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The Official E-Cigarette Thread Of F#ck Analog Cigarettes


I'm a newbie, but I'm thinking of just going for the 70 dollar version here : http://www.aquavaporcig.com/eGo-Spinner-Variable-Voltage-Electronic-Cigarette-Kit_p_131.html

Are the "bottom feeder tanks" worth the extra bucks? Or, if I'm just ready to go "all in", should I love elsewhere and mix and match where I buy everything from?
I saw the "cigarette-like" kits at the convention this past weekend and if you take big drags, enjoy copious smoke production, like a good throat hit, and want them to last a working day, these won't satisfy. I wound up buying an ego-C Twist which is still considered a starter model, but it gives you all of that in a relatively inexpensive package. I am so relieved that my buddy wound up not being able to buy the Blu I was originally curious about, because they wouldn't have done the job and would likely have turned me off to vaping altogether.

The one thing I will say about the bigger models is that they might be a little unwieldy to bring around for some. The carrying cases I've seen are all designed to hold multiple batteries and a bottle of fluid, so they won't fit nicely in your jean pocket. You can get a lanyard as well to keep it around your neck, but I don't like wearing things around my neck. So far, I've just been keeping it naked in my pocket and cleaning the mouthpiece before vaping.


I got my EVOD tanks in from FastTech today, not sure how I feel about these after using the T2 tanks for so long. The EVODs feel more..."airy" I guess is the word. Like I can feel the vapor entering my mouth with the T2, it's warmer, but with the EVOD it' feels like I'm not getting any sort of vapor production until I blow out a huge cloud.

I changed out the 2.0 atomizer heads they came with to a 2.4 that I bought and it still feels the same. Could the T2 tanks/heads I'm using have a greater ohm and that's why I feel a better "pull"?


Non-existent Member
Haha, Vlad right? Thanks so much for posting about the event, if not for that I would not have known anything about it and would have wasted money on a shitty e-cig. The event was great, I just regret not buying a second tank so I can easily swap flavors whenever I want. I read up on how to clean the tank+atomizer later that night on Saturday, and while it's simple it takes some time to clean and dry. I wound up buying 5 juices in total, so I'm eager to try all of them. Thanks for the HappyVaper recommendation, the guy who helped me out was great and I'm very pleased with the hardware I got - I don't think I need anything more serious than the eGo-C Twist for now, as cool as your taste tester units looked.

On a side-note, much respect to your buddy Anton, he's a good dude. Very enthusiastic about everything, patient, and informative. He was right - I don't miss the taste of cigarettes at all and vaping is the perfect substitute for someone like me who only smoked occasionally. Vaping inside my home watching TV or playing video games is glorious.

Yeah man! Small world.

I'm glad at least someone saw that post! Congrats on your first step into the vaping world. It only gets better as you learn more of the intricacies (variable wattage, mech mods, kicks, sub ohm tanks, 100% VG juice blends, etc). Canada is starting to develop a really amazing vaping community, and I'm happy you have joined our ranks.

Let me know if you ever need some juice to try out. We're always working on new blends :)

And yeah, Anton's an amazing guy. He was a huge help, and delivered some great customer service. I'll make sure to thank him again.
I got my EVOD tanks in from FastTech today, not sure how I feel about these after using the T2 tanks for so long. The EVODs feel more..."airy" I guess is the word. Like I can feel the vapor entering my mouth with the T2, it's warmer, but with the EVOD it' feels like I'm not getting any sort of vapor production until I blow out a huge cloud.

I changed out the 2.0 atomizer heads they came with to a 2.4 that I bought and it still feels the same. Could the T2 tanks/heads I'm using have a greater ohm and that's why I feel a better "pull"?

The EVODs are airey. As long as the inhale is hitting the spot then you fine. If the throat hit isn't doing it for you then crank up the voltage or use lower ohm cartos.


I probably asked this but what does the ohm factor play into? Like resistance of the pull of vapor into your mouth or the heat the liquid that it's dissipated at?

