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The Official E-Cigarette Thread Of F#ck Analog Cigarettes

Can anyone recommend a good coffee flavored ejuice? I'm looking for a strong espresso flavor. I've almost only been able to find flavors mixed with vanilla or caramel, and I'm not a big fan of either of those. The only plain coffee I've found is Morning Vape from MBV. Anyone have an opinion on that flavor or recommendations for another coffee flavor?
So I got a couple orders in today.

Tried out Mt. Baker Vapor. Put in the order on Friday and it got here today. Got the Kiwi Strawberry at 6mg with 1 extra flavor shot. It's good. It's a little on the sweet side, which I don't mind but for others they may want to forgo the extra shot as it's really potent flavor. Even for being 6mg it seems a bit stronger than that so for those who roll with a higher nic you may want to try a shade lower than normal your first time and see if that hits the spot. Vapor production is great at 50/50. Just an all around great juice. I'll be ordering from them again and trying a few more varied flavors since I went with a safe bet this time.

I also got the Pheonix Raven 3.5ml tank from Got Vapes today. Quality of construction is pretty good but not great. It's all plastic except for the carto inner. Even the drip tip is plastic (annoying) but it can take any 510 drip tip. Filling is a little easier than some basic tanks but still more annoying than a Kanger or BCC Vapeonly. Still requires a needletip since it's form fit for the carto. It's actually a little more time consuming than the regular Pheonix clearos just because with experience filling upside down becomes quick and easy witht he clearos while pulling the carto down and inserting the needle into the space in the top takes more time to do correctly without flooding the carto on accident. Also, do to the nature of filling the tank by pulling the carto down, you can't really fill to capacity so you're not going to get all 3.5ml used. Vapor and flavor are great. About on par with the Pheonix Clearos. Takes a bit of priming to get rolling but once it's going it's great. Only gone through one tank full so far but haven't had a single dry hit.

Overall I'd say it's a good little tank. If you like the Pheonix Clearos but want something that will hold a little more juice then a Pheonix Raven is a great choice. But it's not the best quality tank nor is it the easiest to fill.

Thanks for the review. I'm gonna try them out next. I placed another order with RoarVapor and made sure not to get "blizzard" level of menthol.

Some of the flavors I have from them already are getting better as they sit. Truth Serum is really coming out nice. And Hawaii Sunrise is very good also. Green Tea, Antidote, and Strapple are still meh.

JoeyJungle said:
Can anyone recommend a good coffee flavored ejuice? I'm looking for a strong espresso flavor. I've almost only been able to find flavors mixed with vanilla or caramel, and I'm not a big fan of either of those. The only plain coffee I've found is Morning Vape from MBV. Anyone have an opinion on that flavor or recommendations for another coffee flavor?

I just ordered a coffee flavor from RoarVapor to try. I'll let you know how it is when I get it.


So what are the good attys to buy now? I'd rather avoid the Phoenix CE3. So far I like the Nova the best, but it's pretty expensive and big so it's not great for carrying around multiple flavors.


Rebuildables aren't really that attrative to me, considering I have yet to burn out an atty. My Phoenix died because the cylinder started cracking. I probably only vape about 1ml a day at most.
Mininova or kanger evod or kanger pro or iclear 16? Those are all clearos, are those different than attys? I just started vaping and got a pair of iclear 16s, they're pretty good but I've got nothing to compare them to. I've heard great things about the kanger evod so I ordered a pair of them, they're coming in the mail today if you want to know how they compare to the iclear 16.
Mininova or kanger evod or kanger pro or iclear 16? Those are all clearos, are those different than attys? I just started vaping and got a pair of iclear 16s, they're pretty good but I've got nothing to compare them to. I've heard great things about the kanger evod so I ordered a pair of them, they're coming in the mail today if you want to know how they compare to the iclear 16.

attys (atomizers) are usually just the heating element of the electronic cigarette. RBAs (Rebuildable Atomizers) are coil and whick that you build yourself and most of the time drip juice directly onto the coil/wick setup.

iClear16 and EVOD are clearomizers. They have atomizers build into them and are replaceable. They are called "heads."

The Kanger Pro is a rebuildable tank setup. Different than the other two.
You can replace the heads (atomizer) on these also. You just buy the heads and pop them in where the old one is. Really the difference between it and the Evod/MT3 is the glass tank. Should hold up to those citrus and cinnamon flavored juices.

I like either of those more than the vivi nova. Maybe I got a bad one, but the flavor....it has been so tasteless no matter what I put in there and no matter the voltage. Too bad, cuz I thought the capacity and its lack of leakability so far has been wonderful.


