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The Official E-Cigarette Thread Of F#ck Analog Cigarettes

That battery puts out a consistant 3.7 volts.

Look into a battery that is "Variable Voltage." One of the best ones on the market are the eGo C Twist, and the other is the eGo Vision Spinner. These will allow you to determine how much voltage you want coming out of the battery. More voltage equals more throat punch.

You may also need a stronger juice. Do you know how many mg (miligrams) the juice you are vaping is?

Sorry, can't help you with who will ship to Sweden

It was 12mgs, thinking of buying 18mg but don't know if it's worth it with this kind of cigarette.

Will look into the eGo C Twist. :)


Built like a tank. Hitting like a bitch. Applying copper tape now.
Ok, apparently this version does not have a locking switch, and supposedly doesn't suffer from voltage drop. The fire button is recessed, doesn't activate when you put it down.

So tore up my hands and put a scratch on this thing for nothing. Oh well.

I purchased it from the Instagram account Vapers_Room

Second mod from them. Good prices and they ship fast.

This black hawk is built like a tank. Threads will get some lube tomorrow but I'm very happy with it.
I got a Kanger Aerotank mega, and for the first day I really liked it, but now all my juice is turning black inside it. (The juice is clear, Dragon Fruit from MtBakerVapor)

Like, disgustingly black and the taste gets funky too. I swear I have the worst luck with these damn things.

Anyone else having this issue?
I got a Kanger Aerotank mega, and for the first day I really liked it, but now all my juice is turning black inside it. (The juice is clear, Dragon Fruit from MtBakerVapor)

Like, disgustingly black and the taste gets funky too. I swear I have the worst luck with these damn things.

Anyone else having this issue?

I've specifically had this issue with Mt Baker's Dragon Fruit flavor. In my Protank 2 and in my Phoenix Clearos. Unless you've used that juice in another tank or carto and not that that happen, I think it's the juice.
I've specifically had this issue with Mt Baker's Dragon Fruit flavor. In my Protank 2 and in my Phoenix Clearos. Unless you've used that juice in another tank or carto and not that that happen, I think it's the juice.

Hmm, interesting. I'll clean it out and try another juice and see if it does the same thing. Thanks!

Pete Rock

I am not familiar with that tank/replacement wick consruction, but is it because the wicks are gunked up? Juice will always turn a few shades darker over time due to being exposed to oxygen and heat but if your coils are totally gunked up it will wick some of that back down into the tank as well. I try to dry burn my genesis rebuildable atomizers before this starts to happen, where the gunk is up near the tip of the coil and not down near the wick hole if that makes sense. The gunk basically looks black and you can see it floating in the juice if it doesn't get burned off before some pulls down into the tank.
Yeah, one of my juices gets the coils extra black and tar-looking after a week or so of dripping. The juice is already a dark color so I'm sure I could'nt notice it in a tank anyway if the coil gunk was turning the juice color.


anybody have any advice for cleaning tanks? i stupidly put some cheap juice in my Nautilus and it tasted like complete ass.. i emptied it, put in a new atomizer, and put some better juice in. but the taste won't go away for anything. i'm going to take it apart and just wash the thing and leave it to dry for a few days.. but i was wondering if there was a better way to go about it
I use 91% isopropyl alcohol from CVS and soak it all there for an hour, then I use dawn and hot water for the next hour, followed by just straight hot water for another.


Trying to choose between an EVOD VV(3 - 4.2v) and EGO Twist(3.3 - 4.8v). Which do people prefer , and does the EGOS higher voltage make any diference?


Trying to choose between an EVOD VV(3 - 4.2v) and EGO Twist(3.3 - 4.8v). Which do people prefer , and does the EGOS higher voltage make any diference?

Go with the Twist. The higher voltage range will allow you to better use slightly higher resistance attachments if necessary.
Trying to choose between an EVOD VV(3 - 4.2v) and EGO Twist(3.3 - 4.8v). Which do people prefer , and does the EGOS higher voltage make any diference?

Yeah, the restriction on 4.2v can make a world of difference. I have tons of stuff that I HAVE to pump out 4.6-4.8 volts for.

So go for the Twist
Well shit. Been vaping Bryce's Vanilla Creme Custard (that I got from ECF) like crazy.

I put in my first order from them, on the order form notes section it says, "special instructions, sample requests."

I asked for a sample of Cinnamon Danish, he gave me a whole 15ml bottle.

This guy is legit. If any of you guys are into creamy desert vapes, check him out.


