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The Official E-Cigarette Thread Of F#ck Analog Cigarettes

The Vamo wins with price and features but there are much better looking alternatives out there that are less than $100.

If you really really want a Provari I would recommend waiting (even though I didn't) because they HAVE to be coming out with a VW version soon
Personally I don't think the Kick is nearly as appealing in this era of VV/VW mods that have more features than an unregulated mechanical device. Unless you already have a mechanical mod that you favor and want a Kick to try and improve its vape experience, I don't think the Kick is worth looking into anymore.

I've been considering buying a larger battery mod lately but it seems hard to justify when my Twists generally last me a day per charge. Were I to pick up one of the larger rebuildables though I'd probably buy either a VAMO or a ProVari (maybe a Mini); the 18650 size mods seem annoyingly large.

Eh...just putting options out there. The big draw for mechanicals is that you shouldn't need an electrical degree to fix them. Plus a lot of them just look plain cool.

The kick has its place. Like if you don't want to build super low res coils to blow your head off with a vape, but still want a strong vape. And it's not necessary, but a lot of the mods I'm interested in aesthetically, specifically bottom feeders and box mods like the Reo or wood mods, do not have the option of variable voltage.

Not for you or anyone specifically, but I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for a variable wattage Provari. I think I read somewhere that the makers were not planning on adding that for a loong time. Variable wattage makes no difference to me. I actually find myself changing wattage a lot more than changing voltage.
For those of you with a Z-Atty Pro, Provape now sells replacement pre-oxidized wicks, both in 400x400 and 325x325. An answer to my prayers. They also sell ceramic wicks now, which I'm really excited to try out.
So my first RBA attempt is coming today (IGO-L)

I'm excited. Already have the wick and wire (ordered that from another site.)

Any advice? Tips/Tricks?

Any major no-no's ?


Neo Member
So my first RBA attempt is coming today (IGO-L)

I'm excited. Already have the wick and wire (ordered that from another site.)

Any advice? Tips/Tricks?

Any major no-no's ?

Honestly it's not something you need to worry about too much as silica is very forgiving. Just make sure the air hole is lined up with your coil.


So my first RBA attempt is coming today (IGO-L)

I'm excited. Already have the wick and wire (ordered that from another site.)

Any advice? Tips/Tricks?

Any major no-no's ?

Let me know how it goes because the IGO-L is the RBA I've been eyeing for my first RBA purchase. Been thinking about buying one with a VAMO or a Sigelei telescoping Z-Max.

This thing is tiny, looks much easier via the videos with the camera in tight. This thing is so small.

My first build I trimmed the wicks too short and wasnt getting juice consistantly. And also came out to 1.3ohms. So I did and extra wrap or two and got 2.1ohms the second time.



Sorry for blurry


The flavor is unparralleled. I'm not getting CLOUDS OF VAPOR. But flavor is great.

Definitely a tight draw. I wanted to avoid drilling the hole bigger but I may have to.


My Halo juice still isn't here yet. Been just over a week now. I put in an order with Mt. Baker Vapor in case this juice has gotten lost somewhere; I sure as heck am not putting in another order with Halo until this gets resolved.

Also found out my local smoke shop sells some juice made locally, so I bought a small 10ml bottle of "orange cream" just to check it out and test out my new eVod. Truth be told it's actually not a bad juice at all, kind of an orange spice tea mixed with a bit of cream. I haven't put it in anything other than the eVod so I have no comparison yet, but the flavor is actually quite strong and there's no funky taste like I had with one of my T3s on first fill. Draw seems a tad tighter too which is good since I thought the T3 was too airy.
Day two with the IGO-L.

Man this thing is a pain in the ass, have to walk with it the right way or juice comes out the hole, have the lay it down in the cup holder the right way.

Its a lot of work and i'm really just not seeing that much better a draw than my carto/tank setup. I mean the flavor is amazing, but its almost too much flavor.

And the smoke output is not consistantly amazing. I get more smoke with the same juice on my carto/tank setup.

Could there be something I'm doing wrong? The hole on the cap is lined up next to the coil.

Are there any rules as far as the coil touching the posts or anything? I feel like the coil sits pretty snug up against the posts.


Had this delivered a couple of days ago ...


Seems really well made, the glass is quite thick and the whole thing has a fair bit of weight to it for it's size. As I said it's only a couple of days old and it's producing lots of vapour and flavour.

The draw is a lot more airy than the CE3's I used previous but maybe that helps produce more vapour and brings the flavour out more.

Also seems to go down the juice faster, maybe again down to the airy draw? ....I dunno, maybe thats just me vaping more :)

Anyway, I'm pleased with it.

Using it with an eGo VV btw.