And as for cranking up the voltage, isn't that just going to burn up the atomizer heads? The guys at that store I go to say to never really go above 4.0 or you're just going to torch the things, but that may have just been with the T2 tanks.
I probably asked this but what does the ohm factor play into? Like resistance of the pull of vapor into your mouth or the heat the liquid that it's dissipated at?

And as for cranking up the voltage, isn't that just going to burn up the atomizer heads? The guys at that store I go to say to never really go above 4.0 or you're just going to torch the things, but that may have just been with the T2 tanks.

I'm no electricial, so this is my take on it, having messed around with tons of builds in the past 6 months.

The lower the ohms, the less power it takes to get them up to temperature. 4.0 volts will not cook any cartomizers. I think you would have to worry about that if you were building sub-ohm builts. But I'm sure your cartos are in the 2.2-2.4 range.

Your only real risk, as far as i know, with pumping too much power into a coil is that it will burn the wick faster than the juice can saturate it and you will get dry hits.

The ohms are very important in finding your perfect vape/throat hit. If you have a 2.2ohm cartomizer and you are putting out 4.0 volts and not getting the desired amount of vapor and throat hit, then you can crank the voltage up a little bit and it will perform better.

I run my 2.0ohm setups at around 4.5 volts. And my 2.6ohm setups at around 5 volts.

Now, using the Ohms Law Calculator that means I'm getting an output of about 10 watts as a final result. Enter: Variable Wattage devices. I can just set it to 10 watts and whatever cartomizer/clearomizer/RBA/etc I put on top of it, it will adjust the voltage so that I'm getting my 10w that I find perfect for me.


Yeah man! Small world.

I'm glad at least someone saw that post! Congrats on your first step into the vaping world. It only gets better as you learn more of the intricacies (variable wattage, mech mods, kicks, sub ohm tanks, 100% VG juice blends, etc). Canada is starting to develop a really amazing vaping community, and I'm happy you have joined our ranks.

Let me know if you ever need some juice to try out. We're always working on new blends :)

And yeah, Anton's an amazing guy. He was a huge help, and delivered some great customer service. I'll make sure to thank him again.
I will definitely be hitting you guys up for more juices in the future. However, at the rate I vape, it will probably be a little while. I've been going through about a half-dropper's worth of HoneyTab since Saturday, so one bottle it gonna last me a long time. I still have Matador and I bought some cheap juices from one of the other vendors, I think Maple Leaf but I honestly can't remember.

I ordered a second Mini Protank so I can easily swap flavors when I feel like it. Maybe I'll wind up ordering a second battery, too.


What's up with my ego charger? My 650mah battery has been charging for 8 hours and the light still isn't solid green....

I've only had it for ~6 weeks.


What's up with my ego charger? My 650mah battery has been charging for 8 hours and the light still isn't solid green....

I've only had it for ~6 weeks.

Ive had this problem. Usually when the threads get dirty. You might need to clean the connections on your batteries/charger. Try cotton swabs w alcohol.


What's up with my ego charger? My 650mah battery has been charging for 8 hours and the light still isn't solid green....

I've only had it for ~6 weeks.

This happened to mine too, same 650 strength battery. I took it back to the shop and they opened it up and said the soldering had come loose so the connection wasn't good. They re-soldered it and it's good as new.

Probably not the answer you want to hear as 99% of people buy them online but there it is. If you're mechanically inclined open it up!


Mmm, vape mail! My refill on Melon Boba came in, as well as the Deadly Sin (which I'm still soaking a carto in). The Apollo order came in as well, though I don't think I'll hit that one for a bit.

These EVOD coils really do work better without the stupid extra wicks in there. Just have to watch them since I think they're a little more prone to leak out the bottom with thinner juices.


So what's the deal with the Kanger pro-tank? Am I doing something wrong? The airy draw is a nice change, but man does this ever burn quickly. I normally keep my iClear 30 at 10W and it's great...it can even handle 12-13W fine. With this, 7.5 is about as high as I can go, and even then it burns easy. Flavor isn't terribly good either. Very chemical tasting. Throat hit is also interesting nonexistant.


So I tried the Deadly Sin from GLV and the Baja Burst from Apollo while messing about in GW2.

