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The Official E-Cigarette Thread Of F#ck Analog Cigarettes


Yeah. Those are pretty much shit. But not bad if its all you know. I've grabbed a couple as a stop gap when I'm out of juice or waiting on a shipment. Come to the fun side of ecigs with us! You won't regret it.

Though I do remember in another thread you said you didn't like me. :(


Finally got my Twist in the post, as well as my Phoenix clearos and some awesome Blue Ice (blueberry menthol) juice. It's been a good day.
Okay I'm having a problem.

I got the 510 Starter kit today and was having trouble filling the cartridge with my juice. So I took a needle and popped the little cap off that goes into the atomizer, now I could get my bottle in there and fill it, put the cap back on but I'm not getting any juice flavor, just burnt taste.

So I take the cartridge out and look at the top and there is no hole on the top of the cartridge that goes into the atomizer, so I create a hole with a needle, pop out that whole center top thing so the atomizer head can fit in it.

Plug it back in, now I'm still getting burnt taste with very little juice flavor.

What am I doing wrong?

Click for gigantic


I really have no experience with a 510-t kit...sorry.

Do you have a link to what you bought? You can likely find some youtube instructionals

edit: lol, nevermind I have no idea how that works.


Fear of a GAF Planet
I believe that the atomizer should have a tip in it to poke the hole in the cartridge. I've never used one of those, so I'm unsure.


The NJOY king things are probably as good as you can get for a cheap disposable one. If you want to spend a little more and try one that doesn't actually look like a cigarette you can get a much better experience though.

Edit - Actually they aren't even that cheap now that I look, though I guess the cost is more like traditional cigarettes in that it is in smaller, more frequent spends.

Yeah its 7/pop. But its already cut down my walks outside/smell. # of cigs. I do about 3 packs a week? 3-4 packs. I can't believe it really. Its been about.. 2.5 days. I'd be through so many cigs by now.

How would my experience get better? Right now its pretty enjoyable. The only thing I'd say,is the taste is something south of a hamster cage. So I was thinking flavor would be an option.. but the drag is pretty damned good.


Yeah its 7/pop. But its already cut down my walks outside/smell. # of cigs. I do about 3 packs a week? 3-4 packs. I can't believe it really. Its been about.. 2.5 days. I'd be through so many cigs by now.

How would my experience get better? Right now its pretty enjoyable. The only thing I'd say,is the taste is something south of a hamster cage. So I was thinking flavor would be an option.. but the drag is pretty damned good.

Everything will be far....FAR superior if you upgrade to a kit. You'll be amazed, honestly.
Maybe my addy needs to be broken in or something?

I mean if there is a whole in the top of the cartridge, then the addy has to be getting juice. I can taste it a little, just not that much.

My Joye eRoll had tons of flavor, but not as much smoke.

This 510 has a nice amount of smoke but not much flavor at all
I believe that the atomizer should have a tip in it to poke the hole in the cartridge. I've never used one of those, so I'm unsure.


Chuck is correct. You should have an atomizer that looks something like this one


Pointy end pierces the cartridge. If your atty doesn't pierce the cartridge, you're probably not getting enough juice down in there to get a sufficient vape. Also.. Try damn near any other Carto/Clearo system if you can. That thing looks like a pain.


Yeah its 7/pop. But its already cut down my walks outside/smell. # of cigs. I do about 3 packs a week? 3-4 packs. I can't believe it really. Its been about.. 2.5 days. I'd be through so many cigs by now.

How would my experience get better? Right now its pretty enjoyable. The only thing I'd say,is the taste is something south of a hamster cage. So I was thinking flavor would be an option.. but the drag is pretty damned good.

Everything, really. The throat hit, vapor amount and especially the flavor could be a lot better. The amount of flavors you can create with a liquid base are pretty insane; my current favorite liquid vendor (Good Life Vapor) has pages of different flavors that I would have never even thought of. Right now I'm vaping a melon mix of canteloupe, watermelon and a little mint - no element of tobacco flavor whatsoever - that has a throat hit similar to a Camel filter.

