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The Official Bionic Commando Thread


Nemesis556 said:
Do elaborate? =P Infamous interests me and I'm picking it up when it gets released here (Soonish I believe).

But yeah, besides this little "anger" I have with the challenges, the game isn't that bad. Reviewers definitely didn't "get" it.

Oh, and I loved BC NES and Rearmed too. So I am sure that has something to do with it =P

I've still gotta find everything in Rearmed. As far as Infamous,there are small stunts you can do (Shoot someone in mid air with electricity, knock alot of people into water, etc.). Not sure what rewards you get for them, but I know its something you'd want to do while playing, not just wait till a certain near endgame point and "grind" em.

EDIT: I use GAF as my clan tag just for the heck of it.


Love the difficulty so far - enemy bullets are pretty powerful. Collectibles dont seem to be worth based on the challenge screen saying it unlocks artwork. Dying then having to redo challenges is pretty stupid, but havent minded having to redo parts of a level.

Had a couple of really close calls, especially against those flying ships/troopers near the mine deactivation terminal. Grenades rock. Swing in from above a group of 5 guys and drop a grenade down. Blammo!

Add me to the multiplayer list, might actually get in on that (XBL:pepperjack).


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I really can't believe "Nathan" said FUCK when I took the first leap of faith. Geeze.

The swinging is good, everything else seems pretty average. Some tearing on the 360 version...if you can't see it, you have special eyes. Nothing too bad. It's not a full-screen tear. The frame around certain objects in the world tears along the edges (it's similar to Wanted).

I would prefer challenge rooms to the regular game I think.


Y2Kev said:
I really can't believe "Nathan" said FUCK when I took the first leap of faith. Geeze.

The swinging is good, everything else seems pretty average. Some tearing on the 360 version...if you can't see it, you have special eyes. Nothing too bad. It's not a full-screen tear. The frame around certain objects in the world tears along the edges (it's similar to Wanted).

I would prefer challenge rooms to the regular game I think.

He didnt say that for me. He said "Lets do this." Guess its the whole multiple lines thing. Sometimes its "prank stuff" and sometimes it's the real line?


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I think it had to do with him hitting the ground. How do I unlock the Rad Spencer model?





go go bionic?


This game is so fun. I beat the first 'real' boss earlier, and it was pretty neat.

I also switched to the retro outfit, and I think it's so much better than the default guy. I wish I'd switched to this, earlier.


Y2Kev said:
I think it had to do with him hitting the ground. How do I unlock the Rad Spencer model?
Buy Rearmed and enter the code under database.

Speaking of Rearmed, why didn't the improvements of that game carry over? Being able to carry only two weapons and not having a life bar is total bullshit. Plus having lives like Rearmed would have done so much to make the game less frustrating and more fun. It's like they didn't even realize what they had already done.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Oh, I did buy Rearmed last year. Maybe I'm just missing it. I got to a part that was frustrating me and shut it off.


I just realised that Nate's mouth doesn't move when he speaks in-game. Real atmosphere killer for me =(

Still, I'm stuck on the "airborne" battle that you first encounter. Playing on Commando difficulty is starting to really hinder my progress.


Nemesis556 said:
I just realised that Nate's mouth doesn't move when he speaks in-game. Real atmosphere killer for me =(

Still, I'm stuck on the "airborne" battle that you first encounter. Playing on Commando difficulty is starting to really hinder my progress.

You started on commando? Wow man, thats crazy.

Aeana said:
This game is so fun. I beat the first 'real' boss earlier, and it was pretty neat.

I also switched to the retro outfit, and I think it's so much better than the default guy. I wish I'd switched to this, earlier.

Yeah, I just wish he looked a little closer to the Rearmed art faces. Still cool though.


I wanted a challenge. =P Maybe that's why I'm getting so frustrated.