Deadly Sin is pretty good. It's kind of like vaping a Cinnabun. Very rich, not like a dry/baked goods style flavor, but creamy almost, like it was the batter instead of the finished product. Not really much throat hit to speak of, and probably not something I'm going to vape a ton, but nice to have around as a desert vape.

Baja Burst is downright amazing. This is based on the Mt. Dew they serve at Taco Bell I guess - I haven't tried that so I can't say for sure - but it's one of the best vapes I've had to date. Might be a little strong flavor-wise for some people, there's nothing subtle about this stuff. There's hardly any of that acidic mouth feeling you get with a lot of citrus type vapes, it's very smooth, and has a solid throat hit. Might have unseated Melon Boba as the top liquid for me. I'm going to be ordering this stuff on the regular, and I'll be keeping tabs on whatever liquids their new guys start crafting. If that free promo I posted still works I highly recommend trying this.


So what's the deal with the Kanger pro-tank? Am I doing something wrong? The airy draw is a nice change, but man does this ever burn quickly. I normally keep my iClear 30 at 10W and it's great...it can even handle 12-13W fine. With this, 7.5 is about as high as I can go, and even then it burns easy. Flavor isn't terribly good either. Very chemical tasting. Throat hit is also interesting nonexistant.
1. How long did you wait before using it? It has to absorb the liquid when you first fill it. If you used it immediately after a first fill then that would explain the weird chemical taste (probably metallic).
2. How thick are your liquids? I found the Kanger not so good for thick liquids, but excellent for watery liquids. Since my favorite flavors are just Melon and Cola, the Kanger is perfect for me. But I know it goes to hell if I use Coffee or Chocolate.
I'm a newbie, but I'm thinking of just going for the 70 dollar version here : http://www.aquavaporcig.com/eGo-Spinner-Variable-Voltage-Electronic-Cigarette-Kit_p_131.html

So just a little update. My order came in yesterday. Everything working fine. Aquvaporcig is okay in my book if anyone ever wants to order from them. Ordered on the 11th, arrived on the 15th via priority mail (Free shipping on orders over 50 bucks). They also have this points system, every dollar you spend gets converted into points that can be used for buying more products. I spent 84 bucks, got 84 points, which is about 4 dollars (100 points = 5 bucks). Not much, but it's enough to where I will at least order from them again to use my 4 dollars.

Don't think there is much a difference in them, but for what it's worth, I ended up getting a Smoketech Winder as opposed to a Vision Spinner (If my research is correct, my voltage goes from 3.2 on as opposed to 3,3 as the Spinner is said to). Not a big deal for me, but worth noting in case anyone ever wants to try them out, you don't seem to be able to choose which one you get.


Shitty cell phone pic, but here's the order. I got two black 1100 mahs and 2 black kanger evod tanks. It comes with 1 juice, but I added a second. I think the all black with a touch of chrome looks quite nice. This starter kit gives you the 1.8 ohm tanks, I've just started so I've no idea how that affects the set up but it's working well for me (After I experimented and became acclimated to it, more on that later). Only issue is the optional case, was only 7 bucks but I probably shouldn't have bought it. Not sure if you can tell in the pic, but the pouches are all wrong. They open up in opposite directions, seems like a weird way to do it. Not sure if that's how it's supposed to be or if mine was just put together wrong. Not a big deal, it should hold everything I need regardless so I'm not worried about it. At some point I probably would get something better if a deal came up though.

In regards to vaping itself. I'm loving it! It took me last night and this morning to really get used to smoking like this, but I think I'm settled on 3.8 volts, slow deep inhales, quick exhales. My apartment doesn't smell like shit. Haven't had to bother with an ashtray. Don't have to worry about lighting something up only to put it out 10 seconds later when I receive a phone call or need to use the bathroom. Just 100 percent more convenient (and tastier). I have double mint and fruit punch right now...I favor Double mint a tad more. Fruit punch isn't bad, it just doesn't have that icey feeling at the back of your throat that a minty flavor should predictable have. I have the 24 mg liquids, from what I've read, that's more nicotine than a regular cigarette...I can tell. Been a long time since I've gotten a "nicotine buzz" like this. Probably not a good thing, but I can always lower the dosage if need be.

