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The Official E-Cigarette Thread Of F#ck Analog Cigarettes

thanks im gonna check it out!

new 50w eleaf istick already has the new 30w mvp3 dead in the water. innokin must feel completely blindsided by eleafs recent offerings.

That 50w istick should really be hit.

btw...the Vertex v2 I mentioned is pretty great. Not much of a juice deck (too use to the Mutation X v2 I guess) but the flavor on it is pretty great.


just got my sigelei 150w in the mail. coming from a sigelei 100w v2. initial impressions are that the build quality seems a bit better and the magnets are much stronger. my decision to "upgrade" wasnt because of the extra 50w, it was mostly due to the spring loaded 510 connector. that was one of my main gripes about the 100w along with having the ohm reader read to the thousandths place. i was able to sell my 100w for as much as i bought it for along with a clone atty, so total out of pocket to upgrade cost me $10. sold the 100w on sunday and had to go back to my mech mods until i got this today...mech mods dont do it for me anymore. not even comparable to a regulated box mod. for those of you who might be on the fence about jumping to a vv/vw mod, i say do it and dont look back.

Pete Rock

i was able to sell my 100w for as much as i bought it for along with a clone atty, so total out of pocket to upgrade cost me $10.
Niiiice! Where did you off-load your old gear, ECF? As soon as I get a box mod ordered I want to sell my old ProVari 2.5. At no point do I expect to get back near what I put into it, I just hate having old gear sitting around collecting dust. That being said, I don't have a local community that wants my hand-me-downs, I have raised them all up to my level at this point!

mech mods dont do it for me anymore. not even comparable to a regulated box mod. for those of you who might be on the fence about jumping to a vv/vw mod, i say do it and dont look back.
Thank you for your feedback, I totally agree and am eagerly awaiting the perfect box mod to fall into my lap. Soon, very soon.

So I had some leaking with my Aqua V2 and it wasn't holding very many drops of juice. Then I realized I had wicked it wrong, more like an over-stuffed tank build, without the tails going down the channels. Everything was just wrapped and stuffed under itself on the deck.

Well, the real magic of it as a dripper as I have come to find out is when you wrap the long tails of each separate coil wick down around the chimney threads, tucked into the corners of the deck. I can dump half an eye-dropper (10+ drops) into this thing now and it doesn't leak a single drop and it hits for 3x as long without going dry.

I am really glad I listened to EsotericManiac and scooped this atty! Fuck yeah, best twenty bones I have spent in a long time.


Niiiice! Where did you off-load your old gear, ECF? As soon as I get a box mod ordered I want to sell my old ProVari 2.5. At no point do I expect to get back near what I put into it, I just hate having old gear sitting around collecting dust. That being said, I don't have a local community that wants my hand-me-downs, I have raised them all up to my level at this point!
I sold it on a local Facebook vape group. It sold literally in 4 minuets. Sold it for $75 which is as much as I paid for it. Wondering if I could have gotten way more seeing as though local shops around here sell them for $120-$140


Like a lot of people I'm trying to give up smoking this year too. I've read the last page of this thread and tbh it doesn't make a whole lot of sense and seems fairly bewildering. Is there a good beginner resource?

For the record I have a Vapouriz Fuze (I think that is a UK make) that uses a cartomiser - does this make sense to anyone else?? Is it 'good'? I don't know my arse from my elbow here!

I've got some flavourless nicotine juice because I tried some pineapple flavour juice and it was super harsh on my throat. This juice is a bit less harsh but it still makes me cough and feels like my throat is raw. Do you guys have any general tips for me?
Like a lot of people I'm trying to give up smoking this year too. I've read the last page of this thread and tbh it doesn't make a whole lot of sense and seems fairly bewildering. Is there a good beginner resource?

For the record I have a Vapouriz Fuze (I think that is a UK make) that uses a cartomiser - does this make sense to anyone else?? Is it 'good'? I don't know my arse from my elbow here!

I've got some flavourless nicotine juice because I tried some pineapple flavour juice and it was super harsh on my throat. This juice is a bit less harsh but it still makes me cough and feels like my throat is raw. Do you guys have any general tips for me?

What strength is the juice?

Congrats on taking the first step.

I'd recommend you get an "Aspire Nautilus Mini" cartomizer and an Eleaf iStick battery.

It may be a bit larger than you'd like but it is a phenomenal beginner setup and will last you forever.

