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The Official E-Cigarette Thread Of F#ck Analog Cigarettes

Quick question for eGo Twist owners... do you guys turn yours on/off a lot? Or do you just keep it on all day until going in your pocket, charger, etc?

I always have mine off until I'm ready to vape, which is fairly often, so yeah mine is on and off a lot. My mother keeps hers on, however. I just don't want to accidently use up the battery.


Quick question for eGo Twist owners... do you guys turn yours on/off a lot? Or do you just keep it on all day until going in your pocket, charger, etc?

Always on except for the rare occasions I need to transport them in my pocket. Think of it like a button-lock rather than an on/off thing. If the button isn't pressed it's not using power.
So I got my eGo-C Starter kit and a couple various 20mg Nic tobacco flavorings. OK so the throat hit is there if not even too harsh. Or I just got a bad flavor for me. Was called "Virginia" tastes like burnt cardboard. Felt like my heart was racing so I think I went too high on the nic content, eventhough I am a pack a day smoker. Also question about the eGo-C the atomizer sits on a circle like piece of metal with the center portion removed seems weird.

Bottom of atomizer "O" portion it sits on "( )"


Tbh, just because you smoke doesn't mean you need high nic content. The throat hit of 18mg is way higher than any cigarette. 18mg to me felt like smoking and inhaling Captain Black mini cigars. 12mg felt closer to cigarettes, though the throat hit still feels different.

Personally, I just go for super low nic content and take in massive vapesbecause I find that more satisfying. I'm using 4mg at the moment.
Most tobacco flavour isn't very accurate. There are some good ones now, but I wouldn't know what to recommend in the US as the ones I know are European. Browsing a popular forum will likely give you an idea of a good tobacco juice. The one constantly recommended in Europe doesn't actually use flavouring, they soak tobacco leaves in PG juice for weeks if not months.

But yeah, you have an opportunity to branch out since there are so many appealing flavours available now. Menthol is usually a safe bet if you don't want to stray too far from what a cigarette can offer and it's a much easier consistent flavour to create. 12-16mg is probably closer to a cigarette than 20mg too, in my experience (though I mostly vape no or very low nicotine).


I like the "spicy" tobacco flavors. To me, juices rarely taste like tobacco (a taste I don't particularly enjoy), but they can still be good. Boba's Bounty is one example, though it's more of a tobacco base. Casablanca from Backwoods Brew is my absolute favorite at the moment. 555 and 555 exotic juices are a nice change of pace as well, if you're tired of fruit and dessert flavors.

I was stuck on dessert and coffee juices for a while. My current batch has much more variety and I'm enjoying it much more. Also cartos and Vivi heads last much longer without sticky dark juices.


I want to get a couple attys to drip with. I think I need to do this. All of the tank style attys I have get a burnt taste after a few refills. Yes! Even the Phoenix! Though it's better. What do you guys suggest? I haven't ever dripped....


I want to get a couple attys to drip with. I think I need to do this. All of the tank style attys I have get a burnt taste after a few refills. Yes! Even the Phoenix! Though it's better. What do you guys suggest? I haven't ever dripped....

Ive been using the same phoenix clearos for 3 months and havent had a problem with them yet. The only time i get an even slight burn taste is if I vape it dry, which is really hard to do unless youre using really thick juice.

Anyways for attys, whatever you get, make sure its 510 threaded and at least 2.0ohms (unless youre on a mod). If youre using an ego twist, i actually recommend 2.5 or 3.0 ohms; I buy the 2.6-2.8 Phoenix clearos to use on my twists and KGOs. Your batteries will last longer (over months/years) before they die for good.

Ive always gone to avidvaper.com for atomizers. They carry the high end Bridgeless Cisco Spec Attys that are perfect for dripping. The best ive ever used. I highly recommend these. http://www.avidvaper.com/sr510-cisco-spec-2-5ohm-bridgeless-atomizer/


These Phoenixes burn so easily. Refilled one last night...used the same flavor. I guess I didn't give it enough time to wick or something (even though it should have already been wicked, maybe holding it upside down for refilling dewicked it?), because after a few vapes I got a definite burnt taste. It's not as bad today, and the chocolate flavor kind of masks it, but the vapor is much harsher than usual so I'm guessing it's definitely burnt. Probably not too healthy vaping it at this point.
I've honestly only ever had one taste burnt and it wasn't for very long. Using 2.4-2.6 ohm usually at 3.8-4.2 volts on a twist with 70/30 juices. They've been incredibly consistent with keeping flavour and vapour production for weeks for me. I wonder if it's an issue with your juices in particular or if you just got a bad batch or something. I hope they don't have bad batches; it's the reason I moved onto them from Boge's after the last 2 packs of 5 boge cartos I got were garbage. Fortunately I've been fine so far.

