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The Official E-Cigarette Thread Of F#ck Analog Cigarettes

Can anyone give me any ballpark figures for cost effectiveness of e-cigs compared to analogs?

Like how much it costs for the equivalent of 1 pack of analogs.

There are too many variables to compare them directly like that. Lets say somebody vapes 2-3ml of juice a day though, a random guess at an average, 30ml of juice is about $15-20.

I saw this posted on another forum:

3 drops of liquid = 12 puffs
20 drops per 1ml
1ml = 80 puffs

Average analog is 12 puffs = 3 drops of liquid
1ml of liquid = 6 analog cigarettes
30ml = 180 analogs
20 analogs per pack
30ml = 9 packs of analogs (close enough to a carton, which is 10 packs)

But again, it'll really vary. Some juices go quicker, different devices will go through juices at different rates and you might vape more or less than you smoke.


Let's say you smoke a pack of day, at a price of $6 per pack. Let's also say a 30 mL bottle of e-juice costs $18. That would mean you'd have to vape 10 mL of e-juice per day to be spending the same amount as you would on cigarettes. That's a shit-ton of e-juice. As was said above, 2-3 mL/day is far more likely. So you're realistically looking at spending something like $1.50/day on e-juice.

Of course, with a good electronic cigarette you're looking at spending something like $80 up front to buy the equipment. But if you're saving $4.50 a day over buying cigarettes, that $80 is made up for in only 18 days. You'll also be rebuying cartomizers at some point down the road (every 6 months? I honestly don't know yet), but those are like $12 for a pack of five so that's basically negligible.


Well I just started. I'm really impressed.
As you slowly move on to a good mod and PV - it will get 100x better. Nothing like a good drip and then tank mods (clearos, cartos).

I find I stick with a carto for my all-day vape, I was a menthol smoker and now vape an insanely good menthol that is very crisp but a bit strong. Since I like huge plumes I use it in a carto to pull back the flavor just a tad so I can still hit it hard without an overly powerful taste.

Other flavors of mine I like to drip. Particularly my blueberry, citrus and french vanillas.

Once when you feel comfy with vaping you can move up. Some people dive right in - others need a bit if a test period which is a good idea since vaping isnt for everyone.

Take ur time and anything to keep you from analogs is good, bro.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
Let's say you smoke a pack of day, at a price of $6 per pack. Let's also say a 30 mL bottle of e-juice costs $18. That would mean you'd have to vape 10 mL of e-juice per day to be spending the same amount as you would on cigarettes. That's a shit-ton of e-juice. As was said above, 2-3 mL/day is far more likely. So you're realistically looking at spending something like $1.50/day on e-juice.

Of course, with a good electronic cigarette you're looking at spending something like $80 up front to buy the equipment. But if you're saving $4.50 a day over buying cigarettes, that $80 is made up for in only 18 days. You'll also be rebuying cartomizers at some point down the road (every 6 months? I honestly don't know yet), but those are like $12 for a pack of five so that's basically negligible.

This is similar to my archaic math that I used when I quit. Everyday I put 5 bucks in my safe for the money I would have spent on cigs. I've been off them a year and I just got finished buying all the new components for a new PC entirely on the money I save from not smoking and still have money left. Awesome feeling.


I need a good menthol/mint. I get really bored with the sweet/fruity stuff I usually go for. Should I try stuff from Halo? Preferably something that's strictly menthol/mint with no tobacco flavor.


One thing I will suggest is that you keep your menthol carto/tank/syringe/etc only for menthol juices. Menthol is very difficult to clean.
Agreed. I love a good menthol. I often add a few drops of menthol to my fruit juices and it really makes them pop. My favourite juice is watermelon and menthol.


As you slowly move on to a good mod and PV - it will get 100x better. Nothing like a good drip and then tank mods (clearos, cartos).

I find I stick with a carto for my all-day vape, I was a menthol smoker and now vape an insanely good menthol that is very crisp but a bit strong. Since I like huge plumes I use it in a carto to pull back the flavor just a tad so I can still hit it hard without an overly powerful taste.

Other flavors of mine I like to drip. Particularly my blueberry, citrus and french vanillas.

Once when you feel comfy with vaping you can move up. Some people dive right in - others need a bit if a test period which is a good idea since vaping isnt for everyone.