Just gotta find some juice you like. Try 12mg nicotine strength.


Yea 18 mg was way too strong for me sucking on it all day long. I think if you're doing that, you'd be better off going to 12 mg. I actually got a few in 6 mg and a few tanks and I switch throughout the day from 12 mg to 6 mg and it's a lot more manageable on my throat. A lot of people using 6 mg seem to be fine with just using a lot more juice throughout the day. I might go through 4 ML max and I was a pack a day guy.


Like a lot of people I'm trying to give up smoking this year too. I've read the last page of this thread and tbh it doesn't make a whole lot of sense and seems fairly bewildering. Is there a good beginner resource?

For the record I have a Vapouriz Fuze (I think that is a UK make) that uses a cartomiser - does this make sense to anyone else?? Is it 'good'? I don't know my arse from my elbow here!

I've got some flavourless nicotine juice because I tried some pineapple flavour juice and it was super harsh on my throat. This juice is a bit less harsh but it still makes me cough and feels like my throat is raw. Do you guys have any general tips for me?
Are you in the UK? If so, that makes this easier. I've had a few mates asking me about vaping, and this is the email I send them to get them started. There's a lot of information out there, so I've tried to condense everything with some simple recommendations, assuming you don't want to start with high-end gear and rebuildables:

Hey dude. There are a few options for you. Bear in mind, you need a battery, an atomizer (tank) and some juice. So...

Battery-wise, you could get something like this:


This is known as an "eGo" battery, and is what you have probably seen the majority of people vaping using. This is largely because it is what many companies will bundle in their "starter" kits. This is simply because they're small and cheap, but they're not actually very efficient. They are prone to dying after a few months of usage, and it's always worth carrying a couple around with you, cos charging them can be a pain and you don't want to be caught short when out and about. The version linked above allows for "variable voltage", which is basically a way of controlling the amount of electricity in your vaporizer, thus the temperature and quality of your vape. More control is good. Standard, non-VV models are available and much cheaper, but I'm not going to recommend them. They tend to be cheap Chinese shit.

Having said that, if you really are just "trialling" vaping, perhaps a cheap eGo battery is a decent option initially. I find it hard to recommend them, cos you will DEFINITELY need to upgrade if you choose to stick with it, so you will actually reduce your costs by starting with something more reliable initally.

A more reliable option would be something like this:


This is an entry level box mod. Box mods are much more powerful than eGo batteries, and will certainly last much longer. This one provides for "variable wattage", which is essentially a more versatile form of "variable voltage", and allows for even more refined control over the temperature of your atomizer. I myself use a VW box mod (albeit one that costs about 4 times the price, for various reasons), and can absolutely vouch for the quality of the iStick. It's a quality piece of kit that will last you for aaaaaages. It's also deceptively small, and will easily fit in the palm of your hand. Great value for money.

Now, atomizers. This is a fucking minefield, as quality varies massively between brands and, along with juice quality, will inevitably determine how satisfying you find vaping. Leaking, gurgling and general reliability have been massive issues for me (and millions of others) as I got to grips with the market and finally found a setup I was happy with. Fortunately that means I can impart my knowledge so that you don't have to worry about it.

If you choose to go with the eGo batteries, I can only recommend this tank:


You can buy cheap, disposable, plastic tanks (clearomisers) that you will see other people use but, again, I can't recommend them. They are unreliable and, just like the cheaper batteries, you will end up spending more money over time replacing them than if you invest in a decent initial setup. The Aerotank Mini is by far the best steel tank that will fit on any eGo battery. It will last you forever, and if you get performance issues, you only ever need to replace the compatible "atomizer heads" which are super cheap.

If you opt for the iStick option, then get one of these:


There are lots of options when it comes to tanks that are a little too large for eGo batteries, but the Nautilus Mini is, by far, the most reliable and best performing out-of-the-box. It looks good too, although you might want to replace the drip tip (mouthpiece) if you think it's a bit too big (I did). And again, maintaining it is as simple as swapping out atomizer heads. It's a brilliant piece of kit that I would recommend to any vaper (vapist?).

Now, the most important bit: juice. Annoyingly, it's very hard to recommend a specific juice, cos taste is so subjective. You might absolutely hate a flavour that I love, and vice versa. That's just the way it is. What I can tell you is that you will never replicate cigarette smoke with vapour. They're totally different beasts, and even the "tobacco" flavours taste more like a packet of baccy smells than actual smoke.

