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The Official E-Cigarette Thread Of F#ck Analog Cigarettes

Pete Rock

Nice. Even though it impacted me negatively I am glad I tried it out, so I know for myself that it does not agree with me. I have a mutual acquaintance I know who rebuilds with it so I will gift the box to him and he can use the rest of it so it won't go to waste.

When I said bummer I really meant it. The flavor is at least 10% "brighter" on all the juices I have tried and it is dirt cheap for the whole box. But that flavor boost cannot justify the side effects I was developing. I was skeptical of cotton from the outset and went straight from ekowool to rayon thinking synthetic=synthetic, but there is something not quite square in that equation. Probably due to the glass composition of the former and the more sensitive organic composition of the second.

Now that I am using usp grade cotton with no bleach or peroxide or any residuals, my lungs feel so much better.

Monkey Snack is the business. If you like Grandmaster from Five Pawns you will love this juice. It is significantly thicker. Their website descriptions say 100% VG but the bottle does mention PG as an ingredient. It is also at least 10% more flavorful. The peanut taste is nuttier and the banana tastes more sugary or ripe. Good stuff.

Now that I know how to work with cotton and I can reliably rebuild a 0.5 ohm dual coil that fires evenly, I might experiment with the chimney and the tank section on this Aqua and see if I can't enjoy it that way for a bit.


is there a consensus yet on the subtank vs atlantis?

i'm more of a flavor chaser. im familiar with aspires tank 1ohm+ tanks from 2014 and 2013 and i found them to just be OK. i've only used kangers early 2013 tanks and they were mediocre at best.... im not too optimistic about either to be honest but im really starting to hate building coils.


I find the Subtank to have much better flavor than the Atlantis, personally.

I'm not a fan of Kanger's tanks either, but the Subtank really is in a whole other league from stuff like the Aerotank and Protank.


I might well pick up a Subtank Mini. The original is comically massive, but I could get behind these smaller models.

Still absolutely love my Atlantis though.


I dunno, Chopper. Now that Aspire has a 5ml replacement tank for the Atlantis, and are about to ditch the ceramic wick in favor of cotton, I kind of feel like buying any version of a Subtank would be a waste of money for you.


I dunno, Chopper. Now that Aspire has a 5ml replacement tank for the Atlantis, and are about to ditch the ceramic wick in favor of cotton, I kind of feel like buying any version of a Subtank would be a waste of money for you.
Variety is the spice of life! Having said that, I didn't know about new cotton wicks. That's fucking great news! You gotta link?
Oh man. Nutz is definitely the best strawberry flavour I've ever tasted. Another 30mls ordered. Well played, Cosmic Fog.
Have you tried Strawberry Fields? It came second in the poll for juice of the year on UKVapers so I got some last week. It's my first strawberry vape so I've got nothing to compare it to, but it's a really nice strong flavour.
Nice. Even though it impacted me negatively I am glad I tried it out, so I know for myself that it does not agree with me. I have a mutual acquaintance I know who rebuilds with it so I will gift the box to him and he can use the rest of it so it won't go to waste.

When I said bummer I really meant it. The flavor is at least 10% "brighter" on all the juices I have tried and it is dirt cheap for the whole box. But that flavor boost cannot justify the side effects I was developing. I was skeptical of cotton from the outset and went straight from ekowool to rayon thinking synthetic=synthetic, but there is something not quite square in that equation. Probably due to the glass composition of the former and the more sensitive organic composition of the second.

Now that I am using usp grade cotton with no bleach or peroxide or any residuals, my lungs feel so much better.

Monkey Snack is the business. If you like Grandmaster from Five Pawns you will love this juice. It is significantly thicker. Their website descriptions say 100% VG but the bottle does mention PG as an ingredient. It is also at least 10% more flavorful. The peanut taste is nuttier and the banana tastes more sugary or ripe. Good stuff.

