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The Official E-Cigarette Thread Of F#ck Analog Cigarettes

Not a fan of dual coil builds over .8Ω. takes too long to heat up

you could buy a 12mg bottle and a 6 mg bottle and mix 50/50 to be about 9mg if you wanted.

im at 6mg now and could probably go down to 3mg


i have a question folks. so i purchased these wires at my local shop

my regular builds are dual coil 24g kanthal 5 wraps on a 1/8 drill bit. that usually comes out to between 0.2 and 0.3. now with those wires the same build came out to 0.1ohm reading on my vamo (because thats all i have). so i decided to do a 6 wrap. same outcome. then i did a 7 wrap with the same outcome. my vamo doest read to the hundreths place so as far as i can tell, i cant get the resistance up on this thing. im a little sketchy about vaping at 0.1. i know its probably not safe, but can my mnke handle that? should i definitely go for a sony vtc batt?


Well...you should definitely be using one of those VTC batteries anyway if your rockin sub ohm builds. You should also invest in an actual ohm meter. They're les than 20 bucks.
i think the MKNE pulse up to 60 amp, but you would want to do some research before attempting a build like that.

you should have an ohm reader that's a bit more accurate than a vamo as well


i think the MKNE pulse up to 60 amp, but you would want to do some research before attempting a build like that.

you should have an ohm reader that's a bit more accurate than a vamo as well

definitely noted on the ohm reader. a quick googleing confirms that yes the mnke has a max pulse discharge of 60a. is that sufficient enough? would you guys recommend a different battery?
definitely noted on the ohm reader. a quick googleing confirms that yes the mnke has a max pulse discharge of 60a. is that sufficient enough? would you guys recommend a different battery?

depends on a lot of things, really. i have no business going anywhere that low. bunch of cloud chasers have with varying success

i dont like going under .5, and it's a rare occasion i even do that. now that I vape exclusively on a DNA 30 chip, I really have little reason to vape under .8


quick question,

I have a bottom coil tank that I got from the local shop. Looks like this...

Question being, the place where I buy my supplies has the Kanger Protank II Set for $13.99. Which seems like a great deal seeing as how it sells for $25ish at my local shop. Is it worth it? Will it make a difference?

Inquiring minds want to know! :)
quick question,

I have a bottom coil tank that I got from the local shop. Looks like this...

Question being, the place where I buy my supplies has the Kanger Protank II Set for $13.99. Which seems like a great deal seeing as how it sells for $25ish at my local shop. Is it worth it? Will it make a difference?

Inquiring minds want to know! :)

The ones in the picture are Kanger EVODs.

If your place sells legit Kanger EVODs then I would just stick with those. I've heard terrible things about the Pro Tank II

Pro Tank III is supposed to be good, however.
protank 3s stink, but the aerotanks are supposed to be decent

would be worth checking out a protank 2 if you like the evod. changing drip tips is nice


well, the only thing I knew about them was they were sold as "MT3S"

which a quick google seems to show them as Kangers.

so I guess i'll stay put. though ima get replacement coils from elsewhere...


Question being, the place where I buy my supplies has the Kanger Protank II Set for $13.99. Which seems like a great deal seeing as how it sells for $25ish at my local shop. Is it worth it? Will it make a difference?

Inquiring minds want to know! :)
i went from a evod clone (vision vtox) to a mini protank 2. i liked the protank 2 much more simply because the draw wasnt as tight as the evod clone. other than that, i thought they performed the same. also, the replacement heads for the evods are cheaper.
Got my infinite Stillaire in yesterday from the AoC group buy.

This thing is awesome. Build quality is top notch, drip tip is great also.

In regards the my 6mg juice issue I posted above... 10/11 wrap 29 gauge dual coil that came in at 1.1ohms.

I like the throat hit on that on the stillaire. The problem is.... it is still really "airy" even with both holes almost closed. I like a tight draw on my attys. I'm finding it hard to get a good air hole size:vapor:throat hit ratio.

I don't think I want to go lower ohms so I can open up the air holes. I'm nervous to go below 1.0 ohm. This thing already gets hot after a few long drags.

I'm using authentic Smoktech Mangetos and Smoktech Natural.

Battery is Eftest IMR
The Atty getting hot is a non-issue. Its the mod/battery u need to worry about.

I wouldnt go dual coil over .8 ohms. I think you just waste juice then.

