week cas of the reviews and would like to thank you guys for the real reviews so just ordered it :lol
FuttBuck said:
As it was stated there are 3 difficulty levels. I will say that even on normal I'm dying a bunch of times. This game is no joke, but it's definitely not Ninja Gaiden 2 after Chapter 6 :lol

This man speaks the truth. Especially in the later levels when they throw lots more guys are you in certain situations.

One example that I found awesome was
having this huge battle before you get this item and its in some sort of library. The thing that I found awesome was the attention to detail. Explosions rocked the book shelves and books just went flying all over the place.
Its little details like that I appreciated alot in this game.


Can we get a cooler name for this discussion. One of those neat neogaf names like "The Official Bionic Commando:Tarzan of the Future Thread" :lol


An hour or so in now, and hoping it gets better. The mechanics are solid, but the environments are really pissing me off (put an emblem right next to the radiation barrier? Fuck you!), having to redo everything when I die is just insulting, but the worst is starting with a tutorial of all the abilities... and then not having them for the game! I know you get them gradually, but this strikes me as really stupid because it purposefully limits your attack options in the early fights, making them pretty dull.
Aaron said:
An hour or so in now, and hoping it gets better. Other words.

For what it's worth, I found everything from about an hour or more on to be WAY more interesting. Basically, as more enemy types get involved and you can start chucking stuff with the arm, it REALLY takes off.

I'm waiting for them to patch collectables -- getting them all in 1 run is some insanity bullshit.


About 33% through now and I'm enjoying it enough to justify my purchase.

Concerned about collectibles, I'm only getting 30-40% as I go. Do they carry over to a new game+ at all or count if you go in through level jump?

And, man...the tearing is really bad on the 360 in a lot of spots. I can still play it sans headache, but I'm definitely noticing it.
bryehn said:
Concerned about collectibles, I'm only getting 30-40% as I go. Do they carry over to a new game+ at all or count if you go in through level jump?

Only collectable on single run through only. If you missed any they are gone forever


I remember them mentioning how completed challenges and collectibles picked up were lost any time you died, and they said it was for two reasons: they didn't want people grinding out challenge completions to get upgrades earlier than they should have, and something about keeping in line with old-school difficulty and stuff.

The first, I can kinda understand, even if it creates some weird situations (I completed two Tarantula challenges once, got the achievements for them, and then died. I have the achievements, but not the challenge completions on my file. Slightly odd). But the second is straight bullshit, especially considering that in Rearmed, you keep weapon upgrades you find even if you die, and it's easy to backtrack to areas to get secrets you missed.

I don't see any good reason to force collectibles to be picked up every time you die, or to keep you from grabbing them in Level Jump mode.


Maybe if we bug em on Capcom unity enough, they could patch that? I mean level jump only lets you visit places you've beaten already. Shouldn't be that big a deal for collectibles since they only unlock art.


If there was an Official MGO Community Leader, I'd be it
Thanks for being such a Bionic Commando pusher Tekno. After reading everything you've posted when I saw it last night I had to grab it, and I'm glad I did. Count me in for 360 multiplayer action.


This game is great but it really fucking pisses me off. I just died after completing about three challenges and getting all the collectibles in one area, and how I have to do it all again. It's really fucking annoying how it just erases all your progress.

Fuck old-school difficulty and fuck people who grind. This is just ridiculous.

I love the game but I'm really fucking angry now and I really can't be bothered playing it again >_>

I'm sure things will change when I wake up tomorrow, but it's bed time for me >_>


Teknoman said:
Maybe if we bug em on Capcom unity enough, they could patch that? I mean level jump only lets you visit places you've beaten already. Shouldn't be that big a deal for collectibles since they only unlock art.

I just posted a complaint about it on the official website in a thread.

Besides that, it's a really good game, but this bit just doesn't make sense, and should be addressed.


Nemesis556 said:
This game is great but it really fucking pisses me off. I just died after completing about three challenges and getting all the collectibles in one area, and how I have to do it all again. It's really fucking annoying how it just erases all your progress.

Fuck old-school difficulty and fuck people who grind. This is just ridiculous.

I love the game but I'm really fucking angry now and I really can't be bothered playing it again >_>

I'm sure things will change when I wake up tomorrow, but it's bed time for me >_>

Try to hit the waypoint right before an area with collectibles or right after. Unless its close to one that you know is going to be a loading spot.


Nemesis556 said:
This game is great but it really fucking pisses me off. I just died after completing about three challenges and getting all the collectibles in one area, and how I have to do it all again. It's really fucking annoying how it just erases all your progress.

Yeah that kind of sucks. I completed like 3 challenges during the first Biomech fight and died trying to get the collectible in that section, so not only did I have to fight the two biomechs again, but the challenge progress was gone :/

It should autosave after every challenge is completed. I don't necessarily mind having to re-do a section, but it should save any challenge progress when you die and restart that section .