My first hour or so with it was rough. My throat just didn't feel accustomed to vapor over smoke. It burned more than the camel silvers I was used to smoking, and I wasn't sure if I was doing it right. I realized quickly that I'm better off not taking a drag in the same way I would a cigarette. I tend to drag the smoke into my mouth, than open my mouth to inhale both the air and the smoke into my lungs. I see now that it's far better to drag on this like I would hookah, just inhaling directly into my throat. Goes down real smooth like this. If I want a "traditional drag", I can turn up the volts to 4.8 and that produces enough "instant vapor", but I've pretty much decided not to do that, at least in part because I'm worried of burning up the tanks and draining the battery too much.

Is it okay to hold down the button for a second or two before starting the inhale. This is another way in which I find I can take a more "traditional" drag, but can also leave it on a lower voltage that way.

I'm enjoying it a little too much I think. These are supposed to be replacing cigarettes and although I smoked too much, I wasn't ever a chain smoker. But I find myself unable put this down. I've already gone through half the double mint and a quarter of the fruit tank....:) I'm on my day off now though. On a regular day, I'll need to hold off until appropriate smoke breaks.
What mg did you get your juice in? If you were smoking Camel Turkish Silver's then that's a fairly light mg dosage. That's what I used to smoke and I buy juice at about 6-8mg. Anything higher than that gives me a heavy "buzz" and is much more harsh.

Also, fwiw I've found that at 6-8mg you can inhale into your mouth then breathe in and it shouldn't be harsh. But it just may be that it effects us differently.

Edit: Also, yeah it can be very easy to vape more than you would smoke since you don't have the usual restrictions of going outside and visibly seeing the end of your cig. It's another reason to go with a lower mg so that at the very least you won't end up getting more nic than you would with a regular cig. But if you want to also be as cost effective as you can, you just need to monitor your usage.


What mg did you get your juice in? If you were smoking Camel Turkish Silver's then that's a fairly light mg dosage. That's what I used to smoke and I buy juice at about 6-8mg. Anything higher than that gives me a heavy "buzz" and is much more harsh.

Also, fwiw I've found that at 6-8mg you can inhale into your mouth then breathe in and it shouldn't be harsh. But it just may be that it effects us differently.

I used to smoke Lights and I vape 12-18mg.
What mg did you get your juice in? If you were smoking Camel Turkish Silver's then that's a fairly light mg dosage. That's what I used to smoke and I buy juice at about 6-8mg. Anything higher than that gives me a heavy "buzz" and is much more harsh.

Also, fwiw I've found that at 6-8mg you can inhale into your mouth then breathe in and it shouldn't be harsh. But it just may be that it effects us differently.

Edit: Also, yeah it can be very easy to vape more than you would smoke since you don't have the usual restrictions of going outside and visibly seeing the end of your cig. It's another reason to go with a lower mg so that at the very least you won't end up getting more nic than you would with a regular cig. But if you want to also be as cost effective as you can, you just need to monitor your usage.

I meant Camel Silver Menthols. I have the 24mgs now. I only went with a high dosage because I just figured that as a first timer, I'd prefer to have a "stronger" experience. I will definitely experiment in the future.
Ahh ok. Quick Google search brought up this thread from ECF.

Says that Silver Menthol's were reported to have about 8mg of Nic but further in the thread someone advises that those measurements aren't accurate because the amount of nic you get in a cig is highly affected by airflow.

It's safe to say though that it's not likely that you were getting 24mg worth, so stepping that down on your next juice order would likely make things a bit smoother for you.

Pete Rock

If any of you cats end up in Las Vegas check out TruVape near the Chinatown strip mall, it is an amazing e-cig mod/rba/juice storefront that has a "juice bar" and lounge with an amazing variety of exotic juices that you can sample 0mg versions of before deciding to purchase.