I highly recommend picking up a small kit of a couple eGo Twists, a couple packs of cartomizers and some liquids to give it a try. It still has a maintenance cost to it but it's been pretty cheap beyond the initial purchase; I'd say $50 a month is more than enough for my use. I was spending twice that monthly when I was a smoker, and they've only gone up since I quit.


Maybe my addy needs to be broken in or something?

I mean if there is a whole in the top of the cartridge, then the addy has to be getting juice. I can taste it a little, just not that much.

My Joye eRoll had tons of flavor, but not as much smoke.

This 510 has a nice amount of smoke but not much flavor at all

Did you blow the primer fluid out of the atomizer before using it? You could also add a few drops of liquid directly into the atomizer.
Did you blow the primer fluid out of the atomizer before using it? You could also add a few drops of liquid directly into the atomizer.

I feel like its getting a little better. I just feel like I should be getting so much more flavor, but I'm mostly tasting burnt taste.

The atomizer is not piercing a new cartridge. Maybe they sent me the wrong cartridge? The cartridge package says Joye Empty.

I dunno.


I feel like its getting a little better. I just feel like I should be getting so much more flavor, but I'm mostly tasting burnt taste.

The atomizer is not piercing a new cartridge. Maybe they sent me the wrong cartridge? The cartridge package says Joye Empty.

I dunno.

Tips to avoid burnt taste on 510 atomizers

These tips may work on other atomizers, as well.

“Blow out” the primer fluid on new atomizers
Add two drops of E-Liquid directly on the new atomizer coil or wick
Don't drag too long to overheat the juice on the atty
Pause for several seconds between draws to allow the atty to wick up more juice & cool down
Occasionally remove the cartridge filler and rinse it out, dry & refill
Occasionally clean the atomizer. See the methods mentioned above
Certain flavors can handle a long, slow draw (tobacco, menthol, coffee, nut flavors) and certain ones taste better with a quick, deep draw (fruity, delicate, sweet flavors.)
Don't flood the atomizer or it may overwork it trying to vaporize the excess liquid.
Try different liquids & nic levels. Not all liquids are created equal even if they have the same nic level and pg/vg ratio. If you aren't satified with the vapor/throat hit, you may be overworking the atomizer and not allowing time for it to wick & cool.


Personally, I think the cartridge/tank setup is terrible. Get an 808d-1 to 510 battery adapter and a few packs of 808d-1 cartomizers and see how easy it can be.
I feel like its getting a little better. I just feel like I should be getting so much more flavor, but I'm mostly tasting burnt taste.

I don't have any experience with those cartridges, but the problem could simply be that they're garbage. I haven't had a good experience with similar cartridge based atomizers. Or maybe it's bad juice. The default stuff that comes in kits usually isn't great.

Order a pack of Boge cartomizers, they fit perfectly on a 510 battery and they produce solid flavour on low voltage batteries. Or there is the trusty Phoenix clearomizers which a lot of people here swear by, and are also a good fit on a 510 battery (though you'll need a strong juice to get good flavour out of those dinky batteries). If you want the absolutely best flavour/vapour then a 510 dripping atomizer is a must.
I don't have any experience with those cartridges, but the problem could simply be that they're garbage. I haven't had a good experience with similar cartridge based atomizers. Or maybe it's bad juice. The default stuff that comes in kits usually isn't great.

Order a pack of Boge cartomizers, they fit perfectly on a 510 battery and they produce solid flavour on low voltage batteries. Or there is the trusty Phoenix clearomizers which a lot of people here swear by, and are also a good fit on a 510 battery (though you'll need a strong juice to get good flavour out of those dinky batteries). If you want the absolutely best flavour/vapour then a 510 dripping atomizer is a must.

The juice is good cause I bought it seperatly and works great on my Joye eRoll.

I think these cartridges are shit. I'm weary of the Phoenix because I don't want to add any more size to my setup.


The juice is good cause I bought it seperatly and works great on my Joye eRoll.

I think these cartridges are shit. I'm weary of the Phoenix because I don't want to add any more size to my setup.

