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The Official E-Cigarette Thread Of F#ck Analog Cigarettes


Whats everyone's favourite tank at the moment? Mines the subtank mini. I find when I use the Atlantis or Delta 2 I'm drinking through juice wayyyyyy too quick.

This is my issue, the Delta II is my first sub-tank and I'm going through what seems like 60 mL of juice a week easily.

Are any of the other tanks more efficient? I feel like I'm spending as much as I did back when I smoked cigs.


Okay, so I received my second Sizzle Box yesterday, so I finally feel compelled to talk about the service.

Short story: It's fucking awesome.

mySizzleBox costs about £27 per month including postage. Comparable to US services like Zamplebox, you receive 60-70mls of random premium juices from around the world in a beautifully presented package that contains your juice as well as tasting notes and discount codes compiled on a neat collection of collectable cards. The service is not a unique one, but options are a little more limited here in the UK, and I am here to vouch for the outstanding quality of a) the customer service, and b) the juice.

The man behind the service, Paul, is super helpful, and responded quickly to the various enquiries I made via email regarding nicotine strengths. He also offered me the previous month's box immediately, when I subscribed in the middle of the month, so that I didn't have to wait weeks for my first delivery. A move that benefitted us both, granted, but a nice personal gesture nonetheless.

So I have received two boxes now, and the standard of juices is high. Last month I discovered one of the best juices I have ever tried. Dragon Jazz by Toasty Juice. This guy is based in the US, and is currently without a UK distributor, so I have sadly been unable to source any more for the time being. But the bright red aniseed, pomegranite and dragon fruit(?!) juice is absolutely outstanding. Any US vapers need to check this guy out. Their branding is really unique, and it's clear the guy works really hard on his flavours. If you don't object to aniseed, I can't recommend it enough. My 10ml bottle lasted 20 hours, and I was asleep for 8 of them. Other juices in my first box included high-end brands such as Colonel Boom and Manabush, as well as some stuff I've not heard of but ended up really enjoying. In fact, there wasn't a dud in the lot.

Seriously though. Dragon Jazz.

And again, the second box contained an absolute revelation. I got an email earier in the month with a sneak preview of the upcoming package that suggested that us subscribers would be privy to an exclusive sample of Colonel Boom's newest flavour, not yet ready for general release. I'm a big fan of the Colonel's stuff, with their Key West being a favourite of mine for months now, so I was excited to try the new flavour Coup d'Etat...

...a quick aside. This month's box contains some great stuff. I've been meaning to try some Digby juice for a while, so I was very pleased to receive some of their Gunpowder, as well as T-Juice's Vamp Vape, another flavour I've anticipated, as well a more great stuff from Carpe Diem Vapor, and more!

...But that Coup d'Etat man. Holy fuck, it's good. It's a sweet mixture of fruit, the most predominent of which is grapefruit. Sounds MOR, but it tastes unbelievable. My words can't really do it justice, cos it will just read like these fucking flavour descriptions that I'm actively trying to avoid by subscribing to this service in the first place. But it is really amazing stuff. I finished my bottle faster than I did the Dragon Jazz, and definitely need more. Luckily, I have emailed the Colonel and have another 60mls winging their way in the post as I type.

My subscription can be cancelled at any time, and the website allows me to purchase juice that has appeared on the service at a discounted rate. To say mySizzleBox is value for money is somewhat of an understatement.

So yeah. This is a quality service, run by a discerning vapist, who I have no problem paying for his hard work. Receiving mySizzleBox every month will continue to be an exciting time of the month and there is no denying the value for money. I cannot recommend it enough to fellow UK vapers.

TLDR: If you're in the UK, consider mySizzleBox, and buy a shit load of Colonel Boom's Coup d'Etat. If you're in the US, check out Toasty Juice and his Dragon Jazz.


got a nickel build in my subtank mini and really really really enjoying temp control. vaped the tank completely bone dry to test the dry coil sensing. vapor and flavor dropped to pretty much nothing towards the end but i didnt get one dry hit. color me im-fucking-pressed. temp control, im a believer.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
Get a Subtank/Atlantis. All that sub-ohm goodness without the need for rebuilding! They are fucking awesome.

This is probably the route I'll go. I'm in love with my Nautilus Mini. And have found though trial and error of various tanks that Aspire is my favorite tank brand. Fantastic quality and solid build on every tank I've gotten from them. Plus not fooling around with rebuilding will be nice.