Starter Kits:
Option 1
Ego-C Twist Battery Get 2 of these, doesn't matter what mAh rating. The 650 will be smaller and more pocket friendly but won't last as long
Charger Just pick one, the ups and downs are pretty obvious for each charger.
Cartomizers You'll only need one pack of these.
The last thing you need is some juice! You can get a sampler pack from the same website that I've linked for the components, or you can place a separate order from the listed juice vendors here in the OP. Enjoy!

Ok, so after a little reading I've decided to skip the cigarette clones and go with something a little more legit and will go with Option 1 from the OP.

Problem though! The Phoenix cartomizers listed are sold out. Any good alternatives?
Hey thanks I appreciate it.

Do I have to worry about leakage if I keep it in my pocket?

Those cartos are pressure sealed, which is why you have to fill them with the blunt tipped syringe upside down so they should be fine. I've never had mine leak in my pocket but I would still suggest that you keep them right side up when you have it in there just in case.


Very cool! I think I might invest in a little case just in case.

Thanks again, appreciate it. I'm oddly very excited to try this all out lol.
Very cool! I think I might invest in a little case just in case.

Thanks again, appreciate it. I'm oddly very excited to try this all out lol.

Not a problem man. This thread and everyone in it are here to help each other out. Anything to help people switch to a healthier alternative.


Well I took the plunge, I still hadn't bought anything online despite reading this thread all the time, but in the last few weeks I picked up an NJoy King and a Blu disposable just to see what it was like. Both were...lackluster.

So yesterday I'm driving around with my son and I noticed a new shop in the strip mall near my house, BUCKEYE VAPORS, so I went in today and they had a nice setup. Total juice bar to try out any of their hundreds of juices, all kinds of batteries and mods. Couches to chill and hang out, etc. I ended up buying a eGo Twist 650mah and a Kanger T2 with some "Analog" juice just to keep it simple.

What a world of difference vaping on this is from those disposables.

www.Buckeyevapors.com has a website, they were super cool there and really helpful in explaining everything and demonstrating how to fill a tank, etc. You can buy juices online from them so I figure I'd shout them out here cause they were helpful to me.


how is your ego-c twist 650mah holding up? that's the one i ordered and i'm curious about how much actual vape time you get out of it. i'm wondering if it will last me all night casually using it.

i get all my goodies tomorrow, can't wait.

i ordered strawberry, caramel, and regular tobacco juice.
how is your ego-c twist 650mah holding up? that's the one i ordered and i'm curious about how much actual vape time you get out of it. i'm wondering if it will last me all night casually using it.

i get all my goodies tomorrow, can't wait.

i ordered strawberry, caramel, and regular tobacco juice.

I've got a 1000 or 1100mah (can't remember) and it lasts me 2 or 3 days using it pretty often. 650mah will almost definitely last you through the night. Enjoy your goodies! :)


Yeah the 6500 handled going out to a friend's house and a bar on Saturday night for about 5 hours total, vaping about half a tank of that liquid. The more I drank the more I would vape and I charged it the next morning.

I have no idea how to tell if it's dead or dying. The guys at the store said for each 100 "mAh" its like an hour of battery.
I have an problem. Can't. Stop. Buying


Also, received my first Kanger EVOD today. HOLY CLOUDS OF VAPOR.

This thing is phenomenal. Looks so elegant, smaller than Kanger MT3. Nice low profile clear drip tip. Doesn't hold a ton of juice but this thing rocks. Can't say enough good things about it.


ok so i received everything a couple days ago (Option 1 from the OP) and i'm pretty impressed. i can definitely picture it replacing analog cigarettes for me.

observations so far:

-i ordered strawberry juice from myvaporstore.com and the taste is very, very mild - like i can barely taste it. not sure if it's supposed to be like that, or maybe it will get tastier as it "breaks in". i was expecting an overwhelming flavor to be honest.

-the vapor seems to be pretty hot. i've tried experimenting with various voltages and it that doesn't really change how hot the vapor feels in my throat.

-how do i know when a cartomizer is not good anymore?

-using the syringe to fill the tank is slightly annoying, mainly because it's hard to use the syringe to get the juice out of the bottles.

overall a thumbs up though.


Fear of a GAF Planet
ok so i received everything a couple days ago (Option 1 from the OP) and i'm pretty impressed. i can definitely picture it replacing analog cigarettes for me.

observations so far:

-i ordered strawberry juice from myvaporstore.com and the taste is very, very mild - like i can barely taste it. not sure if it's supposed to be like that, or maybe it will get tastier as it "breaks in". i was expecting an overwhelming flavor to be honest.
Could be a bad batch? Try a different flavor from someone else. I find most juices to be pretty well flavored.

