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The Official E-Cigarette Thread Of F#ck Analog Cigarettes


Thanks Esoteric. I used the premade wick, cut the end at an angle (saw it multiple times on YT) and wound my own coil. The premade coil was 0.9ohm, and the cutoff on the SVD is 1.2ohm. I wound a 3.1ohm coil (hey, it's my first time) and spent most of an hour learning about hot spots and shorts. I learned that you need to oxidize the coil. It wasn't heating up evenly at first. I finally got the coil to burn evenly, and filled her with juice.


I can see what people say about the taste of ss mesh. I could notice it right away. It might have been the oxidation in it, though. I didn't get spectacular vapor production. I guess a 3.1ohm coil is going to fall a bit short in that department. I fiddled with the coil a bit, and I think I created some new hotspots, because I started getting burnt taste. I also discovered that the location of the airhole relative to the wick matters. Should I keep it near the wick or on the opposite side of the tank?

I'm gonna try and grab a torch tomorrow so I can prepare a new wick and coil with a resistance between 1.2 and 1.8ohm, then try again. At least I got the tank nice and clean and learned how to roll a wick, as well as the lesson about oxidizing the coil. My juice materials come in tomorrow, and I can prep everything properly and even try making some different juice blends.

The I-ATTY looks tits on top of my SVD. I really like the look and build quality. Then again, this is just my first RBA. Many more to come in the future. I hope I can make this thing work well. PEACE.
Thanks Esoteric. I used the premade wick, cut the end at an angle (saw it multiple times on YT) and wound my own coil. The premade coil was 0.9ohm, and the cutoff on the SVD is 1.2ohm. I wound a 3.1ohm coil (hey, it's my first time) and spent most of an hour learning about hot spots and shorts. I learned that you need to oxidize the coil. It wasn't heating up evenly at first. I finally got the coil to burn evenly, and filled her with juice.


I can see what people say about the taste of ss mesh. I could notice it right away. It might have been the oxidation in it, though. I didn't get spectacular vapor production. I guess a 3.1ohm coil is going to fall a bit short in that department. I fiddled with the coil a bit, and I think I created some new hotspots, because I started getting burnt taste. I also discovered that the location of the airhole relative to the wick matters. Should I keep it near the wick or on the opposite side of the tank?

I'm gonna try and grab a torch tomorrow so I can prepare a new wick and coil with a resistance between 1.2 and 1.8ohm, then try again. At least I got the tank nice and clean and learned how to roll a wick, as well as the lesson about oxidizing the coil. My juice materials come in tomorrow, and I can prep everything properly and even try making some different juice blends.

The I-ATTY looks tits on top of my SVD. I really like the look and build quality. Then again, this is just my first RBA. Many more to come in the future. I hope I can make this thing work well. PEACE.

Since you got 32awg it's only gonna take a couple wraps to get a low resistance. I like to use 29awg so I get a good 4 or 5 wraps.

The air hole needs to be as close to the coil as possible.

Use a drill bit to wrap the coil nice and perfect and then pull the wick through
Really loving the Smoktech Natural


Bought it for the pinky trigger and the solid body (as opposed to telescoping k100 mech have.)

Feels great in my hand and have had zero non-fires with the button.
you should check out the magneto. the magnetic button the button seems pimp.


this is a picture of the clone on fasttech, which is like a clone of a clone
you should check out the magneto. the magnetic button the button seems pimp.


this is a picture of the clone on fasttech, which is like a clone of a clone

I was gonna get Magneto, but my K100 is bottom button. I wanted to try a pinky-button.

But my next mech will almost definitely be the Magneto. Reviews are great and full price is fine also. I'm okay with paying $50 for a mech. I just refuse to pay more than ~$75


Magneto's going to be my next mech mod purchase :)

I already have, use, and love the KTS+, but that Magneto is badass looking and I want a bottom-button mech.