Honestly, if you like a tight draw a dripper probably isn't you atomizer of choice. The holes are open like that to keep up with sub ohm builds. I'm sure you could tape the holes a bit but I couldn't imagine still using a dripper if that were the case.

You seem like a mouth to lung guy. Drippers are more for lung hitters
The Atty getting hot is a non-issue. Its the mod/battery u need to worry about.

I wouldnt go dual coil over .8 ohms. I think you just waste juice then.

Honestly, if you like a tight draw a dripper probably isn't you atomizer of choice. The holes are open like that to keep up with sub ohm builds. I'm sure you could tape the holes a bit but I couldn't imagine still using a dripper if that were the case.

You seem like a mouth to lung guy. Drippers are more for lung hitters

I love my Igo-W to death. I use an Igo-L single top cap with the hole just slightly larger than stock. Its nice and tight and perfect for me.

I'm thinking dual coils probably just isn't for me. Maybe I'll stick to just singles.

Yes, I'm a mouth to lung guy.
Anyone else do this: After watching TV for a few hours, realize you've stockpiled mods on the coffee table for no reason.

i've down sized considerably. all i have left is 3 hanas and one mech mod (stingray)

i'll probably be getting a couple of the hana clones when they are readily available. not sure if I'll get rid of any of the legit ones.


this is kind of a shot in the dark, but does anybody happen to have an Aspire Nautilus tank? I have no idea how to get my atomizer out of this thing. and my google fu skills aren't helping either
this is kind of a shot in the dark, but does anybody happen to have an Aspire Nautilus tank? I have no idea how to get my atomizer out of this thing. and my google fu skills aren't helping either

Hold glass, Unscrew entire bottom section. Head Unscrews out from there, counter clockwise
The ol' lady been hating on me since I don't wanna smoke the hookah anymore since I started vaping.

So I just ordered her some 0mg juice. Gonna build her a dripper with huge air holes.


How quickly do people go through their cartomizers on a Nicolite eCig ? I'm seemingly going through 1 a day at the moment :S

Never heard of that brand but looking at the pics online it seems to be similar to Blu.

Honestly, those things are sketchy at best. Very little taste and very little vapor production. I would recommend getting something like an EGO with a EVOD atty. A little bigger initial investment but probably cheaper in the long run and will perform better and you'll be more satisfied.

However, if what your using keeps you off the analogs then more power to ya. Sorry I don't have better advice for the Nicolite.

Pete Rock

The ol' lady been hating on me since I don't wanna smoke the hookah anymore since I started vaping.

So I just ordered her some 0mg juice. Gonna build her a dripper with huge air holes.
I saw a cool e-hookah style design at a juice bar, it was basically all the electronics packed into a lunch box which was plugged into a wall. The "hoses" from the outside of the case provided downstream power to the little sample tank gennies they screwed into place. It was pretty nifty. You could probably build one if form factor and that type of connectivity/anchoring was crucial to her experience.

It is a really funny feeling to turn down smoke of any kind though. Best to convert them up instead of downgrading though, that much is for sure.


I don't think they were ever advertised as harmless. LESS harmful, yes, but no one believes they are harm free.

This isn't new at all.

From The Article:
The devices, which are rapidly gaining a foothold in popular culture particularly among youth, are marketed as a healthier alternative to tobacco smoking, as an effective tool to stop smoking, and as a way to circumvent smoke-free laws by allowing users to “smoke anywhere.” Often the ads stress that e-cigarettes produce only “harmless water vapor.”

But in their analysis of the marketing, health and behavioral effects of the products, which are unregulated, the UCSF scientists found that e-cigarette use is associated with significantly lower odds of quitting cigarettes. They also found that while the data are still limited, e-cigarette emissions “are not merely ‘harmless water vapor,’ as is frequently claimed, and can be a source of indoor air pollution.

The long-term biological effects of use are still unknown, the authors said.

In tackling the question of whether e-cigarette use is helping or harming the nation’s tobacco control efforts, the authors analyzed 84 research studies on e-cigarettes and other related scientific materials.

These authors read a bunch of old studies that are based on a lot of odd claims. Most E-cig companies do not market it as a cessation device, they don't say it's water vapor, and they don't advertise it as a way to get around smoke-free laws. People themselves sometimes say these things but it's not in marketing materials or advertisements (that I've seen).

