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The Official E-Cigarette Thread Of F#ck Analog Cigarettes


I smoke maybe 5-8 cigarettes a day, so I presume 6-7mg doses should work fine?

A lot of the e-cigarettes I see people smoking look a little ridiculous -- it's like they're sucking on a lightsaber built by a 10-year old that enjoys bright colors. I tend to actually like the look of Blus -- all one size, all one color, relatively thin, and generally resembling an actual cigarette. If that's how I want mine to look, how much do I have to compromise on quality? I presume the best quality is going to come from assembling a hodgepodge of big parts with weird shapes.

Tinkering: Some people dive really deep into getting a good pairing of the ohms on their cartomizers vs the volts on their battery to find the sweet spots. I don't think you should worry about that right now. Some people are in search of the PERFECT vape for them. As a beginner your standards will be low so it'll be fine.

What exactly does all this tuning do? Is it for taste or density of the vapor or what?

I would recommend buying: Joye 510 Battery. A 510 battery Charger. Pack of Boge Cartomizers. Juice of your choice. Done.

I'm heavily leaning towards a local shop at the moment, just because they offer a money-back guarantee and they're like 2 blocks away. I presume other online vendors offer similar guarantees but I don't want the hassle of returning an online purchase (especially if it's going to be 3 parts being sent back to 3 different vendors).
Juice is very cheap so get something in the 5-6mg range and also 8-10mg and see if you can handle the lower dosage. If its doing nothing for your throat to replicate the feeling you want, bump up the nicotine.

Tinkering is to achieve all of those things you've listed. Flavor/Throat hit and fullness/full vapor, etc.

I haven't tried much, but its my understanding that the Joye 510 setup is the best quality cigarette sized eCig. I have a setup that is a little bigger than the 510 but also produces a much fuller vapor.

I don't know how online retailers are for returns.


Having vaped since 2008, I understand how intimidating the world of vaping can be for newcomers. Feel free to ask me any questions, and I'll do my best to answer. A few helpful links:

Pbusardo - Well-known throughout the vaping community, he articulately reviews hardware, juice, and provides valuable informational videos. He is very helpful to newbies and experienced vapers alike, answering most questions asked through his website/youtube/fb page within 1-2 days. Check out the Knowledge Base to left side of his site.

PBusardo Video - Beginners Guide to E-Cigs and E-Cig Tech (Jan 1st, 2013)

Pbusardo's personal site.

Pbusardo's Youtube Channel

E-cigarette-forum - A clusterfuck of information about everything-vaping, the "Official" e-cigarette forum.


E-Cigarette Supplier list - A comprehensive (but far from complete) list of E-Cigarette vendors. As I said, there are many terrific vendors not listed here so consider this a starting point.

E-Cigarette Suppliers
I smoke maybe 5-8 cigarettes a day, so I presume 6-7mg doses should work fine?

It's more dependent on the type of cig you smoke. Extra Light, Light, Regs, Reds, etc...

A lot of the e-cigarettes I see people smoking look a little ridiculous -- it's like they're sucking on a lightsaber built by a 10-year old that enjoys bright colors. I tend to actually like the look of Blus -- all one size, all one color, relatively thin, and generally resembling an actual cigarette. If that's how I want mine to look, how much do I have to compromise on quality? I presume the best quality is going to come from assembling a hodgepodge of big parts with weird shapes.

Well bigger than blu but not necessarily crazy shapes and sizes.

What exactly does all this tuning do? Is it for taste or density of the vapor or what?

Flavor, smoke, and throat hit.

I'm heavily leaning towards a local shop at the moment, just because they offer a money-back guarantee and they're like 2 blocks away. I presume other online vendors offer similar guarantees but I don't want the hassle of returning an online purchase (especially if it's going to be 3 parts being sent back to 3 different vendors).

Local shops are awesome if they have quality product. Definitely try them out. It's always better if you can get stuff in person though. Especially with juices.. which you can usually test at a shop before you buy.


