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The Official E-Cigarette Thread Of F#ck Analog Cigarettes

Pete Rock

i run the PMMA tank with anything but one specific juice that cracks tanks (and has before). build deck is straight forward. insert coil lead through hole, tighten screw, and you're good. wicking this thing is very easy. if for someone reason you need to rewick the device, it's also extremely easy. unscrew the tank section and you're right at your build deck. it is 22mm as well so no worries there
Awesome, thanks for your help. While are speaking of wicking -
I did when I still used cotton. I'm straight rayon now. Have been for a month. No going back for me
Tell me all you know about building your Aqua V2 with Rayon ~ I want to give it a spin at the same time as the cotton so I can get a feel for which one I like better.

i would suggest the sigelei 100w v2. added the spring loaded 510, which was really the only needed upgrade from the v1 i have.
Nice, thanks for the notes on the differences and the suggestion. I think I will end up purchasing either this or the IPV3 early next year. I don't like the black or the golds so I might wait around for a silver version but if that doesn't happen I'll just get a black and buy a custom wrap for it.

i dont personally think coil jigs are necessary but if you aren't used to making coils then they can definitely help you get enough tension on your coils.
Well the way I build now is kind of cheesy, I wrap into the threads of a machine screw which provides adequate tension and spacing. However it is only one diameter and one thread pitch, so it literally gives me no other options. I have seen the coil jigs for as much as $25 in stores which I balked at... they go for like $5 on FT. I paid $10 from 101vape.

i've never been a fan of gennies. i might eventually get a nahualon clone to check out, but that's the extent of that
Yeah dude you aren't missing anything, near as I can tell bottom coils have been the way of the true vaper for well over the last year now. It takes me a while to catch up... lol


So I've been using the 0.5 ohm coil on the Sub Tank for the past day and I think I like it. Flavor seems slightly better than the Atlantis. Airflow is slightly more restrictive than my Lemo. Vapor production is a wash to me. It wicks nicely; no dry hits even when chain vaping (which, as I'll explain in a sec, is somewhat problematic to do). The capacity is far better than the Atlantis and holds 1ML more than the Lemo, but the tradeoff is obvious: this thing is huge. If size isn't a concern, I would probably recommend this over the Atlantis. It's more versatile, and I feel a little better about Kanger's heads because they do use cotton instead of Aspire's fiberglass wicks.

The cons so far is it's a very hot vape, probably the hottest vape I've ever experienced, even at 25 watts with the airflow wide open. The biggest problem I've had with it is how hot the steel drip tip gets when chain vaping. It's also unbelievably loud. I've never heard a coil sound so angry before. I also have no idea how much a 5 pack of heads costs, but from eyeballing the head I'm using, it looks like it could be a fairly simple rebuild--getting the thing open might be the hardest part. But from looking at the design, I think you might be able to just pull the cotton and rewick it through the juice holes if you're careful.

I haven't tried the RBA deck yet (I think I actually stripped one of the screws holding the top cap in place), but it's essentially the same deck as a Kayfun 3.1. I'll try to find a way to get the top cap off (you have to replace it when switching decks) this weekend and report back if anyone cares. I'd imagine it's probably about the same as a Kayfun though.

For the time being, I think I'll be sticking with my Lemo as my day-to-day RTA, but that may change once I get the RBA deck into the Sub Tank. If the vape is close to what I get on my Lemo, I may end up using the Sub Tank instead just because you don't need a tool to fill it.
Got myself an Eleaf iStick and Aspire Nautilus Mini for Christmas, this thing blows my old setup out of the water.

Anyone who has a similar setup what is the lifespan on these BVC coils?


Got myself an Eleaf iStick and Aspire Nautilus Mini for Christmas, this thing blows my old setup out of the water.

Anyone who has a similar setup what is the lifespan on these BVC coils?

A) I agree, compared to my old setup, its a whole new world!
B) just started using it last fri, so... couldnt really say as to the duration of the coils. though 1 week in a no signs of letting up yet!

Also, an update to my earlier post... I misspoke, it wasnt Mothers Milk I ordered, it was Milk and Honey. And.. not sure how I feel about it. Not a big fan of the marshmallow. Its not bad mind you, just.. dont think its for me as an ADV. Since then I have ordered Derailed from Suicide Bunny and we will see how that goes.