Take ur time and anything to keep you from analogs is good, bro.
Yeah I went ahead and got the blu starter kit. It seems like a good transitional product for somebody like me who has cut back to the point of almost quitting. I didn't anticipate enjoying it so much. I can see myself upgrading to to a more pro set up though. You get all the enjoyment of smoking, or at least really close to it. I haven't even wanted an analog cig. That is a great feeling man. I smoked for a long time.
where can i buy atomizers like this in bulk for cheap?

As I said before I've gotten many people to convert and all of us like dripping as opposed to the other delivery options. I would like to order 10 or 20 of these at a time for a discounted rate. Anyone know anyplace that will do that?

nvm.. found a resource.

Ended up getting 10 LR atomizers for 46 bucks. 4.60 a piece not bad.

Maybe some other dripper will take advantage of this deal:



Did my part on signing. This really should be on every new page here. I think a separate thread was made for it here, too.

I also posted this to my social networks, etc.
Indeed. Someone should go bump the thread I made. I've already done it a couple times and I don't want to catch shit for it.

In other news. Litecigsusa sent me the wrong thing. They sent just the T3 heads and not the whole thing. I emailed them and they are sending out the correct order tomorrow priority mail and even upgrading me to the aluminum tanks instead of plastic!


Just got my Kanger T3 heads from discountvapers.com and the first one I tried is great, better flow and vapor than my modded stainless steel wick one (I need to practice more on making those, I think I made it too thick). I still want to get my SS wicks good enough for full-time, but in the interim I think 2.4-2.6 ohm (standard) T3 heads are mostly okay. They were 2 hole ones in the picture but the ones I got had 3 air holes.
I use vaporrenu.com for my e-juice. It costs $7.49 for 30ml. Use discount code nujuice for 15% off your order total. My all day juice is Creme de Menthe.

What is considered a good blend for Boge Cartos? I've been using 60/40 and 80/20 with good results, but was wondering if 100% VG would give better results.
Well I didn't listen to my own advice and I bought one more Kanger T3. This time I did get one with 3 air holes, though I was almost intrigued to see the difference. Boy is it shit. OK, it isn't shit but it is a shadow of the first two T3's I got (two air holes). Much more muted taste, slight burnt taste in the background (which I've never had on a T3), can't withstand higher voltages (the sweet spot for both is 4.2 on a Twist though).

At this point I'd say if you've only tried a Kanger T3 with 3 air holes, assuming that is the sole defining feature of the bad ones, you haven't really experienced why everyone who loves them loves them. Unfortunately though, despite loving them, this will be the last one I buy until I can guarantee it's as good as my first two.

Edit: Little tip I found on another forum is to take the little rubber grommet that sits on the centre post above the head and turn it upside down. Improves the flavour by letting more juice into the wick and it creates a tighter seal on the centre post. I'll try and completely block one of the air holes later, see if that helps too.


Well I didn't listen to my own advice and I bought one more Kanger T3. This time I did get one with 3 air holes, though I was almost intrigued to see the difference. Boy is it shit. OK, it isn't shit but it is a shadow of the first two T3's I got (two air holes). Much more muted taste, slight burnt taste in the background (which I've never had on a T3), can't withstand higher voltages (the sweet spot for both is 4.2 on a Twist though).

At this point I'd say if you've only tried a Kanger T3 with 3 air holes, assuming that is the sole defining feature of the bad ones, you haven't really experienced why everyone who loves them loves them. Unfortunately though, despite loving them, this will be the last one I buy until I can guarantee it's as good as my first two.

Edit: Little tip I found on another forum is to take the little rubber grommet that sits on the centre post above the head and turn it upside down. Improves the flavour by letting more juice into the wick and it creates a tighter seal on the centre post. I'll try and completely block one of the air holes later, see if that helps too.

I'll try that gromet flip. I haven't had one with 2 holes yet but I run mine at 4.9-5 (eGo-V) volts and don't have any burning issues (maybe I would if I puffed non-stop for a period of time).

If the new one you got is at least tolerable, then it definitely isn't like that bad 2 that I got before. I could absolutely not vape those for more than the test runs. Maybe I should stay in my ignorant bubble of "just okay" T3's...won't hurt if I don't know what I'm missing!

Oh, I usually puff with one air hole blocked anyway, though I can't tell too much of a difference.


