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The Official E-Cigarette Thread Of F#ck Analog Cigarettes



Cereal Killa (reminds me of Froot Loops)

if you like cereal killa, youll like loco loops from two gunz
http://vapeupusa.com/Loco-Loops-By-Two-Gunz-Premium-E-Juice-30ML-TWOGUNZ.htm. ive already converted a couple of cereal killa fanatics to loco loops. they taste similar, but the loco loops imo is a bit better.


Man, this is a mystery to me.

I'm was a huge EVOD guy. Probably the biggest proponent of the EVOD on these boards, actually. For a long time, that was my clearo choice and what I'd recommend to any new vaper. I know those things inside out and have rebuilt and modified them probably a hundred times.

And I have no clue what's going on.

If you are getting the right power out of your battery, I'm staring to guess you have a juice issue. Almost sounds like there's water in your juice, but that probably wouldn't carry the "sickly sweet" flavor symptom.

I'd try a clean tank/coil and a different juice from a different manufacturer/shop. See what happens.

I ended up taking my EVOD to a vape shop and the owner helped me out. He pushed a pin through the small holes in the metal 'waist' (don't know what it's technically called) at the top of the battery, and then covered the end with tissue and gave several hard flicks to clear the tube of any juice and condensation.

Problem solved, and it took less than a minute!

Pete Rock

took the mrs to check out that artist collection from NJoy today. she chose dragon scape made by the guy from POET. very complex tea flavors with a vanilla custard like flavor in the background.
My local spot just got this collection in, wow. They are all amazing. I scooped a bottle of that and and Para Mour. Dragon Scape is just phenomenal. Would have got Hedons Bite too, but they were out of 3mg. Ughhh I can't really say enough about these. The flavors are all in the right intensity and stack in the right order and they are all very deep and nuanced. Very impressive.
My local spot just got this collection in, wow. They are all amazing. I scooped a bottle of that and and Para Mour. Dragon Scape is just phenomenal. Would have got Hedons Bite too, but they were out of 3mg. Ughhh I can't really say enough about these. The flavors are all in the right intensity and stack in the right order and they are all very deep and nuanced. Very impressive.

my bottle of paramour lasted about a week

i'll be getting samba sun next. i don't even like orange vapes but that one is pretty fantastic


put a dual coil in my sub tank mini. not much of an improvement in vapor, but the flavor...wow. at 43w, this thing is kicking some ass right now. i think ill keep this tank around for a while.

Any of you guys tried out the juices from Vape Dojo under the Charlie Noble label?

I just got thier 9-flavor sampler and this stuff is GOOD. Haven't tried them all, but I've already re-ordered a couple of my favorites.

The juices seem to be very high-quality. All the juices are branded with a nautical theme, and the labeling is great. Everything you want in info on the bottle too. Very specific PG/VG info, born-on date (it appears these are all pre-steeped to varying degrees) and lot numbers. They all range in the higher range of VG ratios--the "thinnest" two juices in the line are 28/72, IIRC--often in very specific and not rounded numbers. So they are quite thick and won't be for beginner tank vapers. Every single juice in this line makes big clouds, if you like that sort of thing and have the equipment.

Best of all--the prices. Very reasonable. I got my 9 flavor sampler (all 15ml bottles) for $50 shipped. A 30ml bottle is $13 shipped. They just came out with a few new flavors under an "Admiral's Reserve" label that are $16/30ml shipped. (These weren't in my sampler,but I'm curious about a few of them.) The sampler is a good deal, but if you have a vaping buddy who has different tastes than you, the sampler is even better.

I was turned on to these juices by my buddy who gave me a sample of their "Blue Bay" (Blueberry/Pom/Vanilla/Lemon) flavor, which immediately hooked me. Their creams and custards are very tasty too. I'll probably switch over to their "Siren's Song" (strawberries and cream) as my daily vape for a while when I'm done with this bottle of Apothecary (which I talk about a few posts up) that has served me well of late.

