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The Official E-Cigarette Thread Of F#ck Analog Cigarettes


I still have yet to have an atty die on me. I've only thrown old ones out because I didn't care for them. I've been rotating 4 iClear 30 for the past few months and they're still working great.

Do they just suddenly stop working at some point?
I still have yet to have an atty die on me. I've only thrown old ones out because I didn't care for them. I've been rotating 4 iClear 30 for the past few months and they're still working great.

Do they just suddenly stop working at some point?

I've only had one completely die once. They usually start producing at lower quality. Easy to get a burned taste, not as much vapor. I believe they actually even lower resistance over time, but I have no device that measures ohms.


I still have yet to have an atty die on me. I've only thrown old ones out because I didn't care for them. I've been rotating 4 iClear 30 for the past few months and they're still working great.

Do they just suddenly stop working at some point?
Just start tasting like shit in my experience. Producing less vapor. I have a low tolerance for that. A new one is so good and cheap that as soon as I can tell a difference I change it.


One day into vape ownership, and I have some thoughts and questions:

1. I'm hooked. I'm vaping more than I do with any of the disposables, although still puffing less than I would on regular cigs. That's kinda what I want. I like vaping better than smoking, but I'm not really looking to do it a lot either. Anyway, this is both cheaper and better than the retail stuff.

2. I tip the clearo over before I take a hit each time, to make sure the wicks are saturated. I guess it's no necessary, but I find I get consistent vapor that way. I've had a few dry vapes early and figured this was a way to avoid that.

3. That said, it's got me thinking about bottom-feeders. I hear a lot about the Kangers (EVOD?) but about about the iSmoka BCC Minis? Any thoughts? I know it sounds corny, but I like the look, I want a small clearo (1.6mL will last most of a week) and I like the black casing, which I assume matches the black eGo batteries. Are the tanks made of glass or plastic? I believe the CE4 is glass, and I've read glass gives better taste.

4. I know the 510s are generally frowned upon here, but are there any good 510s with easy-fill clearo/cartos? The size difference is considerable, and I actually like the automatic nature of my friend's Blus (as opposed to buttons on the eGos). If there's a good 510 option out there, I'm interested. I tried searching the thread, but there were a lot of hits for 510, most of them just talking about using the 510 cartos with eGo batts.

5. I'm interested in where this technology is going to go now. With battery tech improving, I assume miniaturization is a given. Perhaps in a year or two, I'll be able to get the quality of an eGo in the size of a 510. We'll see. Anyway, I'm grateful for this thread. You guys are going to help save my lungs, and hopefully those of my friends too. I got a lot of positive feedback when I posted yesterday's pic on my FB account. My friend who smokes Blus wants to try my vape out when she comes back to visit. PEACE.


One day into vape ownership, and I have some thoughts and questions:

1. I'm hooked. I'm vaping more than I do with any of the disposables, although still puffing less than I would on regular cigs. That's kinda what I want. I like vaping better than smoking, but I'm not really looking to do it a lot either. Anyway, this is both cheaper and better than the retail stuff.

2. I tip the clearo over before I take a hit each time, to make sure the wicks are saturated. I guess it's no necessary, but I find I get consistent vapor that way. I've had a few dry vapes early and figured this was a way to avoid that.

3. That said, it's got me thinking about bottom-feeders. I hear a lot about the Kangers (EVOD?) but about about the iSmoka BCC Minis? Any thoughts? I know it sounds corny, but I like the look, I want a small clearo (1.6mL will last most of a week) and I like the black casing, which I assume matches the black eGo batteries. Are the tanks made of glass or plastic? I believe the CE4 is glass, and I've read glass gives better taste.

4. I know the 510s are generally frowned upon here, but are there any good 510s with easy-fill clearo/cartos? The size difference is considerable, and I actually like the automatic nature of my friend's Blus (as opposed to buttons on the eGos). If there's a good 510 option out there, I'm interested. I tried searching the thread, but there were a lot of hits for 510, most of them just talking about using the 510 cartos with eGo batts.

5. I'm interested in where this technology is going to go now. With battery tech improving, I assume miniaturization is a given. Perhaps in a year or two, I'll be able to get the quality of an eGo in the size of a 510. We'll see. Anyway, I'm grateful for this thread. You guys are going to help save my lungs, and hopefully those of my friends too. I got a lot of positive feedback when I posted yesterday's pic on my FB account. My friend who smokes Blus wants to try my vape out when she comes back to visit. PEACE.