This is the site that I've seen people raving about tobacco flavours if anybody is interested. The El Toro range in particular using nothing but fresh tobacco leaves and no flavouring. The same goes for all of their flavours; all natural. Free worldwide shipping on orders over €35 too!


I've honestly only ever had one taste burnt and it wasn't for very long. Using 2.4-2.6 ohm usually at 3.8-4.2 volts on a twist with 70/30 juices. They've been incredibly consistent with keeping flavour and vapour production for weeks for me. I wonder if it's an issue with your juices in particular or if you just got a bad batch or something.

I vape fruits/desserts exclusively, and low mg. It probably isn't nearly as noticeable with tobacco. If you get a single burnt draw out of them, the burnt flavor never truly disappears.

And I think I've got another burnt one. Just filled it, gave it 5 minutes upright to wick, and I got a burnt taste after a few vapes. :( The one I filled previously has been working really well, but one trick I did is I put 1-2 drops down the center tube to moisten the wick initially. I think I might need to do that with all of them.
I vape a lot of dessert/fruit stuff too in them. I usually fill the syringe to exactly 1.3ml and push it in. Sometimes it overfills and I blow the excess juice out of the bottom, which to me is just guaranteeing that the wick is soaked.


So far I'm digging both the Vivi Nova Mini and the Smoktech DCT v2. I think the DCT gives a much better flavor - vaping my favorite Kryptonite (50/50) in the DCT and it's just right :)

The Nova is pretty good - not as good flavor as my DCT but I'm vaping my Vanilla in it - which is a bit more of a muted flavor to begin with. When it comes time to switch heads - I'll pull the 2.4 and throw the 1.8 on and try that with my Kryptonite to compare vs the DCT.

Everyone says that recoiling and rewicking with cotton gives a MUCH better flavor than the Vivi's out of the box so I am looking forward to trying it out :)

No leaks so far on either for me, granted, I haven't had them for much longer than a few hours but hot shit the CE4 I tried was juicing my battery every time it went on. I might be new to vaping but i tried every style of pull I could - no flooding - just likes to leak, I guess.

Anyhow - enjoying both of these. If rebuilt Nova heads work better than stock I will be a happy camper :) Gonna pick up a few more of these to have 3 total with 2 flavors and 1 tank on standby. Good times!


Holy hell I'm going to vape myself into a coma with this DCT - this fucking thing is vaping its ass off. No dry/burnt hits yet. I'm at 3.6v with plenty of vapor, flavor and it seems to be pulling juice really good into that carto. Pop the drip tip off and she's still nice and moist. Let's just hope it can perform like this for a decent length of time.


Hmmm... I am a little bit hesitant on the stock Vivi Nova heads now after inspecting the wicks a little bit closer - they are fraying a bit and the fibers are coming off... i'd hate to think I'm vaping that shit into my lungs, damn. Looks like I'll have to just buy some 32g Kanthal and some cotton wick to build my own heads from the get-go.


It's like my liquid is actually turning a dark color. This has also happened with my other clearomizers. I wonder of its because of how I vape?

Happens in my Nova occasionally, especially when I've been using the same coil for a while. The bottom of it ends up full of nasty burnt smelling/tasting juice. Usually time for a new wick. If it's not a dramatic color change, it might just be a natural change with time.


Happens in my Nova occasionally, especially when I've been using the same coil for a while. The bottom of it ends up full of nasty burnt smelling/tasting juice. Usually time for a new wick. If it's not a dramatic color change, it might just be a natural change with time.

Its dramatic and starts to taste like shit.....not normal. I am a chain vaper though.


Sigh, and my last Phoenix burnt. I took all the precautions. I filled it up to the line, I put in a few drops down the center shaft to ensure the wick wasn't dry, and I left it upright for 10 minutes. After a few vapes I got that awful burnt taste. I don't know if this doesn't wick certain juices, or if the quality assurance sucks on them. I'm using 50/50 juice so I don't think I should be having any issues.