Made my first juice today. I called it Strawbermelon. 18mg of nic, 70/30 PG/VG and 15%/7.5% watermelon/strawberry. Tastes good. Decent vapor. I can do better though. I need to order some creme flavors to smooth it out. I only made 2.5mL, as I plan on doing as I experiment. Once I figure out the flavors I really like and develop some recipes, I'll probably order larger quantities and start seriously considering getting into business. Kiwi-Strawbery is probably the next flavor I try. All TFA flavors, for anyone that cares. The recipe apps are super easy to use, and syringes really make handling the stuff easy. PEACE.
To really gauge most flavors, you are going to want to let them steep anywhere from 1 to 4 works. If want to add creme to "smooth" it, you're probably going to want to split that 2.5 ml in half. add creme to the one half and let the other alone. come back to it like once a week

after about a month you should really be able to tell if it suits you or not.

like any experiment, you really want to change one variable at a time to get results. make sure you record everything in like a notebook or something


To really gauge most flavors, you are going to want to let them steep anywhere from 1 to 4 works. If want to add creme to "smooth" it, you're probably going to want to split that 2.5 ml in half. add creme to the one half and let the other alone. come back to it like once a week

after about a month you should really be able to tell if it suits you or not.

like any experiment, you really want to change one variable at a time to get results. make sure you record everything in like a notebook or something

Great advice. It has a harsh taste right now, but I like the amount of flavor I'm getting right now. That's why I want to smooth it out. I've got to order a few more bottles (only got one 5mL bottle complementary, that I didn't even anticipate). Then I'll prepare some potential recipes with the proper nic levels (this one is 18mg, and I think I'd rather try something a touch lower) and let them steep.

On another note, I forgot to check my parents' house for my blowtorch, so I'm not using the I-ATTY much right now. I simply don't like the wick that's in there, and the coil I wrapped isn't that great. I'm really tempted to try the silica wick until I find the torch. I don't need to prep that too, do I? Can I just drop that one straight into the tank? PEACE.
Great advice. It has a harsh taste right now, but I like the amount of flavor I'm getting right now. That's why I want to smooth it out. I've got to order a few more bottles (only got one 5mL bottle complementary, that I didn't even anticipate). Then I'll prepare some potential recipes with the proper nic levels (this one is 18mg, and I think I'd rather try something a touch lower) and let them steep.

On another note, I forgot to check my parents' house for my blowtorch, so I'm not using the I-ATTY much right now. I simply don't like the wick that's in there, and the coil I wrapped isn't that great. I'm really tempted to try the silica wick until I find the torch. I don't need to prep that too, do I? Can I just drop that one straight into the tank? PEACE.

No need to do anything to it.

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
I've been vaping for a few years now, using a DSE 801 the whole time. I think it's time for a change, but I don't feel like having to do a bunch of research about a bunch of stuff. Are there any PVs that are considered, generally, the best of the best?

Maybe it would be a good idea to gather a bunch of testimonials from gaffers in the OP?


I've been vaping for a few years now, using a DSE 801 the whole time. I think it's time for a change, but I don't feel like having to do a bunch of research about a bunch of stuff. Are there any PVs that are considered, generally, the best of the best?

Maybe it would be a good idea to gather a bunch of testimonials from gaffers in the OP?

Damn, that's pretty old school.

"Best of the best" is probably not the right upgrade from an 801 pen. The high end shit nowadays costs hundreds, and there's pretty significant diminishing returns in vape quality.

I went from an eGo Twist to an MVP 2, and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend the thing. Ridiculous battery life, simple ass charging, fits most anything you'd want to stick on top of it. I still prefer to stick an EVOD on there with the 2.2 Ohm heads. Don't see myself messing with this setup for a long while.

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
Damn, that's pretty old school.

"Best of the best" is probably not the right upgrade from an 801 pen. The high end shit nowadays costs hundreds, and there's pretty significant diminishing returns in vape quality.

I went from an eGo Twist to an MVP 2, and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend the thing. Ridiculous battery life, simple ass charging, fits most anything you'd want to stick on top of it. I still prefer to stick an EVOD on there with the 2.2 Ohm heads. Don't see myself messing with this setup for a long while.

Yeah, I'm the kind of guy who will go to a restaurant for the first time and if I like the first thing I get, I'll get that thing every time for 10 years. Once I'm comfortable with something I just go with it, for better or worse, heh. Seeing a bunch of people online talk about their fancy ecigs has finally made me want to upgrade, though.

And I don't really need the best of the best, I guess. Just something that's considered good by a lot of people, so I feel comfortable not doing a ton of research to keep from getting something I don't like. That MVP 2 looks nice, but I'm not sure how much I like the box-style ecigs, stylistically. A lot of ecigs seem to have this "hey look at this crazy-ass future gadget" look to them and I guess I prefer things that are more plain and inconspicuous.
Yeah, I'm the kind of guy who will go to a restaurant for the first time and if I like the first thing I get, I'll get that thing every time for 10 years. Once I'm comfortable with something I just go with it, for better or worse, heh. Seeing a bunch of people online talk about their fancy ecigs has finally made me want to upgrade, though.