Okay, so I got ruthless with the stripped screw on my SubTank and managed to swap out the top cap for the RBA cap (which reduces the tank's capacity from 6ml to 4ml). It was a surprisingly tricky build because, for some reason, the rebuildable deck was really finnicky, and my resistance was jumping around with ohms ranging from 0.6 to 2.3.

It eventually stabilized with a 0.7 ohm twisted coil, though, and I filled the fucker up with some Castle Long. The flavor is unreal--probably the best I've ever tasted in a tank. Vapor production wasn't bad either, but there are some problems with the SubTank in RBA mode, stemming from this:


Compared to the Lemo on the top, the stem is tiny. Which means that the airflow is not only worse than the Lemo, but it's much more constrictive than even the default top cap that's used for the OCC coils. Just to be clear, the airflow in RBA mode is much closer to a Lemo (which is essentially wide open) than a Kayfun, but if airflow is a priority, you won't want to use this in RBA mode. I prefer mouth-to-lung hits, though, and I found that the widest airflow setting in RBA mode allows for a very comfortable mouth-to-lung inhale.

All in all, I like this thing a lot. As a clearomizer, I prefer this to the Atlantis because the flavor is better and I'm more comfortable with Kanger's wicking material in their OCCs (it uses Japanese cotton). I also find that the stock 0.5 ohm head requires less wattage than the Atlantis; I'm happy with the SubTank at 20 watts, whereas I find that the Atlantis really performs best at 30+ watts. As an RTA, the SubTank is pretty much a better Kayfun 3.1. I think I'm going to leave it in this mode and start using it as my daily driver because, for my vaping style, it works much better than my Lemo. If you're looking for a subohm tank and have the choice between this and the Atlantis, I would recommend Kanger's offering because it just seems like a better product despite its drawbacks (it's huge, it's loud, and the vape is pretty hot in whatever mode you use it in).


If you're looking for a subohm tank and have the choice between this and the Atlantis, I would recommend Kanger's offering because it just seems like a better product despite its drawbacks (it's huge, it's loud, and the vape is pretty hot in whatever mode you use it in).
Whereas the Atlantis has none of these problems, and the only drawback is the lower capacity. I did read all of your post, I promise, but I fail to see how the Subtank is the better product. Horses for courses I guess, but it's fair to say that as the first entrants in the market, the sub-ohm tank category is off to a flying start!


Hey I got a new atlantis the other day and it seems great but I typically use 12mg e-liquid and the throat hit is crushing me. I know it runs best at 20 watts and up but I wasn't prepared for the nicotine blast. Any work around or do I just need to switch to something lower?
Edit: using ipv mini
Hey I got a new atlantis the other day and it seems great but I typically use 12mg e-liquid and the throat hit is crushing me. I know it runs best at 20 watts and up but I wasn't prepared for the nicotine blast. Any work around or do I just need to switch to something lower?
Edit: using ipv mini

The Atlantis is for chucking tons of clouds.... therefore you need to tune your nicotine down.

Most people use 3mg or lower when sucking in this much smoke.


Damn...I use 6mg and i though that gave me a bit of a head rush with the Atlantis. Higher than that I trhinkbwiukd get me fucking stoned. Lol
I heard the Atlantis was going to come out with 1 Ohm coils... So I'd be able to use my iStick with it (cuz I want to save money but the convenience of a powerful tank system). Anyone heard or know when this will happen? Or even if it's a good idea?


I don't think anybody cares, but I felt like posting my story thus far - maybe it encourages people or something:

I was a heavy smoker for pretty much 20 years. Tried my first cigarette when I was 13 or something, really started with 15, smoked up to three packs a day in the end. I mean, it wasn't just an addiction or anything. Even when I was smoking 60 cigarettes a day, I wanted tasty tobacco. I actually enjoyed smoking - a lot. I'm generally very interested in biology and toxicology, so I knew very well what's in there and how bad it is, but I liked it, so I never felt like quitting.

Roughly two weeks ago, I started looking into e-cigarettes for whatever reason. I guess I didn't care previously because I believed e-cigarettes were something like nicotine gum, a method to quit first and foremost - but roughly two weeks ago, the highest German court ruled that they weren't. They said e-cigarettes were essentially "luxury food". So I thought: Well, if people actually use those things because they're tasty, I probably should give it a shot. So I've ordered a cheap one, one that looks like a real cigarette, to give it a spin. Got it last Monday, and it tasted like ass, but I thought the idea was great - if only the taste was a bit (actually a lot) better. So I've ordered a real one. A Joyetech eGrip, with a bunch of liquids to taste test. Got the stuff last Wednesday - and haven't touched a real cigarette since. No urges whatsoever. In fact, I don't think I could go back. Some of the liquids I've bought are just plain terrible, but some are absolutely amazing. And to my surprise, I actually love liquids that taste nothing like tobacco. Peaches and cream for example, stuff I've only ordered for shits and giggles. I don't even like real peaches, but I absolutely love that liquid.