-the vapor seems to be pretty hot. i've tried experimenting with various voltages and it that doesn't really change how hot the vapor feels in my throat.
If it's more of a burning or scratchy feel, that's the nicotine in the vapor, not the heat. What strength did you get?
-how do i know when a cartomizer is not good anymore?
It stops working, but more likely you'll start to get a bad taste from it or it won't work very well and then you can either clean it or toss it.
-using the syringe to fill the tank is slightly annoying, mainly because it's hard to use the syringe to get the juice out of the bottles.

overall a thumbs up though.
Frankly, imo, the kanger t3 is a superior cartomizer for a beginner. Easier to deal with and I think it works better.
-i ordered strawberry juice from myvaporstore.com and the taste is very, very mild - like i can barely taste it. not sure if it's supposed to be like that, or maybe it will get tastier as it "breaks in". i was expecting an overwhelming flavor to be honest.

I'm new to ecigs to so this information could be not entirely correct, but I find that shaking the bottles of ejuice vigorously for like 30 seconds to 1 min really helps the flavor of what I'm filling. Also, juices are supposed to get a different flavor over time as they steep (like tea. You can search google for "ecig steep instructions", there's some various methods but I think all of them recommend shaking them up and leaving them in a dark place like a drawer). I've found with the flavor's I've got (and I've only tried 3 so far) that shaking before filling helps a lot more than steeping, but I know that some websites have a "recommended steep time" for some of their flavors, so it might be more important for some flavors than others.

So basically, next time you fill it shake the juice up a lot and see if that helps, and if not over the next couple of days the flavor still might change.


thanks for the replies!

i ordered my juices at 12% nicotine because i'm not really a heavy smoker and i'm glad i did. it seems just perfect for my needs. the burning/hot vapor seems to have gone away, maybe i just wasn't used to it.

the strawberry juice still has a incredibly mild taste but the caramel is pretty kick ass. will definitely try the shaking and steeping that you mentioned.

edit: turning the battery up to 4.8v definitely enhances the flavor but only slightly.

are there any recommendations for absolutely awesome flavors?
I just want to warn you on turning the volts up too high as you could very easily end up burning out the atomizer part of your clearo which will ruin it. Higher volts like that can also create a lot of heat if the voltage is too high for the ohm's listed on the clearo and that can be dangerous.

There was an image earlier in the thread that I can't find at the moment from Reddit that can help with that. I re-uploaded it here: http://i.imgur.com/6rpDccK.png

Definitely save a copy to your computer for easy reference. Just as a note, this is for any single-coil atomizer. For safety, assume that all atomizers are single-coil unless they're specifically advertized otherwise.

Anytime you want to adjust your voltage and anytime that you put a new Carto/Clearo/Tank on your device, you want to make sure to turn your Voltage all the way down, try it, then slowly adjust up in increments until you reach the desired effect.
My wife's stuff came in today and she just took a few drags from it. She is loving it. I hit it too but haven't smoked in over six months, so I'm feeling a buzz. We got the combo spinner pack or whatever from myvaporstore.

(2) Joye eGo-C Twist 1000mah, white and stainless
(2) Kanger MT3 (T3's were sold out) clearomizer - green and stainless
Straberry, Killa Vanilla, and Cherry juices to start out.

It was an amazing deal really. ~$95 for all the necessities to get going. Easy to use. Now I just need to figure out this variable voltage stuff. She did mention she wish she could "feel the vapor in her throat" a bit more. Would changing voltage help with that at all? Or is there something else that helps with that?

Anyway, thanks so much to this thread for all the information. It was a big help in deciding, and myvaporstore was awesome. Quickly responded to an ordering issue and switched out the intended choice with the unintended (Kanger EVDO). Highly recommended site, especially if you're in the Northeast.
Now I just need to figure out this variable voltage stuff. She did mention she wish she could "feel the vapor in her throat" a bit more. Would changing voltage help with that at all? Or is there something else that helps with that?

If she means it feels harsher in the throat, that'll be down to the nicotine level in the juice. If she'd like a smoother vape, get a lower nicotine juice (like 6-8ml). Lowering the voltage will lower vapour production, which might help, but it'll also lower flavour. I find 4.2 volts is the perfect spot for the MT3.
My wife's stuff came in today and she just took a few drags from it. She is loving it. I hit it too but haven't smoked in over six months, so I'm feeling a buzz. We got the combo spinner pack or whatever from myvaporstore.

(2) Joye eGo-C Twist 1000mah, white and stainless
(2) Kanger MT3 (T3's were sold out) clearomizer - green and stainless
Straberry, Killa Vanilla, and Cherry juices to start out.