The cap flip seemed to work for me with the Kangers too. Still think I need some new ones, gunked them up pretty quickly with heavy juice, will stick with light stuff.
Are these M-T3s any different, besides the windows? [edit: read description, answered own question] I see there are T4s as well, but they're slim 1ml.

Ordered Cool Mist and TruePure from Halo, will post impressions later this week. Supposed to be pretty good menthol stuff.

Any improvements to the Vivi Nova coming? They're still working pretty well for me, use them for 75% of my vaping probably.


Wow! I ran some rubbing alcohol through one of my old used Phoenixes and it's fucking perfect now.

Ran the alcohol through it then a bunch of water. It's like it's brand fucking new now.


Wow! I ran some rubbing alcohol through one of my old used Phoenixes and it's fucking perfect now.

Ran the alcohol through it then a bunch of water. It's like it's brand fucking new now.

What made you feel the need to clean it anyway? Im waiting for one to die on me, but they just keep going.
What made you feel the need to clean it anyway? Im waiting for one to die on me, but they just keep going.

I've cleaned a couple that I've had sitting on my desk for a couple of weeks with juice in. The juice gets a slightly unpleasant taste and the wicks need a good rinsing to get rid of it.


Neo Member
I love seeing people smoke E-Cigs in buildings...waiting to see people shit themselves only to find out it's not real.


What made you feel the need to clean it anyway? Im waiting for one to die on me, but they just keep going.
For some reason the juice I vape starts to turn dark brown after a week or so and kinda hunks up the clearo. Works great after a good rinsing. Rubbig alcohol first then water.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
It's so much bullshit.

Tobacco regulation on both sides of the Atlantic has the same objective: protect big tobacco from competing nicotine consumption methods and protecting big pharma from competition on "safe" nicotine delivery systems.

Both snus and e-cigs are target because they threaten both big pharma and big tobacco.

I am 33 years old. I should be used to this by now. Instead, everyday I get more offended about how intrinsically evil our rulers are.


It's so much bullshit.

Tobacco regulation on both sides of the Atlantic has the same objective: protect big tobacco from competing nicotine consumption methods and protecting big pharma from competition on "safe" nicotine delivery systems.

Both snus and e-cigs are target because they threaten both big pharma and big tobacco.

I am 33 years old. I should be used to this by now. Instead, everyday I get more offended about how intrinsically evil our rulers are.

Its pretty fucked up; Especially when you think about how government is supposed to be FOR the people and BY the people. But its really only about the money.


Vaping Halo TruePure and CoolMist. Both are very good IMO.

The last menthol/mint I purchased was Arctic Wolf from VaporGod, which I did not enjoy. It's somewhat notorious for being one of the most powerful menthol juices out there, so I guess I should have known. But yeah, that Arctic Wolf stuff is insane. You can't take a lung hit without reflexively coughing and it instantly melts your sinus cavity. Some people like it though.


Finally got a working XTAR in. Went from a 12hr charge with my trustfire to 3hr on my xtar.

Also - VW on my Vamo occasionally tosses out burnt hits - real nasty hits. On VV this does not happen. A few more stories of the same i'm reading elsewhere. Will keep am eye on it - will be using VV for a while to see if it happens.

Before you ask - yes to RMS, battery condition/output, juice, atty, etc. Not my first vape but my first VW. I'm thinking i've noticed a few random times the ohm reading on my Vamo would be insanely high for a check - then a few seconds later back to normal. Maybe I catch the Vamo at the perfect time when it reads a high resistance then blasts too much voltage to reach my set wattage (Ohm's Law) then I get a single burnt hit... which lingers for a good while until the taste diminishes. I'll post back with more as it becomes available.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Anyways, I need some advice.

I've been vaping using several brands of disposables and all these kits and stuff recommended on the OP are well, enormous.

Anything that's good closer to cigarette size? I don't know if any of you have used them, but 10 motives from the UK is as far as I'd like to go size wise.


Anyways, I need some advice.

I've been vaping using several brands of disposables and all these kits and stuff recommended on the OP are well, enormous.

Anything that's good closer to cigarette size? I don't know if any of you have used them, but 10 motives from the UK is as far as I'd like to go size wise.

Why do you care so much about the size? You gotta go big if you want an optimal experience.

I'm personally glad mine doesn't try to emulate the form factor of a cigarette. I would rather not be confused with a smoker now that I've quit.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Why do you care so much about the size? You gotta go big if you want an optimal experience.

