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The Official E-Cigarette Thread Of F#ck Analog Cigarettes


So I'd heard of people "steeping" their juice to change the flavor of it, and I think there's probably some truth to the effect it has. I just swapped a carto back on here that had this "English Bulldog" juice in it for the past couple days, and it's definitely got a different taste to it than it had when I first loaded the carto. When I first posted about this one I could hardly taste much of anything, but now there's actually a moderately strong tobacco flavor that's very lightly sweet. Unfortunately it really has very little throat hit even at 4.8v (3 Ohm carto), and I'm not willing to get a higher nicotine content in my juice so I probably won't be ordering this one again. Shame because I actually quite like the flavor of it now.

Edit - I suppose I will try it in a Kanger instead of a carto to see if the carto is responsible for the poor throat hit, but the two other juices I have in the same cartos have better throat hit by a significant margin.
Yep steeping definitely works, but it isn't necessary for most juices. Most vendors in the UK will tell you if a juice is better steeped and how long to steep it for for maximum flavour. I usually always vape on day 1 because I'm impatient, but especially dessert vapes get much better after about a week.

Got some more Rawr flavours today and I can't stop raving about them. I took one vape of Green Peach Tea and actually said "Holy Shit" out loud at how good it was haha. Hawaii Sunrise is like a very creamy banana milkshake (and I've always avoided banana vapes because it isn't one of my favourite fruits; but this has somehow ended up as one of my favourites) and Truth Serum is really creamy pear and coconut. Some of the smoothest vapes I've ever had.


Another thing I just noticed about this juice is that breathing it out the nostrils actually provides a different flavor. That's a new one to me. It almost has like a graham cracker flavor that way. I decided to fill my other Kanger with it just now, hoping that I get a little more throat hit out of it that way, and this will help me get a better idea of how the carto and the clearo perform relative to each other.

Edit - okay I'm basically tasting burnt plastic or something. Fucking hell.


Another thing I just noticed about this juice is that breathing it out the nostrils actually provides a different flavor. That's a new one to me. It almost has like a graham cracker flavor that way. I decided to fill my other Kanger with it just now, hoping that I get a little more throat hit out of it that way, and this will help me get a better idea of how the carto and the clearo perform relative to each other.

Edit - okay I'm basically tasting burnt plastic or something. Fucking hell.

Kangers are all hit and miss for me. Some were amazingly great - others - ICK. My T2's first head vaped like a dream - my 2nd head - DRY BURNT HELL.

My first T3 - DRY BURNT HELL.

Also - I've mentioned it a few times but people really ought to stay away from Silica wicks:

That's fragments of silica in vapor condensate. You inhale that. Ever take a look at a silica wick after you've vaped it for a while? It's about half it's size. Do your research on silica and the dangers of.

Switch to COTTON or SS rebuildables. I stick with my cartos since they are cotton and I've never had a burnt hit yet (pre-drilled).

Here's more info on the subject:

A lot of people, like myself, stop the analogs to find a safer alternative - silica isn't.


Good thing these have no tobacco!

The rule is poorly worded, but I'm sure its intent is to ban E-cigs as well. I guess we'll see as soon as someone stops me.

Is smokeless tobacco also banned?

Yes. Because alternative tobacco products, including smokeless tobacco (known as “chew,” “dip” and “snuff,”), hookah have been found to be detrimental to health, these products are also banned because they do not fit with ASU’s environment of health and wellness.
I haven't had a single dry hit on my Kanger T3 and I've been vaping on it none-stop the past week. Best clearo I've used. I have read issues with VG juice, but the highest I go is 70PG/30VG with no issues.

Also regarding the silica wick, it's as easy to rebuild the head of a Kanger T3 as it is a Vivi Nova. Exact same method.
That's a shame. It seems consistency is a problem with a lot of clearo's/carto's. Fortunately the two I have are the good ones, as are most of the ones I've seen in UK video reviews so hopefully the bad ones are more rare than they are common.


Well I'm trying not to be too bummed out. I have a Kanger T3 with 2 extra coils and and eGo-V VV pass-through on the way. Moving up from an Inferno battery from Volcano (I think it's just a rebranded eGo battery) with Tube Tank.

Anyway, I've seen that T3's are rebuildable so I might go that route with one of the extra replacement coils I ordered.

My question is, should I go full rebuildable? I just went back to gotvapes and saw there are Kanger T5s now...did those just come out in the last few days? Maybe I just missed em.
There's this really odd thing about proper rebuildables like the Genesis that people consider them to be a "next step" and numerous people on forums are wary about taking it, and so they buy something like a Vivi Nova to rebuild as an easier step. I did this too. But the Vivi Nova is much more fiddly to rebuild than my actual genesis-style rebuildable. It's much harder to get a quality flavour from too.