More than a member.
I know nothing of ecig. I dont even smoke cigs. But I'm chicha addicted and i tried my Friend ecig with Apple flavor and i felt like smoking Chicha. So good.

Tempted to buy one now. Is it really healthy damaging free ?


I know nothing of ecig. I dont even smoke cigs. But I'm chicha addicted and i tried my Friend ecig with Apple flavor and i felt like smoking Chicha. So good.

Tempted to buy one now. Is it really healthy damaging free ?

No one will tell you that it's completely healthy. There have been no studies that have shown harmful effects but it's still relatively new tech so who knows over the long term.


Neo Member
Day two with the IGO-L.

Man this thing is a pain in the ass, have to walk with it the right way or juice comes out the hole, have the lay it down in the cup holder the right way.

Its a lot of work and i'm really just not seeing that much better a draw than my carto/tank setup. I mean the flavor is amazing, but its almost too much flavor.

And the smoke output is not consistantly amazing. I get more smoke with the same juice on my carto/tank setup.

Could there be something I'm doing wrong? The hole on the cap is lined up next to the coil.

Are there any rules as far as the coil touching the posts or anything? I feel like the coil sits pretty snug up against the posts.

You shouldn't really have juice leaking out a dripper. It sounds like you have too much juice in there. This could be because your dropping in too much and its pooling on the deck or because you have too much wick. Is that 3mm wick you are using? I would try having about an inch on one side of the coil and it trimmed a little closer on the other side of the coil. With fatter wicks you can also only have them doubled over through the coil and a single strand going out from each side.

As for the air hole, remember it has to be lined up horizontally and vertically with the coil. You twist the cap to line it up horizontally but you might have to lift the coil a little to make sure it sits right.

You only want each end of your coil to touch the post just once. You might get a short if one of your wraps also touches it. To be honest though if that was happening your Provari would probably be giving you errors. I don't think you would be doing anything wrong here really.

What resistance is the coil and what voltage are you using?
You shouldn't really have juice leaking out a dripper. It sounds like you have too much juice in there. This could be because your dropping in too much and its pooling on the deck or because you have too much wick. Is that 3mm wick you are using? I would try having about an inch on one side of the coil and it trimmed a little closer on the other side of the coil. With fatter wicks you can also only have them doubled over through the coil and a single strand going out from each side.

As for the air hole, remember it has to be lined up horizontally and vertically with the coil. You twist the cap to line it up horizontally but you might have to lift the coil a little to make sure it sits right.

You only want each end of your coil to touch the post just once. You might get a short if one of your wraps also touches it. To be honest though if that was happening your Provari would probably be giving you errors. I don't think you would be doing anything wrong here really.

What resistance is the coil and what voltage are you using?


I'm finding better results by getting more wick to sit right next to the coil, I had the wicks flowing away from it.

This one now (4th one today) that I built is 2.0ohms, I have it at 4.4v. Getting pretty good results.

Its 2mm wick. 32gauge wire.


My Tiki Juice from Halo finally came in today. Shipping issue aside, the juice itself is actually not bad fresh out of the bottle (which comes fully sealed and in a very nice glass). Real woody tobacco flavor, fairly strong spice (kind of a nutmeg/clove mix), with a bit of sweetness and menthol. I don't know as I taste any "tropical fruit" style flavor in the sweetness, it just comes across as the sweetness behind the spice and tobacco, but that may come out more with some steeping time. On the downside right now it kind of reminds me of Five Pawns in that it is very flavorful and aromatic (very strong vapor aroma in the air) but mostly absent in the throat hit aside from the menthol effect. We'll see after a few days but much like Five Pawns it probably won't be something I re-order, which bums me out because just like those juices I love the scent and flavor.


I got my first order from Mount Baker and am quite pleasantly surprised. First off, their juice is almost half the price of most other premium juice sites. Second, you can specify your PG/VG ratio. Third, you have the option to add flavor bumps. Finally, you can create your own flavors.

Now that ive received my order i can tell you this is high quality juice. They also threw in a free 15mL bottle based off the flavors i ordered and they matched the freebie's PG/VG and nic% to the bottles i ordered.

And i received my order 3 days from placing it, from literally one end of the US to the other. Im already in love with their Coumarin Pipe Tobacco.

Major thumbs up for Mount Baker all around!


I got my first order from Mount Baker and am quite pleasantly surprised. First off, their juice is almost half the price of most other premium juice sites. Second, you can specify your PG/VG ratio. Third, you have the option to add flavor bumps. Finally, you can create your own flavors.

Now that ive received my order i can tell you this high quality juice. They also threw in a free 15mL bottle based off the flavors i ordered and they matched the freebie's PG/VG and nic% to the bottles i ordered.

And i received my order 3 days from placing it, from literally one end of the US to the other. Im already in love with their Coumarin Pipe Tobacco.