One of the most interesting things about this collection are the two tobacco flavors. Man, these guys know how to make a tobacco. I haven't been into tobacco flavors at all since I started vaping, mostly because they just taste bad, and I've tried a bunch. Not so here. The one I like the most is called "Soller's Pointe" which is banana/vanilla/Caramel with just a hint of light tobacco at the end. Delicious, and I'm not that big a fan of banana flavors. Theother, called Tripoli would have been my favorite thing ever when I was quitting the Camel's back in the day, had it been around. It's a very well-done Turkish tobacco flavor with figs, almonds, and spices. Both of these go great with coffee. They have a new flavor in the Reserve line that's like Soller's Point, but instead of banana being the primary flavor, it's Pistachio with the vanilla, caramel and light tobacco. I immediately ordered it. If this is what it sounds like it is, this may be my morning coffee vape for the near future.

Anyway, you can get them on the Charlie Noble website or Vape Dojo in the US, and I see that their is distribution in the UK as well. If you are looking for well made, "top shelf"-style juices that you can make big clouds with on a sub ohm tank or dripping apparatus, but at a good price for a change, this might be for you.


Meanwhile, in the third world country of Canada, I got my hands on some of Mr. Good Vape's stuff. Mostly pleasant stuff, but nothing to go nuts over. Their apple pie flavor is excellent, though--very reminiscent of the apple and cinnamon Quaker instant oatmeal I used to eat as a kid.
Meanwhile, in the third world country of Canada, I got my hands on some of Mr. Good Vape's stuff. Mostly pleasant stuff, but nothing to go nuts over. Their apple pie flavor is excellent, though--very reminiscent of the apple and cinnamon Quaker instant oatmeal I used to eat as a kid.

I guess I didn't know Canadians couldn't get USA-made juice easily. This surprises me.


I've just subscribed to mySizzlebox. It's got some pretty good reviews and is very reasonably priced so I thought I'd give it a shot. I'm bored of trawling through websites for interesting juices to try out. Flavour descriptions all read the same to me nowadays. I'm excited to receive my first box.


put a dual coil in my sub tank mini. not much of an improvement in vapor, but the flavor...wow. at 43w, this thing is kicking some ass right now. i think ill keep this tank around for a while.

Do you use a 50/50 juice with the mini RBA? I've been having a really hard time getting juice to feed into that thing. I've actually found it easier to rebuild the regular atomizers for the subtank.Especially since the ones I've been buying for it last 3-5 days tops.


Do you use a 50/50 juice with the mini RBA? I've been having a really hard time getting juice to feed into that thing. I've actually found it easier to rebuild the regular atomizers for the subtank.Especially since the ones I've been buying for it last 3-5 days tops.
I use any and all blends. I currently have a max vg juice in it and it works fine. I'll admit I can't chain vape it like crazy without getting a dry hit, but for the amount I use it I don't have a problem with dry hits. When using the rebuildable base and other tanks with similar design, I found that it's key to keep the juice channels clear as well as having unobstructed airflow from the juice channels to the chimney.


I picked up a Subtank Nano on a whim yesterday, as they had them in stock in my local B&M. It's a very pretty little tank, and it looks great on my Vaporshark. Much more slinky than the Atlantis I've been using, and can hold a bit more juice too.

But I've had some real problems with dry hits and found myself constantly dry-pulling to combat them, which is infuriating. Initially I thought it might be because I was using a thick juice, so I swapped out my Golden Drops Tasty Churros for some trusty Bread of Heaven, but got the same result. I did some Googling and established that it was probably because the wattage was too high. Even though it's a similar .6 ohms to the Atlantis, due to the much smaller size of the tank there is less space for the heat to disperse. As a result, I'm running it at 21 watts, rather than the 27 I use with the Atlantis. This seems to have done the trick, so I'm satisfied for the time being.

But yeah. Thing looks great.



I was gifted a Fantasia branded battery (See below)

But I received no paperwork with it. Does anyone have one of these to know if the battery light is supposed to be on while charging?
I think every ego battery I've ever used has the light on whilst charging.


Looks like a rebranded EVOD, Neverfade. I think the light stays on during the charge, turning green when it's at full capacity.