I was just swinging on a ledge the developers created to reach the final collectible for the level when the back swing took me right into super powerful radiation and I died before I could even jump. FUCK THIS RADIATION. IT CROWDS THE LEVELS WAY TOO FUCKING MUCH. Trying to get to the top of a building to get the drop on some snipers? Sorry, fucking radiation. Trying to collect that power up by swinging on building that's clearly not marked as having radiation? Fuck you, it has radiation anyway. It's neither consistent nor clearly visible. It is just a pain in the fucking ass. It takes what should have been a fun side challenge and takes a steaming dump on it. Maybe it gets better latter on, but there's no mystery why reviewers didn't think so highly of this game.


Aaron said:
I was just swinging on a ledge the developers created to reach the final collectible for the level when the back swing took me right into super powerful radiation and I died before I could even jump. FUCK THIS RADIATION. IT CROWDS THE LEVELS WAY TOO FUCKING MUCH. Trying to get to the top of a building to get the drop on some snipers? Sorry, fucking radiation. Trying to collect that power up by swinging on building that's clearly not marked as having radiation? Fuck you, it has radiation anyway. It's neither consistent nor clearly visible. It is just a pain in the fucking ass. It takes what should have been a fun side challenge and takes a steaming dump on it. Maybe it gets better latter on, but there's no mystery why reviewers didn't think so highly of this game.

Which section are you talking about?


Teknoman said:
Which section are you talking about?
Still early stages, though specifically the parts were the snipers come in and when you get the ability to knock things into the air. I missed getting the object from one ledge, and couldn't get back there, just kept falling in the water and nearly dying. So I found another jutting edge on the building marking the end of the stage. I understand it's not open world, but it feels way more restrictive than say Lost Planet.


I didn't get what people were bitching about when it came to radiation, but once nighttime hit in the game, radiation was generally much harder to notice, and that could be frustrating.

I just beat the game, and the ending is definitely disappointing. My overall impressions are still somewhat positive, but I have a lot of reservations. The game is fairly short. The way collectibles are handled is atrocious. The story was a terrible, cliche ridden mess that took itself far too seriously. The gunplay isn't the game's focus, but it's kind of weak. And many of the game's artificial barriers, radiation most specifically, can feel very arbitrary.

Despite that, I definitely enjoyed my time with it. The swing mechanic is incredibly strong, and it makes navigating the world a joy. Your arm also makes fighting foes fun, and you have plenty of options to dispose of them without even picking up a gun. The challenge system wasn't quite as exhaustive as I would have liked, but it still encouraged the player to explore different weapons.

I could see myself replaying this game again, and that's more than I can say for most titles, so it's definitely pretty solid. Still, it has a lot of flaws, and they betray the beauty of the base mechanic.


Aaron said:
Still early stages, though specifically the parts were the snipers come in and when you get the ability to knock things into the air. I missed getting the object from one ledge, and couldn't get back there, just kept falling in the water and nearly dying. So I found another jutting edge on the building marking the end of the stage. I understand it's not open world, but it feels way more restrictive than say Lost Planet.

Yeah the water does get a bit troublesome if you fall in too far from any other object. If nearby, you can just zipline out.
Hmm, I'm having a big problem for the first boss...

My grenade launcher won't lock onto the giant helicopter. There's supposed to be 3 circles as the reticule and I have only one, so all of my shots miss because I can't lock on

Any ideas?


sorry if this is old, but:

Capcom’s Bionic Commando is based around someone with a prosthetic arm, so the firm approached SIR PAUL McCARTNEY’s ex because of her charity work with amputees.

But she demanded at least ten times their offer.

A source tells me: “She was insistent she wouldn’t do it for a smaller fee and said the producers should make her the star.

“The request was way, way over budget and they certainly weren’t keen on basing the game on her.”




FINALLY got it in today with the comic. The comic is nothing great to look at, but it's still fairly decent. I only got the game a day late, so it was worth it. Getting ready to tear into it.


Nozdeuce said:
Thanks for being such a Bionic Commando pusher Tekno. After reading everything you've posted when I saw it last night I had to grab it, and I'm glad I did. Count me in for 360 multiplayer action.

Will do :D


Nemesis556 said:
So, essentially, I have to make sure I complete all challenges in one playthrough, right? >_>

Well challenges grant you new abilities, so you'd probably want to. You can finish challenges at any point during the game though.


Teknoman said:
Well challenges grant you new abilities, so you'd probably want to. You can finish challenges at any point during the game though.
Yeah, I know that, but I'm leaving one of them for a bit later (Kill 4 with one grenade) and I am paranoid that I'll either forget about it or finish the game without doing it.

I wish you could just go back and earn the challenges =(


Nemesis556 said:
Yeah, I know that, but I'm leaving one of them for a bit later (Kill 4 with one grenade) and I am paranoid that I'll either forget about it or finish the game without doing it.

I wish you could just go back and earn the challenges =(

Hopefully it'll be an eventual patch, kinda seems like the stunts in Infamous.


Teknoman said:
Hopefully it'll be an eventual patch, kinda seems like the stunts in Infamous.
Do elaborate? =P Infamous interests me and I'm picking it up when it gets released here (Soonish I believe).

But yeah, besides this little "anger" I have with the challenges, the game isn't that bad. Reviewers definitely didn't "get" it.

Oh, and I loved BC NES and Rearmed too. So I am sure that has something to do with it =P
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