The EGO has 510 threads so anything that fits on a 510 will fit on the EGO. That said, I've heard a lot of good things about the EVOD.


Just start tasting like shit in my experience. Producing less vapor. I have a low tolerance for that. A new one is so good and cheap that as soon as I can tell a difference I change it.

You try cleaning and dry burning it? Burn the coils until they glow red and you can blow the bad stuff away.
One day into vape ownership, and I have some thoughts and questions:

1. I'm hooked. I'm vaping more than I do with any of the disposables, although still puffing less than I would on regular cigs. That's kinda what I want. I like vaping better than smoking, but I'm not really looking to do it a lot either. Anyway, this is both cheaper and better than the retail stuff.

2. I tip the clearo over before I take a hit each time, to make sure the wicks are saturated. I guess it's no necessary, but I find I get consistent vapor that way. I've had a few dry vapes early and figured this was a way to avoid that.

3. That said, it's got me thinking about bottom-feeders. I hear a lot about the Kangers (EVOD?) but about about the iSmoka BCC Minis? Any thoughts? I know it sounds corny, but I like the look, I want a small clearo (1.6mL will last most of a week) and I like the black casing, which I assume matches the black eGo batteries. Are the tanks made of glass or plastic? I believe the CE4 is glass, and I've read glass gives better taste.

4. I know the 510s are generally frowned upon here, but are there any good 510s with easy-fill clearo/cartos? The size difference is considerable, and I actually like the automatic nature of my friend's Blus (as opposed to buttons on the eGos). If there's a good 510 option out there, I'm interested. I tried searching the thread, but there were a lot of hits for 510, most of them just talking about using the 510 cartos with eGo batts.

5. I'm interested in where this technology is going to go now. With battery tech improving, I assume miniaturization is a given. Perhaps in a year or two, I'll be able to get the quality of an eGo in the size of a 510. We'll see. Anyway, I'm grateful for this thread. You guys are going to help save my lungs, and hopefully those of my friends too. I got a lot of positive feedback when I posted yesterday's pic on my FB account. My friend who smokes Blus wants to try my vape out when she comes back to visit. PEACE.

The EVODs are great. I have a bunch of them, just make sure when you get them to take out the extra flavor wicks that they put on top of the coil. YouTube it or ask here when you get them and we will explain. No tipping required with bottom-feeders.

Maybe grab a 510 battery for those nights where you are out at a club or something or need something very discreet, and put a stronger juice in it. The lower battery output will not feel satisfying with your normal juice. If you decide to do that, the Pheonix CE3 Clearomizers look great on a 510 battery. So do Boge Cartomizers. Very small and portable.


I am still rocking the T2 top-coil tanks, I like them so much better than the EVODs I got from FastTech. You get a nice warm full hit of vapor instead of that airy coolness from the EVOD tanks. I still exhale as much vapor with both but it just feels like I'm pulling air through an EVOD tank instead of vapor entering my mouth.


So, got my Vamo in today from Fast Tech. Though not really fast....lol

Batteries are still a chargin, will update with impressions when they finish. Ran up to the B&M store here and grabbed a Kanger T3S to test it out with while I wait for my new Protank to show up.


My first mech mod, a KTS+ from Fasttech, came today. I sanded down all the contacts on it, just cause they say it creates a better circuit. Then I built a new 1.2 ohm microcoil for my IGO-L and am experiencing a whole new kind of vape. Lots of warm, thick clouds... also lots of coughing and dizziness hehe.

Most notable thing about the KTS+ itself - Its my first telescoping mod and Im used to VV 1100mah eGo Twists and the Vamo V3, which all have electronics. But this telescoping, purely mechanical mech is pocket sized even with an 18650 in it. In 18350 mode it is palm sized!


So I caved and used one of the batteries before it was fully charged. I know....probably dumb, but I couldn't resist. This thing is fucking fantastic. I can't wait until I get my Kanger Protank V2 in, I think that will be the icing on this cloudy cake.