And I don't really need the best of the best, I guess. Just something that's considered good by a lot of people, so I feel comfortable not doing a ton of research to keep from getting something I don't like. That MVP 2 looks nice, but I'm not sure how much I like the box-style ecigs, stylistically. A lot of ecigs seem to have this "hey look at this crazy-ass future gadget" look to them and I guess I prefer things that are more plain and inconspicuous.

Take a look at the iTaste SVD. Has a more traditional look to it and is VV/VW.


Yeah, I'm the kind of guy who will go to a restaurant for the first time and if I like the first thing I get, I'll get that thing every time for 10 years. Once I'm comfortable with something I just go with it, for better or worse, heh. Seeing a bunch of people online talk about their fancy ecigs has finally made me want to upgrade, though.

And I don't really need the best of the best, I guess. Just something that's considered good by a lot of people, so I feel comfortable not doing a ton of research to keep from getting something I don't like. That MVP 2 looks nice, but I'm not sure how much I like the box-style ecigs, stylistically. A lot of ecigs seem to have this "hey look at this crazy-ass future gadget" look to them and I guess I prefer things that are more plain and inconspicuous.

I'm kind of the same way as far as simple looking stuff. It's kind of just a brick, not as big as it looks; it's thicker but otherwise smaller than my iPhone, and doesn't have a lot going on. I'm also not the kind of guy that likes to fiddle with these kinds of things, or have a lot of parts. It's a unit and a cable pretty much. Charge lasts for about 3 days. Plus the EVOD seems to go pretty well with it looks-wise. For what it costs I think it does a lot of work. I'm also a little bit sensitive to the cost aspect, not because of the actual expense, but just on the principle that I didn't get into vaping to spend more money on it than I did smoking.


Count me in as another lover of the MVP V2. I thought the same thing about the size, but I went from a Vamo Mod, which I really disliked due to the enormous size. The MVP is perfect. Lasts forever on a battery charge and feels really good in the hand.


I've been vaping for a few years now, using a DSE 801 the whole time. I think it's time for a change, but I don't feel like having to do a bunch of research about a bunch of stuff. Are there any PVs that are considered, generally, the best of the best?

Maybe it would be a good idea to gather a bunch of testimonials from gaffers in the OP?

The SVD and MVP v2 will get lots of votes here, and you can't go wrong with either one.

MVP is box shaped, with a really high-capacity internal battery and even a usb pass-through that lets you charge your phone.

SVD is cylindrical, with removable batteries that you buy separately. They come in equally high capacities, but require decent chargers ($15 or so) plus batteries ($20 a pair).

I own the SVD, and others here went with the MVP. I think you should go to a vape shop and hold each one in your hand. That's what made me choose the SVD. I preferred to hold something round in my hand. Some prefer the feel of a box like the MVP. Both will serve you well, have excellent features that should allow you to get more advanced in your vaping and can be found relatively inexpensively.

I will warn against ordering the SVD from FastTech, however, as it seems some people have been reporting that they've switched over to the Elego SVD, which is made by the same company, but sold through their Chinese sister. Mine is Innokin branded, so I'm happy with what I got. PEACE.
setup my trident clone last night with a pretty good 2.2 ohm micro coil. the amount of vapor this RDA produces is absolutely ridiculous. the flavor is beyond anything a protank can produce.

i bought an EHPro Kayfun clone yesterday from a guy off of ECF. Cannot wait till this gets here.
I looked through Fasttech just now, for the first time in about a month.

Lots of new stuff. I also notice that some stuff now says "Authentic" or "Style". (e.g. iTaste 134 Style mod.)
I'm looking to try out some new flavors myself. Black Friday liquid shopping. I'm in.

One noobish question... What's the correct way to change flavors in the same cartomizer? I sampled a nice tobacco flavor from a different b&m tonight and really liked it. I washed repeatedly, a Smoktek carto that wasn't being used. I still taste the old flavor in there. I really like switching up my flavors throughout the day. Thanks in advance.