Major thumbs up for Mount Baker all around!

Yeah I put my order in with them yesterday and was stunned at their options and prices. Not only that but they shipped it the same day and it is scheduled to get here Monday.

I'm probably going to be ordering from them for some time to try and find some new favorites. If I can find a new all day vape from them it would be perfect because everything else about them is as good as I could ask for in a vendor.


Alright, buying a real e-cig for my brother.

He currently uses one of those shitty low-potency disposable ones, and it's just not strong enough apparently. He's trying to quit smoking and it's his birthday soon so I want to help him out.

Is there a way to buy a kit that has everything you need? I'm afraid of purchasing a bunch of separate parts and having something not fit together properly. Do you just need the battery, charger, cartomizers, and juice?

Also, what's the difference between the Ego-C and the Ego-T?


Alright, buying a real e-cig for my brother.

He currently uses one of those shitty low-potency disposable ones, and it's just not strong enough apparently. He's trying to quit smoking and it's his birthday soon so I want to help him out.

Is there a way to buy a kit that has everything you need? I'm afraid of purchasing a bunch of separate parts and having something not fit together properly. Do you just need the battery, charger, cartomizers, and juice?

Also, what's the difference between the Ego-C and the Ego-T?

There are all kinds of starter kits that will have everything necessary to get started, though often these kits aren't necessarily sold at places that have great juices.

The eGo-T isn't worth buying anymore, don't bother with those. The eGo you'd want to buy if you went that route would be the eGo-C Twist, since it has the same style and connections but has the variable voltage dial (and is generally the best low-cost battery available, including some of the high quality variant brands).

What kind of budget were you looking at? It sounds like you might need to get him some juice since he's still using pre-filled disposables.


What kind of budget were you looking at? It sounds like you might need to get him some juice since he's still using pre-filled disposables.
Preferably less than $100, but I can spend more if need be. If it helps him quit any price is acceptable, to be honest. Just need something that's relatively easy to maintain and refill, and sturdy enough for an auto mechanic to carry around in his pocket. Do you have any recommendations?

I'll also need juice, yeah. I think he likes Menthol flavor the best so that part should be pretty easy. Just going to get some of the strongest stuff I can from one of the vendors mentioned in the OP.


Woah...some of the strongest nic level stuff is way way too strong lol. I would say 18 mg for a heavy smoker would be good.

edit: I would say go to roarvapor.com for juice. Get him a sampler pack.

I recommend this if you think he wants a tobacco menthol. Just select blizzard level menthol. 50/50 PG/VG, and 18 mg nic level.

Excellent, thanks for the advice. I say real strong because he chews as well, and his tolerance is through the roof as a result. He eventually wants to quit all tobacco, so I figured start with the strongest and work down. 18mg seems like a good place to start though, and it's not like juice is expensive, so I'll go with what you recommended. Thanks again!


Preferably less than $100, but I can spend more if need be. If it helps him quit any price is acceptable, to be honest. Just need something that's relatively easy to maintain and refill, and sturdy enough for an auto mechanic to carry around in his pocket. Do you have any recommendations?

I'll also need juice, yeah. I think he likes Menthol flavor the best so that part should be pretty easy. Just going to get some of the strongest stuff I can from one of the vendors mentioned in the OP.

Hm. Normally I would recommend a couple of Twist batteries, but I wonder if a mechanic might need something a little sturdier. Then again most anything tougher isn't going to be hauled around in a pocket very well anyway. I'd still probably go for a pair of Twist batteries, the AC plug/charge cable, and some cartomizers. I like my eVod clearo but I dunno if I'd want to haul a tank type attachment in my pocket unless I would be doing desk work; with a carto you don't have to really think about it as much and works more like what he's already using anyway.

That said there is an eVod starter kit at Sun Vapers that seems really cheap - $35 for two batteries, two eVod clearos, the charger and like 7 extra replacement heads, but the batteries aren't variable voltage so they are stuck only doing 3.7v whereas the variable voltage Twist-variants go up to 4.8v. 3.7v isn't bad on 1.8 Ohm and lower resistance attachments but most "standard resistance" attachments are actually around 2.5-3.0 Ohm so they wouldn't perform that well with those. Still it would be a pretty big jump up in quality for what he's using and you'd have a lot of scratch left over for more some cartomizers or juice.

Barring that I'd probably just put together a cart with a pair of eGo Twists or Vision Spinners (same things with different names basically), the charger & wall adapter (some places sell these separately so look carefully) and a few packs of cartomizers. Lots of places carry these, they're probably the most common batteries on the market. I use either Boge or IkenVape cartomizers; you'll want the 510 connection cartos, and I recommend getting the low resistance (marked LR) versions that are around 2.0 Ohm, but anything between 2-3 Ohm will work. This will be under $100 just about anywhere you look - the batteries shouldn't be more than like $25 a pop and the charger combo is probably another $12-15. Cartomizers should run around $6-7 for a pack of 5.