So I caved and used one of the batteries before it was fully charged. I know....probably dumb, but I couldn't resist. This thing is fucking fantastic. I can't wait until I get my Kanger Protank V2 in, I think that will be the icing on this cloudy cake.

I know, I love mine!


Neo Member
So I caved and used one of the batteries before it was fully charged. I know....probably dumb, but I couldn't resist. This thing is fucking fantastic. I can't wait until I get my Kanger Protank V2 in, I think that will be the icing on this cloudy cake.

That won't be a problem. You can only damage IMR batteries by draining them down too far and the vamo won't fire once it gets to 3.2v or so. What was the charge on them when you put them in?


That won't be a problem. You can only damage IMR batteries by draining them down too far and the vamo won't fire once it gets to 3.2v or so. What was the charge on them when you put them in?
Well right now it's 3.6 volts. It was about 4 when I put it in. I'm gonna swap it out here in a bit.

Pete Rock

My first mech mod, a KTS+ from Fasttech, came today. I sanded down all the contacts on it, just cause they say it creates a better circuit. Then I built a new 1.2 ohm microcoil for my IGO-L and am experiencing a whole new kind of vape. Lots of warm, thick clouds... also lots of coughing and dizziness hehe.
Yep, I was going to get three friends "starter kits" of a cheap vv device with built in battery and clearomizer packs, then I decided against it.

Instead I went with a similar setup except, K100's and the IGO-W with the three posts instead of two. 28g kanthal & 3mm ekowool silica rope is coming at the same time and I am going to build these coils so that the atomizer will fog out so hard there is no way they'll be able to even consider taking another drag off an analog. Muahaha

FT is so cheap I scooped up all of this gear + the ebay bulk spools for less than the $150 price tag of my single Zen Atty for the Provari... sheeeiiiiiit


So today, I see another B&M ecig store in my city and decide to stop in on the way to the liquor store. I go up, within the operating hours, and the door is locked with a sign on the door that says back in 30 minutes. Ok, so I go ahead and go to the Liquor store and kill some time looking around, get my beer, and go back to the store. Still no one. I figure I'd wait for 10 minutes and if no one was around I would leave and stop by some other time. No one showed and I went back to my friends house.

About 2 hours later I decided to go back up there because my tank was running low and I didn't bring any juice with me. They're there, and I go in. It's a Middle Eastern couple that are running the place, I assume they were the owners. The A/C doesn't work in the place so I'm instantly sweating my ass off. They saw my Vamo with the Protank on it and asked what that was, I explained. They then said they had something similar! I thought that was cool because I always like seeing mods. They bring out this big bat looking thing that was just an ego battery with a case. Not variable anything. Obviously at this point I have come to the realization that these people know nothing at all about Ecigs and are just trying to jump on the bandwagon to make some money, which is unfortunate, but at the same time I need some juice. I bought a bottle of excessively overpriced juice, Cherry Dr. Pepper it was called. It's fucking disgusting, not sure of the brand or if they made it. I asked if they knew the PG/VG ratio, they had no idea.

Ugh, it's stores like this that are going to give this industry a bad name. The guy actually had the audacity to suggest a disposable ecig to me. I JUST WALKED IN HERE WITH A MOD JACKASS.



Hey Brosey. How long in inches is the 100mAh eGo+EVOD together? In inches or cm, I'm just curious.

I'm about to order this EVOD (2.6ohm) plus 1.8 and 2.4ohm heads:

The red looks nice in the pics. I'm going to order a battery in matching red, and I'm pulling back a bit from my stance on big batteries. I have an 1100mAh eGo-T, so I believe a 650mAh Twist is roughly the same size. The eGo-T with CE4 mounted is 6.2 inches long. I'm looking for comparisons. If anyone else wants to give the overall length of their mounted devices, that would probably be helpful too.

Also, is there any performance difference with a bigger battery, besides battery length? Do they hit better or something? I'm leaning towards the 650 Twist, but could look at the 1100 if there's some tangible advantage. PEACE.


Hey Brosey. How long in inches is the 100mAh eGo+EVOD together? In inches or cm, I'm just curious.

I'm about to order this EVOD (2.6ohm) plus 1.8 and 2.4ohm heads:

The red looks nice in the pics. I'm going to order a battery in matching red, and I'm pulling back a bit from my stance on big batteries. I have an 1100mAh eGo-T, so I believe a 650mAh Twist is roughly the same size. The eGo-T with CE4 mounted is 6.2 inches long. I'm looking for comparisons. If anyone else wants to give the overall length of their mounted devices, that would probably be helpful too.