I guess that's it for me and the Phoenix. I'll enjoy my few last working ones and then go back to the Vivi for the time being.

If you want a vape to satisfy your sweet tooth, I highly recommend Vanilla Cupcake from MapleLeafVapes. Been vaping it all day and it's amazing.


Sigh, and my last Phoenix burnt. I took all the precautions. I filled it up to the line, I put in a few drops down the center shaft to ensure the wick wasn't dry, and I left it upright for 10 minutes. After a few vapes I got that awful burnt taste. I don't know if this doesn't wick certain juices, or if the quality assurance sucks on them. I'm using 50/50 juice so I don't think I should be having any issues.

I guess that's it for me and the Phoenix. I'll enjoy my few last working ones and then go back to the Vivi for the time being.

If you want a vape to satisfy your sweet tooth, I highly recommend Vanilla Cupcake from MapleLeafVapes. Been vaping it all day and it's amazing.
Damn. I was interested in the Phoenix, too, but I love my 50/50 juices. I might drop down to 6mg from 12 with my next bottle, too. I will order me up some of that Vanilla Cupcake, too. Man I love my Vanillas!

Update on my experiences tonight:
Vivi gives me a a bit of a sore throat on my all-day French Vanilla when I haven't had that issue since I started vaping a week ago. Some say its the stock silica wicks and a change will help but i'm really digging everything about my...

Smoktech DCT. Even with my 50/50 Kryptonite it wicks very well even for the single hole at the bottom of the carto. This is spot on for taste compared to when I originally dripped Kryptonite at the GoodEJuice store (near my house). PLUMES of vapor and i'm only at 4.0v. No burnt or dry hits yet BUT I do notice the top of my carto starting to dry up a bit so I will probably move to a single coil bottom carto if the taste is always this good.

Right now i'm straight DCT since the Nova's flavor isnt anywhere near as good and the silica wicks are a bit irritating.


Well there is a trick I've seen with the Phoenix. Some people use a nail clipper to cut down the wicks so that they're flush with the interior body. That's supposed to help wicking. I could give that a shot...though I'd have to order another box.

Damn I've gone through 2ml of this vanilla cupcake today. Too good.

edit: the Phoenix I kept that was tasting burnt after 3-4 vapes...if I squeeze the tube a bit to allow liquid to wick and blow in it (which causes a bit of leaking), it works just fine. This leads me to believe that either the wicks are too long or the tube is too tight, making it difficult for the juice to wick quickly enough.
edit: the Phoenix I kept that was tasting burnt after 3-4 vapes...if I squeeze the tube a bit to allow liquid to wick and blow in it (which causes a bit of leaking), it works just fine. This leads me to believe that either the wicks are too long or the tube is too tight, making it difficult for the juice to wick quickly enough.

Next time you fill one, try filling it fully so that you can see juices flowing into the wicking hole. I've always filled past the line. You might need to blow some excess juice out of the bottom, but it has guaranteed a none-burnt draw for me.


Next time you fill one, try filling it fully so that you can see juices flowing into the wicking hole. I've always filled past the line. You might need to blow some excess juice out of the bottom, but it has guaranteed a none-burnt draw for me.

I did that on this one, actually. No luck.

In any case, it appears to be working now (fingers crossed). I pinched the sides (perpendicular to the wicks), which seems to have remolded the tube a bit. I think the tube was too tight and was restricting the wicking potential.

edit: okay, so contrary to what I believe, if you get a burnt taste the wick isn't completely destroyed. It's just a dry hit. However it does degrade it, so avoid dry hits as much as possible. I may order another pack and get myself of nail clippers to trim the wicks to see how that works.


So I've found I can force the Phoenix to wick in 1 of 2 ways. The first way is to pinch the tube on the sides perpendicular to the wicks. You'll notice air bubbles come out of 1 or 2 of the wicks if you're doing it right (and this may only happen if the wick has issues). The second is to do a sharp drag without firing the atomizer. Don't do either of these too much or you'll flood the wick. If the wick is flooded (if it makes a bubbling noise and doesn't vape very well), just blow into tip and the excess will come out of the bottom.


Fear of a GAF Planet
It's like my liquid is actually turning a dark color. This has also happened with my other clearomizers. I wonder of its because of how I vape?

It's a combination of the juice and clearo. Only portions of the liquid is actually being wicked and the rest of it ends up lying at the bottom. What are you using?