Now that I know how to work with cotton and I can reliably rebuild a 0.5 ohm dual coil that fires evenly, I might experiment with the chimney and the tank section on this Aqua and see if I can't enjoy it that way for a bit.

the majority of flavoring is diluted in PG. the manufacturer would just add VG to that. a lot of juice companies just call it max VG now

took the mrs to check out that artist collection from NJoy today. she chose dragon scape made by the guy from POET. very complex tea flavors with a vanilla custard like flavor in the background.

i picked up the marquis dripper. it was a clone so i put it in the ultrasonic cleaner. thing was still dirty so it will need a second round


Picked up a Subtank Mini to go along with my Atlantis, wow this thing is amazing. Slightly less vapor production on the OCC coils at 22W (tends to dry burn higher) than the Atlantis, but the flavor is stellar. Although it's the 'mini' it's maybe a couple millimeters taller than the Atlantis with a slightly wider profile. Holds ~2mL more, though.

Just had to make sure to let the wick completely prime itself before attempting to fire it, got a few nasty Japanese cotton hits when starting out.


God so much info here, thanks everyone. Can someone tell me what's the best thing to get for the $?

If you wait a little bit, there is the istick 50w coming out in a few days. If you want to go the rebuildable route go with Tugboat v2/plume veil 1.5 as a dripper and/or Lemo Drop for RTA

If you have a small vape budget, go for the istick 50w no matter what since it's going to cost you more in the long run to work up to it. For the drippers you can buy clones that are cheaper. The authentic Lemo Drop is pretty cheap and it is just amazing.

To make up your mind watch the grimmgreen and riptrippers reviews on youtube.


God so much info here, thanks everyone. Can someone tell me what's the best thing to get for the $?

Or, if you're just looking to drop the cigs, don't go for a dripper at all and just pick up a reputable clearomiser such as the Aspire Nautilus.

Or, if you want big clouds of vapor without the hassle of rebuilding (recommended to newcomers), pick up one of the sub-ohm tanks (Aspire Atlantis/Kanger Subtank) that are currently all the rage.

Do get an iStick though.

You have alot of options. Depends what you're after and what your smoking habits are.


By the way, Chopper, you were so right about Cosmic Fog's Shocker. I tried some the other day and was blown away by how good it is--easily the best lemonade I've ever had--and immediately bought two 30ml bottles, one of which has been completely drained.

I found myself not actually minding when some juice spit into my mouth. Then I felt like a savage. But yeah, listen to Chopper; if you like lemonade, you have to try Shocker. There's even a nice strawberry note to it.


By the way, Chopper, you were so right about Cosmic Fog's Shocker. I tried some the other day and was blown away by how good it is--easily the best lemonade I've ever had--and immediately bought two 30ml bottles, one of which has been completely drained.

I found myself not actually minding when some juice spit into my mouth. Then I felt like a savage. But yeah, listen to Chopper; if you like lemonade, you have to try Shocker. There's even a nice strawberry note to it.

That sounds nice. I googled it and found that it's basically MBV Freckled Lemonade rebottled and 3x the price.

Since I can't get these liquids in Italy I hope someone comes up with the recipe for it.

BTW: For those into DIY liquids like me, several cosmic fog clone recipes are just Flavor West flavors.


So the Nautilus Mini that I ordered arrived today. It's almost exactly the same size as my Protank II so it fits on all of my stuff nicely. I am glad I went with the mini because this is about as big as I would want a tank to be.

The only juice I have at the moment is a giant bottle of Gorilla Juice. A few family members and friends got into vaping and over the holidays I gave them a lot of the random juices I've accumulated over the years.

I've only spent about an hour with the Nautilus Mini so far but I wouldn't say it's leaps and bounds better than Protank II. I'm getting just about as much vapor as I do with P2 the Nautilus does seem to have more flavor but maybe that's because it has a new coil. I do like the adjustable air flow so that's a major plus and the Nautilus is seemingly able to handle more voltage than the P2 so that's cool. Build quality seems very good. I'm not a huge fan of screwing the pieces on the top and bottom right onto the pyrex but as long as I don't overtighten it should be fine.

Not quite sure if it's worth 35 bucks yet. I'll need to spend more time with it and try some other juices in it.