Does anyone use Kanger MT stuff and clean their coils? If so, how effective is it? Because they are cheap I just throw them away, but it's kind of a waste to throw them away so fast. After like 5 or so full tanks they start puffing badly and liquid seems to stay wet or something.


Does anyone use Kanger MT stuff and clean their coils? If so, how effective is it? Because they are cheap I just throw them away, but it's kind of a waste to throw them away so fast. After like 5 or so full tanks they start puffing badly and liquid seems to stay wet or something.

Kanger heads are probably the only replaceable heads that I've ever had any luck cleaning and re-using. It's really easy and generally gives a few more tanks worth of good performance before I consider chucking it entirely.


Hi all, been looking into buying one of these devices for a relative of mine who's a smoker. She's agreed to try it and I'm getting her one as a gift for christmas.

I've looked at a few options, some posted here. I've decided on ordering this starter kit: http://bevapehappy.com/shop/vapehappy-pro-starter-kit-ego-c-twist-kanger-protank-2/.

This looks like a pretty decent price for this package, right? Unless there are some better black friday deals online? I'm ordering from this store that's not too far from where I live since I want to get it delivered soon. I might pick up a ego twist w/ Kanger protank mini 2 for myself. I'd appreciate appreciate any feedback, thanks.
Hi all, been looking into buying one of these devices for a relative of mine who's a smoker. She's agreed to try it and I'm getting her one as a gift for christmas.

I've looked at a few options, some posted here. I've decided on ordering this starter kit: http://bevapehappy.com/shop/vapehappy-pro-starter-kit-ego-c-twist-kanger-protank-2/.

This looks like a pretty decent price for this package, right? Unless there are some better black friday deals online? I'm ordering from this store that's not too far from where I live since I want to get it delivered soon. I might pick up a ego twist w/ Kanger protank mini 2 for myself. I'd appreciate appreciate any feedback, thanks.

Thats a really good price for that, I think its a good setup to give a first timer.

That setup is a little on the "big" side. So if she likes it but finds it too clunky then you may need to look at getting her an EVOD instead of the Pro Tank II.
That's literally the setup I started with except the mAH is higher so it's a bit longer

I also paid way more than that so yea, very good indeed.

My Kayfun should arrive today. Man, this is gonna be sweet!
Well after being on the fence about a Kayfun Lite for the past 6 months, hoping the hype would die down, it never did. Then Grimm Green comes out with this review of it this week and he's just GUSHING over it the entire time. Going as far as saying, "If I was trapped on an island and had to bring one vape, it would be the Kayfun Lite and the Opus D."

So I went ahead and ordered one. Black Friday got me in the spending mood. I'm very excited.

I still want an Opus D but they are way too much money for me.


Well after being on the fence about a Kayfun Lite for the past 6 months, hoping the hype would die down, it never did. Then Grimm Green comes out with this review of it this week and he's just GUSHING over it the entire time. Going as far as saying, "If I was trapped on an island and had to bring one vape, it would be the Kayfun Lite and the Opus D."

So I went ahead and ordered one. Black Friday got me in the spending mood. I'm very excited.

I still want an Opus D but they are way too much money for me.

Kayfun lite has been my goto for a while now, using cotton and micro coil.

Alien Visions E-Juice
Deal:35% off until 12/6.

Apollo E-Cigs
Deal:30% off with code THANKS30 until 12/2.

Blu Cigs
Deal:40% off Premium Kits with code BIGDEAL

Deal:40% off site-wide until 12/1.

Firebrand Cigs
Deal: 25% off site-wide with code WEEK until 12/2.

Green Smoke
Deal: 20% off site-wide with code BLACKFRIDAY2013

Deal:15% off site-wide with code CYBERGIFT

HighBrow Vapor
Deal:10% off site-wide until 12/2.

Johnson Creek
Deal:30% off site-wide until 12/2.

Deal:15% off site-wide until 12/2.

Mt Baker Vapor
Deal:20% off all E-Juice Black Friday, 20% off All Hardware Cyber Monday

Deal:15% off with code MVSBLACKFRI until 11/30.

Panda E-Cigs
Deal:20% off with code THANKS20

The Plume Room
Deal:20% off with code TURKEY2013 on 11/29.

Smoke Revolution
Deal:25% off with code TURKEY25 , 30% off with code TURKEY30

Smokeless Image
Deal:30% off with code HOLIDAY until 12/2.