Returning something bought online is just too much hassle -- packing it up, shipping it off, diligently watching your bank or credit card account to make sure it gets credited. I'd rather just buy something local with cash, and get a cash refund if it doesn't suit me.

As for my local options, these are the four packages from local vendors that I am currently considering:

HITMAN (T-rex) Passthrough CE5 Starter Kit
KINGPIN 510 Clearo Starter Kit
Vapor Nine AMP-XL
Vapor Nine Nebula Starter Kit

Is there any reason I should prefer one of these over the other? I obviously prefer the VaporNine Nebula setup the most since it seems the most slick, small, and normal-looking. But I don't want to be locked into one company's product, and I'm not sure if I would have any upgrade paths if I do want to buy more specialized parts.

Red Victory -- you smoked Marlboro Menthol Lights, same as me. What's the juice that's closest to that? Obviously I want to buy the hardware locally, but if I like vaping then I don't mind going online to get juice refills.

If I smoke 5-8 cigarettes a day, how long will the juice refills last? They seem pretty expensive -- like almost as much as a pack of cigarettes.


Returning something bought online is just too much hassle -- packing it up, shipping it off, diligently watching your bank or credit card account to make sure it gets credited. I'd rather just buy something local with cash, and get a cash refund if it doesn't suit me.

As for my local options, these are the four packages from local vendors that I am currently considering:

HITMAN (T-rex) Passthrough CE5 Starter Kit
KINGPIN 510 Clearo Starter Kit
Vapor Nine AMP-XL
Vapor Nine Nebula Starter Kit

Is there any reason I should prefer one of these over the other? I obviously prefer the VaporNine Nebula setup the most since it seems the most slick, small, and normal-looking. But I don't want to be locked into one company's product, and I'm not sure if I would have any upgrade paths if I do want to buy more specialized parts.

Red Victory -- you smoked Marlboro Menthol Lights, same as me. What's the juice that's closest to that? Obviously I want to buy the hardware locally, but if I like vaping then I don't mind going online to get juice refills.

If I smoke 5-8 cigarettes a day, how long will the juice refills last? They seem pretty expensive -- like almost as much as a pack of cigarettes.

The bulkier setups like those in your first three links are generally preferable in every way except for size and aesthetics. And if you do opt for one of the bulkier setups, there's probably no better recommendation than Option 1 in the OP.

Option 1
Ego-C Twist Battery Get 2 of these, doesn't matter what mAh rating. The 650 will be smaller and more pocket friendly but won't last as long
Charger Just pick one, the ups and downs are pretty obvious for each charger.
Cartomizers You'll only need one pack of these.

Cartomizers vary greatly in quality, so you might as well get the Phoenix ones that are universally liked. And while many of the batteries look just about the same, you want one that's a quality brand and has variable voltage. So the safe bet is the Eco-C Twist. Plus, if you have any problems with your setup, it's good to have the one everyone has so you can troubleshoot things.

I understand your frustration with online ordering, though.


Returning something bought online is just too much hassle -- packing it up, shipping it off, diligently watching your bank or credit card account to make sure it gets credited. I'd rather just buy something local with cash, and get a cash refund if it doesn't suit me.

As for my local options, these are the four packages from local vendors that I am currently considering:

HITMAN (T-rex) Passthrough CE5 Starter Kit
KINGPIN 510 Clearo Starter Kit
Vapor Nine AMP-XL
Vapor Nine Nebula Starter Kit

Is there any reason I should prefer one of these over the other? I obviously prefer the VaporNine Nebula setup the most since it seems the most slick, small, and normal-looking. But I don't want to be locked into one company's product, and I'm not sure if I would have any upgrade paths if I do want to buy more specialized parts.

Red Victory -- you smoked Marlboro Menthol Lights, same as me. What's the juice that's closest to that? Obviously I want to buy the hardware locally, but if I like vaping then I don't mind going online to get juice refills.

If I smoke 5-8 cigarettes a day, how long will the juice refills last? They seem pretty expensive -- like almost as much as a pack of cigarettes.