Either way, the Poly battle is fucking epic. This game has definitely redeemed itself for shitty design choices. :D
I'm having fun with the game, it makes me feel like Spider-Man PS1/DC with a gun.
lol at the reviwes. the most important part of the game is fun and that is what it is, I am enjoying this more than RE5

I'm turning into a challenge whore, some of them are worth doing for the upgrades
I picked the 360 version up today and I am having a blast with it. I really hope that Multi is more fun than the demo let on. I will be up for trying it out once I finish the campaign.

I want that rocket launcher they gave me that one time again. That was fun :D
Aaron said:
Buy Rearmed and enter the code under database.

Speaking of Rearmed, why didn't the improvements of that game carry over? Being able to carry only two weapons and not having a life bar is total bullshit. Plus having lives like Rearmed would have done so much to make the game less frustrating and more fun. It's like they didn't even realize what they had already done.

I didn't have to enter a code in the PS3 version, I just went into the extras section and it automatically unlocked itself.


distantmantra said:
I didn't have to enter a code in the PS3 version, I just went into the extras section and it automatically unlocked itself.
You have to enter the code in the 360 version. Sucks.


distantmantra said:
I didn't have to enter a code in the PS3 version, I just went into the extras section and it automatically unlocked itself.
Yeah, PS3 version has it automatically unlock for some reason.

In other news: Commando mode is starting to rear it's ugly head. Some of the aerial battles are almost impossible. Still, I'm going strong. Loving the story and where it's going, as well as introducing us to other
bionics - Mag in particular
. I knew
was returning simply because theyy
made him in Rearmed whereas in the original he wasn't specifically mentioned to be anyone.

Awesome game though. Very pleased.

It's such a relief now to get to relays, cos your challenges and such save. :lol
Nemesis556 said:
Yeah, PS3 version has it automatically unlock for some reason.

the PS3 detects your ReArmed save file and does not require a code,
the code was put onto the 360 because they couldn't get the NG game to detect ReArm's save file or some crap


Game is pretty good funnest part is swinging around.
Finding the enemy snipers a bit frustrating though playing on Hard.
Apologies if this has been asked already, but how do you perform an adrenaline move on a biomech? I've tried both the spin and death from above maneuvers, but neither of them seem to complete the challenge.


I'm playing the PS3 version and it takes FOREVER to get a multiplayer game going. Is there something I am missing or is no one buying this game?


gutter_trash said:
the PS3 detects your ReArmed save file and does not require a code,
the code was put onto the 360 because they couldn't get the NG game to detect ReArm's save file or some crap

Doesnt it have to detect it for items found in Rearmed? Like that
Purple Matrix


Teknoman said:
Doesnt it have to detect it for items found in Rearmed? Like that
Purple Matrix

On the 360, after you find each item, a code is revealed for it. You have to enter that to unlock it in the game.
electric pony said:
Apologies if this has been asked already, but how do you perform an adrenaline move on a biomech? I've tried both the spin and death from above maneuvers, but neither of them seem to complete the challenge.

Use adrenaline when you're grappled to it's back.


this game needs a sequel, better yet, needs to span several sequels.
I am so addicted to the grappling mechanics...they still need some polish but when you pull off complex maneuvers in style it's like the most rewarding thing ever. Evading enemy fire by grappling onto the floor and jumping off the ledge and using momentum to jump back on the other side of the same platform is just glorious, and i only recently discovered you can grapple onto flying polycrafts.
Pity the game lacks some polish and a japanese touch; environments are interesting enough but not as varied as i would have hoped; there's so much potential in the core mechanics it would be a crime not giving the devs the chance to explore them further.
Game's fun fun fun. Graphics are mixed bag, with *very* remarkable hi's and a few lows (framerate is all over the place, tearing is noticeable, characters are rather ugly in cutscenes, although fine ingame). It seems the devs asked their engine for too much, but the game is still very pretty to look at, more often than not.
What shines for me, though, is the soundtrack. The game has some of the best tracks i've heard in ages.
One of the most enjoyable next gen experiences thus far, near Crackdown.
Capcom delivers again *bows*

Strider 3d next, please


Some technical questions for those with the PS3 version of the game.