I had never heard of most of the juices and they were all really phenomenal, but the Adics Burn brand out of the Philippines was truly astounding. Green Mango @ 5.0v in a ProVari/ZAP at 2.2o is just heavenly. I also picked up Sago't Gulaman from AB as well which is also very interesting and incredibly unique, a tapioca & grass jelly explosion. I also picked up Mastermind Elixer Conjure which is a deliciously sweet mixed berry ordeal.

All of these are totally fine as all day vapes which is really the important part, as I don't like emptying/filling my tank until it is basically dry, or loading in something overly sweet and feeling like I need to swap it back the next morning with my coffee.

They had a ton of ProVaris, some Ithicas and other high end mechanicals and they were just the nicest guys all around, so be sure to check them out if you're in the area.
Finally got my set up Thursday and have been switching between three juices. The first day, everything was really harsh, hot, and I couldn't taste it. Even the ones that smelled like candy. Woke up Friday and absolutely loved it. Everything tasted wonderful, plumes of vapour, etc. And then Saturday I can't taste anything again and it's still the same today. It's not even harsh this time; I pull in vapour and let it out, but there's just zero sensation. No flavour, no throat hit, nothing. I guess this is 'vaper's tongue', or something like it?

I didn't use it heavily and haven't changed the voltage at all, so it's a mystery to me as to why my enjoyment is swinging so heavily. Guess I'll just have to wait it out.


how do i get better battery life?

i've been using 1.8ohm single coil atomizer at 3.2v....

should i be using a 2.1ohm dual coil atomizer at ~4.5v instead?

i have the ego twist 650 for reference. ive been using the kanger t3 tanks with 1.8ohm atmoizer and i feel like i'm doing something wrong. it takes a longgg pull to get good vapor.

edit: how would a MINI Vision Vivi Nova Tank + Atomizer Head for Vision Nova Tank - DUAL COIL 2.2ohm work out?

edit2: or should i stick with my t3 tanks and just get 2.4ohm atomizers?

sorry for being that guy again, but im confused and cheap....shitty combination.

edit3: ordered myself a mini vivi nova tank, will see how that works out in a few days when i get it.
Got a 306 atomizer in the mail that I ordered on Friday before losing my ability to taste juices. After priming it and trying the most pungent juices I had, still nothing. Even after overfilling on absinthe and having some juice shoot right back into my mouth, the only thing I can taste is a faint menthol. This is breaking my balls.


I've had to retire two eGo-C Twist batteries now because they no longer screw into the charger. I guess the inside threading gets worn down on them or something. They've also gradually stopped working with most of my cartomizers for the same reason. Anyone else experience this, and is there anything I can do to fix them?

EDIT: I'm sure it's from overtightening, but I try to tighten on my cartomizers just enough so that they don't wabble around.
how do i get better battery life?

i've been using 1.8ohm single coil atomizer at 3.2v....

should i be using a 2.1ohm dual coil atomizer at ~4.5v instead?

i have the ego twist 650 for reference. ive been using the kanger t3 tanks with 1.8ohm atmoizer and i feel like i'm doing something wrong. it takes a longgg pull to get good vapor.

edit: how would a MINI Vision Vivi Nova Tank + Atomizer Head for Vision Nova Tank - DUAL COIL 2.2ohm work out?

edit2: or should i stick with my t3 tanks and just get 2.4ohm atomizers?

sorry for being that guy again, but im confused and cheap....shitty combination.

edit3: ordered myself a mini vivi nova tank, will see how that works out in a few days when i get it.

No need for apologies. Unfortunately I can't answer all your questions but I can give a bit more info here and there.

While the voltage you're using will have an affect on your battery life, unless you're comparing fully cranked up (around 4.8) to all the way down (3.2), I don't think it would be all that noticeable. The primary reason for your short battery life is likely overall usage (how much you vape) and that your battery is only 650mAh. A 900 or 1100mAh would last longer but you can also just get yourself a second 650 and just swap them throughout the day.

I have no experience with anything with dual coils so I can't say whether or not it would change battery life. I just know with dual coils the volts per ohm changes a bit.

As far as various tanks and cartos.. yeah, it's really a situation where you'll have to try some out yourself to see what you like.


Have any of you experienced any side effects after starting ecigs?