My haul from the socal vape expo in San Diego. The Kennedy is simply amazing. I've been looking for something with flavor comparable to my plume veil, and even though the deck isn't as build friendly as the plume veil the airflow makes up for that. One of the vendors there had their juice samples in an Arctic tank, took one hit and it sold me right there.
I use any and all blends. I currently have a max vg juice in it and it works fine. I'll admit I can't chain vape it like crazy without getting a dry hit, but for the amount I use it I don't have a problem with dry hits. When using the rebuildable base and other tanks with similar design, I found that it's key to keep the juice channels clear as well as having unobstructed airflow from the juice channels to the chimney.
I was having a lot of dry hit problems as well. Keeping the channels clear has been a complete fix for me though. Take a flat-head screw driver and push your wick towards the coil and away from the wall once saturated. It can be hard to see but if you put a bright flashlight on the outside you should be able to see the light on the inside through the channel.

Thick liquid has resulted in some dry hits too (not like when the channels aren't clear though, more mild but noticeable and harsh). I've tried putting a few drops of saline in thicker juices to help thin them out and it does the trick. Doesn't take much, just a few drops in a newly filled tank.

I mostly lurk in here. Picked up an iStick 50W after a few impressions here. Loving it.


Neo Member
After some months looking into it I've pulled the plug and it's been a week without analogs..

Ego-T + EVOD for the win!

Feels so good...

And it's been a year and some weeks without analogs.. All thanks to this thread.

Thanks guys!

Atm I'm rocking a iStick 30w and a Aerotank 2.. Been making my DIY juice and I feel great (so does my wallet)


Hey everyone. I recently got back in to vaping with an iStick 50w and Kanger Subtank. Loving it so far. I've bought 2 bottles of 50/50 pg/vg juice. I'm thinking about trying out some higher % vg juice, as I've heard those don't have quite the throat hit as those with more pg. Does anyone have any suggestions? I'm looking at Velvet Cloud right now.


velvet cloud juice is ok from what ive had. its easiest to just go to your local vape shop and ask to try their higher vg based juices. personally im not a fan of max vg juices, i find the flavor to be really muted. i prefer juice closer to 70/30


I might as well be buying parts for a space ship. I have no idea what the hell is going on here. I'm overwhelmed. So many choices and impenetrable jargon. There are a few local shops here that I was considering going to and asking for assistance. I like to at least be armed with some knowledge before making any kind of purchase though. Is there a resource for complete novices? Recommended brands? Sorry if I missed this info.

For reference the only thing I've tried are Green-Smoke ecigs and found it quite serviceable. Considering just replacing the cartidridges but from what I gather most of you think these kind of things are trash and a money pit. Idk.

EDIT: btw i see the recs in the OP but since it's 5 years old wasn't sure if it was still good. If it is then disregard my plea for help as I'll just follow its advice.


I might as well be buying parts for a space ship. I have no idea what the hell is going on here. I'm overwhelmed. So many choices and impenetrable jargon. There are a few local shops here that I was considering going to and asking for assistance. I like to at least be armed with some knowledge before making any kind of purchase though. Is there a resource for complete novices? Recommended brands? Sorry if I missed this info.

For reference the only thing I've tried are Green-Smoke ecigs and found it quite serviceable. Considering just replacing the cartidridges but from what I gather most of you think these kind of things are trash and a money pit. Idk.

EDIT: btw i see the recs in the OP but since it's 5 years old wasn't sure if it was still good. If it is then disregard my plea for help as I'll just follow its advice.

What do you want to know? Are you looking for a good beginner setup?


EDIT: btw i see the recs in the OP but since it's 5 years old wasn't sure if it was still good. If it is then disregard my plea for help as I'll just follow its advice.
Things have changed significantly since then. There are massively better options available now for beginner setups. But first and foremost, educate yourself on battery safety. If you are looking for a no fuss fill and go set up, I'd probably recommend a kanger kbox or ipv mini variable wattage mod paired with a kanger sub tank mini. Dig around for info. Or better yet, just ask whatever questions you have here and we'll help you out.