I'm personally glad mine doesn't try to emulate the form factor of a cigarette. I would rather not be confused with a smoker now that I've quit.

Oh wow.

I just do not like the idea of carrying a monster sized metal tube just to get some nicotine in.

And I do not give a crap wethere I am confused with a smoker.

Now, is there any product with these characteristics that's worth using?


Oh wow.

I just do not like the idea of carrying a monster sized metal tube just to get some nicotine in.

And I do not give a crap wethere I am confused with a smoker.

Now, is there any product with these characteristics that's worth using?

They're easily pocketable. No worse than the giant iPhone I'm sure you already carry with you in your pocket.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
They're easily pocketable. No worse than the giant iPhone I'm sure you already carry with you in your pocket.

What's your problem.

If you cannot recommend what I want, get out.

And for the record I carry a nokia dumbphone smaller than a pack of cigs.


What's your problem.

If you cannot recommend what I want, get out.

And for the record I carry a nokia dumbphone smaller than a pack of cigs.

I'm not trying to be a dick. I don't see how you would even interpret what I said in that manner.

Hopefully someone can help you find what you want.


The 510 is ok. Problem with cig sized devices is you will always have to carry multiple extra batteries with you. As for quality of vape a normal sized 510 with a Phoenix clearo would still be far far better than any disposable. I'm on my phone so I can't really give you a link ATM.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
That's a bit harsh. All he was trying to do was be helpful. :/


All he was trying to do was selling me something I do not want after I already explained to him why I did not want it. I already get pushy shit like that from the anti smoking zealots, I do not need it from fellow smokers.

The recommended starter kit on this thread is frigging huge. The linked store has videos of a guy demoing the product and that specific battery/vaporizer combos is cigar sized. I do not need to make the huge vapor clouds he was demo'ing neither. I just want something portable and discreet to get my nicotine fix on the go. I might consider one of those jumbo sized systems for home use later on, but not now.

I was asking here because the disposables are usable but the quality is lacking. I've used both 10 reasons and intelight (or something like that) and while they do the job, sometimes you get weirdly tasting hits.

Ah, while we're on this, any recommended e-shops for the UK?



Can anyone give me any ballpark figures for cost effectiveness of e-cigs compared to analogs?

Like how much it costs for the equivalent of 1 pack of analogs.

Like others have stated, there are a lot of variables that determine the cost. I was a pack and a half a day smoker @ ~ 6.50 per pack or roughly $10 a day. I use a rather simple setup of Ego batteries and 808d-1 cartomizers with juice I mix myself. I try to only use 1 carto each day @ $1.30-1.50 a piece. It cost me ~ $1 to make a 20ml bottle of juice @ 12mg/ml and it last around 3 days. All together it is costing me ~ $1.65-1.85 per day, so about $1.10-1.25 per pack equivalent.

Anyways, I need some advice.

I've been vaping using several brands of disposables and all these kits and stuff recommended on the OP are well, enormous.

Anything that's good closer to cigarette size? I don't know if any of you have used them, but 10 motives from the UK is as far as I'd like to go size wise.

If you are dead set on getting a smaller model, try an 808d-1 starter kit and 2 extra batteries (4 total). Perhaps, also add a usb passthrough in case you run out of charge.
I finally made the jump in. I bought one of those Njoy disposable cigarettes. They're not as smooth as some of the setups my friends have. But they do the job, are convenient and are less coughy than regular cigarettes.

I like nicotine but smoking and dips are kinda gross.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Ohh so purchased!

Its on the way.

Kit consists of:

2x manual activation batteries, 280mah
2x 2,7 ohm atomizers
5 cartridges

Price was 30 euro.

I also ordered a 10ml bottle of marlboro taste juice, 5,10 euro.


Oh man, I gotta get into this. But there are so many variables!

Does it really matter how many Ohms the battery provides? Is it related to how long it'll last? And do I need a carto? I think I want a carto, but the Ego-T ships with cartridges and an atomizer. Basically, I don't want to constantly be upgrading my stuff. Would the Ego-T + (Phoenix?) carto be a good enough starting point?


What's the difference between a cartomizer and a clearomizer? And a tank? I think I want a tank, if it holds more juice. Are there any drawbacks apart from form factor?
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