Look what showed up in the mail... (Cell phone pic sorry)
So you can't change the carto/atty/clearo on that thing? It's all just one piece?
Look what showed up in the mail... (Cell phone pic sorry)
So you can't change the carto/atty/clearo on that thing? It's all just one piece?
Yes its one piece (well two the top cap comes off to expose the wick). It is a genesis style atomizer. A stainless steel wick is placed down a hole into the tank and you wrap coils around the wick. Its a Rebuildable device, never have to buy a carto/clearo/atty again. Just stainless steel mesh and wire.
Edit: Here is the Zenesis with the cap off exposing the wick and coil
I've always been interested in these (The Z atty pro mostly), but I've always wondered where you're supposed to buy new mesh and wire. Does anyone sell pre-packaged kinds, or do you have to buy generic stuff and take a blowtorch to it? Which is what I've seen in most of the guides.
So... hey everyone! I'm thinking of getting my dad and his partner two e-cigs for Christmas, because I'm concerned about his health and I've wanted him to stop forever, but he never listens... mostly because his partner is a heavy smoker too and he's then tempted to smoke too. I'm hoping if I give them, or at least him, an e-cigarette, they'll at least use it sometime, which is still healthier.
Any recommendations? I see the "good e-cigs for first time users" in the OP, are those up to date?Any personal recommendations? How hard is it to find refill-"bottles" in Europe? I live in North America and would buy it here, but then he lives in Europe and would have to refill it there, so that's a factor...
Are there different flavours you can buy? Thinking of just getting them sth like a "starter kit" with 2 e-cigs, a couple differently flavoured liquid "bottles" (what are they called?) and stuff.
Creating wick from "scratch" is actually easy and the cheapest way. You can buy pre-made wick though.
Keep in mind these SS wicks can last up to several months without having to be replaced.
Yeah go for one of the starter kits from the OP, The kicker for your Dad will be if you can find a juice he will enjoy so he sticks with it.
That's pretty much what I'm hoping for. I've been telling him for like 10 years to stop, but it's hard to do from overseas.So I'm essentially throwing stuff at him and see what sticks. Hopefully e-cigs will! Now just hoping the refills are available back home, or for which ones they are. Are they the same for all brands? I just need some that I can buy over here and that he can refill back in Europe.
You would want to buy the juice in a bottle and refill your/himself rather then the pre-filled stuff. Lots to choose from and lots of shop overseas so that should not be an issue.
oooh k cool, wasn't sure how it worked. That sounds good, thanks! What are some of everyone's favourite flavours? I wanna get an assortment and hope he likes at least one of them enough to stick with it :lol.
Well if he is a smoker, he will prolly be partial to tobacco flavored. I'v yet to try it but Bobas Bounty is a slightly sweet tobacco flavor (from what I understand), And possibly some sort of fruity flavor just so he gets the idea that you can vape a large range of flavors in these things.
Most sites offer "Sample Packs". May be the way to go.
Try Blend 4 please? For me?
In 3 years vaping its the best flavor ive come across. In fact heres my holy trinity:
Blend 4 via AVE
Sweet Caroline via iVape.net
Malty Toffee via Backwoods Brew
And I found a new flavor (for me) that is the best RY4 inspired juice ive ever had - Heavenly Tobacco by Heathers Heavenly Vapes.
You know, I've only had a RY1 that a vendor threw in free and I didn't care much for it -- then I hear folks say that RY4 is too sweet for them, but the description sounds like something I'd dig, so I'll definitely try it from AVE. (Side note: AVE did contact me, albeit a week later, and offered resolution for my ordering debacle, so thumbs up for them)
How are you liking the other Heather's HV flavors? I really dug the Blade Runner (mint/vanilla) and Gandalf, the latter in particular was a slow burn. It started out good, and now, 3 weeks later, is great to me. I'd like to try Shadowfox, Serendipity, Sinful Pear/Apple, and Georgia Peach Tobacco.
Backwoods Brew is another vendor I'd like to try, in particular the Malty Toffee you listed.
Im also on the waiting list. Its been out of stock for a few weeks already so i expect it will be very soon.
However, in the meantime i picked up a 5pc of these VOLT CE3s and a 510/901 thread adapter (unfortunately the VOLTs are 901 threaded and not KGO/510), and theyre just as good as / identical to the Phoenix. I kinda like em a little more? Maybe because theyre brand new and ive been using the Phoenixes for weeks and theyre starting to wear out? And the adapter is not a factor at all. Its all thread and super tiny.
Thats if ya dont feel like waiting.
Which Phoenix should I get for the eGO on GotVapes? Some say PHOENIX REBORN, some don't. Some say for 510, some say for 808.
Good news is that the Phoenix are back in stock at GotVapes.com as of this morning. Go go go!
I did end up picking up a pack of the volt CE3s in the short term though and you're right, they're great. Almost as good as dripping and way more convenient for my commute (don't drip and drive, folks...)
Creating wick from "scratch" is actually easy and the cheapest way. You can buy pre-made wick though.
http://www.electronicstix.com/colle...ccessories/products/400-x-400-pre-rolled-wick (looks like these ones have to still be Oxidized, Im sure I could find some pre-oxidized if you really wanted to know)
I would really like to buy pre oxidized wicks as..I just can't see me and a blowtorch working together well. If it's not possible to buy them, that link is a start, anyway. Thanks.
Im enjoying it as well, that flavor will go away and it will be a clean and crisp from then on.Made my first SS wick for the Vivi Nova today. It's going to take a few tries to master, I think I burnt the wick either during oxidizing or when firing to test the coils were working but it's only a hint of burnt flavour, maybe it'll go with time. That aside, even with that slight hiccup I can instantly tell that the taste is much cleaner and crisp, the flavour more pronounced and vapour production is fantastic.
