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The Official Burnout Paradise Thread. Restarting Events Patch!


I asked the same question but seeing that no one replied by now, I assume shuffle mode is just broken with this game.


h3ro said:
whoa. you're crazy. I have family over playing CoD4 right now, I'll be on soon enough...
:( I bitched out and just bought Halo 2 for PC. My friend talked me out of the double dipping. I'll be back on soon to play some guys, I just hopped on to show the friend the update and its changes... it seems he's gonna buy Paradise again :lol
h3ro said:
Where is the Rossolini Tempesta Dream livery?????

Also, anyone find the secret liveries?


Saturday 12th July 2008 - Prize Cars Weekend
Where for one day, if you go online we’ll let you try out all of the Carbon and XS Cars (that are normally available only when you complete the offline game) for you to test drive in races and Freeburning.

As this shows – it really allows us to mix up the game, and we’ve got a schedule packed with cool events that stretch out through the summer.

This breaks down as:

Test Drive Tuesdays
Every Tuesday, we’re going to mix things up online by focusing the game around a specific set of cars. For a whole day, your online junkyard will look radically different. This coming week (Tuesday 15th July 2008) will see only Speed Boost cars online.
Face Off Thursdays
Every Thursday, we’re going to mix up racing (both ranked and unranked.) Everyone’s junkyard will be as normal, but in races we’ll supply a certain set of cars to race in. This will really level the playing field in racing.
The other great thing about Live Events is that it allows us to award our players with all kinds of cool stuff. So, starting in a few weeks’ time:

Graduation Weekends
In these, we’ll let you try out new cars and new liveries for a whole weekend. Over the course of the weekend, you’ll be able to test drive our vehicle of choice, and if you want to keep it, then we’ll set up an online challenge for you to complete.

The first such event will be our “Mount Olympus” event in which you’ll get to test drive the new Hunter Olympus, and, if you win an Online Road Rage event in it, you’ll get to keep it forever.

We’ll be running multiple Graduation Weekends that will introduce even more vehicles and for those players who participate in all of them, there’ll be a special prize.

Flunkie said:
Cagney is up in Japan, the UK and Australia now. It still isn't up for North America yet.

Edit: The update is up for North America!
I missed the update this morning by 40 minutes, I guess. I just happened to wake up at 1 and went to see if I could update it early. nope. started it when I left for work and the PS3 was on all day, sorry to anyone who saw me "online" during that time.

had an awesome session with a ton of GAFfers just now. The new challenges are awesome, I just wish they had really fixed the whole "player leaves, it's OK" thing. Can't wait to get online again.

btw - headset is practically a necessity. The first round I couldn't find mine and it was hard to organize stuff. Second round I found it (and was taken down three times in the interim!) and it helped immensely.
Graduation Weekends
In these, we’ll let you try out new cars and new liveries for a whole weekend. Over the course of the weekend, you’ll be able to test drive our vehicle of choice, and if you want to keep it, then we’ll set up an online challenge for you to complete.

The first such event will be our “Mount Olympus” event in which you’ll get to test drive the new Hunter Olympus, and, if you win an Online Road Rage event in it, you’ll get to keep it forever.

We’ll be running multiple Graduation Weekends that will introduce even more vehicles and for those players who participate in all of them, there’ll be a special prize.
this sounds doable if everyone cooperates.


Duck said:
Wait, so you have to win the cars online, they aren't just patched in ready to go? That's bullshit.

What? Give me a break.

I'd much rather earn the cars and extend the life of the game by getting them bit by bit through community based challenges, as compared to just giving it to you where you won't appreciate it and you just 'meh' over it and stick with the car you think is 'best'.

It's bullshit that you're honestly upset about it. It's an awesome idea.



I kept trying to join the matches tonight but I would just get booted right back to the main game because my internet connection has been really fucked for the past couple days. It was strange because I was able to be connected for a minute each time, but then I'd just be kicked right out... oh well hopefully another day.


Great games guys! Wish we could have done more as a group, still though, good fun. :D

I think it will be better this weekend, we need to put a room together to make sure we all get that Hunter Olympus or whatever car/special feature they are giving away...


I played with Oatmeal and such for awhile, but I had to leave because I have a throbbing headache right now. I can't concentrate on anything. I'm looking forward to playing some other time though.


That was approximately 2,000 pounds of fun. Some would call that a ton.

Sorry my mic kept dying, I haven't been doing so well with charging it lately. The new timed challenges are fun, although some of them (the three in-air near misses by the wind farm) are ridiculous.

I really, really dig that the road rules challenges are now ALWAYS on, so that you don't have to pop into a special mode to knock out a time on a street.