So far 29 hours straight with the DCT. I dunno if I vaped less today or what - felt like I was going normal but I only went through about half of the tank (3.5ml tank size)... no dry pulls yet. Occasionally I take a hard pull without burning to pull some juice into the carto and watch an air bubble pop from the tiny hole in the carto. Still plenty of vapor and plenty of taste.

I ordered some single coils so I don't have to worry so much about having the entire length of the carto soaking wet with juice - just the bottom where the hole is. Even when the top gets a bit dry on the dual I don't notice any burnt smell, taste or dry hit.

I'm enjoying these. I just think it's strange how little fluid I'm going through with this thing o_O

I'm not a continuous vaper - I take a few puffs - put it down - a few more - put it down. Then I'll just ignore it for a while then hit it again so I guess I'm not chaining.

I guess the test is to see how many milliliters I can pump through this before I start losing the taste and have to swap out a new carto. 10 bucks for 5 of them isn't a bad deal if I go through 1 per week.

As for leaks I have none. I left the tank on its side the entire night and not a drop anywhere - not even from the top of the carto. The fill keeps everything in there nice and the o-rings are holding up. It's also not as easy to dislodge the tank from the carto as I would have expected - it does take a bit of a tug once when the carto is fully seated on it's flange. Keeping a drip tip up top prevents the tank from fully unseating from the carto.

I'm digging it.


Looks like Pluid is in stock at 310vapes

I'm gonna get it with a drip atty. suggest me one that 310 stocks!

I ordered 200 ml of Pluid tonight from 310... I will be gone in no time.

Keep in mind that vapow will be getting a shipment later this week, if you guys missed out tonight.


Just noticed Pluid is in stock (from this thread). Grabbed 100ml of 10mg. Hope I don't regret it! I've been vaping 16-18mg but really need to step it down asap, so it should be fine. Just hope it doesn't weaken the flavor like certain juices.

edit: urgh, realized I have to use it via dripping only, probably. That's a lot of dripping. What's the vg/pg ratio usually?


Just noticed Pluid is in stock (from this thread). Grabbed 100ml of 10mg. Hope I don't regret it! I've been vaping 16-18mg but really need to step it down asap, so it should be fine. Just hope it doesn't weaken the flavor like certain juices.

edit: urgh, realized I have to use it via dripping only, probably. That's a lot of dripping. What's the vg/pg ratio usually?

I believe Pluid is 50/50

Hmm wish you were going with full strength for your first time with Pluid... but we will see, Some folks don't like the reduced from 310 (they say 310 delude is too much or something, but some people love it)

You may want to pick up a 30 ml of Full from vapow just in case (you can always sell it if it is too much for you, people on ECF will pay like double for it when it is out of stock)

I also ordered something else from 310 along with my Pluid...

Here is a clue: Its the only APV in stock atm :O


Confused...it says it comes ready to vape, and yet it says it's not preassembled, nor is the SS mesh oxidized?

What do I have to do for a first use?

I'm definitely curious...seems like a cheap and easy (easier than rewicking my Nova?) way to try out SS.


I was reading that as well....

In other news the trick to squeezing these Phoenix clearomizers is working fantastically. It's like you're dripping every time you squeeze it.


In other news the trick to squeezing these Phoenix clearomizers is working fantastically. It's like you're dripping every time you squeeze it.

Yep. Phoenixes have been kind of frustrating for me, to be honest. I have one of them that's working perfectly...no squeezing required, and it never floods. The other 2 need to be squeezed as they don't wick quickly at all. Doesn't matter what liquid I use (and I'm using 50/50 in all of them).

And now I'm out of Vanilla Cupcake. :( It's been by far my favorite liquid so far. Such an incredible treat. Going to order 30ml of it right away.


Confused...it says it comes ready to vape, and yet it says it's not preassembled, nor is the SS mesh oxidized?

What do I have to do for a first use?

I'm definitely curious...seems like a cheap and easy (easier than rewicking my Nova?) way to try out SS.

It came pre assembled just not with the wick or coil setup

It came in a tin box and contained the following:

1 Genesis Atty
1 Plastic Tank
1 Metal Drip Tip
1 Small Allen Wrench
2 Non oxidized pieces of SS mesh
2ft of Kenthal wire

I ordered a metal tank to go with it so I can use Pluid on the go.

So yes you will have to oxidize the mesh and wrap a coil to get it going.

Im actually gonna use it on an ego style battery for ninja vapes at work.
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