With both you have to wrap a coil around a wick, but with my rebuildable it's as simple as putting the wire through two holes and screwing them down, then tucking in the wick. There hasn't been any shorts, no hotspots and nearly always perfect flavour. In contrast with the Vivi Nova you have to fiddle with getting the wire through the hole in the bottom, then separate them via the rubber gromit and I've had trouble with hotspots a few times, and less consistent flavour.

By no means is either a difficult task, any newbie could tackle either, but I think I'd recommend to anyone interested in rebuilding to just skip the Vivi Nova and get a cheap genesis style rebuildable (just like I recommend most people new to vaping to skip a standard Ego and go straight for the twist). It's much more rewarding.
Hey guys.. I just wanted to jump in and say that this thread has been the biggest help for me in learning about and gaining confidence in my vaping purchases, so thanks to everyone for that.

I also had a question in general. I currently run an eGo Twist and a couple of eGo clones (the Vea for anyone familiar with Johnson Creek's hardware offering) and I'm really trying to find a dependable tank/clearo/carto that doesn't take a ton of cleaning or replacing and so far I've been struggling. The carto's that Johnson Creek sells are actually pretty good but overpriced and the shipping is $6 at the lowest which is ridiculous so I'm trying to get away from those.

So far I've tried a Stardust-esque Ce4 which cracked and leaked everywhere in the first 3 days and a tank I got from Vapedudes, which is pretty solid but the carto needs to be replaced pretty often and they're prone to run out of stock. I got excited for the Kangor T3's but of course, the new info about them being hit or miss is disconcerting. I just ordered some of the Pheonix's so I'm hoping those hold up fairly well but anyone have some other suggestions?


Ive used Phoenix clearos exclusively since i discovered them. And I was coming from years of dripping only, so I was truly amazed that a carto/clearo could vape so well as to provide the taste, vapor production, and throat hit that I was used to.

Hopefully they'll satisfy you as well!
I got excited for the Kangor T3's but of course, the new info about them being hit or miss is disconcerting. I just ordered some of the Pheonix's so I'm hoping those hold up fairly well but anyone have some other suggestions?

The Kanger T3 and Phoenix's are by far the best clearo's I've had. It's a shame about some Kangers being shitty, but since you know how to identify the good ones you could always message a vendor before purchase to ask if they can guarantee one of the good ones.


The Kanger T3 and Phoenix's are by far the best clearo's I've had. It's a shame about some Kangers being shitty, but since you know how to identify the good ones you could always message a vendor before purchase to ask if they can guarantee one of the good ones.

How can you identify to good ones? Or do you just mean after trying it?


Fear of a GAF Planet

The reason that shit like this happens is because Kanger starts by making these things in their factory. Then they get super popular and that factory isn't enough, so they contract some other factory to make more. That factory sucks or is using inferior parts or doesn't have the exact same blueprint, etc. Damn Chinese factories. Next thing you know, they'll be using lead paint on children's toys!


Hey E-cig gaf, I've been pretty happy with my lame-o eon-smoke rechargable e-cig. Except the refill cartridges don't seem to last too long and it tastes like i'm inhaling plastic when they start to run out. What's the benefit of using other vapes?


Hey E-cig gaf, I've been pretty happy with my lame-o eon-smoke rechargable e-cig. Except the refill cartridges don't seem to last too long and it tastes like i'm inhaling plastic when they start to run out. What's the benefit of using other vapes?

Probably that fact that you can refill the carto's yourself as soon as you get a funky taste or even think you are going to get a funky taste.


The good ones have 2 air holes and black writing. At least every one I've seen and PBusardo's.

Ahh shiit. Mine has white writing and 3 air holes.

That said, this new eGo-V and Kanger T3 setup I have going is awesome, at least compared to my Inferno/Tube Tank I have that is now my backup.



Yeah i signed this, i kind of think this should get its own thread as its pretty important for tobacco harm reduction innovations like ecigs, but I dont have access to a pc atm.

Getting some epic vape mail in a couple weeks will try to post some pics when i get a chance. Will also be trying some juices from alice in vapeland so ill post opinions of those aswell when i get them.
Just got my Pheonix Clearos today and they put everything else I've used to shame. Carts, Stardusts, and my Texas Tuff Tank have nothing on this thing. Completely clean taste and the biggest plumes of smoke I've experienced.

They're also the only pieces that I've bought that came with a Needle included which is a huge plus. It was a pain in the ass finding a Needle tip to fill up my Tuff Tank. I honestly don't see myself switching off these unless they make another model that doesn't need to be filled upside down.