So far I've tried Vanilla Creme Custard, Cinnamon Danish, Strawberry Creme Flan, Banana Creme Pudding. All are fucking delicious.


bah.. so i took apart and cleaned my nautilus tank, and the thing is vaping amazingly,,, but the mouthpiece won't screw back on, like at all. I checked all the e-cigarette forums and came up with nothing. I'm using the mouthpiece that came with the tank by the way
bah.. so i took apart and cleaned my nautilus tank, and the thing is vaping amazingly,,, but the mouthpiece won't screw back on, like at all. I checked all the e-cigarette forums and came up with nothing. I'm using the mouthpiece that came with the tank by the way

My mouthpiece doesn't screw in, just pushed in.

If you're talking I about the whole top assembly that screws onto the glass, then yeah I had a problem with that also when I got it but just finagled with it for a while and got it.
I'm about to purchase my first mech mod, the SS Magneto with a RSST. I'll get two Sony VTC5 batteries with a Pila charger and already have mesh from themeshcompany. What gauge kanthal should I consider buying? I was leaning towards 26 gauge, 100 foot roll from amazon.
I'm about to purchase my first mech mod, the SS Magneto with a RSST. I'll get two Sony VTC5 batteries with a Pila charger and already have mesh from themeshcompany. What gauge kanthal should I consider buying? I was leaning towards 26 gauge, 100 foot roll from amazon.

That's all preference. I use 29 and shoot for 1.5ohms, it's about 7 wraps.

100ft is a lot. Maybe get a few different gauges in 50ft lengths. Ebay has them if amazon doesn't.

I feel like mesh is so last year, gotta get on that cotton.


yep thats gonna be all preference. its going to take some time to find out what you want out of your build. i started on 28ga dual coils at .5 ohms. now im at 24ga .2 ohms.

4nine SS mod clone (18350 tube w/o extensions) with Origen V2 clone and old Stingray clone drip tip.

Don't use button top batteries with the 4nine as they recommend, it's most likely to autofire when you screw the top cap down.

Use flat top batteries but MAKE SURE the center pin screw in the 510 pin on your atomizer is adjusted to extend down past the top cap of the mod into the battery chamber. The flat top should only make contact with the center pin screw. Do this right and you won't autofire and you will not have risk of shorting as well.
Thats a handsome setup.

Super pocketable, too. You aren't likely to have any leaking as long as you don't pocket it right after you drip. It's a single coil build but with the organic cotton wick pulled into both sides of the connected double well. Keep the cotton light and fluffy, don't stuff it, but include enough to keep the well relatively full. Chances of leaking can be further reduced by rotating the outer sleeve of the RDA to temporarily block the airholes, though I rarely feel the need to bother.


Built a dual coil .7 ohm build with organic cotton wicking in my IGO-T. Hit's like a champ but gets hot as fuck after a couple hits. I need more airflow badly.

I got this jam in the mail today

On sale on Amazon for like $16. Every vape site charges over $30.


I have the same one. Seems a little glitchy. Sometimes it won't charge in certain ports.


Junior Member
So stoked to be getting my batteries and Turtle Ship V2 next week. Infinite Stillare and drip tip came in today. First mod after using an Ego and iClear 30B (now Pro Tank Mini 2) for a little over four months.
I have 3 legit hanas. I'm waiting for the hana clones to be readily available. Will probably replace all 3 then.

Got in on the zenith v2 group buy. 9 AFC rings and 9 drip tips included lol
I have 3 legit hanas. I'm waiting for the hana clones to be readily available. Will probably replace all 3 then.

Got in on the zenith v2 group buy. 9 AFC rings and 9 drip tips included lol

You don't know how hard it was for me not to get in on that. Zenith v2 was on my "list" for a while.

But after having recently picked up the Stillaire, Quasar, and Magma I couldn't justify getting another dripper.
You don't know how hard it was for me not to get in on that. Zenith v2 was on my "list" for a while.

But after having recently picked up the Stillaire, Quasar, and Magma I couldn't justify getting another dripper.

the AFC + drip tips were a no brainer. I probably wont like it as much as the magma, but I was pretty underwhelmed with the stillare and quasar.

the quasar is the nicer of the two, but is not in the same ball park as the magma. the stillare is only dual coil and the post holes are microscopic

the zenith with allow me room enough to do some of the crazy builds im into doing. i can probably move the drip tips and wind up getting the atty for almost free.

if i move some of the AFC rings i'll probably make out on the deal


using a dripper with a single coil....does the amount of cotton matter? i used a longer piece of cotton this time figuring it would hold more juice but i feel like i'm getting less vapor. does that usually happen?
I'm pretty in love with my Tobh V2 clone from Cigreen right now.