But there is always a compromise.

The "secret" is to initially buy loads. Shop around and buy all sorts of flavours you fancy. Ultimately, the trick is to find something you really, really enjoy. Starter packs tend to come packed with "tobacco" or "cigarette" flavours, and they taste like shit, so the user just fucks it off. You need to find a flavour that absolutely satisfies you, and that you enjoy, as much as a cigarette. Otherwise you're just gonna go and have a cigarette.

The UKEcigStore, that I've been linking, has a really nice range of juice. They have a cheaper range of flavours that they produce themselves, which are fine, but they also import alot of quality stuff from the US. Have a browse and pick up whatever you fancy. I'm sure you'll find something you like. If you do, you have no reason to pick up the fags again. If you don't, keep shopping. If I can stop smoking, anyone can!

Also, at the checkout, use the discount code "UKV" for (I think) 15% off.

Some of the stuff might be out of stock. If so, use http://www.vapeescape.co.uk. Great website. UKV will work there too.

Any questions, feel free to ask. And let me know how you get on.


What strength is the juice?

Congrats on taking the first step.

I'd recommend you get an "Aspire Nautilus Mini" cartomizer and an Eleaf iStick battery.

It may be a bit larger than you'd like but it is a phenomenal beginner setup and will last you forever.

Just gotta find some juice you like. Try 12mg nicotine strength.

I have some 12 mg juice yeah, but man it burns my throat still. I'm barely vaping at all and it's giving me 3x worse coughs than smoking.

Oddly, I made my own 'herbal' vape juice using 50/50 pg/vg and that goes down like silk. But the stuff I buy from shops seems super harsh. I can't tell if it's my throat, the juice or the vape at this point though, I obviously need to experiment.

Are you in the UK? If so, that makes this easier. I've had a few mates asking me about vaping, and this is the email I send them to get them started. There's a lot of information out there, so I've tried to condense everything with some simple recommendations, assuming you don't want to start with high-end gear and rebuildables:

Yes I'm in the UK. Thanks for this, I'll give it a read and try to learn something!
Today is officially 2 years stinky cigarette free!!

Two years ago I had the flu and stopped smoking and picked up vaping a few weeks later.

Feeling good. No urges.
Niiiice! Where did you off-load your old gear, ECF? As soon as I get a box mod ordered I want to sell my old ProVari 2.5. At no point do I expect to get back near what I put into it, I just hate having old gear sitting around collecting dust. That being said, I don't have a local community that wants my hand-me-downs, I have raised them all up to my level at this point!

Thank you for your feedback, I totally agree and am eagerly awaiting the perfect box mod to fall into my lap. Soon, very soon.

So I had some leaking with my Aqua V2 and it wasn't holding very many drops of juice. Then I realized I had wicked it wrong, more like an over-stuffed tank build, without the tails going down the channels. Everything was just wrapped and stuffed under itself on the deck.

Well, the real magic of it as a dripper as I have come to find out is when you wrap the long tails of each separate coil wick down around the chimney threads, tucked into the corners of the deck. I can dump half an eye-dropper (10+ drops) into this thing now and it doesn't leak a single drop and it hits for 3x as long without going dry.

I am really glad I listened to EsotericManiac and scooped this atty! Fuck yeah, best twenty bones I have spent in a long time.

lol i try to not personally tout to many products i don't heavily recommend, but the aqua v2 is definitely the one I have no problem recommending to anyone. if you have any questions on coil building or wicking for that RTA let me know. chances are I've had a ton of experience in that area.

as far as RDAs go, i've gone through about 20 now. if you are interested in the magma for flavor, i would recommend the N22 or the Lancia instead. problem with the magma is that it's a giant ball of steel. if you're chain vaping it will definitely start to heat up and you'll have to take breaks because of the heat and the atty is terrible at dissipating heat. the n22 has some fins that help with this. the lancia's glass sleeve is fantastic at looks great, but I broke mine through my own stupidity so i haven't used it as much

my de facto flavor build right now is the n22 with dual clapton coils at 70-75 watts.