Yeah i signed this, i kind of think this should get its own thread as its pretty important for tobacco harm reduction innovations like ecigs, but I dont have access to a pc atm.

Getting some epic vape mail in a couple weeks will try to post some pics when i get a chance. Will also be trying some juices from alice in vapeland so ill post opinions of those aswell when i get them.

I'll make it.


Just got my Pheonix Clearos today and they put everything else I've used to shame. Carts, Stardusts, and my Texas Tuff Tank have nothing on this thing. Completely clean taste and the biggest plumes of smoke I've experienced.

They're also the only pieces that I've bought that came with a Needle included which is a huge plus. It was a pain in the ass finding a Needle tip to fill up my Tuff Tank. I honestly don't see myself switching off these unless they make another model that doesn't need to be filled upside down.
Pretty much exactly the same way i feel about the Phoenix clearos after more than appx. 3 straight months of use.


Yeah i signed this, i kind of think this should get its own thread as its pretty important for tobacco harm reduction innovations like ecigs, but I dont have access to a pc atm.

Getting some epic vape mail in a couple weeks will try to post some pics when i get a chance. Will also be trying some juices from alice in vapeland so ill post opinions of those aswell when i get them.

That reminds me i need to take pics on my orion. Its so damn small is 350 mode.


I'm hoping someone can help me with my clearomizer cleaning dilemma. I bought a pack of the Phoenix clearomizers recommended in the OP, and they were amazing at first. But then I decided to clean them after I got some new juice flavors in. I followed the cleaning directions in the video on GotVapes (scroll down), which instructed me to blow water through the tube, dry it out, then dry fire it several times until the coil turns red. But after following this procedure precisely and filling them with new juice, I'm getting a nasty, burnt taste every time. Also, the vapor is noticeably warmer than it was before. Did I do something wrong? Perhaps I needed to let them dry more thoroughly? Or maybe I've burned the wick with too much dry firing?

I set out to buy a new pack of them, but unfortunately they were out of the 2.6-2.8 Ohm variety. I bought these instead, which are 2.4-2.6 Ohms and are for some reason labelled PHOENiX™ REBORN. Are these essentially the same ones?

Also, I too am somewhat unsatisfied with my white lettered Kanger. If I go over 4 volts I get a burnt taste, and at 4 or less I get a very muted taste. I've got one coming from LiteCigUSA with black lettering, and I'll report my findings.
I'm hoping someone can help me with my clearomizer cleaning dilemma. I bought a pack of the Phoenix clearomizers recommended in the OP, and they were amazing at first. But then I decided to clean them after I got some new juice flavors in. I followed the cleaning directions in the video on GotVapes (scroll down), which instructed me to blow water through the tube, dry it out, then dry fire it several times until the coil turns red. But after following this procedure precisely and filling them with new juice, I'm getting a nasty, burnt taste every time. Did I do something wrong? Perhaps I needed to let them dry more thoroughly?

I set out to buy a new pack of them, but unfortunately they were out of the 2.6-2.8 Ohm variety. I bought these instead, which are 2.4-2.6 Ohms and are for some reason labelled PHOENiX™ REBORN. Are these essentially the same ones?

I haven't tried the originals but the Pheonix Reborn are the ones that I got. That exact Ohms range as well. Great quality.




thought you guys might get a kick out of these the amount of detail this guy puts into these mods is insane.

You can find more of his previous pieces in the gepettos box mods thread on ECF.


I haven't tried the originals but the Pheonix Reborn are the ones that I got. That exact Ohms range as well. Great quality.

I asked GotVapes and they said both the 2.4-2.6ohm and 2.6-2.8ohm Phoenix clearos are revised ('reborn') as of 09/2012.

I had to ask because i like the 2.6-2.8 ohms, and that web page doesnt have the update info YET, leaving it pretty ambiguous.

@GavinGT Unfortunately, it sounds like you burned up your clearo, if youre getting a persistent burnt taste. I would never dry burn a Phoenix.


I asked GotVapes and they said both the 2.4-2.6ohm and 2.6-2.8ohm Phoenix clearos are revised ('reborn') as of 09/2012.

I had to ask because i like the 2.6-2.8 ohms, and that web page doesnt have the update info YET, leaving it pretty ambiguous.

@GavinGT Unfortunately, it sounds like you burned up your clearo, if youre getting a persistent burnt taste. I would never dry burn a Phoenix.

Thanks for the response. It's unfortunate then that the video on GotVapes is telling me to do exactly that. Oh well, at least these things are cheap.

How should I go about cleaning them, then? I'm leaning toward just sticking to one flavor per clearomizer.
How should I go about cleaning them, then? I'm leaning toward just sticking to one flavor per clearomizer.