Just ordered a Cherry Vape Cloud Chaser drip tip too since everyone seems to have one and it looks sweet on a Tobh.


after building on a couple of my friends TOBH clones, i can honestly say that i HATE building on them. i like center post builds, and that tab that blocks the center drives me nuts. it forces me to build on the outside of the posts and i cant wick it nicely. i do enjoy the flavor that the tobh produces but definitely prefer the space that the stillare gives me. also have a zenith clone (not from the aoc gb) and a brass stillare that should be in m mailbox next week. heres to hoping that the zenith performs.
using a dripper with a single coil....does the amount of cotton matter? i used a longer piece of cotton this time figuring it would hold more juice but i feel like i'm getting less vapor. does that usually happen?

Hrmm, are you blocking access to the coil with the cotton?

The cotton should run through the coil and the excess cotton run underneath the coil (if you have room) or on the other side of the coil near the posts. You don't want any cotton between the coil and the air hole.
Been using the stillare in dual coil mode (duh) with dual tiger coils at .3

i have to say, i think that dripper sucks for flavor

or rather, it's terrible when compared to the magma. its good for clouds with the massive air flow, but I wouldn't recommend it


i agree about the flavor of the stillare. even my patriot clone gives out better flavor. kind of growing tired of cloud chasing and im really eyeing the magma. but if i do, thatll make my count 5 attys and 3 mods. its like a sickness =\
i agree about the flavor of the stillare. even my patriot clone gives out better flavor. kind of growing tired of cloud chasing and im really eyeing the magma. but if i do, thatll make my count 5 attys and 3 mods. its like a sickness =\

you won't want to use anything else when you get one. you'll probably bring your atty count down to one after that

im just waiting to purchase a third. im hoping the zenith v2 clone is at least comparable
Yeah all of the Hana clones are on pre-order now but I'm waiting for them to release a light blue one.

I just got on the AoC buy for the Pegasus lol.


chenith came in. kind of a stalemate between it and the stillare imo. magma, im coming for you.

edit: i take back that initial impression. after a bit more time, its showing its stripes. definitely more denser vape and more flavor.
Question for those who have regulated devices like the DNA30 boxmods and such: other than super super low sub ohms, is there a reason (other than aesthetics) to use a mech over it? Does 30 watts on a .5 coil hit as hard as say, a copper mod with a .5 coil at full battery?

I signed up for a Canamod DNA30 preorder at elev8vape which will get to me in about 2-3 weeks since Hana is going apeshit and suing a lot of vendors.

Pete Rock

Question for those who have regulated devices like the DNA30 boxmods and such: other than super super low sub ohms, is there a reason (other than aesthetics) to use a mech over it? Does 30 watts on a .5 coil hit as hard as say, a copper mod with a .5 coil at full battery?
"30 watts" is arrived at by using two "variables", the voltage output and the ohm resistance of the atomizer. All variable devices started out as "VV" or variable voltage, now things have switched to variable wattage but the principal for end use is the same.

If you are using a mech you are always limited to 3.7V averaged output (minus hot off the charger differences ie +/0.2-5, minus voltage sag differences, etc) x whatever low resistance ohm atomizer you build. This is because that's the raw output of the battery with purely mechanical connections enabling discharge without any circuitry in between to modify the current. I don't know offhand what that would equate to in wattage but I'm sure you could find out relatively easily. It is nowhere near 30 watts with a mech and just a single cell, although this is why if you do choose to sub-ohm on a mech you need a battery with a significantly higher amperage draw rate otherwise it will be compromised and vent.

It's uncanny.
Yes but instead of killing people in a fictional universe these save lives in the very real here and now! Other than that exactly the same!


Just picked up a Kanger Aerotank Mega, to sit on top of my Provari Mini. It looks fantastic and performs flawlessly, as far as I can tell. The adjustable airflow is a dream, and it absolutely shits all over the Protank. Got a beauty ring coming to help it sit flush too. I can see myself using this very regularly.



My beauty ring arrived. It looks so much better!


It fits perfectly in my hand.


And bonus bling:


24 hours on, and it is performing perfectly. I cannot recommend trying one enough.

Pete Rock

So I'm pretty sure I am totally hooked on Virgin Vapors! Kona Milkshake was absolutely perfect and then I transitioned into Pillow Dreams which is pure marshmallow. I was kind of skeptical on this at first, but once I dialed in the voltage and figured the wicking rate was a little different than my last set of juices, I was in heaven. Clouds of marshmallow vapor? Please and thank you! I decided to switch it up and instead of going right into the black cherry marshmallow flavor I loaded up a clean tank of vanilla blackberry swirl. I was like got'damn! Amazing! These juices are so robust and mature, going to try out a bunch more new flavors next time I reorder.

I need to figure out how to get a good build on my Aqua and start using more of my devices, I've been in kind of a single tank funk lately.
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