What do you want to know? Are you looking for a good beginner setup?

Things have changed significantly since then. There are massively better options available now for beginner setups. But first and foremost, educate yourself on battery safety. If you are looking for a no fuss fill and go set up, I'd probably recommend a kanger kbox or ipv mini variable wattage mod paired with a kanger sub tank mini. Dig around for info. Or better yet, just ask whatever questions you have here and we'll help you out.

Thanks for the replies! Honestly I'm just looking for recommendations. A kit is fine. I just want to go to the shop this weekend and pick up what you guys think is the best value for a complete noob. I'll take your word for it. Or is it best to just order online? Like I mentioned, I tried green-smoke and actually enjoyed it but if this is the better route Id rather not waste anymore time and money on that.


what kind of budget are you working with? buying online will almost always be cheaper, depending on how much your local B&M decides to inflate their prices. ive found ebay/amazon to be great places to find the best prices, especially with free shipping.


what kind of budget are you working with? buying online will almost always be cheaper, depending on how much your local B&M decides to inflate their prices. ive found ebay/amazon to be great places to find the best prices, especially with free shipping.

Uhh...even that I'm unsure about. $40? Sorry if that's laughably unreasonable. Basing my expectation off Green-Smoke's starter kit but I know this isn't the same thing. If you have a specific in mind that I should go with I'll look it up and just get it. Just want to get something soon...preferably today. I know nothing about flavors, wattage, oils..none of that lol so this will be the learning experience. Gahh. I'm not much help in seeking help so again sorry.


well, I started with this from the OP..

and not long ago switched to this...

If I had the chance to start over, I woulda went straight to the istick/mini right from the start! believe I paid $32 for the istick and $25ish for the tank

linkt to mini http://www.elev8vape.com/aspire-nautilus-mini/

link to istick http://www.hoosierecig.com/Eleaf-iStick-2200mAh-20W-with-charge-cord_p_1182.html

also, dont buy from b&m store. online will be hella cheaper. just last night i was talking to a guy a work who had almost the exact same setup as me cept he had the larger tank. as I said, I paid about $30 for the battery and he spent $60 fucking dollars for the same damn battery!!! note to self: NEVER shop where he shops...


I also support the iStick 20W/ Aspire Nautilus mini combo for a starter setup.

Agreed. If you can spend a bit more, the 30w/50w iStick may be the way to go as it can support sub-ohm tanks. I had the 20w/Nautilus mini for a while until I tried the Kanger Subtank-mini. The 30w for a bit more money gives you more options and over I like it better than the 20w. Either setup is great, and the setup you posted is one of the best starter setups.

On that note, I recently tried the Subtank-mini RBA. The build was simple to do and a great introduction to RBAs (youtube helped me out to confirm my methods). Seems to run at 0.6ohm on the istick 30w. Taste and vapor is very similar to the 0.5ohm OCC coil so this seems to be a cost savings thing to me. Haven't tried any higher VG juices yet.


O.K. Smoking for 14 years, working in a couple of jobs which had me pulling my hair out (latest is policy advisor, UK government). Was getting to the stage I thought I would never quit.

Nearly 3 weeks ago switched to E-Cigs and didn't think they would work for a second, yet still going strong and have just lowered to a lower nicotine level. Bit gobsmacked that I still have not fancied a taylor made since I started this, that includes working next to another smoker (did I really use to smell like that?)


Regarding wicking the rebuildable deck on the Subtank Mini, I'm getting the best results using the pancake method.

Trigger warning: RiP Trippers.


But yeah, NEVER block the juice channels, no matter what wicking technique you use.

The pancake wicking works wonders with the Subtank! Thanks for the tip, dude.

just tried it myself. fucking awesome, thank you. ditched my dual coil build in the subtank mini for a 24g 0.34 single coil and its wicking like a champ.


I mean, I trust you guys, and I haven't tried this pancake wicking method yet...but doesn't it look like a great way to flood the deck?
Pancake wicking works fine for me in the Delta 2, just need to make sure you fluff out the cotton as much as possible rather than squashing it up too much in my experience.