Does it support 1080p upscaling? Or is it locked at 720p?

On the audio side, other than the standard Dolby Digital, is there support for either DTS or uncompressed LPCM audio?

I usually go with the 360 for multiplat's, but since I bought Rearmed on PS3 (for it's awesome d-pad) I'm kinda leaning towards PS3 for this one so I can haz awesome retro Spencer model.
A couple thoughts, I'm not too far in (I just found the downed plane)...

Swinging is awesome. There's a couple times where you kick from no momentum to sudden, but that's to benefit the player, so no complaints there. Even if you fall, locking on to something to save your ass usually isn't a problem. It's fun to just tool around the areas at times, completely ignoring the enemies and just swinging from point to point seamlessly.

But then that leads to the radiation issue. Sometimes it's not as clear-cut as you'd expect, and that stuff will kill you in less than a second if you get too deep into it. The problem is that there are deep spots all over the place, in some confusing locations. And way too often on the top of buildings. Way, way too often you can scale up the side of a building just fine, but they block off the actual top of the building, and if you jump up there you're a toasty sandwich. Fire is pretty bad about that too, you don't have to be "touching" it to be hit by it, and before you can move away it's often too late. And sometimes you could be going the right way and still get a minor radiation warning, scaring you off or confusing your progress. I was running up a building's interior and got it when I was close to one side of the hall.

Ammo is ridiculously scarce (picking up an ammo item and getting 2 shots is nearly pointless), and why does the default gun have ammo anyway? The original didn't force that on you, nor the remake. It makes you use your arm a lot more, which isn't terrible, but you shouldn't have to watch the primary pea shooter like that. All the ammo pickups should be on the secondary weapons only.

I got the "kick rubble" move, and it's so satisfying. The first time I got it, I found myself kicking forklifts, steel crates, barrels and corpses down the hallway en masse, crushing anything that dared threaten Mr. Rad. They really sell it with the sound and shake, too.

I'm not as fond of Nathan's voice, I honestly first expected Super Joe's voice to be Rad's. Either way, I'm tooling around in goofy 80s style, because that's the only way to go. Occasionally I get a Blasto vibe from Nathan's commentary, but sometimes he punctuates a string of good swings well, or puts a nice cap on a firefight.

It's an enjoyable game, but plot-wise it feels like it doesn't have very good landmark points yet. It keeps going and going and stretching out and I still feel like I'm in the first area, which I probably am. It took me three or four segments I believe just to get to the downed plane, so the pacing just feels strange. Either way, the loading so far hasn't been an issue. It could always be better, but it goes by fast enough.

Going to play more later. I'm grabbing collectables and doing challenges when they're easy enough, but I'm not trying for a full playthrough this time. That will come later, preferably if a patch for saving them comes too.


epmode said:
Why would that suck? This way, people who don't own the 360 version of Rearmed can still use the costume.
Nope. The code is different for each person, it seems. They must do some stuff that generates a code just for your console or something.


It's taking it's time to click with me, just past the first caves section in the single player and starting to enjoy it more with time.

The dying, mine swinging and falling into water and the constant loading was starting to annoy me.

Played the Mutliplayer good fun, only tried deathmatch so far but its been good they need to sort out one thing tho they did a cardinal sin in only and don't indicate who is speaking so you can't mute but also the amount of douches increase.


Gowans007 said:
It's taking it's time to click with me, just past the first caves section in the single player and starting to enjoy it more with time.

The dying, mine swinging and falling into water and the constant loading was starting to annoy me.

Played the Mutliplayer good fun, only tried deathmatch so far but its been good they need to sort out one thing tho they did a cardinal sin in only and don't indicate who is speaking so you can't mute but also the amount of douches increase.