The Vapornine kits appear to be an 808 thread while the Kingpin kits are a 510 thread. Adapters are available to use different threaded cartomizers on differently threaded batteries. I personally use 510 threaded Ego batteries with an 808 adapter as I like having that extra "layer" between the carto and the battery to help catch any juice that leaks out. 510 threads are the most common and have the most atomizer/tank/cartomizer options with the exception of pre-filled cartomizers, which are almost all 808s. If you are concerned with aesthetics, you could get a couple of skinny batteries for when you are out and a larger battery or passthrough for home use.
I am aware i rambled there a bit sorry, but can any (UK-ers preferably) know of a good tabbacoo-ey liquid taste, although id really like to move away from that taste eventually. I just think it would help the transition over if i went that route first? Maybe it wont...... i dunno its all new and pretty confusing.

I don't vape tobacco flavours so this isn't a personal recommendation, but these are the most raved about tobacco flavours on UK forums: House of Liquid's El Toro range and Temptation and Hedges.

border, and other new guys, some of the people you are talking to were literally in your position as little as a week or two ago. What seems overwhelming at first will become second nature very quickly. Once you have the basics down of understanding batteries, atomizers/clearomizers and juices and how they work together the rest is easy.


I am aware i rambled there a bit sorry, but can any (UK-ers preferably) know of a good tabbacoo-ey liquid taste, although id really like to move away from that taste eventually. I just think it would help the transition over if i went that route first? Maybe it wont...... i dunno its all new and pretty confusing.

I've only been vaping for 3 days and I have the Virginia Prime from House of Liquid. I too thought it might be a good idea to get a tobacco flavoured juice having just come off the analogs. Its ok and it has quite a strong tobacco taste.
However, even this early I'm finding that I much prefer the rawr fruit juices, especially the Cinnamon Strapple. So much so that maybe I didn't even need the tobacco tasting juice after all.


With any carto, you want to hear the sound of crackling and wetness when your finger's on the button.
No, no, no. Like, the bad sort of gurgling you get when you get a build up of fluid towards the mouthpiece and your vape gets diluted. A couple of upside down knocks get the majority out, and improves the vape out for a while. I'm just trying to work out why it's happening. Wasn't happening yesterday.
I've had that happen with a couple of bad heads. It wasn't a long term thing, leaving it to settle or blowing through the head and the mouthpiece when they're separated sorts it out. I have 3 Kangers now and 6 heads so I know it isn't a design flaw that effects the clearo often, but it can happen now and again. I think the mouthpieces have a piece of filter material in them, so if even a drop of juice gets into the centre tube when you suck the juice gets stuck in the material and gurgles. It certainly isn't as flawless as CE3's in that regard. Some people recommend turning the top grommet on the head upside down to create a tighter seal on the centre tube. That seemed to work on one of mine, but maybe it just sorted itself out and the grommet didn't do much. It certainly didn't do any harm.

Edit: Haha, after typing that I just went and accidentally filled juice directly into the centre tube with a syringe. smh.


Any suggestions for a place to buy Vivi Nova heads? GotVapes has been out of stock for a while now. Need a backup one-stop shop.
So I tried a new tank from Got Vapes.

So far it's pretty good. At the moment I only have my ECblend juices that I don't like all that much but it's giving me just as good a taste as my Phoenix Clearos and good vapor as well. The draw is a little hard with the mouthpiece they provided but switching it out with another 510 Drip Tip and it's much better.

Build seems pretty good. Very easy to fill and swapping out the heads is quick and simple. The only downside is they don't have replacement heads at the moment but it comes with 1.8ohm, 2.2ohm, and 2.5ohm heads (1 of each). It works out pretty well for me since the 1.8ohm head makes the unit work well with my Vea ego-clones batteries (I only have one Twist). It's a plastic tank though so it'll probably get wrecked by any acidic juices.
My eternal quest to find something that vapes Boba's Bounty continues. I've tried the Vivi Nova, which is what at first gave me success, but the heads tend to die out really quick. Trimming and fluffing them doesn't seem to help much either. The Kanger T3 wasn't up to the task either, though there's a chance I could have gotten a bad one. Even the Z Atty Pro with a 325x325 SS mesh can't do it. I think my e-juice is cursed.