And yeah I totally agree with istick and nautilus for a beginner setup - my parents have had theirs since xmas and their still enjoying them.

Whats everyone's favourite tank at the moment? Mines the subtank mini. I find when I use the Atlantis or Delta 2 I'm drinking through juice wayyyyyy too quick.


decided to go stick in my rebuilt occ head in my sub tank mini and im having problems with hot legs. 3 coils built so far, same issue. ive tried with and without torching them. any ideas?


i've been begging for over 5 years.
Check out this beast. My cousin came over to shoot pool last night and brought his new ecig.

This thing is a beast. It's as heavy as a maglite flashlight.
Mt dew can for ref.


I'm not sure the name of it but I can ask him if anyone is interested. I think it goes up to 50w.


awwww shit. just pulled the trigger on a SXmini mclass. Its really got everything that ive been looking for up to this point. Really want to give temp control a try. purchased from VspotVapes as they seem to be the only retailer right now that actually has them in stock albeit only the color combos with the silver base.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
My new pretty!


Still rocking the Nautilus Mini and loving it. Not quite ready to jump into the rebuild-able atty's yet but I guess I have the sub-ohm battery needed for when I decide to take the jump.


My new pretty!


Still rocking the Nautilus Mini and loving it. Not quite ready to jump into the rebuild-able atty's yet but I guess I have the sub-ohm battery needed for when I decide to take the jump.
Get a Subtank/Atlantis. All that sub-ohm goodness without the need for rebuilding! They are fucking awesome.


My new pretty!

Still rocking the Nautilus Mini and loving it. Not quite ready to jump into the rebuild-able atty's yet but I guess I have the sub-ohm battery needed for when I decide to take the jump.
Or maybe pick up an RDA. You can find em cheap too. I happen to like the Derringer (Clone) right now. Can be built in single or dual coil formation, and a dripper is an easier way to get into coil building than tanks. I actually really enjoy building my coils, trying to get the perfect vape for me. Its a very subjective experience.

Plus, IMO, dripping is an essential part of vaping. Yeah I have my tanks for on the go but drippers give the most direct and pure flavor.
I have a little tip for those dry burning and rewicking subtank disposable OCCs. Stuff that cotton tight.

What, tight you say? Crazy talk. When the cotton is too tight, the bubbles can't escape and the pressure won't equalize, resulting in the juice not flowing in and dry hits occurring.

Well, that's right, but only if BOTH holes are stuffed tight.

Pull that wick through, and clip it (as close as you can get to the housing, buy tiny scissors if needed!) on one side, then pull the cotton from the other side until almost all of the cotton on the clipped side has recessed inside of the hole. Now poke the rest of the cotton in the hole with a toothpick or other tool. This is the loose side. Bubbles will escape from this side after you draw on it.

Now clip the cotton on the other side, and carefully stuff it in the hole as well. Do your best to keep the severed ends of the cotton fibers pointing outward, as the ends wick better than the sides of the fibers. This is the tight side. Juice may flow in here more than the other side, and you may never see a bubble on this side. That's OK! Physics! Fluid dynamics.

Note: The little tug of war you are playing with the cotton when you do this will shift the coil slightly, so plan accordingly before you start clipping! In other words, pre-position the coil to be off center so when you tug the cotton after the FIRST snipping you are bringing it back to the center.

I hope this makes sense. My rewicked coils are now neither flooding nor dry hitting. Nirvana!


Indeed, it is the Nano its my first "real" vape device quit smoking with a crappy Mark10 gas station ecig It sucked but I guess it served its purpose, moving on to better things now lol.


Indeed, it is the Nano its my first "real" vape device quit smoking with a crappy Mark10 gas station ecig It sucked but I guess it served its purpose, moving on to better things now lol.
Make sure you don't fire it up at any more than about 20-21 watts. Because of its size, the heat can cause dry hits at a lower wattage than you might think.

Otherwise, it's an amazing little device.
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