Can anyone give me any ballpark figures for cost effectiveness of e-cigs compared to analogs?
Like how much it costs for the equivalent of 1 pack of analogs.
There are too many variables to compare them directly like that. Lets say somebody vapes 2-3ml of juice a day though, a random guess at an average, 30ml of juice is about $15-20.
I saw this posted on another forum:
3 drops of liquid = 12 puffs
20 drops per 1ml
1ml = 80 puffs
Average analog is 12 puffs = 3 drops of liquid
1ml of liquid = 6 analog cigarettes
30ml = 180 analogs
20 analogs per pack
30ml = 9 packs of analogs (close enough to a carton, which is 10 packs)
But again, it'll really vary. Some juices go quicker, different devices will go through juices at different rates and you might vape more or less than you smoke.