Also, is there any performance difference with a bigger battery, besides battery length? Do they hit better or something? I'm leaning towards the 650 Twist, but could look at the 1100 if there's some tangible advantage. PEACE.

It won't hit any harder with a larger battery, no. The switch is still the same, and these are regulated devices, so the only difference is going to be how long the device can be used before it reaches a low enough internal voltage that it refuses to fire.

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
I recently got one of those blu starter packs. I was told that if that was good enough then to just stick with it rather than try something higher end.

I like it and have completely switched over from real cigarettes but I really want to try a clove flavor which Blu doesn't sell. I used to smoke Djarum Blacks so I miss it definitely.

It seems that the Blu batteries from what I can see use "510" threading so if I'm correct, what I need to do is get a refillable 510 cartomizer and clove-flavored e-juice. Any suggestions for the best places to buy those two things?

Pete Rock

Ugh, it's stores like this that are going to give this industry a bad name. The guy actually had the audacity to suggest a disposable ecig to me. I JUST WALKED IN HERE WITH A MOD JACKASS.
Yeah if it's a glorified convenience store type thing it won't last long, but I do agree they are super shitty and disheartening. Open up a better store and show your scene how a real vapor lounge should be!

Any suggestions for the best places to buy those two things?
Johnson Creek makes the juice in Blu, so I would say try Marcado even though I can't vouch for it I have heard good things. I do have Valencia and use a tank of it every now and then, it's nice but has a lot of orange flavor and is not very traditional in any sense. More like for the autumn leaves and sipping apple cider kind of scene.

Good luck in your search and congrats on switching!


So, I placed an order for a 650 eGo-C Twist with an EVOD atomizer a couple replacement cores with different ohms to test/tinker and I grabbed a 9mg berry mix and 6mg mango juice. I don't mind the 12mg mint I got with my starter set, but I want to see how I like the lighter nicotine content. I only smoked light cigs. Menthol and regular lights. 12mg might be more than I need, and I'd rather not build up any additional dependencies. If I can get by with 6 or 9mg, then it's for the best.

I suppose this will be the last purchase for a month or two. I think the next thing I'll want to get is a 510 battery and refillable carto/clearo, that I'll use when I go to sports events, the beach or bars. The 650 and EVOD will be my car/home rig. The eGo-T will be a spare. I'll post pics and any info when it arrives. Hopefully by next weekend. PEACE.
So, I placed an order for a 650 eGo-C Twist with an EVOD atomizer a couple replacement cores with different ohms to test/tinker and I grabbed a 9mg berry mix and 6mg mango juice. I don't mind the 12mg mint I got with my starter set, but I want to see how I like the lighter nicotine content. I only smoked light cigs. Menthol and regular lights. 12mg might be more than I need, and I'd rather not build up any additional dependencies. If I can get by with 6 or 9mg, then it's for the best.

I suppose this will be the last purchase for a month or two. I think the next thing I'll want to get is a 510 battery and refillable carto/clearo, that I'll use when I go to sports events, the beach or bars. The 650 and EVOD will be my car/home rig. The eGo-T will be a spare. I'll post pics and any info when it arrives. Hopefully by next weekend. PEACE.

We'll done. You got a nice setup there.

My 650mah eGo C Twist and EVOD is exactly 5 and 15/16th inches. Or 6 inches basically.
My 1300mah Vision Spinner and EVOD is exactly 6.5 inches and about 2 mm thicker. The Vision Spinner is just another brand name. Variable voltage dial and all the same connections as an ego c twist.


Hey all! Very new to the vape scene. Picked up my first setup today

I got the eGo-C Twist battery and a KangerTech Protank II atomizer.

The store I went to makes over 200 flavors of juice but they're about a 45 minute drive from me so I picked up five flavors. I got Ecto Cooler, Gummi Bear, Nutella, Guava, and Pumpkin Spice. All are 12mg except for Pumpkin Spice which is 18mg.

I love it so far and I'm feeling really positive about no smoking after seeing 3 coworkers using their E-cigs for over a month.