Or maybe pick up an RDA. You can find em cheap too. I happen to like the Derringer (Clone) right now. Can be built in single or dual coil formation, and a dripper is an easier way to get into coil building than tanks. I actually really enjoy building my coils, trying to get the perfect vape for me. Its a very subjective experience.

Plus, IMO, dripping is an essential part of vaping. Yeah I have my tanks for on the go but drippers give the most direct and pure flavor.

Thanks for the suggestion I jumped over to youtube and watch a review of that RDA you recommended and OMG @ the vapor production. I'm going to need to have one of these at some point. I imagine it would serve strictly as an 'at desk' option though since I'm done with having stained pants from drip tips leaking.
Any recommendations on quality juice brands?

I'm currently using:
- Cuttwood - Unicorn Milk (Strawberry cheesecake)
- Cosmic Fog - The Shocker (Strawberry Lemonade)
- Virgin Vapors - Hunger of Persephone (Seeds of Pomegranate)


i've been begging for over 5 years.
Alien Visions - Damn near everything they have..

They are my go-to juice supplier. I typically only us their "Gorilla Juice" but because I've been placing around an order per month for $60 bucks worth of juice for over 3 years they send me free samples of different liquids they have. I can say with honesty that none of those samples has ever been awful. Maybe not my style or flavor profile but never just 'bad juice'.



Any recommendations on quality juice brands?

I'm currently using:
- Cuttwood - Unicorn Milk (Strawberry cheesecake)
- Cosmic Fog - The Shocker (Strawberry Lemonade)
- Virgin Vapors - Hunger of Persephone (Seeds of Pomegranate)

if you like unicorn milk, boosted from boosted ejuice and cotton tail cream from lost art liquids are both better strawberry milks IMO. also most of the juice from lost art and boosted is very good. the schrawtz line is also very good with their unique yogurt flavors.


Any recommendations on quality juice brands?

I'm currently using:
- Cuttwood - Unicorn Milk (Strawberry cheesecake)
- Cosmic Fog - The Shocker (Strawberry Lemonade)
- Virgin Vapors - Hunger of Persephone (Seeds of Pomegranate)

I'm falling in love with my first Nicoticket purchase, a bottle of Strawnilla. Its one of those flavors you wish you could eat or drink. Their customer service is really great too.

Also AVE's Blend 4 is a favorite of mine. So I can throw in with WhatRobEats on them.
Hey guys, looking for some advice on my leakage problem. I have a Kanger AeroTank (Mega) and it's been working really well. Occasionally I have an issue where some juice leaks down underneath the coil and gets on the battery contact. It's not a huge issue but I can't get a satisfying drag off of it because of the reduced current. It seems like there's a connection to whatever voltage I'm using, since I get much better hits off of 3.8 than 3.3 (I try not to go over 3.5).

I think this might be a Kanger issue in general considering I've had it happen across multiple tanks. I think it's probably the coils themselves. I was just wondering if anyone had any solutions or experience with this? I'm sick of it and after this tank inevitably goes I might switch over from my Kanger loyalty.


Hey guys, looking for some advice on my leakage problem. I have a Kanger AeroTank (Mega) and it's been working really well. Occasionally I have an issue where some juice leaks down underneath the coil and gets on the battery contact. It's not a huge issue but I can't get a satisfying drag off of it because of the reduced current. It seems like there's a connection to whatever voltage I'm using, since I get much better hits off of 3.8 than 3.3 (I try not to go over 3.5).

I think this might be a Kanger issue in general considering I've had it happen across multiple tanks. I think it's probably the coils themselves. I was just wondering if anyone had any solutions or experience with this? I'm sick of it and after this tank inevitably goes I might switch over from my Kanger loyalty.

Are you using the same battery with said tanks? If so is the pin on the battery loose? I once overtightened a tank and busted the pin on my battery which caused it to misfire and work sporadically. I've had juice get on my contacts before and nothing happened. So it might be your battery.
Are you using the same battery with said tanks? If so is the pin on the battery loose? I once overtightened a tank and busted the pin on my battery which caused it to misfire and work sporadically. I've had juice get on my contacts before and nothing happened. So it might be your battery.

Hmm, I don't think so. I have a iTaste MVP 2.0, and it's just a really simple screw in system. It's in good condition aside from its ever-decreasing longevity. I'll dig out one of my older batteries and see if there's an improvement, though.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
Okay, so I received my second Sizzle Box yesterday, so I finally feel compelled to talk about the service.