South Beach Smoke
Deal:40% off site-wide until 12/1.

Deal:FREE e-liquid sample pack with code FREESAMPLE.

V2 Cigs
Deal:25% off Starter Kits until 12/2.

Vape Dojo
Deal:50% off full vape menu during Black Friday.

Deal:10% off with code CYBERTURKEY until 12/2.

Deal:10% off with code THANKS10OFF until 11/30.

Deal:20% off with code BF20 until 12/1.

The Vapor Chef
Deal:20% off with code BLACK until 12/2.

Deal:10-40% off during Black Friday.

VelvetCloud Vapor
Deal:25% off until 12/1.

WetFlame E-Cigs
Deal:50% off Starter Kits through 12/2.

West Shore Vapes
Deal:50% off e-juice and buy 2 get 1 free, plus up to 48% off hardware, through 11/30.

White Cloud Cigs
Deal:20% off with code BLACKFRIDAY20 through 12/2.

Pete Rock

Johnson Creek is 30% off this weekend. I've never tried them.

What are one or two MUST Try flavors?
Thanks for posting all the other sales.

Vanda is my #1 all day vape and I've gone thru more 30ml bottles of it than anything. Goes amazingly well with coffee in the morning. Tennessee Cured is great if you like a heavy tobacco base and a smokey sweetness. If you don't, I would say Marcado which is their Clove juice with a light tobacco base, it makes a very good substitute for Clove cigs. Makana I just got in last week. It tastes exactly, and I mean exactly like Hawaiian Punch from when you were a kid, and I would also say it's the best fruity flavor from them yet. It is very very sweet though.


Fear of a GAF Planet
So far, I'm really enjoying this VTR. It's weighty enough that I'm pretty sure I could use it for self-defense purposes, too!
So I ordered the KGO V2 kit yesterday, now it looks like I just need some e-juice. I should be able to find a good deal, cyber monday and all, but I have no idea what to get. I know I want tobacco flavored and something in bulk (15ml bottles for 10 bucks? Lol no thanks). Someone help!
My taifun GT finally shipped

My magneto should come today

finally caught AVE open today and ordered 100 mL of Boba's Bounty. I hope i like it

my trident clone should come today or tomorrow
So I ordered the KGO V2 kit yesterday, now it looks like I just need some e-juice. I should be able to find a good deal, cyber monday and all, but I have no idea what to get. I know I want tobacco flavored and something in bulk (15ml bottles for 10 bucks? Lol no thanks). Someone help!

Check out Johnson Creek, which is 30% off today.

Their tobacco flavors come highly recommended.

EsotericManiac said:
My taifun GT finally shipped

My magneto should come today

finally caught AVE open today and ordered 100 mL of Boba's Bounty. I hope i like it

my trident clone should come today or tomorrow

They are open all day now, I believe.

Some balls ordering 100ml!! I'm jealous of the cool bottle you gonna get.

Boba's is awesome. I thought everything was right in the world with Boba's.... until I tried Gorilla Juice. The banana really takes some of the back dryness off.

I have 45ml coming from NamberJuice and another 45ml coming from Mountain Oak Vapors. Plus my Kayfun Lite Plus from cloud9. Anyone know how long I can expect shipping from Cloud9(UK) to New Jersey ?
apparently they are closed as i heard some people complaining on ECF

lol i really didnt want to order 100mL of a juice i'm not even sure I'll like, but after being shut-down on numerous occasions, I figured why not

that and I saw someone sell a used 100 mL bottle, 12mg in the classifieds for $55. I'll actually make money if I don't like it

Fasttech said they shipped my Taifun Saturday. Great, right? Now they sent me a message saying that there is a problem with the manufacturer and asking if I wanted to wait longer.

Weird thing is, there's a picture showing my package wrapped and said it was shipped. Its going through SG and I don't return anything with the tracking number.

They JUST added the Kayfun lite to their product line and the 3.1 is back in stock. I told them i want my money back so i can order of those 2. hopefully i dont get screwed

Pete Rock

I have yet to get a good build on the Fogger from FT, I really like the design but I am actually getting more throat hit out of a bottom coil which really makes no sense to me as of yet. Haven't flooded it but I've taken the o-ring off the chimney and threaded it up a bit to leave larger wick holes, trimmed the wicks so there is a void between their ends and the tank walls, added a 3mm filler/flavor wick around the interior one; all slight improvements but I'm still not really there on it. Didn't have to do any modification, it seems really well constructed.