After reading on here I'm worried that one battery won't be enough. Neither of my coworkers said anything about having to buy a second one. But one has a giant one (I think its called a Mod?) and the other has 2 E-Cigs. Maybe thats why.


Yeah, a 2nd battery is mandatory. That way you can have a battery charging while you're using the other one.

edit: Or hell, if size isn't an issue to you then get a mod!


can anyone recommend a quick-shipping online retailer for ego-c batteries, kanger tanks, and good juices?

i've been using myvaporstore.com and they're quick but they are constantly sold out of stuff i need.

need to receive my order by next friday the latest, so a quick and reliable retailer is preferred.


Yeah, a 2nd battery is mandatory. That way you can have a battery charging while you're using the other one.

edit: Or hell, if size isn't an issue to you then get a mod!

So will one battery not last all day? I was hoping I could just charge through the night while I sleep.


So will one battery not last all day? I was hoping I could just charge through the night while I sleep.

Just start with one. You might decide you want a mod after anyways. One battery won't last the day if you're using it constantly, but for mild recreational use it won't be a problem.
Potential new user here.

I smoke hookah, and only occasionally, did some research on e cigs and I'm contemplating getting Halo Triton with 0 nicotine flavors, is this a good buy? Should I consider an AVP? I care mostly about vapor production.

I'll buy e liquids, coals and tanks in bulk because e cigs are banned in my home country (derp).



Potential new user here.

I smoke hookah, and only occasionally, did some research on e cigs and I'm contemplating getting Halo Triton with 0 nicotine flavors, is this a good buy? I care mostly about vapor production.

I'll buy e liquids, coals and tanks in bulk because e cigs are banned in my home country (derp).

A mod sounds good for you. I'm on my phone now so maybe someone can link you to the fast tech deal for the Vamo. As for juice. There are a lot of high quality vendors. Check the op for links. My personal favorites are backwoods brew and roar vapor.


There's a really cool Starbuzz e-hookah that I would love...only trouble is it's crazy expensive at $200.

But yeah, I'd go with a mod maybe. It won't quite replicate the big thick smoke of a hookah, but it's not bad.


Holy sh...

Decided to buy two ego-t packs, for my gf and me, after someone at work stopped smoking using it. 12 mg refills, which I think was right as we smoke each 10-20 cigarettes a day depending on stress.

5 days since, only e-cig. At first I got some craves but now I am used. I regained some sense of smell, now regular cigarettes smell horrible. I feel calmer than when I smoked, my gf says my pulse seems to have slowed down (heart rate getting better?). She had some more problems because a faulty battery, but now it is solved.

In two weeks I will lower nicotine to 9 mg, 12 mg is starting to feel like too much for my throat.

By the way, I have been through some stressful moments and vaped like mad, but thankfully resisted the urge to buy a pack. I hope I can quit smoking altogether!


do you guys think if i order a bunch of different juice from sweet-vapes today that it will get to me by friday?
Holy sh...

Decided to buy two ego-t packs, for my gf and me, after someone at work stopped smoking using it. 12 mg refills, which I think was right as we smoke each 10-20 cigarettes a day depending on stress.

5 days since, only e-cig. At first I got some craves but now I am used. I regained some sense of smell, now regular cigarettes smell horrible. I feel calmer than when I smoked, my gf says my pulse seems to have slowed down (heart rate getting better?). She had some more problems because a faulty battery, but now it is solved.

In two weeks I will lower nicotine to 9 mg, 12 mg is starting to feel like too much for my throat.

By the way, I have been through some stressful moments and vaped like mad, but thankfully resisted the urge to buy a pack. I hope I can quit smoking altogether!

Congrats on your progress man! Keep it up! Also, the bolded is exactly why I started vaping. I was able to stop cold turkey but in times of stress I would always relapse. Vaping keeps that from happening to me.


So what kind of juice does E-Cig GAF generally like to use for all day vaping?

For most of the day yesterday I had Gummi Bear in mine and i never got sick of the taste. Last night when it was empty I refilled with Nutella and it got old pretty quickly.

So for me I feel that the fruitier flavors won't seem to get old very fast. Next time I visit the local shop I'll probably pick up 1 or 2 tobacco juices to mix things up. I really enjoyed the Clove flavor I got to test at their bar.