Dry mouth. I figure it's because of all the moisture from the e-cig, you stop producing as much saliva.

how do i get better battery life?

i've been using 1.8ohm single coil atomizer at 3.2v....

should i be using a 2.1ohm dual coil atomizer at ~4.5v instead?

i have the ego twist 650 for reference. ive been using the kanger t3 tanks with 1.8ohm atmoizer and i feel like i'm doing something wrong. it takes a longgg pull to get good vapor.

edit: how would a MINI Vision Vivi Nova Tank + Atomizer Head for Vision Nova Tank - DUAL COIL 2.2ohm work out?

edit2: or should i stick with my t3 tanks and just get 2.4ohm atomizers?

sorry for being that guy again, but im confused and cheap....shitty combination.

edit3: ordered myself a mini vivi nova tank, will see how that works out in a few days when i get it.

Bigger battery, plain and simple. I'm using a 3400mAh battery in my mod, which offers me pretty ridiculous battery life.


So I did it. I finally took the dive into the mod world. Just ordered the Vamo V3 from FastTech. Really hope I don't get screwed here.....though it seems like some other people have gotten some good use out of this site.


Fasttech rules. I ordered my first mod, a Vamo V3 from them about 6 weeks ago. Pure awesomeness. It was a "genuine" Vamo. It even came with a little authenticity certificate inside the box.

Last week I put in an order for a telescoping mech mod to use with my IGO-L RDA; the KTS+ (GGTS clone) for $17 shipped... Absurd pricing!

I figure I can easily start a mod collection using fasttech, but one VV/VW and one mechanical mod is certainly more than I need for now.

Overall, I recommend fasttech highly. Just keep in mind that youre dealing with a HUGE, Hong Kong-based company that sells so much more than ecig stuff. It takes a little longer to get your item, but for a vaper on a budget, there are many wonderful choices for a first, second, etc. mod, plus ecig accessories of all kinds for the best price around.

Pete Rock

Have any of you experienced any side effects after starting ecigs?
Yes, with all the new found time and energy I recreated my lifestyle and became an incredibly healthy and productive individual. I figured if I was committing "partial suicide" each time I smoked, might as well see how far I can get going the other way.


I only ever use mech mods these days. Like all kit it takes a few tries to get a setup that works for you but it is quite an easy device to work with.

Im the same, was just wondering. I need to stop looking at the damn Cyborg by Fluid thou... I promised myself i wouldn't buy that damn thing.


Neo Member
Im the same, was just wondering. I need to stop looking at the damn Cyborg by Fluid thou... I promised myself i wouldn't buy that damn thing.

As long as you avoid the latest Mark Bugs contraption. I don't mind paying for top quality gear but €400 is indefensible for a battery tube and an ugly one at that.


I've been hesitant to ask, because the information is probably buried somewhere in this thread. However, I can't read this all, and trying to read backwards is hard with all the terminology thrown around.

Can you just tell me if I got this right?

I buy an Ego-K/CE4 650mAh set. Then order some juice, and I'm good?

I'm not worried about mods or anything yet, I just want something that works, tastes good and keeps me from buying Njoy and Blu e-cigs from Walgreens. I was gonna buy some Eco-branded e-cigs at a head shop earlier today, but the dude at the counter was a jerk. So I decided to give this thread another look.

Also, part of my motivation is that I've been running regularly for a while now, but I've also been smoking menthol cigs (a pack to a pack and a half a week). Will I notice improved lung capacity by making this switch too? I noticed I lost my smoker's cough for the month or two when I was smoking the Blu disposables earlier this year. PEACE.


Pimp, I've never heard of that brand and I would be a bit sketched out about buying that for 7 bucks. It might work good, idk. Check the options in the op.

On another note. I am fucking PISSED. I broke my Kanger ProTank today. Shattered. Right after I ordered my first mod. At least this gives me an excuse to try something else for the mod. Any suggestions? I need to know quickly or I'm just gonna go to my local brick and mortar and get another ProTank even though I wasn't really all that happy with it. I don't want to fuck with rebuilding the atomizer either.