Short story: It's fucking awesome.

*snip* .

Man I am so tempted to test out ZampleBox since I'm in the US. I've said this before but will say it again if any of you from across the pond are having trouble sourcing US juice I would be more than happy to order it for you and ship it over (as long as I'm not absorbing any costs). I'm not looking to make a profit or anything but I think it would be a great thing to start up in here.

I've also posted a few times about creating a juice co-op of sorts in here where we can trade or give juices we don't like as much with each other. I'm sure we all have plenty of bottles laying around. It's up to the thread though to figure out if this would work for us. Just from who I see posting in here we are all GAF vets so I'm not too nervous about things going sideways.

Anyhow, I woke up this morning wanting to jump online and buy that Derringer clone Brosey posted to me about. Got a few questions though. Would the Derringer clone package I bought contain the necessary wicks to get started? What is a good resource to learn more about rebuildables?


Anyone have recommendations for a vape pen? My friends just got started out and her EVOD keeps dying, so she wants something more reliable. Something not too bulky, and also relatively inexpensive.
Hm, I'll let her know. Anything less bulky than that? Like, pen-shaped?

I never really found a pen one that I liked. The bulky ones don't fall over, and the iTaste has some great features like a USB-out port for charging cell phones or other e-cigs or what have you, and variable voltage/amperage with a resistance gauge so you can know the *actual* coil resistance instead of what's printed on the box. Super rugged, too.

But, yeah sorry no advice to give on smaller batteries.


I never really found a pen one that I liked. The bulky ones don't fall over, and the iTaste has some great features like a USB-out port for charging cell phones or other e-cigs or what have you, and variable voltage/amperage with a resistance gauge so you can know the *actual* coil resistance instead of what's printed on the box. Super rugged, too.

But, yeah sorry no advice to give on smaller batteries.

No worries. She's just not looking to get super into anything short of something that just works when you click the button. Doesn't care about wattage, voltage, variable settings, etc.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
Yep.. I'm going for Zamplebox. They are offering an Atlantis Sub Ohm tank for 19.99 to new subs that's 20 bucks less than I can get it elsewhere so a sub to Zamble will already save me $20 out of the gate. I can't pass that up. I hope it's easy to cancel if I don't end up liking the service.

edit: That is a personalized referral link up there. If any of you consider signing up and use that link you'll get 10% off and I might get a free box. Just wanted to put that up front. Feel free to not use that link if you don't want to.


So i just started vaping with Ecto 1100 starter kit but that shit isn't reliable battery and taste wise. what is the best vaporizer out there?


what is the best vaporizer out there?
That's a pretty broad question that will get answers from all across the spectrum. If you are new, there are set ups only a few posts up that are excellent for starters. Istick 30w/50w plus a decent tank like the Atlantis or kanger subtank would be my recommendation. What kind of budget are you working with
I don't smoke anything regularly. Sometimes I think about "getting into" vaping because 1) I've smoked cigars a few times and the nicotine buzz is fun, like beer, and 2) because vaping seems entertaining both in a social/relaxing way and a hobbyist/tinkering way. (I already drink beer, occasional scotch, and lots of coffee, so what's one more substance am I right?!)

Please reality check me: how dumb am I to be thinking like this?


I don't smoke anything regularly. Sometimes I think about "getting into" vaping because 1) I've smoked cigars a few times and the nicotine buzz is fun, like beer, and 2) because vaping seems entertaining both in a social/relaxing way and a hobbyist/tinkering way. (I already drink beer, occasional scotch, and lots of coffee, so what's one more substance am I right?!)

Please reality check me: how dumb am I to be thinking like this?

All liquids are available from 0-18% mg/mL nicotine, so nic free is an option too. I don't think its dumb of you. Its a fun hobby. But ultimately its on you.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
I was considering it since that poster above talked about Sizzle and then Zample, so I went ahead and pulled the trigger just now with your link.

How'd you get the Sub Tank for 19.99? I don't see that option and I'd like to get it as well.

I'm traveling for work right now but my wife let me know that my first zample box came today. She's already enjoying some of the flavors I hope there are some left by the time I get back in town.