With marijuana legalization laws being passed in a few states, anyone tried using e-cigarettes for anything other than tobacco (or flavor) and mix a bit of weed in it? If so, how does some vaporizers mentioned here (Zenesis or Pluid or eGo) differ from vaporizers like MFLB? Am I mistaking a thing or two? (They look more liquid than solid substances)
Im enjoying it as well, that flavor will go away and it will be a clean and crisp from then on.
Yeah, the burnt taste has gone nowAlso just found that I can go all the way to 4.8 volts on my twist and it still tastes fine. It definitely seems to be able to take the heat a lot better than a normal wick, for obvious reasons.
Thermo Essence TechnologiesWith marijuana legalization laws being passed in a few states, anyone tried using e-cigarettes for anything other than tobacco (or flavor) and mix a bit of weed in it? If so, how does some vaporizers mentioned here (Zenesis or Pluid or eGo) differ from vaporizers like MFLB? Am I mistaking a thing or two? (They look more liquid than solid substances)
Very nice, what Ohms did your wrap come out to be?
It tastes just as good at 4.2. Guess that'll save me some battery and probably prolong its life a bit too! Got some Jack The Ripple (Rasberry ripple) and VampVape (caramel and coconut) coming tomorrow too. Which to put in first...damn son, 4.8v sounds good to me![]()
It tastes just as good at 4.2. Guess that'll save me some battery and probably prolong its life a bit too! Got some Jack The Ripple (Rasberry ripple) and VampVape (caramel and coconut) coming tomorrow too. Which to put in first...
Zen + ProVari is pure sex. What's this Pluid I keep hearing about?
Edit: not a ProVari, oops
Gonna order the 510-T starter kit from mtbakervapor. Waiting until Monday to see if any cyber deals pop up.
If I wind up liking vaping i'll upgrade the battery to an ego-style twist or just go huge. The OP has some info but I need to read more on components, maintenance, etc. There's a lot of links but the "best" info is just another forum without a collective spot that breaks down and explains everything in basic detail. Clearos, tanks, wicking, etc. I'm lost right now so a starter kit is my best bet until I learn more.
Anyone have any links to nice Vanilla/Chocolate flavors? Stores have a lot to choose from but i'm curious as to which is best.
4th CE3. Let it sit for a while. Was okay for a few minutes, and now it tastes burnt. Only with 30/70PG this time. I guess these things really don't like chain vaping?
Regretting ordering a second set of these now. Don't think they're for me.
Well, one of them is working properly at least. No issues with that one. And the flavor is certainly cleaner than my currently 1/3rd full Vivi Nova. The Vivi Nova occasionally does give off a slightly burnt taste if it's not wicking enough, but at least when it does it's only for 1 hit, and then it goes back to normal. If the CE3 fails to wick and gives off the burnt flavor even once, it's finished. Don't like that at all.
You need to give a stainless steel mesh wick on the vivi nova a try.
I really do. I'm really noticing the burnt flavor from the Vivi Nova when compared to my one working CE3 right now (though my Nova is only 1/4 full, which doesn't help). Where do I buy the stainless wicks? Do I need to coil them myself, or are there premade ones?
Here you go my dude.
Also if you are in Canada: http://www.jrcustomturning.com/product-p/diy-gen-pf-400.htm
Ahlusion is a very popular new-ish juice site i would like to recommend to GAF as a whole. They have BLOWN UP on the ECF forums, which is the main discussion hub for the vape community.
They use their own Naturally Extracted Tobacco, and are known in particular for their unique variety of tea flavors, among the standard tobacco and sweet flavors. Though most would say that theres nothing "standard" about them.
Has their site reopened? I have a wish list about a mile long with them and last I read on ECF they were overwhelmed and had closed shop until they caught up.
Roger that! Will be looking into trying some flavors, thanks!Ahlusion is a very popular new-ish juice site i would like to recommend to GAF as a whole. They have BLOWN UP on the ECF forums, which is the main discussion hub for the vape community.
They use their own Naturally Extracted Tobacco, and are known in particular for their unique variety of tea flavors, among the standard tobacco and sweet flavors. Though most would say that theres nothing "standard" about them.
I wonder if the CE3 I got were fakes...3 of them burnt, one DOA, and the last one is now giving me very little flavor and increasingly tasting of plastic/rubber.
Sorry that youll have to wait until they reopen, as apparently they got overwhelmed with demand and are temporarily taking no orders.Roger that! Will be looking into trying some flavors, thanks!
Yeah it's definitely not the experience I had with them. I've bought 10 now and I've never had a burnt one or a dead one. I'm using two now that are about a month old and they taste as good as my (default) Vivi Nova ever has. Perhaps it's a juice issue, I'm not sure. I use a 70/30 mix in mine the majority of the time.I wonder if the CE3 I got were fakes...3 of them burnt, one DOA, and the last one is now giving me very little flavor and increasingly tasting of plastic/rubber.
It does sound like youre having a terrible time with them. From what you described it does sound like the juice is not wicking... but this is a problem ive never had with the CE3s. Only if i was to chain vape 100% VG juice could i get a burnt taste; but it goes away in no time. Because of the bottom coil and gravity, 10 seconds will fully saturate the coil again.
However, since youre moving from a vivi nova to $2 clearos, I would understand if you werent impressed with CE3s, even if they worked right, but it doesnt sound like yours are working properly at all.
I hope you didnt throw any of them away, so you can test the ones you thought 'bad' with thinner juice, just to see if its a viscosity issue.