So yeah - if you're reading this and are on the fence: Give it a shot. It's not just a substitute or an alternative, it's something else. Something better. Something that renders real cigarettes obsolete.

It's been 56 days since I've had a cigarette. Got a vision spinner 2 and a vivi nova tank and a variety of juice. My lungs honestly feel so much better and haven't had any type of craving for an analog.
You a bad man!

One thing I've noticed is everybody has a different vaping pattern. Some people do low nic juice and hit it constantly, I do "high" nic (12mg is high for a rig with high wattage) and don't hit it nearly as often. I probably consume less nicotine than some people with low nic juice. I only vape once or twice during the day if I'm at the office (but I used to smoke at least every two hours, cigs are SO addictive!).
Okay Im off to a good start,vapeing has worked for me so far. Im about two weeks into it and feel no need for cigarettes. Heres my stash


There are some juices in there I dont care too much for so Im gonna sell em cheap, Ill let you guys know which ones in a day or two.


Okay Im off to a good start,vapeing has worked for me so far. Im about two weeks into it and feel no need for cigarettes. Heres my stash


There are some juices in there I dont care too much for so Im gonna sell em cheap, Ill let you guys know which ones in a day or two.

Cosmic Fog's Milk n Honey is soooo good. What don't you like about it???


imo milk and honey is kind of overrated. though it's usually my default when i can't figure out what else to get
I just got my girlfriend a decent setup to help her quit smoking, and she seems to be taking to it pretty well. Problem is, we're traveling for most of the month of January and I forgot to get her a case--does anyone have any recommendations? This thing seems pretty fragile!

Pete Rock

Congrats to those who've shared recent vaping transition success stories, always lovely to hear!

So I got an Aqua V2 Tobeco Clone in and totally disassembled and cleaned, waiting for parts to dry. Scooped a box of Rayon, apparently enough to last me a lifetime.

Really excited to get home and experiment with a single coil build and see what kind of a sweet spot I can find given the limitations of my ProVari 2.5 mod platform.

I was really stoked on the IPV3 but then I took another look and compared it to the Sigelei 100W. The IPV3 max output voltage is 7.0 - I need 7.4!

I have a ceramic coated heating element based atomizer for cannabis concentrates that runs on a basic mech mod that requires 2 x 18350 for 7.4V. The wattage power range that it operates in is 30-35 so that's all well and good, but I need it to run at 7.4V as well. I want this box mod I buy to run double duty by simply swapping the atomizer attachments.

I think I will either buy a Sigelei 100W in silver, or I will build a DNA40 box myself, depending on how I feel after experimenting with the Aqua V2 clone. Probably scoop the Sigelei, all things considered. Thanks for the recommendations EsotericManiac!


I must be crazy also. Nearly every juice aside from the Milk and Honey I just got is at 18 mg. I'm starting to buy everything at 12 mg now.


It's weird. Sometimes it's super strong and harsh and then after a while it's fine. I don't know if it's this Nautilus Mini or the iStick or just how much I've used it on that particular day. Gonna try and make a jump to 6 mg in a week or two once I've used up the rest of my 18 mg stuff.
Congrats to those who've shared recent vaping transition success stories, always lovely to hear!

So I got an Aqua V2 Tobeco Clone in and totally disassembled and cleaned, waiting for parts to dry. Scooped a box of Rayon, apparently enough to last me a lifetime.

Really excited to get home and experiment with a single coil build and see what kind of a sweet spot I can find given the limitations of my ProVari 2.5 mod platform.

I was really stoked on the IPV3 but then I took another look and compared it to the Sigelei 100W. The IPV3 max output voltage is 7.0 - I need 7.4!

I have a ceramic coated heating element based atomizer for cannabis concentrates that runs on a basic mech mod that requires 2 x 18350 for 7.4V. The wattage power range that it operates in is 30-35 so that's all well and good, but I need it to run at 7.4V as well. I want this box mod I buy to run double duty by simply swapping the atomizer attachments.