I've yet to see a study that has concrete evidence of any health risks beyond Nicotine. And there won't be one for awhile because it takes years to get a decent amount of data to reach a reasonable conclusion.


My friend decided to grab an e-cig to cut down on smoking, so I thought I'd join in on the fun. I've been using an EVOD with an ego battery, and it's been pretty good so far.

A couple questions:

I've been looking into getting a Kanger PT2 mini, and recoiling it myself. How many ohms should I shoot for with a 3.7-4.4V battery? 32 or 30g kanthal?

Also, can someone recommend a good grape ejuice? All the B&M stores around me are pretty lackluster. 0-6mg nicotine :)

Thanks! I'm definitely enjoying this
Lobby Hobby for about 7 bucks, there was a 50% discount to 3.5 but shipping made it about 10 total. Totally worth it IMO. Doesn't hit quite as hard as my Stingray but its getting real close now. Gonna try it on my Neme tonight.
Long story short, I vaped years ago, lost my e-cig, went back to smoking. Hung out with a friend that still vapes last weekend and he gave me a vivi nova tank/atomizer that I put on an old 510 battery from way back. I upgraded the battery to an ego c twist and I'm pretty happy with it for now, but want to put an order together for some better equipment. Should I go straight to a mod and rebuildable?


just got back from home depot and doing my panzer. pretty dramatic difference. this is what they have over there

$7.49 you can check their website if they have it in stock around you. itll tell you which isle its in too. its found in the garden section.
I went through a bit of a minor cloud chasing phase and now I'm trying to get back to simply maximizing flavor.

Any recommended builds? Mechanical mod + Kayfun/Taifun/RDA is what I run (all three). I was running as low as 0.7ohm 26ga nano coils for clouds, but I'm finding 1.4+ is working better for flavor. I'm having a hard time getting over 1.5 ohms with 28ga, if I make too many wraps my coils are getting sloppy.
I went through a bit of a minor cloud chasing phase and now I'm trying to get back to simply maximizing flavor.

Any recommended builds? Mechanical mod + Kayfun/Taifun/RDA is what I run (all three). I was running as low as 0.7ohm 26ga nano coils for clouds, but I'm finding 1.4+ is working better for flavor. I'm having a hard time getting over 1.5 ohms with 28ga, if I make too many wraps my coils are getting sloppy.

29 gauge is my slap. Get my Kayfun to about 1.5/1.6 and slap it on a mod. Cotton.

The flavors I taste from it cannot be replicated in anything else that I use.
Long story short, I vaped years ago, lost my e-cig, went back to smoking. Hung out with a friend that still vapes last weekend and he gave me a vivi nova tank/atomizer that I put on an old 510 battery from way back. I upgraded the battery to an ego c twist and I'm pretty happy with it for now, but want to put an order together for some better equipment. Should I go straight to a mod and rebuildable?

Depends if its your thing really. If you're down to learn how to rebuild and such, it gives you a much better vaping experience IMO. If you don't want to invest so much time to it, a VW/VV mod with a non-rebuildable tank like a Nautilus or a Aerotank Mega would be fine.
Long story short, I vaped years ago, lost my e-cig, went back to smoking. Hung out with a friend that still vapes last weekend and he gave me a vivi nova tank/atomizer that I put on an old 510 battery from way back. I upgraded the battery to an ego c twist and I'm pretty happy with it for now, but want to put an order together for some better equipment. Should I go straight to a mod and rebuildable?

Nice job on the C Twist.

The vivi nova is pretty out dated at this point. The hottest new kid on the block is the Kanger Aerotank Mega... or Mini for something smaller. Get that bad boy to upgrade your Vivi Nova.

But as mentioned above, if you want to get into rebuildables, it will change your vaping experience for the better.
Nice job on the C Twist.

The vivi nova is pretty out dated at this point. The hottest new kid on the block is the Kanger Aerotank Mega... or Mini for something smaller. Get that bad boy to upgrade your Vivi Nova.

But as mentioned above, if you want to get into rebuildables, it will change your vaping experience for the better.

Looks like my wife wants to vape as well, so I'll probably get some aerotank supplies for both of us, and an rba for myself to tinker with. The one thing don't like is the cost of VV mods. I wish there was a simple twist style mod. I know I could get a kick, but it looks like most of the inexpensive ones are sold out, just letting the $45 versions of what's probably a $5 chip.
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