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The Official E-Cigarette Thread Of F#ck Analog Cigarettes


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Cool, thanks - if I go for it I'll use your link.

Ehh, after reading a decent amount of feedback on Reddit and ECF it seems like there are major questions about the product and billing. Gonna pass.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
Ehh, after reading a decent amount of feedback on Reddit and ECF it seems like there are major questions about the product and billing. Gonna pass.

Hmm.. do you have any links you can share with me. The last thing I want to do is be recommending a product to people that might bite them in the ass.


Hmm.. do you have any links you can share with me. The last thing I want to do is be recommending a product to people that might bite them in the ass.

Reddit AMA with the owner

PSA - The truth about Zamplebox - Basically it seems that instead of 'premium liquid' brands, they are developing in house, slapping a label on it with a brand registered to ZampleBox's owner, and shipping that. Owner was dishonest when asked about that.

There's a long ECF thread too - the last few pages has some not-great stuff, including a link to another ECF thread referencing the Reddit stuff.

I don't think it's clear cut, but there's enough there to make me hesitant. Some people seem satisfied, though.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
Thanks for those links. I don't have time to read through them now but will later.

Just from my own very limited 1 box experience everything I tried I liked. Some less than others but nothing was nasty.

Pete Rock

This is the main problem with an exploding marketplace, you get a lot of people who are in it for the quick buck and aren't remotely concerned about building a brand or a reputation.

It's pathetic that whenever I have heard about "box" services in the past this is my initial assessment of their "value". The value is in the owner having a vector of hemorrhaging low quality/garbage inventory through a base of "secured sales". Laughably obvious from the outset. You are starting to see this same concept pitched with every goddamn thing, including cannabis products. I think this all started with women's make-up but I have no fucking clue and honestly I don't really care. You know how often I like getting "surprised" with something I have paid hard earned money for? Z-E-R-O - 0. Null. Infinite void.

Tying this concept to a subscription model is just another compounding factor that only serves to benefit the business owner and not the customer.

Anyways, I've long been past the point where I won't buy a single fucking ML of juice that I have not personally sampled, so it doesn't really mean anything to me one way or another other than reinforcing my skepticism towards flash-in-the-pan cash-grabbers.


Picked up a Delta 2 tank and iStick 50w yesterday as my 30w doesn't seem to want to hold a charge. Good timing for an upgrade.

I've only tried 1 juice in the Delta 2, but so far it shits all over the Kanger Subtank mini. The vapor flavor, density, and overall quality is excellent. Filling the tank is slightly more difficult than the subtank (which is about as easy as it gets), specifically when using the standard droppers, but I think it's just a matter of getting used to it. Also of note, the Delta 2 operates around 20 - 45 watts. I'm running it at 35w, .5ohms, which seems to be a sweet spot for me. The vapor comes out at a perfect temperature, wheres I found the subtank was hot after about 22w, and the stock drip tip got quite warm as well.

I don't think I'll be messing around with RDAs again for a while. Now I just have to wait for my order of The Looper.


And if you have decent B&Ms in your area, you can always stop by with a dripper to sample juices.

...Depending on where you are and the laws of your local municipalities. Boston added ecigs to their smoking ban and other close towns followed suit, so for me it was difficult to even find a local shop where you could actually vape inside, which sucked. Last weekend I discovered a new place in another town and went there, and they had samples all along the wall in evod tanks. Nice setup.


I made a mistake, the one is not 5ML it's 17 ML. It's just in a weirdly shaped bottle that appears way smaller than the rest so I assumed.

So I got 5 15ML bottles and one 17ML bottle.

After sampling all of them over the last few days there's only one in there that I absolutely DON'T like. I was never really into fruit flavored juice but some of these are tolerable.

For 24.99 that's not too bad, almost 90ML of juice, of which 15 is not something I would use. I have been paying 17-18 bucks for 30ML of my regular flavor at the local shop and that lasts me like 5-6 days so this shit is getting expensive.