I think I will either buy a Sigelei 100W in silver, or I will build a DNA40 box myself, depending on how I feel after experimenting with the Aqua V2 clone. Probably scoop the Sigelei, all things considered. Thanks for the recommendations EsotericManiac!

not a problem

with rayon, you don't want the wick the whole way down the channel. maybe about 80 with tapered tails to allow more juice to enter the channel. it's a good idea to give it "shoulders" so if you're pulling hard you can't flood the deck


hi guys, didn't know this thread existed! stopped cigarettes since Stop October and have't had a full cig since. When I say full, I've tried having one when drunk at various points but no matter how sober or drunk I am, they taste bloody awful. Which is weird in a way, since the struggle of needing a cig never goes away, it weakens but I still feel like having one when I smell smoke (though the dirty lingering smell on a person puts me straight back off them!).

My first starter kit was an Aspire Nautilus Mini with the Aspire CF VV+ battery. Great ecig though way too big. I just can't carry it around with me wherever I go and it's worse at work, trying to hide it discreetly in my pocket whenever the bar dies down and I run to the toilet for a quick puff.

Now I've treated myself to Totally Wicked Curve, which to my understanding is the UK equivalent of the eleaf iStick. I'm happy with it so far! Being able to charge and use it at the same time is a life saver. Here's to a life of no cigarettes ! :)


Pete Rock

with rayon, you don't want the wick the whole way down the channel. maybe about 80 with tapered tails to allow more juice to enter the channel. it's a good idea to give it "shoulders" so if you're pulling hard you can't flood the deck
Nice, off to a great start, thank you very much. I rolled a length of it down to a diameter that was just wide enough to "squeak" through the coil and I packed the tails as you described.

Although to be honest I didn't want a repeat of my Aqua V1 experience, and I had a few 10ml bottles to go thru, so I set it up as a dripper and put a 1 ohm coil on it that I am running at 3V.

I'll report back when I set it up as a tank but that might be a while. I really like this dripping setup and I am not getting dry hits like I would with the ekowool, also no discernable taste from the rayon whatsoever and the flavor is amazing.

Tried an aloe flavor which was knock your socks off good now I am vaping the last bit of my Blue Label Elixer Daddy's which is a really VG heavy juice that doesn't wick worth a darn in my genny.

Thanks for this recommendation I really like this new Aqua V2, I think for the price of the clone you couldn't really go wrong. I will probably spring for a box mod sooner than later seeing as how much I enjoy the performance on this even with my current vv mod limitations. Feels great to upgrade after a year and a half of rocking the same setup. Glad I waited to this point and am still able to utilize all my rebuilding accessories and maintain that level of control.


Although to be honest I didn't want a repeat of my Aqua V1 experience, and I had a few 10ml bottles to go thru, so I set it up as a dripper and put a 1 ohm coil on it that I am running at 3V..

I dont get it, i love my Aqua clone and have used it consistently over the year+ that Ive had it. I got the "good" one from fasttech, i forget the manufacturer. You must have gotten unlucky with a bad clone?

@EsotericManiac - How much of an improvement is the V2?
So BY FAR the gift I was most excited to give out this christmas was the iStick to my brother. He's a newbie vapor with a sigelei zmax and mentioned wanting a new mod.

I toiled over how I was going to get his hype levels up when he came over for christmas. I was vaping on mine in the living room when he asked what it was, "Oh, I didn't show you this, its this new mod, crazy small, ridiculous battery, I tried to get you one but they are sold out everywhere, they are like the hottest thing on the market."

He played with mine on and off for about an hour. Hype levels reached desired levels. When he opened his he was floored.


I finally changed the head in my Atlantis. One month and two days it lasted. Not bad. It still performed, but I was getting a little bit of spitting the last couple of days.


After using some 6 mg juice for an afternoon, I think I've decided that 6 mg is probably better if you plan on using it for long periods of time. 18 mg and 12 mg was fine in those first few weeks when I wasn't hitting it all day long.
I dont get it, i love my Aqua clone and have used it consistently over the year+ that Ive had it. I got the "good" one from fasttech, i forget the manufacturer. You must have gotten unlucky with a bad clone?

@EsotericManiac - How much of an improvement is the V2?

much better, actually

build deck is a lot easier as their are holes for your leads as well as normal screws to tighten them. the tank holds 4 mL, and the tank detaches just be unscrewing it. you have easy, quick access to your deck as filling the thing is easier as you use one of the 4 holes that juice comes out of to fill. no more top filling causing your chamber to flood. i've filled the entire tank at red lights and just walking down the street in a matter of seconds.