The Pulse G however is a little more success right out of the box, I setup a dual micro coil build that ended up at 1.4 ohms even though I was shooting for 2, and so far it is hitting right, although not quite double the increase in vapor production, I can't really complain. What I do really enjoy about it is that unlike the I-Atty which breaks down in two pieces to remove the tank, or the Z-Atty which has the oversized o-ring which has to pop off before removing the tank, the tank glass and cap o-rings on the Pulse are all the same size so they slide off in sequence with ease. Also the silicone center post insulator sits flush with the deck which seems better for dry burning. Seems like the way it sits proud it could be kind of sketch on the I-Atty although I haven't tested that myself yet. Next time I rebuild it I will try the chamber reducer instead of a dual build. Had to drill out the two holes on the top cap but it is to be expected.

Kraken clone on the way, but I think at this point I should have just sprung for a Kayfun as my second RBA, the hype is apparently very real.

Stocked up on Vanda today. Going to order Virgin Vapors next. I love not smoking way more than I ever enjoyed smoking! Vape on!


I have yet to get a good build on the Fogger from FT, I really like the design but I am actually getting more throat hit out of a bottom coil which really makes no sense to me as of yet. Haven't flooded it but I've taken the o-ring off the chimney and threaded it up a bit to leave larger wick holes, trimmed the wicks so there is a void between their ends and the tank walls, added a 3mm filler/flavor wick around the interior one; all slight improvements but I'm still not really there on it. Didn't have to do any modification, it seems really well constructed.

The Pulse G however is a little more success right out of the box, I setup a dual micro coil build that ended up at 1.4 ohms even though I was shooting for 2, and so far it is hitting right, although not quite double the increase in vapor production, I can't really complain. What I do really enjoy about it is that unlike the I-Atty which breaks down in two pieces to remove the tank, or the Z-Atty which has the oversized o-ring which has to pop off before removing the tank, the tank glass and cap o-rings on the Pulse are all the same size so they slide off in sequence with ease. Also the silicone center post insulator sits flush with the deck which seems better for dry burning. Seems like the way it sits proud it could be kind of sketch on the I-Atty although I haven't tested that myself yet. Next time I rebuild it I will try the chamber reducer instead of a dual build. Had to drill out the two holes on the top cap but it is to be expected.

Kraken clone on the way, but I think at this point I should have just sprung for a Kayfun as my second RBA, the hype is apparently very real.

Stocked up on Vanda today. Going to order Virgin Vapors next. I love not smoking way more than I ever enjoyed smoking! Vape on!

Kayfun is hot hot hot... I have an Authentic Kraken coming in the mail with in a week, and a new mod to go with it. Will post picks when all is said and done.

Im glad all of you are moving over to some good rebuildables and weaned off the vivi novas and such.


i know nothing about rebuildables....any suggestions where i should start either product or just information wise?


i know nothing about rebuildables....any suggestions where i should start either product or just information wise?
The most basic rebuildable is an Rebuildable Dripping Atomiser. Basically a coiled heating element wrapped around a wick that can be plumbed onto positive and negative posts and dripped onto directly. Once I tried this, I never looked back,

Then there are genesis-style tanks that require a slightly more complicated method of building, which I haven't bothered with, because I love my RDAs so much,

Google "IGO-L", which is the standard go-to for beginners. Or it's slightly better brother, the IGO-W. Both are a breeze to build, and perform perfectly.

I myself use a Clockworks RDA, and don't see myself using anything else, ever.
i know nothing about rebuildables....any suggestions where i should start either product or just information wise?

Rebuildables are great for vaping at home, since they aren't the most portable things. You can have adverse affects by tipping one over or upside down.

Like Chopper said, go with the IGO-W. Its much easier to build than the IGO-L, where as with the IGO-L you had to wrap your wires "around" a post that wasn't made well for this. The IGO-W has posts with holes in them, so you just feed the wire in the hole then screw down the holding screw.

If I were you, I'd start with buying a roll of 29gauge A1 Kanthal and a bag of organic cotton balls.
I agree with most of what you said...

but as far as rebuildables being portable, this is entirely dependent on the style of your rebuildable.

My kayfun is most definitely portable and leaks less than anything I've owned previously.
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