It was an amazing deal really. ~$95 for all the necessities to get going. Easy to use. Now I just need to figure out this variable voltage stuff. She did mention she wish she could "feel the vapor in her throat" a bit more. Would changing voltage help with that at all? Or is there something else that helps with that?

Anyway, thanks so much to this thread for all the information. It was a big help in deciding, and myvaporstore was awesome. Quickly responded to an ordering issue and switched out the intended choice with the unintended (Kanger EVDO). Highly recommended site, especially if you're in the Northeast.

Yeah, cranking up the voltage would increase the throat hit a bit. Just be sure to look at the chart linked a couple posts above you, if you crank the voltage too high you can damage the clearomizer.

Also, the PG/VG of the ejuice affects the throat hit. I think that PG amount generally gives you flavor and VG generally gives you more throat hit (be sure not to go more than 50/50 in the direction of VG, VG is more a more sticky solution and you'll have to replace your coils often if you get something like 20/80 PG/VG).
I need to buy another battery. My eGo-C Twist would no longer charge, and now I've screwed it into the charger and it's somehow permanently attached...tried to take it apart without any luck and the device pulled apart.

What's a good buy? I might try to get something better. How's the Innokin iTaste SVD? I can get a pretty nice starter kit for $100:


That's a good mod. Its just a little ..... gigantic. Very long

How about the Vamo or Sigelei Zmax v3 ??


I think I will end up going for the Innokin. Watched the PBusardo review and he seems to really like it. The big size is a bit of a plus for me...I enjoy hookah vaping so a big size is kind of reminiscent of that. The iClear 30 seems to be great as well, and very similar to the Vivi Nova which I love, with no burnt/plastic taste.


I think I will end up going for the Innokin. Watched the PBusardo review and he seems to really like it. The big size is a bit of a plus for me...I enjoy hookah vaping so a big size is kind of reminiscent of that. The iClear 30 seems to be great as well, and very similar to the Vivi Nova which I love, with no burnt/plastic taste.

I held an SVD yesterday, its not so big.


Fear of a GAF Planet
Personally, I steep any juice that's been made to order. Any liquid that's made in batches is usually well steeped by the time it gets to me.

Actually, visited their website and it says this:
Mt Baker Vapor e juice is hand crafted right here in the United States. We use the finest quality ingredients. All our juices are diacetyl free and have a great amount of flavor. Since our e liquids are mixed fresh it is best to steep your nicotine juice before use since our juices are made when you order them. 99% of the time our e juices will ship within 24 hours.

Oh, and everyone has a different steeping method. I generally just let them sit for a week or so and not do anything special.


Is steeping the liquid from Mount Baker Vapor required?

From my experience, yeah. If you don't want to wait you can just heat steep them in water, otherwise stick the bottles in a drawer or something and come back to them after a week or two.
Going forward, I think my response to anyone popping in to ask where to get started will be to go with an Ego-C Twist (or Vision Spinner) and Kanger EVOD. (as opposed to the Phoenix CE3 that I had been advising.)

The EVOD is hitting great, looks cool, comes in colors, small and sleek.


Going forward, I think my response to anyone popping in to ask where to get started will be to go with an Ego-C Twist (or Vision Spinner) and Kanger EVOD. (as opposed to the Phoenix CE3 that I had been advising.)

The EVOD is hitting great, looks cool, comes in colors, small and sleek.

I feel the same, the EVOD has really impressed me. Much better than the T3. They are making a "pro" version that has Pyrex which will pretty much be perfect, since the only downside of the thing is having some juices potentially damage it.


Neo Member
I think I will end up going for the Innokin. Watched the PBusardo review and he seems to really like it. The big size is a bit of a plus for me...I enjoy hookah vaping so a big size is kind of reminiscent of that. The iClear 30 seems to be great as well, and very similar to the Vivi Nova which I love, with no burnt/plastic taste.

Think that is like $60 delivered from fasttech.com.


Wow free worldwide shipping. Yeah I'll do that. Thanks for the heads up.

Wow...looking at their site, fasttech is stupidly inexpensive.

Yeah, they're one of the Chinese outlets that does not order from the manufacturers. Basically they aren't handicapped by the price fixing that the manufacturers try to put on resellers; they're probably pissing them off but there's not much they can do about it. Gives you an idea of what kind of margins those guys are trying to get.


Ordered the Innokin iTaste SVD, a pack of 7 CE6 (will be nice for trying sample liquids), and an assortment of batteries. I got some TruthFire batteries (18350, 18650) which were really cheap, along with a pair of more expensive Panasonic batteries (18650) which I expect to mostly use as long as the size doesn't bother me.
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