Heh the way the demo was, I assumed voice chat wasnt even in game.
dumb questions:
does anything carry over on your save file after completing the SP campaign the 1st time?
how do you use/select the ReArmed unlockable protoype gun in SP campaign? (unlocked it but never saw it)


gutter_trash said:
dumb questions:
does anything carry over on your save file after completing the SP campaign the 1st time?
how do you use/select the ReArmed unlockable protoype gun in SP campaign? (unlocked it but never saw it)

Should be in the extras menu. Dunno about carry overs.


The weird residual blur that occurs every time I turn quickly is really off-putting and visually distracting (360 version). I turn, the whole environment blurs, stays blurred for a moment after I stop turning, then jarringly pops back to crisp. Is this also in the PS3 version?


Really enjoying this game. Probably one of the experiences that I will remember for a long time. It has been a huge challenge on Commando difficulty, but I'm getting there! =P

Really enjoyed the first REAL boss battle. Was extremely well done and intense. I was hoping for a boss battle when we had the cutscene in the Avenue of Heroes, but I was let down =(

I really like the Park. A very well designed area. The lead up to the Avenue of Heroes was great, the ambient music was awesome.

This game is really one of my favourites without a doubt.

Oh, and I'm using the Retro outfit because I find it so hard to believe that this is the same RAD from all those years ago:lol I like the way it's not just a skin - as in when RAD is looking through binoculars in a cutscene, he'll have his sunglasses sitting on his forehead instead of it being a straight swap with the original model and just looking through his sunglasses. Some excellent work on GRINs part there.

In fact, most of the little details are great. Throwing a car makes the doors swing open and windows shatter, and with newer cars you'll even have an alarm going off. Pulling a sign off a structure will allow it to fall, and if it hits a big truck, it will DENT the truck in a mostly accurate manner. Vibrations and visual feedback really make you feel the power behind RAD's arm. It's just so well done!
Nemesis556 said:
In fact, most of the little details are great. Throwing a car makes the doors swing open and windows shatter, and with newer cars you'll even have an alarm going off. Pulling a sign off a structure will allow it to fall, and if it hits a big truck, it will DENT the truck in a mostly accurate manner. Vibrations and visual feedback really make you feel the power behind RAD's arm. It's just so well done!

The first time I got out of the warehouse, after getting that rubble kick move, there was a car sitting on the broken street, and a large bus perched on the edge further off. I bounced the car up and kicked it, not really expecting it to damage the bus or anything, but the result it had got a surprised "Holy SHIT!" out of me. When they get it right in this game, they get it right.


Kulock said:
The first time I got out of the warehouse, after getting that rubble kick move, there was a car sitting on the broken street, and a large bus perched on the edge further off. I bounced the car up and kicked it, not really expecting it to damage the bus or anything, but the result it had got a surprised "Holy SHIT!" out of me. When they get it right in this game, they get it right.
I remember doing that exact same thing too. Kicking the car, and hitting the bus off the road too. I was like >_> but then I was like ^_^.

Best way to describe things really haha.

Glad to be out of the city though, to be honest, liking the change of scenery very well. The game has so much cohesion.
This game has provided me with some of the best pure FUN i have had in a game this year. It feels totally new and fresh which is fantastic. It's great playing games which feel quite different to everything else on the market.

I wasn't gonna get a copy this early but i'm glad i didn't wait.

I have had much more fun in this than most of the other blockbuster games this year.

Edit: it's not a GOTY contender but scores like 6/10 are quite low. I would of said 8-8.5.


Man, I'm having a blast with the single player so far. It's challenging as hell, even on Normal. I love the dialogue by the NPCs as well. Hearing them talk as you sneak up behind is amazing. Good job GRIN and Capcom. I hope this gets a sequel.
swinging is fun, gunplay is weak. some blood/gore woulda been nice, but that's a ymmv thing. graphics are a tad weak for a capcom game, but I guess it's not technically a capcom game (grin? wtf is grin?) I think an 8/10 is fair.

the swinging gameplay is fun, and it kinda begs to be put into slightly more open levels. I hope they address this with a sequel.

btw, I like how mr. muscle guy with his manly tough whiteguydreads can hold his breath under water for about 4 seconds before dying.
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