i couldn't wait and ordered an aqua clone from fasttech today.
I say i couldn't wait, but we all know im going to wait a while
I say i couldn't wait, but we all know im going to wait a while
Hey guys, my stepfather wants to try e-cigs once again. However, he wants a juice that tastes like cigarettes and that is made in the USA (or at least not in China).
I've checked sites like Backwoods Brew, MtBakerVapor and Alien Visions but I'm not too sure which juice would be the best. Any tips? The vendor needs to ship to Canada as well.
Is that a new law? We ordered some last year from Backwoods Brew without any problems.My recommendations for someone that is just quitting and still wants something tobacco-like would either be Johnson Creek Smoke Juice (Silverthorn, Tennessee Cured or Original) or Halo (Torque 56, Prime 15 or maybe Freedom Juice). Unfortunately I believe customs will not allow import of products containing nicotine into Canada, so if they check your stuff they will confiscate e-liquid containing nicotine. I'm not entirely sure what to do about that, honestly; I'm not sure even Canadian vendors would carry any liquids that contained nicotine.
Is that a new law? We ordered some last year from Backwoods Brew without any problems.
NOTE: Due to Health Canada regulations - Canadian Orders Zero-0mg Strength Only. For Canadian customers with nicotine place your order here Crystal E Liquid - 100% US-made juice
Here ya go. This is the same one I have.
Hmm tried a pg/vg and a strict vg juice and I still get mad gurgling on this Aqua, even with the juice control all the way down. I've got the channels basically stuffed full with doubled over 1mm wick so I dunno. Maybe bottom coils are just not for me? I am filling it with the airflow closed, capping it, flipping it upside down once assembled, then opening the airflow and righting it before drawing on it. By the second draw it is all sorts of gurgled out and I have to clear it every other pull.
Aha, got it, just had to adjust afc down and clear it while drawing on it tilted down a few times so the juice wasn't constantly reflowing, and turn my voltage up a tad. Wasn't running hot enough to burn all the wicked juice, even with the juice control all the way down. Daaaaamn!
You need the dental floss trick to use other drip tips with this as it's a little wide at the top chimney connection, but other than that I really like it. Oh and it also only holds about 1.6ml of juice which is the least of all tank systems I've seen so far. Fog machine for sure, it will go quickly.
Thanks for the helpful tip, I just tried this method and while it does allow you to put more juice in, I still can't get it to really work very well at all. It is either dry hitting or flooding. I'd probably be more dedicated to getting it to work appropriately if my dual coil gennies weren't such a cakewalk to set up, so I think I'll just shelve it for a while until I get really bored or something. At this point I have 3 other genny tanks to vape that all perform flawlessly so I'm pretty much meh on this, although it is probably my own fault in certain ways as I also was pretty disappointed with my attempts at getting the Fogger clone to vape well, which is also a bottom coil tank system. I had two or three good drags on the Aqua last night and today it was flooded, cleared it, flipped it and put more juice in, etc... fuck it.Someone posted this useful info on Fasttech's discussion page for the Aqua - 3mL + easier fill method
Maybe that will help? Im still on the fence about ordering one, Im still waiting on my ORIGIN from them (which I ordered 32 days ago).
my MVP V2 button blinks/flashes green even after pulling for only a couple seconds.
it's the same flashing that happens after you hit the 10 second pull limit. has anyone had something similar happen to them?
my MVP V2 button blinks/flashes green even after pulling for only a couple seconds.
it's the same flashing that happens after you hit the 10 second pull limit. has anyone had something similar happen to them?
is there any particular reason you prefer the v1 to vape?That hasn't happened to me, but I dont use my v2 that much. The button is horrendous and it gives me way more problems when I connect cartos to it (not firing them.)
I've just been using the v2 for an ohm reader and using the v1 to vape.
yeah that might be it. i haven't had any tanks ever work on my mvp v2 besides the iclear30 it came with. i even tried 4 seperate iclear16's.It has happened a couple of times with my iTaste V3. I know with an Ego it's usually to protect the battery, either if there is a short in the head, if the head is super low/high ohm or if there is a short in the battery itself (this was the case for me -- a loose wire inside).