I'd try some IkenVape or Boge cartomizers. Both have cartomizers in 510 connections; I've had good luck with both types, prefer the IkenVapes slightly (the larger Mega Fusion variety).
Ok I ordered the Boge cartos. They look like a pain in the ass to fill. Ugh.

I'm looking to sell my Joyetech eRoll if anyones interested. Only used for about a week. Comes with another atomizer, two batteries, charger, 5 cartridges (brand new.) PM if interested.


Ok I ordered the Boge cartos. They look like a pain in the ass to fill. Ugh.

I'm looking to sell my Joyetech eRoll if anyones interested. Only used for about a week. Comes with another atomizer, two batteries, charger, 5 cartridges (brand new.) PM if interested.

Filling is easy, remove the cap, add liquid to the filler, & let it sit for a few minutes. I use a drip tip instead of the white rubber caps which makes it even easier.

edit: since you are getting empty cartos (I use prefilled), you want to give it a good fill the first time and blow out any excess. After the initial fill, you can just add a few drop every so often.


I like that this thread attracts beginners, so there is no shortage of basic info kicking about. In an attempt to further improve this, it might be nice to provide pictures of our PVs. I know that the way they look is very important to some. So...


This is my eGo-C Twist with a Phoenix clearo. It's a lovely looking bit of kit, and I'm extremely happy with its action. As an absolute beginner, I found this route extremely simple to take. Filling the clearos is as complicated as it gets. Recommended.

Any advice on recommended juice vendors? It seems like a bit of a minefield. I really like the Blue Ice juice I got with my Twist, and will certainly be buying more, but I would like to experiment with some of the better known/reliable brands or flavours.
I like that this thread attracts beginners, so there is no shortage of basic info kicking about. In an attempt to further improve this, it might be nice to provide pictures of our PVs. I know that the way they look is very important to some. So...


This is my eGo-C Twist with a Phoenix clearo. It's a lovely looking bit of kit, and I'm extremely happy with its action. As an absolute beginner, I found this route extremely simple to take. Filling the clearos is as complicated as it gets. Recommended.

Any advice on recommended juice vendors? It seems like a bit of a minefield. I really like the Blue Ice juice I got with my Twist, and will certainly be buying more, but I would like to experiment with some of the better known/reliable brands or flavours.

I'm really enjoying the "menthol" flavor from vaporalley.com. Haven't tried any of their others.


So what's the rule on re-filling Phoenix clearos? Seems simple enough. Just wondered if there are any drawbacks? I mean, presumably they can gunge up a bit?


So what's the rule on re-filling Phoenix clearos? Seems simple enough. Just wondered if there are any drawbacks? I mean, presumably they can gunge up a bit?
I've actually run rubbing alcohol through it then water to clear out the alcohol when they start to get funky with good results.
So what's the rule on re-filling Phoenix clearos? Seems simple enough. Just wondered if there are any drawbacks? I mean, presumably they can gunge up a bit?

You can usually get a few refills before encountering a problem. It's usually best to stick to one flavour per clearo too. Some people clean them when they get to a point that they aren't working as well as they did, others are fine to just move on and dispose since they're so cheap.



I'll try a kit :D

And I say option two and a box of Phoenix clearos/CE3s is the best bang for buck. The KGO batteries are just as good as any eGo battery and i use mine daily.

But there's nothing wrong with picking up some eGo Twists. I have 2 and use those as well.


I'd like to get some feedback on 510 kits for the newcomer who is turned off by the size of the ego batteries that I can include I. The op as option 3.


I'd like to get some feedback on 510 kits for the newcomer who is turned off by the size of the ego batteries that I can include I. The op as option 3.

My first kit was a Joye 510 and I still have 4 Joye 510 batteries. Theyre fine batteries, they just run out too fast. But, put a Phoenix/CE3 on there and Im sure it will vape like a champ.

510s are slim, convenient, and effective batteries with plenty of accessories available like PCCs (Personal Charging Case).