I have this exact setup (Nautilus Mini + eLeaf iStick) and it's pretty good for the money. I originally had the Mini on a iTaste VV 3.0 and thought the Mini was crappy. Turned out it was the shitty iTaste. The iStick is far superior and it fits in my pocket better.

By the way, Chopper, you were so right about Cosmic Fog's Shocker. I tried some the other day and was blown away by how good it is--easily the best lemonade I've ever had--and immediately bought two 30ml bottles, one of which has been completely drained.

I found myself not actually minding when some juice spit into my mouth. Then I felt like a savage. But yeah, listen to Chopper; if you like lemonade, you have to try Shocker. There's even a nice strawberry note to it.

I tried Cosmic Fog Kryptonite and Shocker, and ended up purchasing the latter. Really liking the fresh lemon flavor.

I'm looking for some top tier juice and RDA recommendations if anyone has any experience.


I'm looking for some top tier juice and RDA recommendations if anyone has any experience.

Tugboat V2 and Plume veil 1.5 are the ones that everyone seems to be using the most right now. I have a clone of the newly announced Derringer by Praxis Vapors on the way from FastTech, will report on how that one is once it arrives. Here is a video on that last one from Twisted


So I stripped the threads in my iStick from just habitual use and switching of tanks. Really glad to hear the new versions use stainless steel for the threads because it really only lasted about 2 months. Bought a Sigelei 100w to replace for home use and bought another iStick for out and about use.


Anyone with experience with an ipv mini? Currently using a Sigelei 150w and staying around 50-60w. One of my wants was something with a smaller profile with the ability to go up to 60-70 watts and I see the ipv mini 2 is available with 75w.
top tier RDAs right now for me

Vertex V2


journey from lazarus vintage
hedon's bite from njoy (made by mr good vape)
castle long reserve from five pawns


I also grabbed a full size nautilus to use at home with my new Sigelei. I actually prefer that size. It's A LOT easier to get in and out of (plus if you filled it up with your regular stuff you'd be refilling a lot less). Love that I've now got 2 mini tanks and 1 big one that all use the same replaceable coils.

The first tank I got with the eGo setup was a Kanger Aerotank. Is it normal for this to be pretty much unusable with this sigelei 100W? Even at the absolute minimum 10W setting and a brand new coil, it tastes like the juice is burning. I can go up to 15W EASILY with the nautilus tanks and it's gravy but the Kanger is terrible.

Picked up Nutz also. Shit is pretty good.


I also grabbed a full size nautilus to use at home with my new Sigelei. I actually prefer that size. It's A LOT easier to get in and out of (plus if you filled it up with your regular stuff you'd be refilling a lot less). Love that I've now got 2 mini tanks and 1 big one that all use the same replaceable coils.

The first tank I got with the eGo setup was a Kanger Aerotank. Is it normal for this to be pretty much unusable with this sigelei 100W? Even at the absolute minimum 10W setting and a brand new coil, it tastes like the juice is burning. I can go up to 15W EASILY with the nautilus tanks and it's gravy but the Kanger is terrible.

Picked up Nutz also. Shit is pretty good.
Any chance you're in the UK?

A good tip for anyone using Aerotanks (which I love), is to use heads made by Naturevape. The default Kanger heads aren't great, but these bad boys absolutely transform the Aerotanks into monsters and are comically easy to rewick. I don't know if there is an equivalent company in the US, but it might be worth looking into.


I really only have the one Kanger aerotank so I probably will just use it with the eGo battery in case of emergencies. I really wish I had waited to buy the iStick because I didn't even realize there was a new 30W model with better threads. It seems like it's sold out everywhere which sucks because it's basically the same price as the still ever popular 20W model. I don't wanna stress this enough, because the dudes at the brick and mortar acted like it isn't even an issue. The threads are super soft and you should probably just use an eGo adapter and a beauty sleeve if you change your tank frequently.

EDIT: and no, I'm in California. I'm on my last two heads. I think they're 1.5 ohm. I don't know if getting higher resistance heads would be better or whether it's just the wicking material that sucks.
Subtank coil cartridge design reminds me of Taifun GT. Rebuildable deck reminds me of Kayfun, obviously.