just picked up the SX 50 zero clone. didn't like having the extra size of the sigelei if i'm just using a tank. this thing looks pretty amazing I must say

i'd also recommend the kayfun v4. i wasn't too impressed, until i finally picked one up. if you want to rock single coils instead of duals like the aqua v2, do yourself a favor and pick that one up as well. my wife kinda stole mine so I'm definitely going to have to pick up a spare.
any atty recommendations with better flavor and equal amounts of air flow to the plume veil?

the two previous mentioned attys (lancia, N22) have a good deal of air flow, though i would say the lancia with all 4 posts being large would probably have a bit more than the N22. anything with bottom air flow, IMO, would give you a serious boost in flavor over the side air flow drippers

if you really want to increase your flavor, try putting a tiger coil in your plume veil and see if you notice a difference. i recommend 26 gauge with .8 flat ribbon if you can give a single coil about 40-50w of power. if you want less than that, you could try 28 gauge with .6 x 07 flat ribbon for a lower wattage build. you want decent ramp up time so knowing your wattage and using the right wire is important.

i picked up a little boy for clouds recently, but I'm not really into clouds so it doesn't get used much. the giant drip tip is pretty neat, but I really don't use it much
Been doing good so far with vaping. For the first week or so I was smoking cigs alongside my ecig now Ive been cig free for over a month. I still get cravings or thoughts of needed to smoke every now and then but I think its because I went from a pack a day to 12mg to 6mgs in a months time. The 12 mg was killing my throat and the 6 is the sweet spot atm. Also Ive bought over 30 types of juices trying to find a select few go-to's. So far my favorites are Cosmic Fog's Milk n Honey,Church and Nutz, Alien Vapor's Gorilla Juice,Seduce Juice' Snake Eyes,Cutthroat's Sugar Bear,Vape Wild's Chocolate Bob (rootbeer float with chocolate!) and Sweet Complexity.

I have another 20 juices coming my way next week,more from Vape Wild,Suicide Bunny,MVG,Big Willies and Nicoticket (which is a very popular new brand from my home town) and after that I will pick and choose from them and be done with the search...for now lol. Seems like a good amount of the juices Ive bought need to be steeped to reach their full potential so Im waiting impatiently to try a good amount of em. Will report back in a lil while and maybe review some of my findings. I have a feeling Nicoticket will be really great,some very solid flavors from what Ive heard/seen,check em out!

@Victory Red Congratz!
My local shop got a couple kangertech sub - tanks in, and I picked one up. It holds a ton of juice and has adjustable airflow valves. Looks really good on this fuck you industry mod I also bought. Really happy with it.
Are you in the UK? If so, that makes this easier. I've had a few mates asking me about vaping, and this is the email I send them to get them started. There's a lot of information out there, so I've tried to condense everything with some simple recommendations, assuming you don't want to start with high-end gear and rebuildables:

Ukecigstore currently have an istick bundled with a nautilus mini and a 5ml bottle of juice for £39.99. I take it that's a must buy even for my first purchase?
Based on your other recommendations they will end up being a similar price anyway.


Ukecigstore currently have an istick bundled with a nautilus mini and a 5ml bottle of juice for £39.99. I take it that's a must buy even for my first purchase?
Based on your other recommendations they will end up being a similar price anyway.
I noticed that. Absolutely! Jump on that deal.

You'll want to buy alot more juice than that though.
Got myself a liquid today called Spider Venom which tastes exactly like an old sweet we had over here in the UK called Atomic Fire Balls. I think the US has something with a similar flavour, Big Red chewing gum or something.

Anyhow it blows all my other liquids out of the water.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
Anyone here have a Aspire Nautilus tank? Like this one:

I'm thinking about grabbing one because I just got a new eLeaf iStick and it has the capability of going up to 20w. I'm not sure what a good wattage for the Nautilus is but I'm sure it can handle more wattage than my ProTank II that I'm currently using.

I exclusively vape Alien Visions Gorilla juice it is 100% VG and is very thick. Does the Nautilus handle thick juices like that well? With my ProTank I have to change and clean out the coils around once a week.

If anyone here has one they aren't using anymore and wants to sell let me know. Especially if it is going to work better for me than the ProTank II.


Anyone here have a Aspire Nautilus tank? Like this one:

I'm thinking about grabbing one because I just got a new eLeaf iStick and it has the capability of going up to 20w. I'm not sure what a good wattage for the Nautilus is but I'm sure it can handle more wattage than my ProTank II that I'm currently using.