Neo Member
Pimp, I've never heard of that brand and I would be a bit sketched out about buying that for 7 bucks. It might work good, idk. Check the options in the op.

On another note. I am fucking PISSED. I broke my Kanger ProTank today. Shattered. Right after I ordered my first mod. At least this gives me an excuse to try something else for the mod. Any suggestions? I need to know quickly or I'm just gonna go to my local brick and mortar and get another ProTank even though I wasn't really all that happy with it. I don't want to fuck with rebuilding the atomizer either.

Try Cisco 306 drippers, if you don't mind dripping that is.


I've been hesitant to ask, because the information is probably buried somewhere in this thread. However, I can't read this all, and trying to read backwards is hard with all the terminology thrown around.

Can you just tell me if I got this right?

I buy an Ego-K/CE4 650mAh set. Then order some juice, and I'm good?

I'm not worried about mods or anything yet, I just want something that works, tastes good and keeps me from buying Njoy and Blu e-cigs from Walgreens. I was gonna buy some Eco-branded e-cigs at a head shop earlier today, but the dude at the counter was a jerk. So I decided to give this thread another look.

Also, part of my motivation is that I've been running regularly for a while now, but I've also been smoking menthol cigs (a pack to a pack and a half a week). Will I notice improved lung capacity by making this switch too? I noticed I lost my smoker's cough for the month or two when I was smoking the Blu disposables earlier this year. PEACE.

Check out this Fasttech eGo starter kit Pimp, much better value imo.

And yeah you understand correctly =] The only other thing i would say you need is a second eGo battery to use while you recharge the first one.
I've had to retire two eGo-C Twist batteries now because they no longer screw into the charger. I guess the inside threading gets worn down on them or something. They've also gradually stopped working with most of my cartomizers for the same reason. Anyone else experience this, and is there anything I can do to fix them?

EDIT: I'm sure it's from overtightening, but I try to tighten on my cartomizers just enough so that they don't wabble around.

This has happened to my first ever Ego Twist. Fortunately I can still use a Kanger Pro Tank with it, so I still get some use out of it. It doesn't screw into my charger, but it still charges if I just lie it at the right angle. It's fiddly, but I keep it around as a backup.


Neo Member
Already have a drip atty. looking for a tank.

I know you said you didn't want to rebuild but once you get the hang of doing it setting up a genesis atomiser doesn't take long at all. The stainless steel wick can be used for months if you just burn off the juice left on the wick when you give it a quick clean and refill. Rewrap the kanthal and you're ready to go again. The aga-t is a cheap device to try out to see if you like genesis style attys.


Check out this Fasttech eGo starter kit Pimp, much better value imo.

And yeah you understand correctly =] The only other thing i would say you need is a second eGo battery to use while you recharge the first one.
Thanks. I'm ready to go ahead and order, but a couple of additional questions. Do I really need a second battery, and do I really need a 1300mAh unit? I smoke 3-5 cigarettes a day, normally. I know the smaller capacity batteries are also smaller in size. Of course, I'm ok if it's more compact than the Blu disposable. That's probably as big as I'd like to have to carry around. I much prefer the Njoy disposables, which are about 84mm long and about 7mm in diameter.

In any case, the price is cheap, so at least I'll have a long-term alternative to cigs while I figure out what I want in a more advanced model. I'm really glad for this thread. PEACE.


Thanks. I'm ready to go ahead and order, but a couple of additional questions. Do I really need a second battery, and do I really need a 1300mAh unit? I smoke 3-5 cigarettes a day, normally. I know the smaller capacity batteries are also smaller in size. Of course, I'm ok if it's more compact than the Blu disposable. That's probably as big as I'd like to have to carry around. I much prefer the Njoy disposables, which are about 84mm long and about 7mm in diameter.

In any case, the price is cheap, so at least I'll have a long-term alternative to cigs while I figure out what I want in a more advanced model. I'm really glad for this thread. PEACE.

I use a 650 mAh Twist and it gets me through an entire day typically. You'd probably be fine just ordering one battery, and if you find it not doing enough for you, ordering a second is pretty trivial.
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