I ordered a mini to try out.

Rewicking and dry burning the coil cartridges looks to be a piece of cake. That's what I used to do with protank coils for several times, with much poorer juice flow and airflow.

Sigh. Seems like I buy a set of tanks every few months. Might be time to say goodbye to my Nautilus Minis soon unless they get cotton coils out soon. The BVCs flow great but don't taste as good as cotton, and I'm sure as hell not rewicking those little tubes by stuffing cotton around the coil.
should be getting the vapor flask temperature controlled clone by the end of the week

im hoping i can make a coil that is as flavorful as my normal tiger coils. going back to straight wrapped kanthal is impossible for me. i'm hoping i can make a build with this ni200 wire that has a comparable amount of surface area


Either tomorrow or the day after I am getting my biggest vape mail yet.
Sigelei 150w, samsung 25r 20A batteries, efest soda charger and black Tugboat V2 clone. I am so freaking excited! Did I mention I got those for a steal?! The Sigelei 150w was discounted to 69.99 euro from 100 that it was initially, that gave me some wiggle room and I was able to afford the rest of the stuff I got.

I would have bought the VTC5s but they run out of stock while I was ordering. Samsung 25r 20A was the best I could do to avoid the purple e-fest that are basically under performing VTC4 cells re-wrapped.


The Samsung 25Rs are really very good batteries. I'd probably pick those over VTC5s unless I was absolutely sure that the Sony batteries are authentic.


The Samsung 25Rs are really very good batteries. I'd probably pick those over VTC5s unless I was absolutely sure that the Sony batteries are authentic.

They are authentic, that shop carries only atomizer and mech mod clones, the rest is authentic.


Damn in stock now. Yes, that's the new version. The front has that little ridge on the top but otherwise it's identical [to the 20W versions] and goes up to 30W. To be clear I never had an issue with the old version aside from threads but it wouldn't fire at really low resistance so the new version also works with those sub ohm tanks.


Anecdotally, I do know a few people who have had trouble with the threads on the 30 watt iStick, but that might just be bad luck. Pristine_Condition recently told me that he loves his though, and that it's been performing flawlessly for him.


If you're concerned about the threads just use the ego adapter with the adapter that comes with your nautilus mini. The is so tiny that it'll still fit in your pocket or jacket pocket easily. If you're aware of the threads being soft ahead of time you probably won't have an issur at all though. Mine is literally smooth as polished granite though. Pretty much useless.


I got bored and tried rebuilding one of my old OCCs. The whole process took maybe 2 minutes. 5 spaced wraps of 27 gauge, coming out at 1 ohm. Flavor's every bit as good as the stock coils, and it handles my 70/30 juices just fine. Definitely a much better option for me than using the RBA deck, or paying like $5 per OCC.

edit: kinda leaky though...
The threads on my launch week iStick 20w are still holding up. Just never jam a tank in and start twisting. Turn it back a bit before screwing in, you'll learn to feel when the threads are perfectly aligned it it will become second nature.

I got bored and tried rebuilding one of my old OCCs. The whole process took maybe 2 minutes. 5 spaced wraps of 27 gauge, coming out at 1 ohm. Flavor's every bit as good as the stock coils, and it handles my 70/30 juices just fine. Definitely a much better option for me than using the RBA deck, or paying like $5 per OCC.

edit: kinda leaky though...

It's usually all about learning the "just right" amount of cotton with these types of things. Snug enough to block flooding, loose enough to let the juice flow.


I just picked up an iStick 30W to replace my old 20W. The button on it died. Pretty sad. But still this 30W looks nice and I am excited to use some sub ohm hardware with it.


I've been using a iStick with a Aspire K1 tank since early December and its been awesome saving me so much money not buying the real things.

Recently upgraded to a Nautilus tank to go with my iStick and my first real decent e liquid.


Subliminal by Propaganda it taste's like those sour punch candies.

