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The Official E-Cigarette Thread Of F#ck Analog Cigarettes


Just put in a pre-order today for the VaporShark rDNA (40D version). Been thinking about upgrading from my MVP2 for a while now, and the previous rDNA was at the top of my list for the past few months.

I need a good rebuildable to go on top of this thing. I'm not sure yet whether I want to go with a regular RDA or something like the Russian; I'm a mouth-to-lung kind of vaper and I generally don't prefer open/airy draws. Right now I'm looking at either the Magma or the Russian V2.

Any recommendations for rebuildables in general would be appreciated. I'll probably only run single coil setups so it doesn't need to have a dual/quad deck setup.

Both are good, but I'd probably go with the Russian unless there's a compelling reason to get a dripper. The flavor will be almost as good as the Magma, and you get all the benefits of having a tank.


Both are good, but I'd probably go with the Russian unless there's a compelling reason to get a dripper. The flavor will be almost as good as the Magma, and you get all the benefits of having a tank.

I think that is what I'm going to do, and also throw in an IGO-W+ just to have a regular RDA around if I feel like dripping.

Edit - Actually I'm going to wait on the Russian until the next Kayfun comes out and I see which one of those winds up being a better buy. In the meantime I grabbed a 454 Big Block to mess with.

Pete Rock

Milk and Honey by Cosmic Fog. Believe the hype.

It's life changing.
I really don't need more juice in my life right now but my local shop just picked this up and I read your post this morning and... yes. Yes I agree with everything you said. Going to switch over to this soon as I run out of Chronos. Yummmmmm.

I did not like Church from Cosmic Fog as much as I thought I would based on the description. Might have to revisit it again down the road.

Oh that reminds me of another really nice flavor I ran through a bottle of on the road: Classified - Indulge which says on the label "custard pudding cake" pretty much yes

Although it was my first "custard" so I may not know what is good in that regard ~


Just picked up the Vision Spinner 2 at my neighborhood vape shop. Seems to be a pretty good battery. Packed in an aspire clearomizer too! This is a huge step up from the cheap battery i picked up from the gas station a couple months ago. Im down to 1 or 2 cigarettes a day so I am hoping, with a decent battery, I can cut smoking out all togeather!

I also just got the vision spinner 2 with a vivi nova tank. I've tried blus and some other products, but this setup I've got now is the closest to smoking an actual cigarette I can find. Highly recommended.
I've got the MVP2 and the Vision Spinner 2 and I feel like my Nautilus Mini hits better off the Spinner 2 at the same voltage. I prefer the longer battery life over slightly better performance though.
CLR is definitely #1

i thought gambit, grandmaster, absolute pin were all good from their normal line

lucena is probably my #2, then castle long and perpetual check

never got to try 64 which is unfortunate

i don't care for queenside. not into orange vapes
No, it's Vapeclub. Who are apparently even more expensive. Great range though and free shipping. Got some Castle Long and Milk and Honey headed my way. Very exciting.

Nice, yeah they seem to have a really good selection. I noticed UKECigStore have Milk and Honey too at £15.99 for 30ml. Might have to pick some up, the description sounds wonderful.


I mean, they were a little north of 10 bucks each, but I just got my Plume Veil and Big Dripper clones from Fasttech and the quality is so astoundingly poor that I'm not even going to put coils in them.


I am definitely in the market for a new RDA. I don't want anything that's too complicated to build, but do want good flavour, to get the most out of these premium juices, plenty of vapor, and I want it to look the part. I'm thinking a Zenith V2 or a Quasar. Any thoughts?
I am definitely in the market for a new RDA. I don't want anything that's too complicated to build, but do want good flavour, to get the most out of these premium juices, plenty of vapor, and I want it to look the part. I'm thinking a Zenith V2 or a Quasar. Any thoughts?

The Magma has produced the best flavor out of any RDA's that I have tried. I have an infinite clone and its great.

I have a Tobeco clone Quasar and its absolutely dogshit.

I've heard good things about the Zenith V2. Haven't tried one.


I am definitely in the market for a new RDA. I don't want anything that's too complicated to build, but do want good flavour, to get the most out of these premium juices, plenty of vapor, and I want it to look the part. I'm thinking a Zenith V2 or a Quasar. Any thoughts?

you want a plume veil. excellent flavor and vapor. it has been my favorite rda since i got it. mine is a clone and recently one of the positive post holes got stripped, so ive reverted back to my zenith v2. the zenith was my go to before i got the plume veil. great little rda and id highly recommend it. flavor isnt as good as the plume veil, but still pretty good and i think its one of the better looking rdas out there. headed to vapecon tomorrow and hoping to pick up an authentic plume veil 1.5. ive also taken a liking to the orchid rta. it hits like a decent dripper but has a tank. i take it with me when ive got an extended drive ahead of me.


Infinite Magma clone is flawless. 10/10
Great. The Infinite stuff tends to review well. I think I might pick them both up.

Edit: Just tried out my new juices. Milk and Honey's pretty good. Perhaps a bit sickly, but I'll stick with it.