Any advice on recommended juice vendors? It seems like a bit of a minefield. I really like the Blue Ice juice I got with my Twist, and will certainly be buying more, but I would like to experiment with some of the better known/reliable brands or flavours.

The best juice vendor I've come across still is Good Life Vapor. The guy that mixes does it to order (though this does give you about a 2 day period from order before anything ships) and he's just a very skilled mixer. Most everything I've tried from there has tasted great without any kind of perfume-ish element that I sometimes get from juices.

If you go there, you absolutely have to try the Melon Boba. Still the juice to beat for me, everything else has been a distant second at best.


I can recommend a lot of great juice makers in the US

If anyone is interested in candy flavors, http://www.fuzionvapor.com makes GREAT juice.

Krankberry - Tastes exactly like Razzles
Unicorn Blood - Tastes like Skittles (my favorite from them)
Gumby Blood - Tastes like gummy bears (good, trust me)
Purple Pie Man - Tastes like chicken :p (Banana and Blueberry Now-n-Laters)

All these juices have a great throat hit and the flavors are spot on. I like them as a change of pace or dessert vape.


i've been begging for over 5 years.

There are so many good juice vendors, it's insane. And subjective of course. That could be a second thread.

There really are I get a great amount of enjoyment trying new vendors and flavors I've seen recommended in this thread. I'll certainly give your recommendation a try whenever I need to re-up.
I'd like to get some feedback on 510 kits for the newcomer who is turned off by the size of the ego batteries that I can include I. The op as option 3.

I highly recommend them. Size is a huge factor for me. The Joye eRoll is very very small, smaller than a 100s cigarette. The 510 is just a little bigger. Nowheres near as big as I thought it was going to be.

Every eCig picture in the world needs to be accompanied by a comparison shot of it next to a real cigarette.

Just looking at pictures I thought the Phoenix Clearos were gigantic, had no idea they fit into a 510 atty.


Here's what I ended up ordering, I was told by the rep a syringe would make filling the thing with liquid easier.., hit just over the $55 mark so I would get free shipping. Hopefully I got everything I needed.


edit: Hoosier's customer service is awesome btw

I've been considering getting one for this purpose as well. Could you report back on how your purchase goes?

For what I got for the amount of money I spent I can't complain about this purchase. I received it only a couple days after ordering, despite the snow storm we got, and I wanted to use it for a bit before I gave my opinion on it.

It came with 2 complete ecigarttes (2 batteries, 2 clearomisers, and 2 mouth pieces) essentially allowing me to have an identical backup in case I break or lose one, so that's awesome.

The vapor is incredible. When comparing to my friend's Volcano, the difference was incredible. His tasted dry and wasn't much vapor, whereas the KGO makes a thick, wet and cold feeling vapor. That's probably the best part, feeling the cool vapor. Since I don't use nicotine, there isn't much -point- to vaping, other than the taste. When I used a hookha, at least there was some kind of effect. This has absolutely no effect, just taste. It's worth it to me because I just like tasting the vapor and "smoking" so it's really up to personal preference.


I want those Phoenix stuff everyone is talking about. Anyone know a good Dutch website to order those? I've tried regular Clearomizers which completely failed on me on thick liquids (burned taste after a few uses) and my regular Cartomizers seem to get constipated a lot on thick liquids.


I want those Phoenix stuff everyone is talking about. Anyone know a good Dutch website to order those? I've tried regular Clearomizers which completely failed on me on thick liquids (burned taste after a few uses) and my regular Cartomizers seem to get constipated a lot on thick liquids.
Not sure how well the Phoenix will work with thick liquids.....maybe try a Kanger MT3 instead.


So what's the rule on re-filling Phoenix clearos? Seems simple enough. Just wondered if there are any drawbacks? I mean, presumably they can gunge up a bit?

I use one flavor per clearo and refill them on the daily. Been using them for months, the only time ive had to change one out was because it started leaking (after months of use). Ive never had a gunk problem, though others here have.

Refill Away!


I can recommend a lot of great juice makers in the US


These guys are a short drive from my house. I go there to get my juices all the time. Nice peeps with a full vape table setup to drip test all their liquids.
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