Victory Red
Not gonna wait any longer. I'm ready to take the plunge on the SVD. Suggestions on batteries and clearos, please.
Should I go single 18650 or dual 18350s? What brand/mAh battery should I buy?
Also, what clearo is best? I prefer bottom coil. I like the look of the Ithaka and RSST. I don't mind rebuildable, as I'm about to get serious about my vaping.
Also, what's the deal with mechanicals? Why do some of you buy them? Advantages/disadvantages? PEACE.
A lot of good info in the post right above me.
Stay away from Ithaka.
I don't think you will like a Genesis-Style rebuildable (RSST, Aga-T, etc.) They require "tipping" and thats gonna piss you off.
If you want to get into rebuildables, get an IGO-W. You will never find anything bad said about the IGO-L, except the posts that you screw your wires into. The IGO-W added holes in the posts which makes building coils 1000x easier. And theres 3 posts in there in case you want to do dual-coils down the road. Don't go spending $75 on a rebuildable before you experiment with something cheaper, like the IGO-L or IGO-W which can be found for less than $15 and arguably perform just as good.
If you havent tried the iClear30 yet, get that. There is a new version out also.