I need some help picking one !
Long time cigarrete smoker and look to stop and switch to e-cig. I've read a few pages and is still confused about which one to get. I read about rebuilding, using diffrent hardware etc..
I looking for one that I can just put the liquid in and go. I not looking to use different parts or have to take it apart to recoile etc.. I just need one that charges, easy to put the liquid in and every now and then clean it ! That's all. I also see also see a lot of stores for the liquid here but I would like to know which one is Gaf's #1 overall so I can buy it there with no worries.
Thank you for the help I'm a newbie at this and need directions. Thank you


The Eleaf/mini Nautilus setup seems to be the consensus favorite for daily smokers trying to kick the habit. One of those cheaper pen setups just dies before the day is done at least for me, and you can smoke it and charge at the same time. You also gotta remove the tank just to charge. Not sure where to buy hardware since I got everything at a local store.

For e juice though I've had no problems with Giant Vapes or something like that. They have most of the popular juices and they ship within a week even across the country to Cali. One thing I will recommending is to start with multiple tanks so that you can try more flavors from the get go. Cleanup with most tank systems isn't hard but most of the time you wanna stick with a similar flavor when you refill (like don't go from a dessert flavor to a crazy fruity flavor or vice versa).


can anyone recommend a dripper clone? i prefer flavor over clouds.

im currently using a magma clone and it really does taste amazing but the leaking has finally drove me crazy.

im thinking about a veritas clone but other suggestions for something easier to build on would be great.

Pete Rock

Atlantis owners may be interested in this upgrade kit from Kidney Puncher, increases tank capacity to 8ml and adds top filling for thirty bones. Just saw it posted on the TruVape page.

In regards to dripper clones I don't have much experience. I've put 3 different 1 ohm builds on my Aqua V2 for drip setup and I really like it, but half of your kit will be spare parts if you never intend to use the chimney and tank sections. So you could probably find a cheaper clone and not have so many parts laying around. But I really do like the build deck and post assemblies, the best I have seen so far.
can anyone recommend a dripper clone? i prefer flavor over clouds.

im currently using a magma clone and it really does taste amazing but the leaking has finally drove me crazy.

im thinking about a veritas clone but other suggestions for something easier to build on would be great.

Veritas works pretty well but is an absolute pain to build. I am pretty good at coil building and always dread putting a new one in. The clones also have crap insulators instead of PEEK. I just got in a Vertex 2 rda from Angelcigs but havent tried it yet. My brother says it's the best flavor dripper he has tried. The Marquis is also a good one. the clones are just now hitting the market so hit up Fasttech if you want to have a look (I'm waiting on the 1:1 before biting).

Edit: check out the Holmes V2 from Origin Vape. It is an authentic for ~30 that gets rave comments on reddit.


Neo Member
Well I'm officially on board the Vape train. Bought a KT eMow from my local vapor shop along with ragnarok odin and fenrir 6mg. Loving the Odin, it's a coconut and cinnamon flavor and tastes great. Not really sure about all these custom things I hear you guys talking about. Maybe I'll get there one day. Decided to order some mother's milk and claim your throne based on recommendations in this thread. Hope I enjoy them!

Pete Rock

I bought two 35 amp high drain efest cells and two 30mls of Cool Breeze Vapor's "Reserved" line, one butterscotch vanilla flavor and another one called mythical milk, both in 3mg.

Shelved my old provari 2.5 and matching genny and put this Aqua v2 on an old chi-you clone that I never used much at all, thing is hitting like a champ. Might scoop a Magma clone from FT as I really like the design and the juice wells and frankly there is no going back to tanks and ekowool after this flavor explosion.

I also don't even really care about the nic that much anymore, dropped from 12 to 3 and even just that little bit seems to be doing the trick. Really exciting!

Only thing left on my list for this year is a kick ass box mod and there's basically no hurry for that. Waiting for the right one.


Veritas works pretty well but is an absolute pain to build. I am pretty good at coil building and always dread putting a new one in. The clones also have crap insulators instead of PEEK. I just got in a Vertex 2 rda from Angelcigs but havent tried it yet. My brother says it's the best flavor dripper he has tried. The Marquis is also a good one. the clones are just now hitting the market so hit up Fasttech if you want to have a look (I'm waiting on the 1:1 before biting).