I'm more impressed with Castle Long. It's pretty heavy, but it's got impressive depth of flavour. But is there alcohol in this?! I know it has bourbon flavouring, but I'm getting a pretty distinct ethanol-type favour, like you get in shitty pear drops and nail polish.


I have a black infinite magma, good quality except for the post screws. One of the screws heads is larger than the other. No biggie as it it doesn't affect anything at all. But all my infinite stuff has been top notch. If I get a clone, I wait for infinite to clone it and buy theirs.


I'm more impressed with Castle Long. It's pretty heavy, but it's got impressive depth of flavour. But is there alcohol in this?! I know it has bourbon flavouring, but I'm getting a pretty distinct ethanol-type favour, like you get in shitty pear drops and nail polish.

I got the same taste from it. It was also a little present in their Queenside, I thought, but it's stronger in the Castle Long.

There's a very similar e-liquid to Castle Long called The Gentleman's Reserve from The Steam Co that I actually like a little better. Doesn't have that same note.


my vapecon ontario haul

sigelei 100w
authentic plume veil 1.5
infinite clt
stillare v3 clone by tobeco
whole bunch of juice.

this is my first box mod and my initial impressions are overwhelmingly positive. the power delivery seems so smooth and consistent compared to my mech mods. i can tell im going to love this thing. i loved my plume veil clone so much, i bought an authentic 1.5. really cant say enough good things about the plume veil. if you dont have one yet, get one!
Got a new job recently and have been way too liberal with blowing it on vape stuff.

If you guys haven't tried the Orchid v4 or the Lemo, do it. All other atomizers are sitting on the shelf.
guys, seriously...

this Lancia. magma killer with glass sleeve. air flow is as ridiculous as you want it to be and right under the coil as well

thing also doesn't get hot like the magma. best RDA i've tried by far. its that good


guys, seriously...

this Lancia. magma killer with glass sleeve. air flow is as ridiculous as you want it to be and right under the coil as well

thing also doesn't get hot like the magma. best RDA i've tried by far. its that good

Shit, that build deck looks amazing. I'd imagine that it would be unreal with dual parallels.

$150 though...


how much of that juice did you actually buy?

all of the juice on the top row minus 3. 3 30mls for $15ea, 4 15mls for $5 ea, and the 2 18ml 5150 juice were $8ea. the smaller bottles were free by filling out some card, some from a wheel spin, one for taking a pic and tagging people on IG, and the rest of the 15mls were given to me for free by my mother-in-law who had a booth.

on a side note, this plume veil came with screws that didnt fit properly in the positive posts. not something id expect when spending that much money. no biggie though, i keep all the extra o-rings/screws that come with attys so i just grabbed some from there. but still.

Pete Rock

Yeah I almost bought one when they came out what seems like a little over a year ago, then I realized I don't actually ever experiment with my builds so it would be a poor investment. I use a machine screw and wrap into the threads, so the spacing is always the same and I don't need one end clamped down or under constant tension to make that happen. Also for ~$20 and being entirely manual it seemed not so appealing. That being said I do like the concept.


So my Vision spinner 2 died yesterday, after only owning it for 2 weeks. Luckily I bought it from a brick and mortar spot down the street from my apartment so I was able to exchange it for a new one. I treated it well (only fell out of my lap once) and the only thing I ever noticed was a few tiny droplets of juice on the battery connection. I would wipe that area whenever I filled my Aspire K1 to try to keep it dry...

Do you think this was the reason for the dead bat? This Spinner 2 is not covered by the shop, so I just want to make sure I'm not doing anything that would kill it.

Also, when I screw on the K1 I try not to screw it on too tight, but it wiggles slightly (did the same with the first battery) is this normal or should I really crank that thing down super tight?

I've had a Nautilus Mini for the last few months with the Vision Spinner II. Over the weekend I lost the whole thing. I freaked out for about an hour looking for it at a friends to no avail. I'm going to probably pull the trigger on a new one, but can anyone recommend anything similar to that tank? I feel like the pro tanks aren't as good from using my friends.

Also, on the subject of the Vision Spinner II, I actually have an extra one but the button got stuck. On the one I just lost, the button also was getting stuck. Really not sold on the overall durability of these things.


I've had a Nautilus Mini for the last few months with the Vision Spinner II. Over the weekend I lost the whole thing. I freaked out for about an hour looking for it at a friends to no avail. I'm going to probably pull the trigger on a new one, but can anyone recommend anything similar to that tank? I feel like the pro tanks aren't as good from using my friends.

Also, on the subject of the Vision Spinner II, I actually have an extra one but the button got stuck. On the one I just lost, the button also was getting stuck. Really not sold on the overall durability of these things.

I'd probably just get an iStick instead of a Spinner at this point. They're at least as portable, should last longer and will give you better power options.
why wouldn't you just get into RBAs? you could get a better device and do your own coils and have a much better vape for a fraction of the price

Yeah I've been thinking about this. A friend of mine is gonna walk me through the ins and outs of RBAs. I'm kind of a newb when it comes to the whole thing.