Also, what are you guys doing to clean your tanks? I got the Protank 2 so I could clean it, but last night when I finished the Gummi Bear, I cleaned it and filled it with Nutella, but for about an hour it tasted like Gummi Bear/Nutella. It was gross.

So what do y'all do to get the older flavor out so it doesn't ruin the new flavor?


So what kind of juice does E-Cig GAF generally like to use for all day vaping?

For most of the day yesterday I had Gummi Bear in mine and i never got sick of the taste. Last night when it was empty I refilled with Nutella and it got old pretty quickly.

So for me I feel that the fruitier flavors won't seem to get old very fast. Next time I visit the local shop I'll probably pick up 1 or 2 tobacco juices to mix things up. I really enjoyed the Clove flavor I got to test at their bar.

Also, what are you guys doing to clean your tanks? I got the Protank 2 so I could clean it, but last night when I finished the Gummi Bear, I cleaned it and filled it with Nutella, but for about an hour it tasted like Gummi Bear/Nutella. It was gross.

So what do y'all do to get the older flavor out so it doesn't ruin the new flavor?

I generally don't use the same head for different juices in my EVOD. When I change juices, I'll rinse out the old one pretty good, then dry it off and store it for when/if I go to put that juice in the EVOD again.

As far as juices, I agree that the bright or fruity stuff suits me better for an ADV than anything baked or "tobacco" based; I put that in quotes as every juice I've tried that claims to be a tobacco doesn't taste like tobacco at all, even if they're good. My favorite juice right now is still Baja Burst from Apollo, but my other favorite is Melon Boba from Good Life Vapor. GLV does make a very good sort of Cinnabun-tasting juice called Deadly Sin that I can vape for a day and not get tired of.

Pete Rock

There's a really cool Starbuzz e-hookah that I would love...only trouble is it's crazy expensive at $200.
They are garbage stay away from any Square products

But yeah, I'd go with a mod maybe. It won't quite replicate the big thick smoke of a hookah, but it's not bad.

It is pretty trivial to get a rebuildable drippable and dual/quad coil it, but to be honest even a basic wicking rebuildable atomizer with a tank will put out large enough volume to satisfy a hookah user easily, assuming it is built to the right specs in the first place.

APV mods fo' days


They are garbage stay away from any Square products

Never tried it, but in action it's a pretty cool looking product. Just way, way, way overpriced, especially considering it only works with their proprietary gear.


It is pretty trivial to get a rebuildable drippable and dual/quad coil it, but to be honest even a basic wicking rebuildable atomizer with a tank will put out large enough volume to satisfy a hookah user easily, assuming it is built to the right specs in the first place.

APV mods fo' days

hmmmmm. Interesting.

Is there any tank setup that can come close to that, though? My iClear 30 is nowhere near that. That vide on the other hand is actually is pretty similar to a hookah output.
can anyone recommend a quick-shipping online retailer for ego-c batteries, kanger tanks, and good juices?

i've been using myvaporstore.com and they're quick but they are constantly sold out of stuff i need.

need to receive my order by next friday the latest, so a quick and reliable retailer is preferred.

If MVS is out of stuff I will use VaporBeast.com.

They ship fast and will have by Friday if ordered today.
I use Gotvapes for my hardware. Consistently a 2 day turn around. Their juices are ok. I usually don't get them though unless I'm out or near out and need juice quickly. Unfortunately the only juice vendors that I know of that are fast, also provide the least enjoyable juice (for my tastebuds anyhow). I'd rather wait an extra day or two for a juice I really enjoy unless I'm in a dire situation with supply.
I use Gotvapes for my hardware. Consistently a 2 day turn around. Their juices are ok. I usually don't get them though unless I'm out or near out and need juice quickly. Unfortunately the only juice vendors that I know of that are fast, also provide the least enjoyable juice (for my tastebuds anyhow). I'd rather wait an extra day or two for a juice I really enjoy unless I'm in a dire situation with supply.

Namber ships immediately and their juices are pretty solid. But they aren't made to order.


Are there any better starter kits than what's in the OP available? Or would one battery be enough? Can't afford to spend $60+ on two batteries right now. Thanks for any recs you can give :)

Edit: eyeing this kit I found through awesomevapor.com

Edit 2: or this one through GotVapes.