As far as the juice goes, there's a million options out there. I just got my order from Mt. Baker Vapor today, and while I haven't tasted the juices yet (they are fresh so they're not quite ready to hit up) it's hard to not recommend them. Their prices are about half of most other places and they have stupid fast shipping. Also a crazy amount of flavors to look through. People seem to like them for their menthol flavors and some of their sweeter/fruitier stuff so it sounds like a good place for you to look in that regard. I'm sure some others here also vape a lot of menthols that can suggest some other stuff.


I'm thinking of ordering a couple of liquids from Roar vapor.
I'm currently using V2 long battery cigarettes.

Do I need to buy another cigarette? Or can I use Roar's liquid in my v2 clear cartomisers?
I'm thinking of ordering a couple of liquids from Roar vapor.
I'm currently using V2 long battery cigarettes.

Do I need to buy another cigarette? Or can I use Roar's liquid in my v2 clear cartomisers?

Yes, but that battery won't produce great flavour. I have a couple of those thin cig-like batteries and pretty much any complex or decent flavour is wasted on them.

So no, you don't need to buy a new battery, but if you want the best flavour/vapour it's recommended.


Yes, but that battery won't produce great flavour. I have a couple of those thin cig-like batteries and pretty much any complex or decent flavour is wasted on them.

So no, you don't need to buy a new battery, but if you want the best flavour/vapour it's recommended.
Thank you. I was thinking along the same lines. Any suggestions?
Noticed this thread popped up, might aswell give a little update:

I've been smoking e-cigs for 2 months now. Started with 9 mg. Now I smoke 0 mg vanilla. Next month Im quitting vaping and passing my set onto my sister and father.

Nicotine free woohoo! :)
So I've had my IGO-L for about 4 days now and I really just can't say I'm loving it. I appreciate the flavor I'm getting but the way the draw feels and not to mention the hassle of it, I really just can't see myself dripping consistantly.

I think I'll use it from time to time and when I'm trying out new juices, but I don't think I'm going to turn into some Dripping Elite-ist.

I just built a 1.5ohm setup and using it at 3.8volts. Tons of vapor.


So I decided to try my Mt. Baker stuff a bit early just to get some impressions, and to see what kind of effect the steeping will have on their flavors later.

I put all three in some LR 510 Fusion cartos (my personal favorite): Hawk Sauce, Moo Juice and Orange Dream Bar.

Moo Juice... I really hope steeping helps. It's not pleasant right now. The strawberry is very mellow and light, while the predominant flavor is the "cream", which comes across more like butter. A few pulls came across almost entirely like warm butter. The scent of the vapor is also pretty bad; it's something I recognize but can't place exactly. Almost papery somehow. Will be very surprised if chemical bonding over the next week changes this juice into something I actually like.

Hawk Sauce on the other hand tastes fantastic right out of the gate. Very bright and tart flavor; some people describe this like Sweet Tarts and it's right on the money. There might be a hint of lavender or something behind the berry flavor too. I got 2 flavor shots in all of these and I think on this one and the Orange Dream Bar it might have been a little much, as the tartness makes it something I can't vape for more than maybe an hour (and I don't chain vape whatsoever). Unfortunately there's really no throat hit to speak of even at 18mg and 80% PG, so it's another one I have to file under "if only."

Orange Dream Bar is a good, simple juice for me. Right now it's mostly coming across as orange; the citrus is clean and strong, enough that I am not really getting any of the creamy aspect to it. I think this will improve with steeping, and luckily it is not that buttery style cream that is going on in the Moo Juice. Throat hit here is also a bit light but there so unless something bad happens I can see myself getting this one again when it's out.

I need to order some more eVod tanks because since getting it, the performance I'm getting from my 501 Fusions seems less and less impressive. I think part of that is the Tiki Juice I am currently using in it, which I'm becoming more and more enamored with. Even with a very complex flavor like this though the eVod isn't getting in the way at all and I'm getting an extremely clean hit every time, with much more vapor than I'm getting out of my cartos. I even put some Tiki Juice in a carto just to make sure I wasn't fooling myself and I can taste the difference immediately.

Will probably go back to Halo and try their tobacco sampler to see if they have anything else as impressive as Tiki Juice. I almost hope they don't because their shipping was far from impressive and their prices are kind of a bummer.
Hey so I have a dual coil SMSOKTECH cartomizer and it stopped vaporizing the juices. Is there any way to fix them, or even swap the innards out for another one? the cotton inside is full of my precious black licorice juice :(
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