As for the sub tank I believe it was under the 'store' link. It was right there at the top of the page after hitting the 'store' tab. Unless they sold out of them. Wife said the sub tank didn't come today which seems odd but maybe it will arrive tomorrow. edit -- here is the link to the sub tank

My cousin also signed up with my link so only 1 more and I get a free zample box. Thanks a ton for using my link!! Hope I can get 1 more :)
Here is my referal link if anyone else is interested!! You get 10% off using this link.


I got some nic yesterday. I cut it down to 10mg,so should last a long time.


Anyone have a RDA on an iStick?

Specifically thinking of picking up a Tugboat V2 for my iStick 30w. More to mess around with than anything as I already have a subtank mini.


Right now, I'm using dual 27 gauge twisted coils, which is a bitch to do because of the Tugboat's tiny post holes (but, god, the flavor makes it worth doing). 6 wraps per coil gets me 0.4 ohms, and I fire it at 40 watts.

With your 30W iStick, I'd probably want to build somewhere between .6 and .8, and give it the full 30 watts. A single parallel coil might work really nicely in that setup.


Right now, I'm using dual 27 gauge twisted coils, which is a bitch to do because of the Tugboat's tiny post holes (but, god, the flavor makes it worth doing). 6 wraps per coil gets me 0.4 ohms, and I fire it at 40 watts.

With your 30W iStick, I'd probably want to build somewhere between .6 and .8, and give it the full 30 watts. A single parallel coil might work really nicely in that setup.

Thanks, I just tried your suggestion and wow. Big difference from the subtank (with .5 occ coils), great flavor. Subtank still has the ease of use and portability, imo.


Thanks, I just tried your suggestion and wow. Big difference from the subtank (with .5 occ coils), great flavor. Subtank still has the ease of use and portability, imo.

Awesome; you have a great setup there. I leave my drippers at home too, opting for my Lemo or Nautilus when I'm out. But when I'm at home, where dripping isn't an inconvenience, there's nothing like the flavor and vapor production of an RDA.

Experimenting with different builds and different airflow configurations is pretty fun too. But with this, you may run the risk of very quickly outgrowing the 30 watts that your iStick gives you. I find myself mostly using my Sigelei 100W at home because my preferred build (a simple 8 wrap, 23 gauge coil) will fire on my iStick 50W, but it's far more satisfying at 65-70 watts.


Is there any point to getting an Atlantis or a Subtank if I am vaping primarily on a 20W iStick? I generally don't love to go high wattage anyways, though I haven't gotten into rebuildables or anything. Currently mostly using a couple Nautilus' and Aerotanks. I did hit both of them at a vape shop this week and they hit like champs.

Intrigued by the Zamplebox, but the price is a bit high for a lot of juice I may or may not dig. We'll see.


Is there any point to getting an Atlantis or a Subtank if I am vaping primarily on a 20W iStick? I generally don't love to go high wattage anyways, though I haven't gotten into rebuildables or anything. Currently mostly using a couple Nautilus' and Aerotanks. I did hit both of them at a vape shop this week and they hit like champs.

Intrigued by the Zamplebox, but the price is a bit high for a lot of juice I may or may not dig. We'll see.

Nah, the Atlantis coils won't even fire on your iStick. You could run with the Subtank's 1.2ohm coils, but you wouldn't really be getting many of the benefits from the tank. I think you're better off sticking with your existinf tanks.


Nah, the Atlantis coils won't even fire on your iStick. You could run with the Subtank's 1.2ohm coils, but you wouldn't really be getting many of the benefits from the tank. I think you're better off sticking with your existinf tanks.

Thanks. I'm sure I'll upgrade eventually - that's kind of the nature of vaping, isn't it?


Awesome; you have a great setup there. I leave my drippers at home too, opting for my Lemo or Nautilus when I'm out. But when I'm at home, where dripping isn't an inconvenience, there's nothing like the flavor and vapor production of an RDA.

Experimenting with different builds and different airflow configurations is pretty fun too. But with this, you may run the risk of very quickly outgrowing the 30 watts that your iStick gives you. I find myself mostly using my Sigelei 100W at home because my preferred build (a simple 8 wrap, 23 gauge coil) will fire on my iStick 50W, but it's far more satisfying at 65-70 watts.

Yea, you are right about the 30w iStick. Don't know what I'll upgrade to, though. I'm not sure if I want to deal with a mech mod, and the start up costs on any box mod worth getting are steep (mod, batteries, charger), etc.