If it's doing it every time and you've tried multiple tanks/clearo's, I'd guess the battery is faulty.
is there any particular reason you prefer the v1 to vape?
yeah that might be it. i haven't had any tanks ever work on my mvp v2 besides the iclear30 it came with. i even tried 4 seperate iclear16's.
if there is a battery short, do i have to worry about it blowing up in my hand?
I don't think so. I believe the flashing is the short protection, but even then I think it's just to protect itself from further damage rather than an explosion. Shorts are fairly common, and explosions aren't. Don't quote me on this though if you blow your hand off tomorrow.if there is a battery short, do i have to worry about it blowing up in my hand?
My recommendations for someone that is just quitting and still wants something tobacco-like would either be Johnson Creek Smoke Juice (Silverthorn, Tennessee Cured or Original) or Halo (Torque 56, Prime 15 or maybe Freedom Juice). Unfortunately I believe customs will not allow import of products containing nicotine into Canada, so if they check your stuff they will confiscate e-liquid containing nicotine. I'm not entirely sure what to do about that, honestly; I'm not sure even Canadian vendors would carry any liquids that contained nicotine.
Anyone have any interest in a trident clone or protank 2?
The clone has been used twice btw
They do feel really light and have that sort of ring to them when clinking around, so I wouldn't doubt it. To be honest it's kind of jank overall, I think waiting for the HCigar version is a better idea, hope your experience is better than mine anyways.Pete : apparently the aqua clones have brass plated posts and screws. Can you confirm/deny this?
hmm.. well I like it at least.
it is the first tank i've found that doesn't completely clog up with my ave juices. they are by far my favorite vendor. i might give the protank 3 a try for my next purchase. that nautilus is too rich for my blood
Our list is really similar. No order for mine just want to describe what I like about each.
Honestly all of AVE's juices are thick and that's the reason they became my favorite vendor. As I said before I've been a dripper for almost 2 years and dripping with thin juice is a terrible terrible experience. I also don't like PG juices very much they always irritate my throat so I love AVE because almost all of their juices are 100% VG (that's why they are so thick)
Happy to announce that today is exactly ONE YEAR since I've had an analog cigarette.
I think I'm going to give the Davide BDC a shot. It's pretty much the same build as the normal Davide, with a couple changes to allow for the Aspire BDC heads. I'd really like to try the Nautilus but watching PBusardo's Bottom Coil challenge, the sheer size of it would be too much for my iTaste VV, which is now my primary battery. There's just no way I wouldn't end up knocking it over or off of my desk and breaking it.
does anyone know of any "box" style battery mods besides the MVP?
i found this e-power 2200
but theres very little user reviews on it
I know of the Billet Box and The Duke.
What do you have against the MVP?
Well mine is on the fritz after just a few months and I just dont trust innokin's quality contol enough to think it won't happen again.
So do I. But stuff is just so much cheaper. I spent $140 on my nemesis/kayfun clone with charger and battery at my local store that is owned by my wife's family friend. And that's the after discount price. If I wanted to wait, I could have gotten that from fasttech for a fraction of the price. Last week I ordered an ohm reader, nimbus clone, magnets for my nemesis switch, and an atomizer stand all for $18 shipped from fasttech. Now I have to deal with the wait =/I hate waiting for shit to come in from online. This B&M store here has really spoiled me.![]()
E-cigarettes are not a good substitute for real cigarettes, because they still contain nicotine which is highly addictive.
Actors must maintain some degree of social responsibility if they want to be famous and stop promoting products that could be dangerous to the public.
Alright....this new Aspire Nautilus tank is the shit. The only gripe I have is it's a bit big, but really not THAT much bigger than the PT2 so it's a very small issue. The plumes of vapor and not a single burnt hit. Amazing. Also, everyone in this thread needs to go to Halo Vapor and buy their Tiki Juice immediately. Very very very very good. I don't even generally like tobacco based flavors, but this is awesome.
I'v tried the Tiki a while back, wasn't for me.
Really? Man, I love it. So good. Everyone's got different tastes though.