when you guys build coils, do you angle them or have them horizontal? personally, i leave mine horizontal.7
Decided to try out the Magma again now that I have a regulated device. Any build suggestions for single coil?
i like thug juice :shrug:
Just got my Kayfun Lite Plus. Never built a coil in my life. Did this one in less than 10 minutes. Hit 1.6Ohms. Running it at 4.2v on my Provari.
Mother of God.
Did you get one? I've heard some good things.
I asked them if they had any interest in carrying some of the higher end juices like Five Pawns, Lazarus, etc. but he quickly stated, "That shits 'Tank Juice'."
Oh well.
Got my first Zamplebox order today.
Not familiar with many US juices, so I don't know what is supposed to be good or not but 90ml of juice for £27 is incredible value in the UK, especially with this variety. Only tried Cosmonaut so far and it's a fantastic fruity vape. Absolutely packed with flavour.
If you wanna give them a try I'd recommend doing it soon too. They're raising their prices in the near future but all early member accounts get locked at the current price.
I'm someone who likes 1 out of every 10 juices I try. I have a foundation of 4 or 5 flavors that I absolutely love and couldn't see myself continuing to buy those 4 or 5 and then pay for these every month.
I've been burned (see: threw money out the window) way too many times on juices that I don't like.
New to this thread, it's very helpful, but also complicated.
Smoke cigarettes, have tried disposables, and bought option 2 from the OP a year ago (It was ok, but a bit bigger than I hoped), but it got lost.
Hoping to help my wife and I stop smoking. Is this a good option for the battery? eGo C Twist Variable Voltage
Am thinking of a standard clearomizer and can't decide between Aerotank mini or Protank2 for me. Would I notice a difference?
Also, my wife's sister had something like a hookah pen., Can we just add liquid without nicotine for the same results? If i wanted to use Hash Oil, Would I just buy a separate Clearomizer for that?
Right now Mods look extremely complicated, so trying to keep it simple but effective.
Welcome. Sorry about your bad experience last year... lets get it right this time.
- That battery you have above is PERFECT.
- You will notice a difference with any different thing you screw onto it. The Aerotank Mini is a great device. Stay away from the ProTank II.
--- The other new kid on the block that is getting RAVE reviews is the ASPIRE NAUTILUS MINI. So you may want to get that instead of the Aerotank Mini.
- I dont know about the Hash oil.
- You can get juice in zero nicotine and smoke it like a hookah (where you take it right into your lungs as you breath in.)
Thanks for the info. The Nautilus Mini looks really good. Is the process for replacing coils (in general) long and complicated? Should I be buying 1.6 or 1.8 ohm?
Welcome. Sorry about your bad experience last year... lets get it right this time.
- That battery you have above is PERFECT.
- You will notice a difference with any different thing you screw onto it. The Aerotank Mini is a great device. Stay away from the ProTank II.
--- The other new kid on the block that is getting RAVE reviews is the ASPIRE NAUTILUS MINI. So you may want to get that instead of the Aerotank Mini.
- I dont know about the Hash oil.
- You can get juice in zero nicotine and smoke it like a hookah (where you take it right into your lungs as you breath in.)
Good advice, but I'd throw in this note:
If you aren't vaping "tank crackers" (liquids that are known to crack plastic) I'd also highly recommend the tried and true EVOD tanks. (They come in a variety of variants, single, or dual-coil, and even including a glass tank now--but I haven't tried it.) For a newer vaper who wants good flavor but doesn't want to spend a whole bunch of $$$ upfront, or wants several tanks for several flavors right away, they are a pretty awesome deal.
Personally, I'd go that route, at least at first. I think it's more important to zero in on what juices work for you at first. Having a variety of juices in a few tanks there when you need them speeds that process up greatly, and will avoid any frustration that might have you reaching back for the analogs.
When you get to the point that you know which juices work for you, then you can concentrate on more advanced tank concerns if you need to down the road. Going to something like an Aerotank or Nautius is great, but it's kinda like audiophile equipment. You are paying a whole heap of money to squeeze out like 10-15% better performance.
EVODs are well overrated, if you ask me. Which none of you did.
can I still vape liquid that has become brown inside the cartridge? It's been there for a few days now and it's sort of brown now.
I'm into week two with no analogs. Had a Joyetech eGo-C for over a year but it really didn't do the trick to quit. I've since upgraded to a Nautilus Mini with a iTaste MVP.
One thing I have noticed right away is I had to drop from 18mg down to 12 or 6 mg. Most 12mg I am finding way too harsh. So I'll mix 6mg with 12mg of either the same flavor or similar. I was a pack a day smoker and everyone at the shop said probably 18mg but it was knocking me on my ass. Been sampling a lot of different juices are various local B&Ms in and around Montreal. Found the tobacco ones I tried early on way too sweet. All seemed to have a strong maple taste to them. I've moved on to more fruit flavors now. Been using this Orange Creamsicle one that's pretty good.
I got an aspire BDC and it's missing a part that makes it look less awkward.
Here's what I bought, from gotvapes.com:
Note that you can see the screw that screws in the coil or whatever it's called. In all the video reviews it looks different though, there's an extra covering part, like this:
It looks dumb without that covering. Where do I get a covering, or buy a new one with a covering? What is that covering called?
Is your Kayfun new? I found that the juice I usually vape tasted like shit in my KFL clone until I soaked it in vodka overnight.So did anyone else find themselves not enjoying their daily e-liquid when they switched to rebuildables?
I've been using Legend from Heather's Heavenly Vapes exclusively for almost two years. But ... In this Kayfun it tastes bad. Really purfumey and almost... oily. I can't understand it other than I'm now getting the full flavor profile of the e-liquid.
Any rebuildables users out there that use tobacco flavored juices? If so, any suggestions?
Aw dammit. I feel partly responsible.So I soaked the Kayfun in some alcohol overnight. I took it all the way apart and removed all the o-rings and insulators and set those aside while the metal pieces soaked.
This morning I went to rinse the parts and dropped the center pin screw down the sink. Guess I'm back on the Nautilus till my new center pin screw gets here. haha.
So I soaked the Kayfun in some alcohol overnight. I took it all the way apart and removed all the o-rings and insulators and set those aside while the metal pieces soaked.
This morning I went to rinse the parts and dropped the center pin screw down the sink. Guess I'm back on the Nautilus till my new center pin screw gets here. haha.
So I soaked the Kayfun in some alcohol overnight. I took it all the way apart and removed all the o-rings and insulators and set those aside while the metal pieces soaked.
This morning I went to rinse the parts and dropped the center pin screw down the sink. Guess I'm back on the Nautilus till my new center pin screw gets here. haha.
Aw dammit. I feel partly responsible.
Sold.Powow sauce by Manabush... goddamn, might be my favourite juice of all time. Supposed to be a sweet caramel/custard with a tobacco base... tastes like sticky toffee pudding with custard to me. I've read a few people say it's the UK's equivalent to Boba's Bounty. I haven't tried BB, but regardless this is a stunning juice.
What setup do you use man?