I exclusively vape Alien Visions Gorilla juice it is 100% VG and is very thick. Does the Nautilus handle thick juices like that well? With my ProTank I have to change and clean out the coils around once a week.

If anyone here has one they aren't using anymore and wants to sell let me know. Especially if it is going to work better for me than the ProTank II.
Lots of people here use them. They're great. I don't know if the full-size version will look as good as the mini version on an iStick though. But you won't have any problems with Gorilla Juice. Leave it at about 11 watts, and it'll be perfect.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
Lots of people here use them. They're great. I don't know if the full-size version will look as good as the mini version on an iStick though. But you won't have any problems with Gorilla Juice. Leave it at about 11 watts, and it'll be perfect.

Perfect. Thank you for the quick reply. Now I just need to find one. My local vape store is out of stock. I'm sure I can find one on one of the many websites out there. Just have to find one that I trust and have ordered from before.


I was thinking about going up to the full size nautilus as well but the mini tanks are fine too and do look fine on the iStick. The full size will probably hang over a bit on three sides.


I recently went nautilus atlantis sub ohm tank (. 5) with a mini ipv I got for like $50

Beautiful stuff, I got two isticks @ one of the many local shops by me they had a crazy deal

Nickoticket is now my new favorite juice brand


Neo Member
those little isticks are handy and cant beat em for the size and price! i got one for a steal and had a nautilus and works just fine. i use an IPV (was using a hana mod) and now have a few atlantis tanks and a kanger subtank...bad ass! i dont like dripping and get more enjoyment and taste from those tanks. Keep vaping!


i've been begging for over 5 years.
I didn't notice this yesterday but in the box my eLeaf came in there was an Aspire BDC tank and it's awesome. I didn't think a standard tank could best my ProTank II but this aspire bdc is now on the throne for my favorite tank I've tried.

Knowing that this 'basic' Aspire tank is this good makes my desire for a Nautilus even stronger.


I didn't notice this yesterday but in the box my eLeaf came in there was an Aspire BDC tank and it's awesome. I didn't think a standard tank could best my ProTank II but this aspire bdc is now on the throne for my favorite tank I've tried.

Knowing that this 'basic' Aspire tank is this good makes my desire for a Nautilus even stronger.
Dude. You have no idea. The Protank 2 absolutely sucks.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
Dude. You have no idea. The Protank 2 absolutely sucks.

It's served me well. But I'm all for upping my tank game so please do share some brands and tanks you recommend.

I've been off 'analogs' for over 2 years now. For most of that time I've been using these atomizers with a drip tip :

I realize now how crappy those things are. It required me to drip 2 or 3 drops in it for every few draws. It leaked constantly and ruined several pairs of pants and shirts from drips of fluid and they would constantly just stop working out of the blue.

I'm so glad I've moved on from those. The only thing they had going for them was giving a pretty strong throat hit and that's what helped me finally put down the 'analogs'. Now I am using a few different tanks.

ProTank II
Evod 2
and now Aspire BDC.

Give me some more options! I'm ready to make another order today. I'll likely grab a few coils for the BDC and maybe another Evod 2 but I'm all for taking some advice from you good folks for a new tank purchase.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
In your position, I would just grab a Nautilus Mini. It's worlds beyond what you've been using.

Is it even better than the Aspire BDC? They kind of look like the same thing. Perhaps better external materials in the Nautilus but are the 'guts' much better as well? Also will I be able to get the most out of Nautilus line with the current batteries I have? The two batteries I have are iStick Eleaf and iTaste VV.

I feel like I should be more knowledgeable about this arena since I've been using them for several years now but I got comfortable with what I had and only now am I really looking into 'upping my game'. I really appreciate this community here you all have a ton of knowledge.


Is it even better than the Aspire BDC? They kind of look like the same thing. Perhaps better external materials in the Nautilus but are the 'guts' much better as well? Also will I be able to get the most out of Nautilus line with the current batteries I have? The two batteries I have are iStick Eleaf and iTaste VV.

I feel like I should be more knowledgeable about this arena since I've been using them for several years now but I got comfortable with what I had and only now am I really looking into 'upping my game'. I really appreciate this community here you all have a ton of knowledge.

Yeah, the Nautilus uses Aspire's BVC coils, which is a single vertical coil with wicking material wrapped around it. It has much better flavor, but the safety of the wicking material (it's either very similar to or outright is fiberglass) has been much-debated.