Now to get refamiliar with the map so I can be a little less crash happy. :/


I just love the level of interaction they're committing to with this.

I'm sure some people aren't going to be able to shut up about how they can't play the game the way they want all the time, but the idea of having restricted days sounds like a neat way to vary the game. Because seriously, how else are you going to get everyone to use the same car? :p

Agent X

Duck said:
Wait, so you have to win the cars online, they aren't just patched in ready to go? That's bullshit.

There's a few cars in there that are paint job swaps of existing vehicles. For example, the Hippie Van is an alternate paint job for the Inferno Van.

For certain others like the Olympus, you'll have to participate in the events to get them. That's just the way it is. Think of it like going to the baseball stadium for "hat day" or "bat day" or whatever. You have to be there on the scheduled day to get the prize. If you really want it badly enough, you'll make an effort to show up.

Sure, it might suck if you have conflicts with real-life schedules and all, but in reality it's probably not too big of a deal if you miss out, there are more than enough vehicles already in the game to earn and enjoy. I also have a hunch that they may have more than one event where you can win the vehicles, so that if you miss out on it this weekend, then you might get another opportunity a few weeks later.


Anyone else having trouble with vertical takedowns registering during the challenges? I've done two separate timed vertical takedown challenges and it was the same each time. Sometimes they'd register, sometimes they wouldn't. We can into multiple instances of "Vertical Takedown" popping up on the screen but not actually counting towards the challenge.


I sent this email to Criterion a few minutes ago:

Me said:
First off, I would like to say that I love Burnout Paradise and the Cagney update but here are some of the bugs I found that are pretty irritating.

1. Microphone problems where sometimes no one's mic works in an online game. This seems to only happen to me when I'm playing with people on my friend's list and not with random strangers.

2. Takedowns not registering online. A perfect example of this was when me and a friend were playing online and he took a break to go to the bathroom. I crashed into his idle car around 10 times and not one of them registered as a takedown but instead registered as crashes.

3. Vertical takedowns not registering online. Very similar to the last bug I mentioned but extra annoying when you need to do them for some of the timed challenges. Very aggravating when you're clearly doing a vertical takedown but the game for some reason doesn't consider it one.

I also have a few suggestions that I think alot of Burnout players would like considering the experiences I have had playing the game online.

1. When starting a timed challenge, keep both parts of the challenge description showing and mark both points on the map for each part you need to go to. There is always a bunch of confusion about what we need to do and where we need to go for the second part of the challenge because once you start the challenge, it doesn't show it anymore until you complete the first part which results in needless retries.

2. In online Road Rage, I wish there was some consequence for anybody in the blue team crashing. It's hard enough to takedown people in the blue team already without them also being able to purposely crash themselves to get out of trouble. I would suggest to have it be like the offline version of Road Rage and Marked Man where the car degrades the more you crash and you would need to go to a repair shop to get back to normal. Takedowns from the opposing team would still be instant elimination though.


I am pissed. While you are all having fun with this game I am not going to be playing it. Not because I dont have it (I got it two days ago), but because my Xbox broke when I turned on the console to play the newly purchased game. So I will be waiting for my coffin and then play with everyone in about a month.
Good games there. Wish I could play longer but 7 is dinner time. Maybe tomorrow during the nap I'll be able to get back online.

I was messing around with the new 1080i (playing on my computer monitor) and the "improved" SD graphics (yesterday playing on the TV) and the game looks a little better, I guess. Couldn't really tell but I'm sure it is, I saw the before/after pictures on their website.


God the bugs in this game are annoying as hell! There's one where if the host of a game starts a race and you're looking at the show players screen, you get stuck in that screen forcing you to quit out of the game. I always like to look at the show players screen every once in awhile to see who has a mic and a camara so this bug already annoys the shit out of me. I've been testing this bug to see how often it happens (every single time) and the next time I start up the game and join a ranked race my world ranking went down from the low 1000's to around the mid 3000's. I'm guessing the game thinks I'm quitting in the middle of a race when I'm actually forced to quit because of that stupid bug.

Maybe there was a very good reason for delaying the 360 update and in the end it will be better.

Agent X

I repeatedly stated to a few people in online play over the last couple of days that this weekend was supposed to be the one where you can win the Hunter Olympus by doing online Road Rage games. It looks like (according to this thread on Criterion's forums) that I was wrong about that. Sorry if I misled anyone.

On the other hand, what appears to be happening this weekend is that they'll temporarily unlock all the Carbon cars for everyone to test drive. This would be a great opportunity to get on and play, especially if you haven't already unlocked all of those cars.
I had a great game last night w/Remy, AgentX and a few people I just met. We knocked out a ton of timed challenges and I got some new friend list adds.

