Hey guys just another update. I ended up going with the Vision Spinner VV 1300 Mah, a vision ego clearomizer, a charger, and a nice bottle of VG juice from myvaporstore. Thanks for all the help you guys, appreciate it!
Hey guys just another update. I ended up going with the Vision Spinner VV 1300 Mah, a vision ego clearomizer, a charger, and a nice bottle of VG juice from myvaporstore. Thanks for all the help you guys, appreciate it!
You did very well. And I've been using MyVaporStore and they ship very very quickly.
Post pics of your setup when you get it.
I just ordered a black vision spinner from another site cause MVS didn't have it in Black
I didn't even see your post! This is my first e cig so I wanted to go as good as possible, decided to step up from the 650 mah ego twist. I got the one in White because I'd feel weird with a giant thing of metal dangling from my mouth![]()
You did very well. And I've been using MyVaporStore and they ship very very quickly.
Post pics of your setup when you get it.
I just ordered a black vision spinner from another site cause MVS didn't have it in Black
Yea my first was an ego twist in white. So now my stealth setup will be the white 650 mah twist with CE3 Clearomizer and the Spinner 1300 with iclear30 my bigger setup
What's the VG/PG consistency of the liquids? I haven't noticed much of a correlation between the darkness of liquids and burnt hits, but the more VG in a liquid the thicker it is and the more problematic it might be in certain cartos.
I just got my VV spinner, now how do I add the juice into my clearomizer? do I need a syringe of any sort? I'm using the EGO Clearomizers.
I filled up the clearomizer with some blue raspberry juice that I ordered and set it to 3.3 Volts. The taste I get from the pull is absolutely horrendous. It tastes burnt and is VERY harsh. Am I doing something wrong?
EDIT: Actually I just figured out it had to get absorbed by the wick in the first place. Duh. It's all fine now and doesn't taste horrifying. I do need to get new juice as well, so what are some really good VG providers? And do I have to buy new clearomizers for every flavor or do I just have to replace the wick?
I'm getting absolutely HORRID tasting hits again from my Spinner and Ego v2 clearo. It'll be completely fine for a while but the taste it give out sometimes is just horrendous. What's going on with it? Why is it so nasty?
I've been trying to quit with an e-cig for about 2 months now, doing well.
But damn, this thread is making me jealous as fuck of all the nice pieces! Mine is fairly non-extravagant.
I bought it last summer and one of the two batteries that came with it is dead and the second is waning, it might be time to invest in something luxurious.
I'm okay with this investment.
Can anyone recommend me the higher-end stuff? I went for about 2 months last year without smoking before picking it back up, but I would prefer for it to stick this time. Getting a new vape will help the temptation to "just stop at the gas station and pick up a pack".
I'm also sort of a noob, I'm not really into the culture and I don't know all the fancy terminology and what the in components and VGs are these days. I just bought the first e-cig/juice I found on Google and it was decent enough.
But now I want something a bit better. A bit more prestige.
I'm also sort of a noob, I'm not really into the culture and I don't know all the fancy terminology and what the in components and VGs are these days.
I greatly appreciate any help you guys are offering, putting these things together is definitely more complicated than it really should be, but such is life with the early days of exciting, new technology.
I followed InaudibleWhispa's advice and went with Option 1 in the OP and this is what I came up with. Before I submit the order, is there anything out of the ordinary, here? Any incompatible parts? Anything I'm missing? Better component recommendations? Signficantly better prices elsewhere (I'm perfectly fine with ~$90, that's what I was expecting to spend)?
I already have Juice.
So it seams two of the most important ecig reviewers are Grimm Green and PBusardo.
Grimm is always pushing Namber liquids but thats his girlfriends company so you can't trust that.
Does anyone know what liquid PBusardo uses or speaks highly of?
When I first started watching his reviews, he would always tout Boba's Bounty. Now, he seems to vape something different all of the time. He has a bunch of liquid reviews, too.
I greatly appreciate any help you guys are offering, putting these things together is definitely more complicated than it really should be, but such is life with the early days of exciting, new technology.
I followed InaudibleWhispa's advice and went with Option 1 in the OP and this is what I came up with. Before I submit the order, is there anything out of the ordinary, here? Any incompatible parts? Anything I'm missing? Better component recommendations? Signficantly better prices elsewhere (I'm perfectly fine with ~$90, that's what I was expecting to spend)?
I already have Juice.
If you haven't already ordered. I get most of my stuff from Shipping is sick fast.
Your battery is good but I've never used those clearos. You can't go wrong with a Kanger T3. Or Kanger Mini T3. All on that site.
If you haven't already ordered. I get most of my stuff from Shipping is sick fast.
Your battery is good but I've never used those clearos. You can't go wrong with a Kanger T3. Or Kanger Mini T3. All on that site.
What's your recommendation with this package?
I figured I'd get one of those eGo Twist batteries and one of those Vision Spinners that you posted a picture of above. Now what cartomizers are best from that selection? Should I just get 2 of the same or mix it up? I'm all about variety.
Also can you explain what atomizers are and why/how they are replaced? It says on that that site that "Atomizers need replaced every 2-3 weeks" but that's one aspect I've never looked into in my research so far.
About a year ago, the 'Stardust' was all the rage. Pretty much all the clearos now, owe that one a debt. The Kanger T2 is pretty much a straight copy of that clearo, in fact.
That said, I believe the T3 to be the superior clearomizer at this time.
Apprently, the best way to think of atomizers is like lighters for cigarettes, so yeah, you'll have to replace it now and then, but it's hard to put a lifespan on them. It all kind of works out though, since you get through a comparatively small amount of eliquid (I've been saving at least £20 a week in total).So do you need to replace atomizers that often like that site suggests?
Also with two "tanks" are they easy to clean out and put way different juices in periodically?
Oh I know the money saved, I haven't smoked cigs in 3+ years.
I just sort of want one of these for the simple fact that I LIKED smoking before and I feel like we as a species have come up with a infinitely safer alternative and it should be supported and explained to people.
Also the devices remind me of something out of Blade Runner.
Anyone try one of those Kanger pro tanks? I like the idea of using glass.
Heads up guys! I read here somewhere that Alien Visions had been hacked and CC info was compromised about a month or so ago. I ordered from them right before finding out about that and now my CC has fraudulent charges on it. Luckily only about $30 in transactions went through before they put a block on my account. LOOK OUT if you ordered from Alien Visions. I can't 100% verify that AV was the place my info was taken from, but they were compromised and I do have fraudulent charges so be careful.
I went golfing yesterday so I needed something stealth-ier.
eGo C Twist 650mah. Boge cartomizer. Black drip tip. Adapter cone to hide eGo threads.
Flavor is mix of Fruit Punch/Strawberry/Menthol. All from
My "bigger" setup
eGo Vision Spinner 1300mah. Innokin iClear30 Clearomizer. Adapter cone to hide eGo threads
Flavor is mix of Raspberry Limeade from and Menthold from
How are you finding the iClear30?
I'm thinking of giving these a go.
That's pretty much what I did. Quit cold turkey and had been smoke free for I think a year or so, but I'm the kind of guy that really loved smoking. I like these better than smoking once you get the good shit together.
Okay, so now I've tried two different juices from and they are both ridiculous. Tons of vapor and tons of flavor. They have tester size bottles to give a few a try.
I highly recommend them. I've tried Razmatazz and Melon Head.