The Nautilus will work fine on both of your mods. I use a Nautilus Mini/iStick pairing as my backup, and fire it anywhere between 11 and 14 watts without a problem. It looks pretty nice too:



i've been begging for over 5 years.
Yea, that does look pretty nice. Thanks for the info just wanted to make sure I'd be able to get the most out of it since they are a bit more than I'm used to paying for a tank at 30 bucks.


I hear ya. I think it's a matter of what you value in your vape. To me, the significant improvement in flavor makes the Nautilus Mini worth it.

Pete Rock

A friend of mine asked me for starter kit and I told him to get an istick and a nautilus mini, he will be stoked. Doesn't smoke, just wants 0 mg juice to get his sweet tooth fix without eating. He eats a lot of candy. Like, a lot of fucking candy. He is a healthy individual otherwise and not overweight or anything and regularly exercises, just keep the skittles away from this dude. So I am interested to find out how that works out for him, if at all, what with nicotine having nothing to do with his decision one way or another.

I got the 3 bottles in from Ripe Vapes and the Monkey Snack I tried is a great flavor but it has some alcohol based flavorings, or at least that is what I am assuming. I had a similar experience with a few flavors from Virgin Vapors, at the exhale the very last note is kind of waxy or soapy ... need to let these steep for a minute.


I thought I'd try a few more of Cosmic Fog's flavours, seeing how much I love their Milk & Honey. I gotta say, their Shocker is an absolutely fantastic sweet lemon flavour. I can see myself going throug this 15ml bottle in no time at all. I wish I could find somewhere here in the UK that consistently stocks the 30ml bottles of Cosmic Fog.
everyone needs to seriously check out the Artist Collection from NJoy. You might think that anything attached to the name NJoy would be sub par, but you'd be grossly mistaken


they are all fantastic. i would put it above five pawns without hesitation and it's a bit cheaper too

i tested the flavors out for 20 minutes straight before I could pick one. it was that hard to decide. i went with the Hedon's Bite. Vaped about 10 mL in just a few hours and that was out of a kayfun v4 at 18w. Stuff is so on point it's ridiculous


i've been begging for over 5 years.
^ Sounds interesting. I'm in for the Samba Sun. I'll place an order tomorrow and let you all know how it is.

edit: ah, shit just noticed it can't be ordered. There isn't a vape shop near me. I should open a vape shop. What the hell am I waiting for?


^ Sounds interesting. I'm in for the Samba Sun. I'll place an order tomorrow and let you all know how it is.

edit: ah, shit just noticed it can't be ordered. There isn't a vape shop near me. I should open a vape shop. What the hell am I waiting for?

You can order it from Good Life Vapor, that's where I ordered mine.

I've tried three of them now (Paramore, Dragonscape and Samba Sun) and they're all fantastic. Dragonscape is still my favorite by a pretty wide margin, though. One of the best juices I've ever tried.
I thought I'd try a few more of Cosmic Fog's flavours, seeing how much I love their Milk & Honey. I gotta say, their Shocker is an absolutely fantastic sweet lemon flavour. I can see myself going throug this 15ml bottle in no time at all. I wish I could find somewhere here in the UK that consistently stocks the 30ml bottles of Cosmic Fog.

Two of my go to flavors are Cosmic Fogs Nutz and Church,starting to like them a bit more than Milk n Honey really. I keep all three on hand. Havent tried Shocker,Cola,or Kryptonite yet....


Two of my go to flavors are Cosmic Fogs Nutz and Church,starting to like them a bit more than Milk n Honey really. I keep all three on hand. Havent tried Shocker,Cola,or Kryptonite yet....
I tried the Church yesterday. I like it, but it's not as drastically different from alot of the other vanilla flavours I've tried as I would have expected. Still, this bottle isn't going to last long. I have 15ml of Nuts on its way to me, which I'm excited about trying, and have just ordered 30 more mls of Shocker. Thoroughly recommended.

Pete Rock

Bummer. I had to bail on rayon. It seemed like a negligible amount of user reports that I came across mentioned a tightness in the chest and a scratchy throat after a few days. This was disconcerting but I said whatever, I am really healthy dude, probably won't bother me all and if it does I'll notice right away.