Yeah I've been thinking about this. A friend of mine is gonna walk me through the ins and outs of RBAs. I'm kind of a newb when it comes to the whole thing.

It really isn't as hard as it looks. I jumped in on a 454 Big Block and am very happy with it. I feel like that one was pretty good to learn on because it is really easy to build.


id go with a more simpler rda if your starting out. ive been building for less than a year now and id be a little hesitant building on a 454. maybe its easier than it looks, but i havent seen the deck in person. but after trying to build on a veritas, it made me realize just how much of a noob i am. id recommend a simple 3 post design, maybe even one with dual positive post holes. i say go straight for the plume veil or clt by infinite. after acquiring the necessary tools and watching a few build tutorials, you should be fine.


id go with a more simpler rda if your starting out. ive been building for less than a year now and id be a little hesitant building on a 454. maybe its easier than it looks, but i havent seen the deck in person. but after trying to build on a veritas, it made me realize just how much of a noob i am. id recommend a simple 3 post design, maybe even one with dual positive post holes. i say go straight for the plume veil or clt by infinite. after acquiring the necessary tools and watching a few build tutorials, you should be fine.

I dunno, like I mentioned the 454 was my first and it is actually really easy. You don't really have to think about where the negative lead goes, it'll basically get caught no matter what.


Ordered an Infinite Plume Veil on which to practice my microcoils, preordered an Atlantis for fun, and got another 30mls of Milk & Honey on the way. Good day's shopping.


Ordered an Infinite Plume Veil on which to practice my microcoils, preordered an Atlantis for fun, and got another 30mls of Milk & Honey on the way. Good day's shopping.

I should have a couple bottles of Cosmic Fog in today too; I got Milk & Honey based on comments here, as well as Cola Gummy because that sounds fabulous (I love cola gummies).

That package should also have my nickel wire, which unfortunately I'm not going to get to use for a while as Vapor Shark probably won't get my rDNA out for at least a few weeks.

Edit - Actually I just heard it will probably ship sometime next week, so I guess maybe I'll get it somewhere in the 17th-21st.


Decided to grab a Russian V2 to go along with my rDNA and my 454 Big Block. I really have enjoyed the Big Block so far, but it feels a bit hard to mouth-to-lung on this thing, so I'm going to use it as something to change up flavors every now and then alongside the Russian.

Going to be good times soon.

Edit - To prevent being more annoying than already double-posting - my Cosmic Fog came in. I loaded up Cola Gummy first in my Aerotank... honestly out of the mail it is kind of gross. It has the right sour/tang note to it, but it is hardly sweet at all, making the sour/candy element come across pretty unpleasant. Shame because it smells wonderful. Wondering if I need to shake it up more or something, because if not this is getting retired very quickly.

Edit 2 - Already dumped it. Just unpleasant, really bummed about that one. Milk & Honey on the other hand, this is good stuff. Tastes like sweet milk after a bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios.
Quick question. Fairly new to e-cigs.

I've been buying replacement coils for my ecig and I think the voltage is typically at 4.1 and the coils were 2.1 ohms..

Today, I purchased a pack of coils and I get home and see the ohms on the box says 1.5.

I called the store and the guy said to turn down the voltage to 3.9, so I did and I think it tastes the same. Initially I didn't have it turned down and I took one puff, lots of vapor, and I coughed. Kind of tasted burnt before I turned it down.

Sooooo...Does this make sense? Should I be turning the voltage any lower, or something else? Did they give me the correct advice?
Quick question. Fairly new to e-cigs.

I've been buying replacement coils for my ecig and I think the voltage is typically at 4.1 and the coils were 2.1 ohms..

Today, I purchased a pack of coils and I get home and see the ohms on the box says 1.5.

I called the store and the guy said to turn down the voltage to 3.9, so I did and I think it tastes the same. Initially I didn't have it turned down and I took one puff, lots of vapor, and I coughed. Kind of tasted burnt before I turned it down.

Sooooo...Does this make sense? Should I be turning the voltage any lower, or something else? Did they give me the correct advice?

It makes plenty of sense actually. According to Ohm's law 4.1 voltage at 2.1 ohms = 8 watts / 3.9 volts at 1.5 ohms - 10.4 watts which isn't that far off from what you were at. Just tune the voltage to what you think tastes best and don't sweat it.
It makes plenty of sense actually. According to Ohm's law 4.1 voltage at 2.1 ohms = 8 watts / 3.9 volts at 1.5 ohms - 10.4 watts which isn't that far off from what you were at. Just tune the voltage to what you think tastes best and don't sweat it.

Cool..I've only had it since Memorial Day and never adjusted the voltage other than when I initially purchased it...I think 3.9 seems okay as far as taste...Thanks for the feedback though..


Edit 2 - Already dumped it. Just unpleasant, really bummed about that one. Milk & Honey on the other hand, this is good stuff. Tastes like sweet milk after a bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios.

Yeah Im currently enjoying my first bottle of Milk and Honey right now. This shit is good!

I ordered from Giant Vapes last Friday and my juice was here Monday. That was also impressive.
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