Just make your own. That 100mg bottle I got above is 120ml and only cost $16. I only use 3ml per 30ml bottle,so it could make forty 30ml bottles;)


Just make your own. That 100mg bottle I got above is 120ml and only cost $16. I only use 3ml per 30ml bottle,so it could make forty 30ml bottles;)

I'm intrigued but how do you get started into flavors and whatnot? Or are you just buying straight up VG, PG, Nicotine, and then some flavor and is it as easy as that?

I actually see them mix up my bottle every time I go to the local store. If I could crank out 40 30ML bottles of my own preferred flavor I'd do it in a heartbeat but something tells me it's more complicated than just putting it all in a bottle and shaking it up lol.


I'm intrigued but how do you get started into flavors and whatnot?Or are you just buying straight up VG, PG, Nicotine, and then some flavor and is it as easy as that?

I actually see them mix up my bottle every time I go to the local store. If I could crank out 40 30ML bottles of my own preferred flavor I'd do it in a heartbeat but something tells me it's more complicated than just putting it all in a bottle and shaking it up lol.

Nothing else to do but check a calculator for your measurements and mix.


Anyone here tried The Milkman?

i have. its ok. the juice hurts itself by being a max vg juice. the flavor profile is good, but again being max vg you get a pretty mild and muted taste. ive heard others describe it as "strawberry cardboard" LOL. but if it was closer to maybe a 70/30 blend, it would probably be one of my favorites.


The Zamplebox seems like its an ok idea if you have no vape shops nearby. Personally I'm extremely picky when it comes to juices. I could try 20 and I'll maybe like 2-3 of them enough to want to buy them.

And honestly for the price you're better off buying sample packs from online vendors. For instance you could spend $20(before shipping) and get 4 10ml bottles of juice from GoodLife. Or $50 for 4 30ml bottles. And you can read reviews to help you decide what you might like. Most of the juices I get from them are delicious.

Also, I really dig the Subtank mini I have. However I feel like I cough more with it than I did with any non-subohm tank I've had. Plus the fact that I'm going through so much more juice makes me worry about the health risks involved. I think I may buy another Nautilus. It'll be hard to revert back to the lack of airflow in it though. I could only imagine how long a charge on my iStick 50W will last when I'm only running it at 11W, lol.

One more thing. Anybody try the "Gush" juice yet? I love-love-loved Gushers as a kid. But I'm wondering which flavor Gusher it's supposed to taste like.


in more sub ohm rebuildable tank news...i just got my lemo 2 in. ive been pretty satisfied with the performance of the subtank mini with rba, but ive been looking for a tank with a little bit more airflow. it was between the lemo 2 and delta 2 and decided to try the lemo 2 first. id say it has just a tad more airflow than my subtank mini with modded air flow pin. also decided to try the pre built coil it came with after cutting off some (a lot) of excess cotton and i must say, i am pretty impressed. im actually able to get that little nic buzz that i usually get with my drippers. i really picked this up to run in temp control, so ill go through this initial tank first then throw in a nickel build. but so far two big thumbs up for the lemo 2.


The Zamplebox seems like its an ok idea if you have no vape shops nearby. Personally I'm extremely picky when it comes to juices. I could try 20 and I'll maybe like 2-3 of them enough to want to buy them.

And honestly for the price you're better off buying sample packs from online vendors. For instance you could spend $20(before shipping) and get 4 10ml bottles of juice from GoodLife. Or $50 for 4 30ml bottles. And you can read reviews to help you decide what you might like. Most of the juices I get from them are delicious.

Also, I really dig the Subtank mini I have. However I feel like I cough more with it than I did with any non-subohm tank I've had. Plus the fact that I'm going through so much more juice makes me worry about the health risks involved. I think I may buy another Nautilus. It'll be hard to revert back to the lack of airflow in it though. I could only imagine how long a charge on my iStick 50W will last when I'm only running it at 11W, lol.

One more thing. Anybody try the "Gush" juice yet? I love-love-loved Gushers as a kid. But I'm wondering which flavor Gusher it's supposed to taste like.