I thought I was good after a week, didn't notice any problems. Well the last few days I have been vaping less than ever and I still developed a wicked sore throat and my lungs have been feeling really aggravated. I put down the vape at 4PM every day so I know there is a problem when I am falling asleep at 10PM and still feel this kind of tightness. I haven't felt a negative sensation like that since I used to smoke cigarettes.

It was a simple process of elimination as I had been vaping with the same atomizer, battery, wire and juices before switching over to the rayon.

Cut the rayon out of my build this morning and swapped it for doubled-over 1mm ekowool and I am not getting the same sensations on the exhale of the vape. We will see how I feel in a couple days. If this clears up entirely that will tell me enough to know that I can't use it anymore.

I am really interested to see research on these wicking materials going forward. For now I think I am going to stay with ekowool because it is basically a braided silica (glass fiber) rope. You can dry fire it and it does not ever combust or decompose due to the heat. I also torch it with an industrial grade butane torch that can actually get hot enough to melt glass, so I know it is sterilized by the time I install it.

The weird thing to me was that I never ever ran the rayon hard enough to the point of getting a dry hit or seeing any of it "burned" or charred, but there would always be an orange/pinkish discoloration to the material around the coils no matter what kind of juice I used. Whatever the resulting byproduct, I have found out after about a month that it does not agree with me whatsoever.

Just thought I would add my 2 cents as we are all kind of guinea pigs here I guess. The really interesting (or terrifying) aspect of reading other reports and conversations along these lines is the response that "well whatever is in the rayon can't be worse than smoking cigarettes".... lol. I am not trying to chase my tail or trade six of one for half dozen of another, no thanks.

I love vaping but after dropping to 3mg and experiencing this throat/lung aggravation I almost thought about trying to quit entirely instead of rebuilding with the ekowool, that's how disconcerting it was.


Oh man. Nutz is definitely the best strawberry flavour I've ever tasted. Another 30mls ordered. Well played, Cosmic Fog. Well played indeed.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
So the Nautilus Mini that I ordered arrived today. It's almost exactly the same size as my Protank II so it fits on all of my stuff nicely. I am glad I went with the mini because this is about as big as I would want a tank to be.

The only juice I have at the moment is a giant bottle of Gorilla Juice. A few family members and friends got into vaping and over the holidays I gave them a lot of the random juices I've accumulated over the years.

I've only spent about an hour with the Nautilus Mini so far but I wouldn't say it's leaps and bounds better than Protank II. I'm getting just about as much vapor as I do with P2 the Nautilus does seem to have more flavor but maybe that's because it has a new coil. I do like the adjustable air flow so that's a major plus and the Nautilus is seemingly able to handle more voltage than the P2 so that's cool. Build quality seems very good. I'm not a huge fan of screwing the pieces on the top and bottom right onto the pyrex but as long as I don't overtighten it should be fine.

Not quite sure if it's worth 35 bucks yet. I'll need to spend more time with it and try some other juices in it.

Pete Rock

Wow. Bought some cotton bacon and some 22g kanthal from the vape shop. Loaded up a fresh dual coil build in the Aqua V2 at 0.25 (way too low, going to rebuild to 0.5 or maybe swap for my normal 0.5 build @ 26g) and soaked it up with the Coconut Thai from Ripe Vapes.

This is really phenomenal. It tastes like supremely dank coconut milk on the inhale with basil and lemongrass on the exhale. I feel like I am eating the best thai food that I have never had, and I've been to some pretty dope joints on the west coast and in Vegas. The basil and the lemongrass kind of function in a similar way to a menthol, they are very "sharp" notes at the end and contrast wonderfully against the very smooth coconut taste. Daaaaaaamn yo this is exactly what I was looking for!!! Fresh to death!

Amazing. Looking forward to revisiting Monkey Snack. This might be my new favorite all day vape. I love coconut!!! Still haven't broken into the Pear Almond, I think that will be next.

So all of 3 days after cutting rayon out of my builds I feel 85% back to normal. I am appalled that I attributed these negative symptoms to the juice. My brain must be slipping. I must be allergic to something that is produced in the rayon when it is heated. There is certainly nothing wrong with the Ripe Vapes stuff and I have edited my previous post to reflect that.
i actually switched from rayon based on your previous statements. i'm hoping to have a similar results as well. it's only been about two days but i've mainly just been using the kayfun 4 so it's not really that much of a difference in regards to the overall vape quality
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