Are there any better starter kits than what's in the OP available? Or would one battery be enough? Can't afford to spend $60+ on two batteries right now. Thanks for any recs you can give :)

Edit: eyeing this kit I found through awesomevapor.com

Edit 2: or this one through GotVapes.

If you're looking for ultra cheap, try Fast Tech.
It's not so much ultra cheap, I just didn't want to have to buy everything separately :p

Is Fast Tech reliable? Fast shipping and quality products?

Edit: what would you guys go with between this and this?

I dont know how much you will be smoking, but your best bet is to follow option 1 in the OP, get a larger battery like a 900mah or greater so you can ensure it will last you the whole day. My 650mah eGo C Twist lasts more than a day. But you may need more.

I don't like either of those kits you listed. The KGO is a standard eGo battery and is not Variable Voltage (meaning you cannot change the voltage that it will output, the eGo C Twist has a dial at the bottom that allows you to do this.) Trust me, its important.

Get an eGo C Twist
Get an EVOD cartomizer (or get a couple if you can)
Get a charger
Get some juice.

I'd rather see you get set up right from the start then have to do buying more stuff. I know a "Starter Kit" always sounds and is easier to purchase, but there are better options.

And don't just go and buy some random juice from a site. If you search through these pages you will find tons of juice sites that we recommend. Like GoodLifeVapor, MtBakerVapor, VaporBeast, etc.


Some more winners from Stinky Canuck.

Fantasia is a really fantastic sweet vape. Can't pick out exactly what it is, but it's really familiar. Definitely check it out if you like sweeter vapes.

And the real surprise: Whip It. I've never had much luck with coffee vapes but this one is absolutely fantastic. Tastes like a really smooth instant coffee, with a bit of cream and sugar. None of the usual burnt taste that accompanies most coffee vapes. If you've been looking for a good coffee vape, check this one out.


It's not so much ultra cheap, I just didn't want to have to buy everything separately :p

Is Fast Tech reliable? Fast shipping and quality products?

Edit: what would you guys go with between this and this?

Neither. I just bought my first kit a few weeks ago, and I'm already upgrading.

I originally went with this (1100mAh eGo-T + 7 CE4 clearomizers + charger). Under $16 for all the hardware I needed, and then the juice is whatever you want to choose. It doesn't come with juice.

However, I am already upgrading. For one, the CE4s have the coil at the top, so they require you to regularly tip the e-cig upside-down to make sure the wicks stays wet and you don't get dry hits. It's not the worst thing in the world, but it's irritating me. Most of the other units recommended in this thread are going to be bottom-coils, which don't require tipping at all. That's what I'm changing to.

I ordered a 650mAh eGo-C Twist battery which has variable voltage. This way I can try different settings to see what gives me the best vaping experience. Plus, I don't think I need a 1100mAh battery. I charged it when I first got it a week ago, and I haven't charged it since. It's still going. I've probably gone through 3mL of juice so far, and the battery is still going on its initial charge. I can only assume it's about to run out, but no indication yet.

I ordered an EVOD clearomizer so I don't have to tip anymore, and because it gets great reviews. Then you can pair that with any charger you want.

I could have gotten everything for the same price as the starter kit. I wouldn't get 6 extra clearos like the first kit has, but I don't even know when I'm going to use them anyway. If I could do it again, I'd just get the pieces separately. It's not complicated at all, just that a lot of the terms thrown around here are foreign. However, it's really just 3 piece of hardware you need:

1 battery with variable voltage (like the eGo-C Twist I ordered)
1-2 bottom-coil clearomizers (like the EVOD...there's no real difference in price to the popular CE4s, and no damn tipping)
1 charger (if you get an eGo batt, get a charger that fits it, for example)

Then you can order your juice. I ordered my juice from the same website, but I can't recommend that. I can speak better about their juices when my next order comes in, as I ordered mango and fruit mix, but you're probably better going with a US company. Skip the kits, man. They're a ripoff and not necessary. PEACE.


The only kit-like package I'd probably recommend is the MVP, since it does not require additional batteries and comes with an iClear 30, so you just need juice to get started. If you need something smaller than that, I'd skip the kits and shop around. Also, I'd probably recommend the newer iTaste eGo size battery since it has VW and an ohm reader, which is pretty bad ass for a small device.
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