Pixiejuice.co.uk appears to have ceased trading due to the vendor's health. Are there any other sites that will mix flavours with high-quality results for those of us in the UK? I reeeeeaaaaally want a blueberry/vanilla combo!
Pixiejuice.co.uk appears to have ceased trading due to the vendor's health. Are there any other sites that will mix flavours with high-quality results for those of us in the UK? I reeeeeaaaaally want a blueberry/vanilla combo!
You are frickin awesome man. I went ahead with Alba this time round, with some Thug, Swedish Fish (these sweets are awesome) and vanilla custard. Great site.Man that's too bad, it was my favourite vendor and easily the most consistent. I never got a bad juice and her Mint Choc Chip Ice Cream was fantastic. As kafiend mentioned, Planet of the Vapes is good for recommendations, as is UKVapers. I've linked directly to their juice review sections.
Some popular UK juice sites: Waves of Vapour, Liberty Flights, Grizwalds, Enjuice, T-Juice, Ace Vapers, Grant's Vanilla Custard, House of Liquid, Switch-2-ecigs, Alba Vapers (Thug Juice is fantastic)
My stuff arrived! I got the ego C Twist and the Kanger 2.5 clearomizer. I got several different flavors, right now trying the Mountain Flavor from OKC Vapes.
Already, even though I literally just started using it, it's much better than the ones I used a few years ago. It's damned amazing compared to that one actually, and I think I am in love already.
Considering it's already about 6000% better than the tiny one I used to have, I am pretty happy. I might shop around a bit more just to see, but as of right now, I am totally pleased. There is NO burned taste, which is what turned me off the other one. Amazing.
I'd like to say I never smell like a cig. Unfortunately I'm weak and fall back into it every once in a while.Youre well on the path now. Say goodbye to being a walking smelly smoke stack!
And say hello to better health, money saved, never smelling like a cig again, getting your senses of smell and taste back, and the endless search for the perfect nicquid.
My favorite juice sites are quoted above.
I'd like to say I never smell like a cig. Unfortunately I'm weak and fall back into it every once in a while.
Like right now.
A question from a non-smoker: did you enjoy the taste of tobacco? The actual tobacco flavors seem to not be as/very popular here, but I kind of doubt many of you smoked fruit-flavored cigarettes, and indeed probably would have sneered at the idea.
I have gadget-envy with these devices, but I would find it weird to start using nicotine now. "Ooh, there's a drug I've never tried!"
A question from a non-smoker: did you enjoy the taste of tobacco? The actual tobacco flavors seem to not be as/very popular here, but I kind of doubt many of you smoked fruit-flavored cigarettes, and indeed probably would have sneered at the idea.
I have gadget-envy with these devices, but I would find it weird to start using nicotine now. "Ooh, there's a drug I've never tried!"
Holy hell. Got my Boge cartos the other day and my goodness. First pull I took a long smooth one like I would with the stock atty and carts that came with my Joye 510. Got a FULL lung fill. Almost start coughing. It was glorious.
I don't like not knowing the juice level in them, but man they hit very very good.
I know that I never "enjoyed" the taste of cigarettes. It was a crutch -- my backstabbing buddy, if you will. That said, I started vaping with tobacco flavors because it was what I thought would keep me from smoking traditional cigarettes. I used to smoke menthol cigs, in particular Maverick and Newports.
I started vaping the fruit and dessert flavors because the tobaccos weren't representing cigarette taste. I figured I'd go as far from it as possible since that taste (which I recognized as "nasty") was not attainable.
Now I've gone back to tobaccos....I'm starting to appreciate the flavor of various tobaccos and not needing that burning taste or ammonia or the other thousands of things added to a cigarette.
Holy hell. Got my Boge cartos the other day and my goodness. First pull I took a long smooth one like I would with the stock atty and carts that came with my Joye 510. Got a FULL lung fill. Almost start coughing. It was glorious.
I don't like not knowing the juice level in them, but man they hit very very good.
I think Victory Red just has a small 510 battery, so tanks aren't suitable.
Yup. Can't I get a Phoenix?
Hi guys I'm new to this. I bought this http://produto.mercadolivre.com.br/MLB-466932376-cigarraeletronicaego-toriginalkitduplo-_JM and it must arrive in the 02/26 and im kinda anxious.
Will it work? Will I drop the regular cigarettes? I smoke 40 cigarettes a day (malboro or camel) and I'm tired. Wish me luck...
ThanksWell, the first thing you need to have is a strong mindset if you're serious about quitting.
You're going to notice pretty quickly that nicotine delivered by an e-cigarette does not satisfy cigarette cravings in the way a cigarette would. Cigarettes are horrible things that contain over a thousand chemicals, many of which are combined in a way to amplify the reinforcing effect; you'll figure out pretty quickly that you're not just addicted to nicotine, and the craving will linger.
Make a plan - only you know yourself well enough to know whether you'd honestly make it if you tried to drop cigarettes cold turkey and use these devices full time knowing what I told you above. You might need to make a longer-term plan where you cut down your cigarette use each day or week while using the e-cig to replace times where you'd normally have a smoke.
Give yourself every chance to succeed. If that means you only cut down on one cigarette a week then it means there's a point where you will be cigarette-free somewhere down the road. Make that your goal and even if it takes you months, that's better than making the transition too hard and giving up on it altogether.
So it seems I will get withdrawal stuff. But if I can smoke this e-cig outside my house will be SO good. I mean I hate the smell of regular cigs, and people hate it too.
So it seems I will get withdrawal stuff. But if I can smoke this e-cig outside my house will be SO good. I mean I hate the smell of regular cigs, and people hate it too.
You don't need to spend so much money man. Just pick up an eGo twist, some CE3 clearomizers and a juice. You'll save about £35!I'm thinking of taking the plunge in a couple of weeks, does anyone use or have any thoughts on this starter kit?
You don't need to spend so much money man. Just pick up an eGo twist, some CE3 clearomizers and a juice. You'll save about £35!
Ah. I can't say the Twist will provide that. But I can say that it will provide an awesome vaping experience.Thanks for the links, I'm not to fussed on how much I spend (within reason). I would like to get something that's going to give me an experience as close as possible to an analog.
Ah. I can't say the Twist will provide that. But I can say that it will provide an awesome vaping experience.
Sure, and thanks for that. Don't get me wrong here, I am open to suggestions.
As with most things I suppose its trial and error.
Are you looking for something that looks and feels like a cigarette, or something that performs like one? Unfortunate the two are hard to get together -- the smaller cig-sized batteries don't produce strong flavour/vapour, and the big batteries produce great flavour/vapour but they don't feel like a cigarette in the hand; you can't just casually grip it between two fingers.
I'd have to go with something that performs like one here.
Don't see johnson creek e juice getting much love. Excellent American made stuff. Try the red oak sample pack
Well they have that vea thing they are trying to sell now. I just dig their flavors a lot.Their flavors are good but they're a bit pricey. They don't want to undercut their prefilled carts to badly.
Option 1 in the op is your best bet then. Ego Twist. Charger. Clearomizers I'd recommend either (or both) CE3 or Kanger MT3.
Awesome, thanks. So everything listed above is what I'll need for a complete set up, excluding juice?
*edit, and are there any parts that need regular replacement?
Not a problem. Different batteries offer different voltages, and low voltage devices require lower resistance cartomizers to get good flavour. You'll have an Ego Twist which can go from 3.2-4.8 volts, so get the highest resistance you can and it'll perform better at a higher voltage. Too high and you'll get a burnt taste though. The sweet spot for CE3's on the twist is usually 3.8 volts.