Edit: check out the Holmes V2 from Origin Vape. It is an authentic for ~30 that gets rave comments on reddit.

thanks im gonna check it out!

new 50w eleaf istick already has the new 30w mvp3 dead in the water. innokin must feel completely blindsided by eleafs recent offerings.


Neo Member
Ok might be a long shot here...but I just tried Adic's Burn Sago't Gulaman Friday night and I'm hooked...so hooked. Anyone know where I can get bigger than a 30ml bottle of it from??????????? I am now venturing to more online companies as I've grown tired of my shop's juices...first 2 stops are Rebel Juice and White Label...I like unique flavors and was doing a hit of Koolada in many but have quit that as long as the juice is good and strong flavored. Anyone?????????? Thanks!


Neo Member
Eh--I used to smoke menthols so I was so particular when I quit and was never happy, until I discovered Koolada. I got out of that when I found Driptonic's Miss Samoa and Space Jam's Pluto. I love the sweetness of both but when you smoke them all the time, the flavor gets dull. I've only found a handful of flavors I like since quitting (6/14) so it takes alot to get me on a bandwagon. Congrats on 8 days and many more! You'll find what you like...

Pete Rock

Ok might be a long shot here...but I just tried Adic's Burn Sago't Gulaman Friday night and I'm hooked...so hooked. Anyone know where I can get bigger than a 30ml bottle of it from???????????
You are the only other person I have seen mention them other than myself in the last year + of being subbed to this thread. Adic's Burn is fantastic and Sagot in particular is one of the best flavors I have ever tried. If you like that one be sure to try Ube Halaya & Maja Blanca. WOW. WOW. Philippine vapers know what is up!!! Also Green Mango. Best fruit explosion ever. Ughhh. They have shown pictures of 150ml bottles that look like soap dispensers on their FB page but I have never seen one of those in real life. Last time I was at TruVape in Vegas they still only had the small 10ml bottles so I ended up buying a slew of those like always. I order from them online and I wish they had 30. I think we are stuck with 10's for the time being unless you know someone over on the mainland who can ship you a gallon of the stuff.

In my search for other sources of AB online I also found recommendations for Ripe Vapes. 100% VG, very mature flavor profiles from the descriptions. Going to order a few and check them out, will report back.


Neo Member
I don't think I had ever heard of it and loved the description so I got what they had, 10ml. I have found a few online places with 30ml but I'm holding out for larger, lol. Some of the others sounded good but that sounded the best. What do the Ube and Maja taste like? The corn in the descriptions threw me...I don't like mango so I didn't try it but is it mainly all fruity or more mango flavor? Hmmm, I'm gonna have to see if I can find someone to contact to see if I can get larger 'cause it's so worth it! I got the 10's for $8.99 on Valencia Clouds, which is the cheapest I've seen. I WISH I knew someone on the mainland!! Don't think I won't try lol. I'll check Ripe Vapes out, ty! Look forward to your report!

Pete Rock

What do the Ube and Maja taste like? The corn in the descriptions threw me...I don't like mango so I didn't try it but is it mainly all fruity or more mango flavor?
To me Ube Halaya is like Sago't Gulaman in terms of "richness" but it has a lighter overall note which trends towards the savory coconut flavor. Having never actually consumed Ube Halaya (or taro by itself) I cannot tell you what it is supposed to taste like, so that makes it harder to make comparisons. I do know for a fact that if you like one you will like the other! At first I thought Sago't was by far away my favorite, after revisiting them a year later, they are basically in a three-way tie near as I can tell.

Yeah I totally understand you about the corn, it totally threw me as well. Don't think of the taste of the residual water in a can of corn, that is not what we are talking about here. It is like the sweetest corn flavor you didn't know existed, laced in with perfection. The only way I can describe it is it tastes like caramel corn without the caramel? I know this sounds ridiculous but it is true!

Same with the Green Mango. Mango, let alone a really fresh green variety, is not a flavor I have ever put at the top of my list. They just nail it so ridiculously well with this one. Must try for sure. I have not had a juice quite like it, before or since.

I ordered Coconut Thai (coconut, lemongrass, basil), Pear Almond (pear, marzipan) and Monkey Snack (peanut butter, banana) from Ripe Vapes. More than one of the reviews on their website said that Monkey Snack totally blows Grandmaster from Five Pawns out of the water so I am looking forward to verifying that for myself as that was one of my favorites from the last year. Looking more forward to the first two though as those are the mature and exotic flavor combinations that really entice me these days.
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