But I haven't looked at this thread in a bit, so I was wondering if anyone had something they could suggest? It's 100% VG. Maybe there's some new tank or clearo or whatever that handles it without a sweat.
My eternal quest to find something that vapes Boba's Bounty continues. I've tried the Vivi Nova, which is what at first gave me success, but the heads tend to die out really quick. Trimming and fluffing them doesn't seem to help much either. The Kanger T3 wasn't up to the task either, though there's a chance I could have gotten a bad one. Even the Z Atty Pro with a 325x325 SS mesh can't do it. I think my e-juice is cursed.

But I haven't looked at this thread in a bit, so I was wondering if anyone had something they could suggest? It's 100% VG. Maybe there's some new tank or clearo or whatever that handles it without a sweat.

In my experience most cheap clearo's struggle with high VG juice, especially in the long term. Maybe a cheap rebuildable such as the Phoenix or the Aga-T? The last time I had 100% VG (Virgin Vapor) it worked well in a good old Boge cartomizer.


Fear of a GAF Planet
My eternal quest to find something that vapes Boba's Bounty continues. I've tried the Vivi Nova, which is what at first gave me success, but the heads tend to die out really quick. Trimming and fluffing them doesn't seem to help much either. The Kanger T3 wasn't up to the task either, though there's a chance I could have gotten a bad one. Even the Z Atty Pro with a 325x325 SS mesh can't do it. I think my e-juice is cursed.

But I haven't looked at this thread in a bit, so I was wondering if anyone had something they could suggest? It's 100% VG. Maybe there's some new tank or clearo or whatever that handles it without a sweat.

Carto-tank. It's the only way I vape it, and I've also tried multiple different devices.

The only other really good, guaranteed to work, option is a bottom feeder.
My eternal quest to find something that vapes Boba's Bounty continues. I've tried the Vivi Nova, which is what at first gave me success, but the heads tend to die out really quick. Trimming and fluffing them doesn't seem to help much either. The Kanger T3 wasn't up to the task either, though there's a chance I could have gotten a bad one. Even the Z Atty Pro with a 325x325 SS mesh can't do it. I think my e-juice is cursed.

But I haven't looked at this thread in a bit, so I was wondering if anyone had something they could suggest? It's 100% VG. Maybe there's some new tank or clearo or whatever that handles it without a sweat.

Boba's and Gorilla Juice killed my T3s. I now use a rebuildable atomizer (a7 and aga-s) with cotton wicks. It's still rough on them, but at least I can rebuild the coils with ease and quickly. I truly think their juices are best dripped on low resistance atomizers.
Just got my ego twist. Very impressed. Going to be tough to hide vaping with this thing at my desk tomorrow at work.

I have a small-ish clearo on it (CE3) so I like to just palm the ego and run my thumb along the clearo. Can't see a thing.

... except for the smoke

But yeah, eGo is so awesome. I could never go back to a 510 battery.

*Edit. So I got my CE4 and Kanger mini-T3. Both still too big for my liking and like an above poster mentioned, I don't have a mix that I like enough to fill a whole thing of those up with. I'm still experimenting with juices.

And the eGo Cone with the CE3 is very air restricting, don't get nearly as nice a pull as I do without the cone on. Oh well.
But yeah, eGo is so awesome. I could never go back to a 510 battery.

Yep. This is why when people come in asking for advice about a cig-sized battery everyone jumps in to tell them to save their money and go straight for an Ego. I know it's not what some people want initially, but the experience is so much better and it seems like the vast majority make the jump at some point due to 510's not being satisfying enough (the vast majority of the online community, I should say. I'm sure the majority of Ecig users don't even know the Ego exists and just ignorantly buy whatever is available in their local supermarket).

And the eGo Cone with the CE3 is very air restricting, don't get nearly as nice a pull as I do without the cone on. Oh well.

