So just a little update. My order came in yesterday. Everything working fine. Aquvaporcig is okay in my book if anyone ever wants to order from them. Ordered on the 11th, arrived on the 15th via priority mail (Free shipping on orders over 50 bucks). They also have this points system, every dollar you spend gets converted into points that can be used for buying more products. I spent 84 bucks, got 84 points, which is about 4 dollars (100 points = 5 bucks). Not much, but it's enough to where I will at least order from them again to use my 4 dollars.
Don't think there is much a difference in them, but for what it's worth, I ended up getting a
Smoketech Winder as opposed to a Vision Spinner (If my research is correct, my voltage goes from 3.2 on as opposed to 3,3 as the Spinner is said to). Not a big deal for me, but worth noting in case anyone ever wants to try them out, you don't seem to be able to choose which one you get.
Shitty cell phone pic, but here's the order. I got two black 1100 mahs and 2 black kanger evod tanks. It comes with 1 juice, but I added a second. I think the all black with a touch of chrome looks quite nice. This starter kit gives you the 1.8 ohm tanks, I've just started so I've no idea how that affects the set up but it's working well for me (After I experimented and became acclimated to it, more on that later). Only issue is the optional case, was only 7 bucks but I probably shouldn't have bought it. Not sure if you can tell in the pic, but the pouches are all wrong. They open up in opposite directions, seems like a weird way to do it. Not sure if that's how it's supposed to be or if mine was just put together wrong. Not a big deal, it should hold everything I need regardless so I'm not worried about it. At some point I probably would get something better if a deal came up though.
In regards to vaping itself. I'm loving it! It took me last night and this morning to really get used to smoking like this, but I think I'm settled on 3.8 volts, slow deep inhales, quick exhales. My apartment doesn't smell like shit. Haven't had to bother with an ashtray. Don't have to worry about lighting something up only to put it out 10 seconds later when I receive a phone call or need to use the bathroom. Just 100 percent more convenient (and tastier). I have double mint and fruit punch right now...I favor Double mint a tad more. Fruit punch isn't bad, it just doesn't have that icey feeling at the back of your throat that a minty flavor should predictable have. I have the 24 mg liquids, from what I've read, that's more nicotine than a regular cigarette...I can tell. Been a long time since I've gotten a "nicotine buzz" like this. Probably not a good thing, but I can always lower the dosage if need be.
My first hour or so with it was rough. My throat just didn't feel accustomed to vapor over smoke. It burned more than the camel silvers I was used to smoking, and I wasn't sure if I was doing it right. I realized quickly that I'm better off not taking a drag in the same way I would a cigarette. I tend to drag the smoke into my mouth, than open my mouth to inhale both the air and the smoke into my lungs. I see now that it's far better to drag on this like I would hookah, just inhaling directly into my throat. Goes down real smooth like this. If I want a "traditional drag", I can turn up the volts to 4.8 and that produces enough "instant vapor", but I've pretty much decided not to do that, at least in part because I'm worried of burning up the tanks and draining the battery too much.
Is it okay to hold down the button for a second or two before starting the inhale. This is another way in which I find I can take a more "traditional" drag, but can also leave it on a lower voltage that way.
I'm enjoying it a little too much I think. These are supposed to be replacing cigarettes and although I smoked too much, I wasn't ever a chain smoker. But I find myself unable put this down. I've already gone through half the double mint and a quarter of the fruit tank....

I'm on my day off now though. On a regular day, I'll need to hold off until appropriate smoke breaks.