This exactly. I feel like the industry is still in a weird place as a majority of the juice I try is shitty. B&Ms near me seem to want to sell juice where it is pretty apparent that profit is the absolute only objective. I'm sick of shit flavors and recently I'm getting tired of shitty bottles. I've had a few leak and one were the top just broke right off making a mess. This hasn't been a problem with any of the quality juices I've had. While I'm on a rant, is it just me or are like half of the B&M stores douchey and/or pretentious?
I've been very pleasantly surprised by OnePoundELiquid. Thought I'd give a go, who can complain about 40ml of juice for £5 delivered? Having had some of the garbage sold at cheap none-vape stores in the UK (one that literally tasted like piss) my expectations weren't great. What I got was juices that pretty damn accurately match their flavour name. They're not premium juices, obviously, the flavours aren't complex and pretty much do as they say. They're not going to punch you in the face. The aniseed is really nice. The British tobacco was almost on par with another I bought a few months back for 5 times the price. The very berry is a nice fruity mix. The tropical I'm mixed on... it tastes tropical, but there's a note at the end of something slightly unpleasant. Not bad enough that I couldn't vape it, but not something I'd buy again. The strawberry milkshake is sometimes bang on and tastes just like it, but sometimes it's less pronounced. I think it burns easily as it's better now that I've turned the wattage down. I'm sure their flavours are hit and miss, but it's worth the risk at such a ridiculous price. Definitely going to stock up as back-up juices.

Next up I'm going to give DTR Vape a try. They have a nice selection of flavours, and a really decent deal of 3 x 35ml for £30 (or £10 each) + one free, so that's 140ml of juice for £30. Can't speak on the quality but I've heard good things.
Guys, seriously. Give the Charlie Noble juices a shot. I talked about them in this thread probably a couple months ago, and my opinion is even stronger than before. Real premium juices at real cheap prices. I'm a juice snob, but I love about 75% of their entire line.

The only problem with them is they aren't usually carried at brick and mortar shops, probably because they are priced too low. But they have a sample pack that's a good value, so just get that, if you are skeptical/can't decide.


Guys, seriously. Give the Charlie Noble juices a shot. I talked about them in this thread probably a couple months ago, and my opinion is even stronger than before. Real premium juices at real cheap prices. I'm a juice snob, but I love about 75% of their entire line.

The only problem with them is they aren't usually carried at brick and mortar shops, probably because they are priced too low. But they have a sample pack that's a good value, so just get that, if you are skeptical/can't decide.

These juices seem up my alley and the prices are definitely good. Picked up bottles of Charlie's Custard, Poseidon's Punch, Soller's Point, and Tripoli.


Up for a new page. On the topic of reddit, is there a way or add on or something that makes it so that I can read reddit like a conventional discussion forum?

http://redditenhancementsuite.com/ is the best i've come across... doesn't really change the layout though. Just fixes a few annoyances imo.

I just bought a 50w .... Is this thing going to blow up in my hands? I'm nervous.

I'm not even concerned about getting hurt, more about a building catching on fire.

I bought a Sigelei 150w and an Arctic tank, and this thing hits like a champ. I haven't figured out how to not flood a new coil yet, but I'll get it down eventually.

I may have to do this.


I mean, yeah, the Sigelei is bigger, but it's really not THAT much bigger than the iStick. Here are mine stacked and side by side:



That said, the Sigelei is absolutely not pocketable.


Yeah, that's the old 100. The 150 (and 100 Plus) is the same size, only with rounded corners.

Oh, and here's the Sigelei 50W for comparison:



I'm going to stick with my iStick until it acts up though. 4400mAh in such a compact mod is too good to let go of.


I'm going to stick with my iStick until it acts up though. 4400mAh in such a compact mod is too good to let go of.

Yea, shit I'm on the fence. I'm thinking that if you don't spill juice on it and leave it turned off after using it, it likely won't be an issue.