Question: Is there a group of GAFers the still need regular challenges? I haven't had the game for very long and I need a shiton on challenges done.
Agent X said:
On the other hand, what appears to be happening this weekend is that they'll temporarily unlock all the Carbon cars for everyone to test drive. This would be a great opportunity to get on and play, especially if you haven't already unlocked all of those cars.

Yeah I noticed that. Pretty cool.


Will drop pants for Sony.
BobTheFork said:
I had a great game last night w/Remy, AgentX and a few people I just met. We knocked out a ton of timed challenges and I got some new friend list adds.

Question: Is there a group of GAFers the still need regular challenges? I haven't had the game for very long and I need a shiton on challenges done.

I know I do, my PSN tag is neojehuty


I can't wait for the trophy patch for this, it's going to add EVEN MORE replay value to Paradise for me. I just hit 40 hours of gameplay last night... it would be more but I took a big break from it a couple months ago.

Anybody playing tonight?
BobTheFork said:
I had a great game last night w/Remy, AgentX and a few people I just met. We knocked out a ton of timed challenges and I got some new friend list adds.

Question: Is there a group of GAFers the still need regular challenges? I haven't had the game for very long and I need a shiton on challenges done.
I've had the game since launch and I only have 92/420 challenges so don't feel bad. I think I can get online more often in the coming weeks, around the 5:00 PM Pacific times.


BobTheFork said:
I had a great game last night w/Remy, AgentX and a few people I just met. We knocked out a ton of timed challenges and I got some new friend list adds.

Question: Is there a group of GAFers the still need regular challenges? I haven't had the game for very long and I need a shiton on challenges done.
I've had the game for a while, but focused more on the single player. Now that I'm nearly complete with that, I'd like to do the online challenges. I'll join you if you want. PSN: N1ghtz
I'm going to assume that some burning routes had more time added, cause some I am getting with ease after this patch, particularly the V16 with the scorpion on the hood.

Bob, dude, you need to add me via psn or something. Also, we've got an online thread in the online forum for the PS3 folks right now.


BobTheFork said:
I had a great game last night w/Remy, AgentX and a few people I just met. We knocked out a ton of timed challenges and I got some new friend list adds.

Question: Is there a group of GAFers the still need regular challenges? I haven't had the game for very long and I need a shiton on challenges done.

I need a lot Bob, but I hardly get time to play, and when I do, the regular guys I play with don't want to play Burnout (well, not enough of them...you know the deal).

I might play tomorrow. Tonight I'm watching a movie.


My fantasy is that my girlfriend was actually a young high school girl.
i think the game looks crisper and has a smoother framerate at 720p


I won't be jumping on tonight, but I should be on for most of tomorrow. As most of the guys I play with know (Bob, Oatmeal, AgentX, Bookey, etc), I am absurdly driven at pounding through as many challenges as possible in an orderly manner. Which would explain why I'm at 260+/420.

So if you want to grind through challenges, send me a friends request (RemyVJA) and look for my game tomorrow. I always host in Friends Only mode, so you won't need an invite.

But for now, I need to re-assemble my Burnout playlist.

EDIT: Oh yeah, and make sure you have a headset. It's hard to organize for challenges without one.


Remy said:
I won't be jumping on tonight, but I should be on for most of tomorrow. As most of the guys I play with know (Bob, Oatmeal, AgentX, Bookey, etc), I am absurdly driven at pounding through as many challenges as possible in an orderly manner. Which would explain why I'm at 260+/420.

So if you want to grind through challenges, send me a friends request (RemyVJA) and look for my game tomorrow. I always host in Friends Only mode, so you won't need an invite.

But for now, I need to re-assemble my Burnout playlist.

EDIT: Oh yeah, and make sure you have a headset. It's hard to organize for challenges without one.

I'm there. :D


Remy said:
I won't be jumping on tonight, but I should be on for most of tomorrow. As most of the guys I play with know (Bob, Oatmeal, AgentX, Bookey, etc), I am absurdly driven at pounding through as many challenges as possible in an orderly manner. Which would explain why I'm at 260+/420.

So if you want to grind through challenges, send me a friends request (RemyVJA) and look for my game tomorrow. I always host in Friends Only mode, so you won't need an invite.

But for now, I need to re-assemble my Burnout playlist.

EDIT: Oh yeah, and make sure you have a headset. It's hard to organize for challenges without one.

I think you may be on my friends list but if not then I'll add you, I'd love to get in the game and kill off some more challenges.
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