Mine just arrived today (first kit). A lot heavier than I expected, in a good way that makes it feel solid.
Unfortunately the battery and juice doesn't arrive until Monday.![]()
How much did you guys pay for the kanger kit?
I agree they totally should of added a battery but oh well.
Wait.. so the battery comes separately? Ugh.. I guess was in too big of a rush and just placed an order without really paying attention.
That's the one I ordered. And yep... battery not included. What type of battery do I need to go out and buy now?
edit: Looks like it takes 18650. They are around 10 bucks on amazon. Can someone give me advice on what volts and mAh I should be looking for this is all very new to me.
$56.97 at the link I just posted above.
Get a Sony VTC4 18650. I got mine at LightningVapes with a Nitecore i4 Intelligent Charger V2.
Thanks for the recommendation. I got jumpy and made a $9 offer on this: http://www.ebay.com/itm/171673379410?_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK:MEBIDX:IT
Which was accepted.
I'll look into that Sony one too. Can never have too many.
if they didnt change the drip tip from the previous version, yes you should easily be able to change the drip tip.Can you easily change the drip tip of the kanger subtank mini?
I feel it's a bit short
Thanks for the recommendation. I got jumpy and made a $9 offer on this: http://www.ebay.com/itm/171673379410?_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK:MEBIDX:IT
Which was accepted.
I'll look into that Sony one too. Can never have too many.
if they didnt change the drip tip from the previous version, yes you should easily be able to change the drip tip.
ew. one thing you dont cheap out on is batteries. the way i see it, stay away from anything that isnt manufactured by a well known electronics company. i buy sony, panasonic, lg. stay away from trustfire, mxjo, subohmcell, blow, and other vape branded batteries. even though the majority are rebranded/rewrapped, why buy a rebranded cell when you can just buy the original?
Ah, OK. Yea this whole replaceable battery thing is new to me. I should have realized that as with everything else in life you get what you pay for. Eh.. maybe they will last a little while but when I go to replace them I'll make sure to get a well established and respected brand.
Nobody has said anything regarding the various specs of the batteries. Does that part not matter much? I want something that is powerful enough to deliver a good amount of power. I don't care about battery life as much as I do about having a high quality vaping experience.
Efest IMR 18650 LiMn 2500mAh Flat-Top Battery, Nominal Voltage: 3.7 Volts, Fully Charged at 4.2 Volts, 2500 mAh, 35 Amp
Yeah, the eFest 2500 mAh is usually a rewrapped LG HE2. 35 amps is bullshit, but you'll be fine with it in a Subox.
It's not just a matter of them being crappy batteries though--they are outright unsafe batteries that can explode on you during normal usage.
The Samsung 25Rs I recommended are pretty much the best 18650s that are widely available, especially for what you're looking for. They're rated to discharge at 20 amps, which means you can use them safely at almost any reasonable wattage range that your gear supports. For example, I use a pair of them with a 0.2 build at 70 watts, which vapecalc.com tells me is...18.72 amps.
Overall I'm really impressed with the way it looks and operates. I don't miss the iStick/Subtank at all.
Thank you for the knowledge bomb. Great info. Hopefully I don't end up with a vapor mod bomb in my hand. You have me very paranoid now though![]()
I guess I will take that $9 purchase as an L and just use the charger that came with it. That wouldn't be an issue would it. Off to Ebay and Amazon to find out where I can get that Samsung 25R the cheapest at. Thanks again and happy vapes.
I hate to keep piling on, but I wouldn't use the charger either. I just took a look on Amazon for you, and they have the 2 bank Nitecore for $12.99.
I bought the subox mini kit yesterday and there's some juice coming out on the drip tip whenever I vape. Is this normal? I used both the RBA and the pre-built coil. Same results.
thats never happened to me, my juice is 50/50 if it mattersI bought the subox mini kit yesterday and there's some juice coming out on the drip tip whenever I vape. Is this normal? I used both the RBA and the pre-built coil. Same results.
I bought the subox mini kit yesterday and there's some juice coming out on the drip tip whenever I vape. Is this normal? I used both the RBA and the pre-built coil. Same results.
What atomisers do you use?so i've got a mid-year bonus coming up at work... thinking of getting a mod for about $200 to keep at home, just for when i'm watching tv or gaming or whatever, so portability won't be a factor, and it'll likely be plugged into a usb charger most of the time. I don't see a point in uprgrading my IPV2 yet as it serves me fine
any suggestions?
Well I've just picked up a Sigelei 100w plus for the 0.3 heads on my Atlantis 2. It's a beast, but it's inexpensive, comprehensive and I couldn't be happier with it for vaping at home. I wouldn't take it out though. I use a Vaporshark DNA30 with a Subtank Nano for that.i usually use 0.2 - 0.6 ohm atomizers... i have a scion quad tank lying around which i plan to use for whatever i get next. but i've been out of the loop on tanks so i might just get something else entirely.
Well I've just picked up a Sigelei 100w plus for the 0.3 heads on my Atlantis 2. It's a beast, but it's inexpensive, comprehensive and I couldn't be happier with it for vaping at home. I wouldn't take it out though. I use a Vaporshark DNA30 with a Subtank Nano for that.
I love the prebuilt atomizer of my kanger subox but there's too much juice spitting :/
I love the prebuilt atomizer of my kanger subox but there's too much juice spitting :/
Anyone use e-cigs to ween off real cigs?
I've picked up a bad habit in the last year -__-
Near as I can tell, every participating member in this thread aside from the handful who have posed questions about vaping 0mg nicotine juice to simply enjoy the sensations. So yeah, you're in good company. We were all hopelessly addicted at one point, otherwise we wouldn't have ended up here.Anyone use e-cigs to ween off real cigs?
Just ordered the new black Subtank Mini and a bunch of the the new vertical OCC coils. Need to figure out what kind of wire and cotton to buy for the RBA - as I really want to cut down my insane costs of buying Kanger coils twice a month.
Probably should have gotten the whole kit as they look sexy as hell - but my black iStick 50 will have to do.
You should get one of the new DNA 40 based mods with the new temperature control tech. They have nickel coils (required for temperature control) for the subtanks and nautilus, I believe. If you do get a DNA 40, whichever RDA you go with, get some nickel wire so you can use the temperature control.OK good folks. I need 3 different recommendations for either a box mod or mechanical and a RDA. It's time to make the next step. I've got about 2 or 3 months until my store will open so I need to quit procrastinating and dive into the top level so I can learn and be able to educate potential customers.
I look forward to seeing the recommendations. I will probably just take the 3 or more suggestions throw them in a hat and pick one or two. The best part is I can then expense it as R&D on my taxes HAHA!
edit: It might help to know what I currently have. Kanger Subox kit (on the way i left the other one somewhere), iStick 30 and 50w, Nautilus and Atlantis, then just a bunch of beginner/mid level tanks, clear-o's, and batteries.
You should get one of the new DNA 40 based mods with the new temperature control tech. They have nickel coils (required for temperature control) for the subtanks and nautilus, I believe. If you do get a DNA 40, whichever RDA you go with, get some nickel wire so you can use the temperature control.
Edit: I'll be getting my Vaporshark rDNA 40 on Monday or Tuesday. I can post impressions, once I've had a chance to try it out, if you like.
Shit, one UK vendor's tests show that not only is Five Pawns' entire line is laden with diketones, but the nic levels are wonky too.
They're bad chemicals, basically. Exactly how bad is still up for debate.