I agree with this. Many complain that the T3 and CE3's have an airy draw, but I like that. I don't want to feel like I'm sucking a thick milkshake through a straw.
Nice thread.
I'm very interested in buying this.
I'm a smoker for 7 years .
Form 2-cigs a day in the begining to 15 now , and tons when i'm drunk.
Used to smoke red marlboro i switched to lights two months ago.
I want to stop for many reasons including health, money, odors ..
I just associated smoking with : way to the metro , going out of the metro , waiting for someone , coffee ...
Is there any success stories with ecigs ?
All the necessary equipment is not very clear to me , are kits that are sold everywhere enough to vap ?
Nice thread.
I'm very interested in buying this.
I'm a smoker for 7 years .
Form 2-cigs a day in the begining to 15 now , and tons when i'm drunk.
Used to smoke red marlboro i switched to lights two months ago.
I want to stop for many reasons including health, money, odors ..
I just associated smoking with : way to the metro , going out of the metro , waiting for someone , coffee ...
Is there any success stories with ecigs ?
All the necessary equipment is not very clear to me , are kits that are sold everywhere enough to vap ?

This thread is filled with success stories. I'm like you, there are tons of scenarios when I smoked just cause I feel like i should have smoked. In the car, walking to the train, outside after dinner, in the morning with coffee, etc.

eCigs fill the habitual void nicely. I smoked for 10 years. Haven't had a stinky in 2.5 months.

My advice: if you don't mind a setup that's about the size of a cigar than get a Joye eGo battery and Kanger T3 cartomizer. If it MUST be small like a cigarette get a Joye 510 battery and a pack of Boge Cartomizers.

P.s. the eGo will taste/feel much better than 510


i've been begging for over 5 years.
Vapedudes.com is sooooo freaking slow... but I continue to buy from them because I enjoy the massive variety of juices they have.
Vapedudes.com is sooooo freaking slow... but I continue to buy from them because I enjoy the massive variety of juices they have.

Yup. I love their juices but I'm not one to buy in huge amounts or have a backstock of steeping bottles so I decided to try some other suppliers because of it. In some cases I even ordered well before being out but still ended up without juice for days before the new juice arrived. They're just getting way more demand then they currently have the capacity to handle.

Got my Rawr juices in today. I like them a lot more than the ECBlend juices but I think I still prefer VapeDudes. Rawr seems to deliver faster though so I might just stick with them for awhile.


Tried the Chocolate Raspberry Truffle from Alchemists Cupboard that has been steeping for the best part of a week. I can't recommend it. It's very rich and perfumey and not very raspberry or chocolatey.

Is there such thing as a good chocolate flavour juice? It strikes me as a tricky one to nail...


I'm actually 3 years tobacco-free this coming weekend.

I kind of want to try one of these though, I feel like this is the sort of technological breakthrough that should be encouraged. Enjoy smoking cigarettes but hate knowing it will kill you? Well now you can smoke completely risk-free*!

I mainly just want one to puff on when I'm drinking. But I'm worried I'll get hooked on them just like real cigarettes and then I'm just sucking on this thing all day to get a nicotine fix.

*risks not known yet.


This might be kind of a dumb question, but how do you know when to stop vaping? When most people take a cigarette break, they step outside, smoke 1 cigarette, then get back to work/play.

In a world where you can "smoke" without leaving your desk or home, how do you decide the proper nicotine dosage for a single session? Do you measure it in the number of puffs you take? Or in the amount of time you spend? Is the amount of nicotine you take in during a 3-5 minute vaping session roughly equivalent to the amount of nicotine you take in smoking a single cigarette for 3-5 minutes?

I kinda wonder if the people who quit smoking in favor of vaping actually end up taking in more nicotine, simply because there is no external, artificial limit on how much time they expose themselves to the drug. I suppose it's equally possible that they might take in less nicotine, if a 3-5 minute vaping session does not deliver as much nicotine as a 3-5 minute cigarette break (assuming that they continue to limit themselves to 3-5 minute breaks).
This might be kind of a dumb question, but how do you know when to stop vaping? When most people take a cigarette break, they step outside, smoke 1 cigarette, then get back to work/play.