That's a pretty broad question that will get answers from all across the spectrum. If you are new, there are set ups only a few posts up that are excellent for starters. Istick 30w/50w plus a decent tank like the Atlantis or kanger subtank would be my recommendation. What kind of budget are you working with

I just saw your reply. I got istick 50w with Atlantis V2. Not sure what is the best wattage for this set up.


I got my first Zamplebox from WhatRobEats link today. I chose a bunch of my favorite styles like "Savory" "Custard" "Tobacco", "Dessert", etc when I signed up and they asked what I prefer.

Got 5 bottles of perfumey fruit flavors and one peanut butter that seems promising but that is only a 5 ML bottle. :/


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
I got my first real vaporizer a week ago after months of using disposable e-cigs. Question- what is the latest on how toxic the flavoring chemicals in e juices might be? Are some brands better than others, and is it just less risky to get flavorless e juices?


I just saw your reply. I got istick 50w with Atlantis V2. Not sure what is the best wattage for this set up.

best wattage is completely subjective. the best wattage will be whatever you enjoy the most. that will also change depending on what resistance the coil is. and for me, it also changes depending on what juice im using. the atlantis 2 comes with a 0.3ohm coil, personally i like a pretty warm vape so id probably max that istick out at 50w.


I just saw your reply. I got istick 50w with Atlantis V2. Not sure what is the best wattage for this set up.

I think the rule of thumb typically is start low and keep bumping up the watts. I find the flavors of some juices really pop at certain watts. Largely is a personal preference as the warmth, taste, and amount of the vapor will differ.
took months until all the pieces were together for me to assemble it etc. but i've finally finished my 3D printed DNA 40 squonker. Did my own art on the device as well.

now i have to get some bottom feeding attys. i'll probably get a drill press tomorrow and just start converting everything


took months until all the pieces were together for me to assemble it etc. but i've finally finished my 3D printed DNA 40 squonker. Did my own art on the device as well.

now i have to get some bottom feeding attys. i'll probably get a drill press tomorrow and just start converting everything

well....? where the pics at bro?


I got my first Zamplebox from WhatRobEats link today. I chose a bunch of my favorite styles like "Savory" "Custard" "Tobacco", "Dessert", etc when I signed up and they asked what I prefer.

Got 5 bottles of perfumey fruit flavors and one peanut butter that seems promising but that is only a 5 ML bottle. :/

That doesn't sound terribly great. I'm intrigued by the idea, but the price is too high for random juice, in my opinion. How big are the other bottles?


i've been begging for over 5 years.
That doesn't sound terribly great. I'm intrigued by the idea, but the price is too high for random juice, in my opinion. How big are the other bottles?

3 of the bottles I got from Zamplebox were 15ml, 2 were 10ml, and one was 5ml.

If you do decide to go with them help me out.. I only need one more and you'll get 10% off.


I made a mistake, the one is not 5ML it's 17 ML. It's just in a weirdly shaped bottle that appears way smaller than the rest so I assumed.

So I got 5 15ML bottles and one 17ML bottle.

After sampling all of them over the last few days there's only one in there that I absolutely DON'T like. I was never really into fruit flavored juice but some of these are tolerable.

For 24.99 that's not too bad, almost 90ML of juice, of which 15 is not something I would use. I have been paying 17-18 bucks for 30ML of my regular flavor at the local shop and that lasts me like 5-6 days so this shit is getting expensive.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
Tempted to give it a shot, but do you know what the cancelling policy is? It's not readily available on the web site, unless I'm missing it.

Once you create an account it's super easy to log in and you just pick these options:



I made a mistake, the one is not 5ML it's 17 ML. It's just in a weirdly shaped bottle that appears way smaller than the rest so I assumed.

So I got 5 15ML bottles and one 17ML bottle.

After sampling all of them over the last few days there's only one in there that I absolutely DON'T like. I was never really into fruit flavored juice but some of these are tolerable.

For 24.99 that's not too bad, almost 90ML of juice, of which 15 is not something I would use. I have been paying 17-18 bucks for 30ML of my regular flavor at the local shop and that lasts me like 5-6 days so this shit is getting expensive.

Yeah, the thing for me is I'd rather spend $20-25 for 30 ml of juice I know I'd like than $25 to sample 4-5 juices, where even if I like 1 or 2 it's gone quick and I need to find/reorder that juice.

If I was still at kind of the discovery phase where I was trying all kind of different juices to see what I liked, I'd be more interested.

I am a total sucker for these monthly subscription type things though.
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