Jesus, there are, like, 4 separate reports in one day of that Reddit group of iStick 50Ws that caught fire. It's getting hard to not be concerned about mine, even though it's been fine so far.


Getting rid of my istick 50w. Its just not worth the risk.

Are there any comparable box mods that don't have a reasonable chance of catching fire? I care more about battery life than anything else.


Looking for recomendations on best small clearomizer for Kanger dual coils.
My options are :
-mini protank 3
-evod glass
-aerotank mini
These juices seem up my alley and the prices are definitely good. Picked up bottles of Charlie's Custard, Poseidon's Punch, Soller's Point, and Tripoli.

Sollers Point was one of my surprise favorites from the sample box I got. Mostly because I didn't think I'd like the banana. Maybe it's that hint of tobacco in the background, but it's really amazing. Since then, I've caped their Admiral's Reserve Pistachio RY4, (basically the same as Sollers Point but with pistachio instead of banana, and I love it even more.

Tripoli is like the only vape I really like right now where tobacco is a front-and-center flavor component. I'm guessing that this winter, I'll be gaping it a lot, since wintertime is always when I crave tobacco favors the most.

The custard is also quite good. I had to give it away, as my friend and I split the sample box, but I didn't want to, but I had to give it up in order to keep the Blue Bay which we were casting lots for.


These iStick reports are disturbing, but I'm not too worried. Gotta figure they produced millions of these things, as it was and still is probably the most popular and most affordable for the power APV right now. Maybe there was a defective batch of batteries or something. Mine have all been flawless battery-wise. The 30W I use all-day every day. I'll take precautions not to leave them plugged in or turned on and unattended, but I'm pretty confident in my iSticks.


I've been ordering from Apollo for a while (mainly just for the Cherry Limeade, though I sometimes get their old RY4 or Baja Blast) but recently they launched their own "Signature" line (which just have the names One, Two, Three, Four and Five). The sampler came in today and a couple of them smell quite nice. I'll probably test these out over the next couple days and post impressions on them, but the flavor descriptions seem promising and the guy that made these has made some great flavors in the past (including Cherry Limeade).

I also grabbed a bottle of their Melon Cucumber Mint in that order because that sounded pretty interesting to me, which I decided to load up first since I felt like it could go either way and be something I'd love (Honeydew being my favorite fruit) or something I chucked straight away. I'm actually really impressed with this; it is super crisp, and the mint is properly subdued and not just menthol. Both the honeydew and mint are fairly sweet, so maybe not for folks looking for something mellow in terms of flavor profile. I'm really digging this right now; I'd actually put this well above Melon Boba as far as melon vapes go. This is probably going into my regular rotation. Highly recommended if you're into fruit vapes and looking for something bright.
Just got a mako war RDA and holy shit. This thing dumps.

Now I need to get a new mech mod or box to power it better.

Anyone else try a mako or mako war?
Is there a setup (like a good tank) for someone who wants to vape like a cigar, where you don't inhale and you just enjoy the taste and the nicotine buzz from the mouth hits? I almost bought the Atlantis V2 and then found out you can basically only do direct lung inhales with it.


Is there a setup (like a good tank) for someone who wants to vape like a cigar, where you don't inhale and you just enjoy the taste and the nicotine buzz from the mouth hits? I almost bought the Atlantis V2 and then found out you can basically only do direct lung inhales with it.

I'm not sure I understand what would prevent someone from pulling a mouth hit from any mod.
Is there a setup (like a good tank) for someone who wants to vape like a cigar, where you don't inhale and you just enjoy the taste and the nicotine buzz from the mouth hits? I almost bought the Atlantis V2 and then found out you can basically only do direct lung inhales with it.

You just need something with smaller air holes. The Atlantis is wide open and designed for Lung Hits.

Get an Aspire Nautilus Mini and pick the smaller air hole settings.


The istick 50w has got me fairly paranoid now. I've had no problems with mine, but I think I might find a replacement just for easing my mind. Any suggestions?
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