I don't really clean mine often, even if I'm changing flavour I usually just blow as much juice as possible out of the bottom, re-fill and vape for 5 minutes or so til the new flavour comes through. I'd stick to one flavour per clearo if it's something strong like menthol or chocolate though.

When I do clean them I push water in with a syringe upside down as you do with juice, then turn it back the right way and pull and push on the syringe so it forces the water in and out of the head. Repeat 3 times, then leave to dry overnight. I never dry burn phoenix's; they usually burn very easily. Just fill them, even if there's a bit of water left, and the worst you'll have to put up with is a diluted watery vape for a little bit.


Might even be a good idea to use rubbing alcohol first then water to get the alcohol out. I've had much better luck cleaning other clearomizers this way.


I just always stick with one flavor per clearo, but thats easy for me with three years experience and knowing exactly which four juices ill be using. I have 4 clearos on my desk in front of me right now, each filled with one of my favorite flavors.

When i want to change flavors i change clearos. Refill as necessary. How easy can it get?


I pretty much just do the same. Vape the one flavor in the same clearo until the coil goes to crap then change the head if possible, if not I just toss it. I attempting cleaning them at first but just got tired of flavors getting glued to the tank material, really makes for an odd flavor.
Well for me, I try new flavours almost weekly. I only really have 4 go-to flavours that I buy regularly and can vape all day. Now that I have a phoenix dripper though I've just been trying new flavours on that so I probably will stick to one flavour per Phoenix from now on.


Anyone's Kanger T3 leak from the bottom into the top of the battery? I can't tell if it is getting past the seal or if it is coming through the wick too much and going down. Once I hear it "bubbling" I can tell that pretty soon I'll see some liquid on the bottom of the carto; I can usually catch it before it drips to the battery but it's pretty annoying.
Anyone's Kanger T3 leak from the bottom into the top of the battery? I can't tell if it is getting past the seal or if it is coming through the wick too much and going down. Once I hear it "bubbling" I can tell that pretty soon I'll see some liquid on the bottom of the carto; I can usually catch it before it drips to the battery but it's pretty annoying.

I haven't had it leak, but I've had it bubble a couple of times. When that happens I unscrew the head off and blow from the bottom. Clears it up straight away.
Anyone's Kanger T3 leak from the bottom into the top of the battery? I can't tell if it is getting past the seal or if it is coming through the wick too much and going down. Once I hear it "bubbling" I can tell that pretty soon I'll see some liquid on the bottom of the carto; I can usually catch it before it drips to the battery but it's pretty annoying.

Yeah, one of mine does that from time to time. I think it's the o-ring that goes around the threads on the coil head. I'll notice it's slipped upwards and I'll slide it as far down as it will go. Then back to vaping I go.


Hi, E-cig community.

I jumped in 1 month ago, I bought a eGo-C and it's been great, haven't smoked any cigarretes since and it feels good.

The problem is that it is hard to get "premiun" or "certified" liquid where I live (Santiago de Chile). Any advise to import some?

Will the EgoC Twist batteries break if too much liquid leaks from the clearomizer? It looks pretty sealed up to me.

Mine has been leaked on several times over the past few months; no signs of any problem so far *touch wood*.

Hi, E-cig community.

I jumped in 1 month ago, I bought a eGo-C and it's been great, haven't smoked any cigarretes since and it feels good.

The problem is that it is hard to get "premiun" or "certified" liquid where I live (Santiago de Chile). Any advise to import some?


What kind of liquid are you looking for? House of Liquid do fantastic tobacco liquids (using actual tabacco leaves rather than flavouring) and they ship worldwide (free too if you spend over 35 Euro).


Thanks to everyone who's helped me so far.

Here's another question though: Can anyone recommend me some good fruit flavored juices? I've tried about a dozen different flavors from Vermillion River Juice, and I only really cared for the grape and peach. A majority of the other ones I've tried have been sort of repulsive.

From my limited experience, my preference has been for somewhat subtle flavors. I also don't care for juices that combine too many flavors together. For instance, I tried this one called Citrus Explosion and I think I would rather drink battery acid. In fact, here's a breakdown of how I felt about each flavor, in descending order:

grape frost - great
peach - good
fresh mint - ok by itself, but good for mixing
blueberry - pretty good
watermelon - pretty good
summer breeze - mediocre
fruit stripe illusions - bad
french vanilla - awful
mystic cherry jr - awful
classic blend - awful
hard lemonade - terrible
citrus explosion - terrible

I could honestly stick with the grape forever, but I would like to find a few more flavors that I really like. Thanks.
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