I do have to ask though what are some of the best menthol liquids out there? My moms been trying ecigs for a bit now but just can't find a decent menthol that satisfies her need of a throat hit and coolness.
I've been using a iStick with a Aspire K1 tank since early December and its been awesome saving me so much money not buying the real things.

Recently upgraded to a Nautilus tank to go with my iStick and my first real decent e liquid.


Subliminal by Propaganda it taste's like those sour punch candies.

I do have to ask though what are some of the best menthol liquids out there? My moms been trying ecigs for a bit now but just can't find a decent menthol that satisfies her need of a throat hit and coolness.

Mt. Shasta Frost.
got a new vaporflask clone with cloned DNA 40 chip. this chip has been pretty amazing for temperature protection. flavor isn't as good comparing a twisted nickel build compared to my normal tiger coils but it has been very nice in the kayfun v4


Damn in stock now. Yes, that's the new version. The front has that little ridge on the top but otherwise it's identical [to the 20W versions] and goes up to 30W. To be clear I never had an issue with the old version aside from threads but it wouldn't fire at really low resistance so the new version also works with those sub ohm tanks.

The 30w iStick is also capable of 0.4ohm which makes it an even better deal. Although I haven't tried the 50w yet.

Pete Rock

Restocked on Sweet Tooth (Graham Cracker & Vanilla) from Alpha Vapes, forgot how good this is. One of my favorites for sure.

Tried the "Time Bomb" line of juices and didn't really like any of them, although to be fair they were in mini-nautilus tanks and it felt like I was drawing through a coffee stirrer, so there was definitely a lack of vapor production which inhibited my senses.

Spoiled as fuck with this Aqua V2. Had the same coils in there for 2 weeks now, it is so trivial to pull out the cotton, dry burn and rinse them off and re-wick. Drip game is fierce.


One of these days Im going to grab one of those Aqua V2s off Fasttech. I still really enjoy my original clone Aqua/Origin hybrid.
Once you taste the pureness of the SubTank cartridge flavor you will find the BVC Atantis and Nautilus coils unpalatable. Wow. Got my nano today.


Once you taste the pureness of the SubTank cartridge flavor you will find the BVC Atantis and Nautilus coils unpalatable. Wow. Got my nano today.

How much more e juice are you using with the subtank? I get that there's more flavor and vapor. I go through maybe 4 ml's a day, maybe more if it's a weekend or if I'm using something around 6 mg.
How much more e juice are you using with the subtank? I get that there's more flavor and vapor. I go through maybe 4 ml's a day, maybe more if it's a weekend or if I'm using something around 6 mg.

I don't have a handle on it yet, been using it less than a day. I'm guessing I'm going through 5 or 6ml a day at the current rate. These tanks are definitely thirsty. I'm OK with that because flavor. Will be buying three or four more of these tanks.


Picked up an Eleaf iStick 30w today to go with a Kanger Subtank Mini. Can't wait to set it up. Got Cosmic Fog - Kryptonite and The Shocker, as well as Ruthless E-juice - Grape Drank to go with it.

If anyone is interested I have an Eleaf iStick 20w (used for about 2 weeks, great condition, original box) and an iTaste VV 3.0 (used for about 1 week, great condition, original box) that I am willing to part with for cheap as I have no use for them. Both work well with the Aspire Nautilus Mini (which is a great, compact tank). Neither can sub-ohm, which is my main reason for getting rid of them. I'm in Toronto, so shipping may be a deal breaker. PM me if you are interested.


Once you taste the pureness of the SubTank cartridge flavor you will find the BVC Atantis and Nautilus coils unpalatable. Wow. Got my nano today.

Alright, my curiosity is piqued. I ordered a Nano.

Unrelated: I grabbed some Jimmy the Juice Man after spotting a restock, since the stuff seems to be popular. Caramel Pear, specifically. To be honest, I'm not feeling it, but since the restock just happened I assume this juice might be too fresh. I'm gonna let it sit and check in on it in a few weeks. Right now I can just barely taste the caramel on the exhale, and the pear flavor is nowhere to be found.
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