In a world where you can "smoke" without leaving your desk or home, how do you decide the proper nicotine dosage for a single session? Do you measure it in the number of puffs you take? Or in the amount of time you spend? Is the amount of nicotine you take in during a 3-5 minute vaping session roughly equivalent to the amount of nicotine you take in smoking a single cigarette for 3-5 minutes?

I kinda wonder if the people who quit smoking in favor of vaping actually end up taking in more nicotine, simply because there is no external, artificial limit on how much time they expose themselves to the drug. I suppose it's equally possible that they might take in less nicotine, if a 3-5 minute vaping session does not deliver as much nicotine as a 3-5 minute cigarette break (assuming that they continue to limit themselves to 3-5 minute breaks).

Your body is absorbing less nicotine from the vapour, and depending on how strong your juice is it may be way less than a standard cigarette anyway. Not having to stop has its positives and negatives. You can end up chain vaping, but you're also not in a hurry. You can take two draws then put it down for a few minutes and take a couple more which is what I tend to do.

Many of my juices are 0% nicotine, I only go for a small amount of nic if I love the flavour and they don't have a no nicotine option or if I feel it needs a slight kick. I honestly don't feel like I'm addicted to anything. I have gone days without using it and I pick it up because I enjoy it rather than because I have a craving that must be quenched.


And the eGo Cone with the CE3 is very air restricting, don't get nearly as nice a pull as I do without the cone on. Oh well.

EGO cones can easily be bored out for unrestricted airflow using the smallest drill bit that will NOT fit through the cone. Then just drill that sucker through the cone opening. Ive done it to both my eGo cones because I also like an unrestricted draw. Takes 2 minutes.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
I was a heavy smoker for some 15 years. Never successfully quit for very long, always went back. Suffered horribly when I tried, depression, etc.

I haven't had a real cigarette since the 21st of February, and I don't want one. I have even been around smokers since then, so yay!

High five.

Keep on keeping on.. I'm almost to a year now. Feels sooo good.
Anybody try Logic ecigs? I've tried both the disposable, and then liked them enough to get the starter kit and a couple packs of cartomizers. The tobacco flavor almost tastes like vanilla, it's really good, and the vapor is strong and thick. You can get mild(1.4 percent nicotine, regular(1.8), or strong (2.4).
I was a heavy smoker for some 15 years. Never successfully quit for very long, always went back. Suffered horribly when I tried, depression, etc.

I haven't had a real cigarette since the 21st of February, and I don't want one. I have even been around smokers since then, so yay!

Congrats! I will be at 6 weeks on Friday. I am 42 and smoked since I was 14-15.

Feels great doesn't it to not be a slave to the analogs any longer?
Also.. DAW.. I have to completely agree with you assessment of ECBlends. They gunk the hell out of the attys and I was forced to clean them a LOT. Not worth the lower cost imo.
It does! And it makes me feel better to know that someone smoking longer than I did has been able to keep it up. Inspiration!

Another noob question:

I am still a bit leery about vaping around my kids. I really love the fact that I don't have to vanish outside to get my nicotine fix, but there is no second hand component at all right? Am I being paranoid?

So far, the studies have shown that the nicotine in the vapor when exhaled is so minute that it's supposedly not an issue. But it's still very new so it's hard to say. I think it would also vary on whether or not you inhale into your lungs or just puff like a cigar.

Either way I personally don't vape in a closed room or car with my kid or blow my smoke in their general direction.. but if it's an open area, I don't worry about it excessively.
It does! And it makes me feel better to know that someone smoking longer than I did has been able to keep it up. Inspiration!

Another noob question:

I am still a bit leery about vaping around my kids. I really love the fact that I don't have to vanish outside to get my nicotine fix, but there is no second hand component at all right? Am I being paranoid?

Here is a study that was released the other day on the components of vapor I saw today on the ECF forums

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