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The Official E-Cigarette Thread Of F#ck Analog Cigarettes


Been playing with my Plume Veil, which came in this morning. Can't complain about the build quality. Seems top notch all round, although it sits a little bit loose on the base. I have to hold it on when pulling out the drip tip. A minor annoyance.

I've managed to get a 0.8 Ohm build on it, so am playing about with clouds for the first time. As someone who normally vapes mouth to lung, this sure is a learning curve! Currently running it at 25 Watts, which seems to be doing the job, and my Boba's tastes fucking awesome. I just need to stop coughing.


Went to my local vapor shop today to get a smaller battery since my iTaste VTR is so damn heavy that it's not comfortable to carry around. I started talking to one of the employees about a drippers and how I always wanted one but I dont know a damn thing about them. Ended up buying a Tobech tobh atty and one of the guys wired it with 28 gauge and wicked it with rayon. Also bought an Eleaf iStick to go with it.

My god this thing is amazing! I've never hit a dripper before but after I left I decided I'll probably never use the iTaste VTR again. I don't know much about wiring and wicking an atty, but I learned the basics tonight. I really can't wait to see the different things I can do with this.

Anybody have any recommendations? I saw one dude at the shop had an atty that looked like it had its wires braided.

I have a few questions for the experienced vapor guys here...

With an atomizer like this, am I able to rest my setup on its side, or does it always have to stand upright so the juice doesn't leak out? I would guess the rayon would hold the juice in but I just want to be safe.

Also, how do you know when the wicks need to be replaced? Do they just get dirty eventually or do they not hold juice?

When building the coils, do I need that fancy litte reader that tells you the resistance as you wrap the coil? Or could I just wrap a drill bit 13 times?

And last question is how do I know when I need to replace the coils?
Went to my local vapor shop today to get a smaller battery since my iTaste VTR is so damn heavy that it's not comfortable to carry around. I started talking to one of the employees about a drippers and how I always wanted one but I dont know a damn thing about them. Ended up buying a Tobech tobh atty and one of the guys wired it with 28 gauge and wicked it with rayon. Also bought an Eleaf iStick to go with it.

My god this thing is amazing! I've never hit a dripper before but after I left I decided I'll probably never use the iTaste VTR again. I don't know much about wiring and wicking an atty, but I learned the basics tonight. I really can't wait to see the different things I can do with this.

Anybody have any recommendations? I saw one dude at the shop had an atty that looked like it had its wires braided.

I have a few questions for the experienced vapor guys here...

With an atomizer like this, am I able to rest my setup on its side, or does it always have to stand upright so the juice doesn't leak out? I would guess the rayon would hold the juice in but I just want to be safe. IF YOU JUST FILL IT UP THERE WILL BE SOME EXTRA JUICE THAT IS NOT WICKED AND IT WOULD SLOWLY MAKE ITS WAY TO THE AIR HOLES AND LEAK OUT IF YOU PUT IT ON ITS SIDE. ITS A GOOD PRACTICE TO ALWAYS KEEP IT UPRIGHT. DRIPPERS AREN'T THE MOST PORTABLE THINGS.

Also, how do you know when the wicks need to be replaced? Do they just get dirty eventually or do they not hold juice? GENERAL RULE OF THUMB IS TO REPLACE THE WICKS WHEN THE QUALITY OF THE VAPE STARTS TO LESSEN. YOU WILL KNOW WHEN ITS TIME.

When building the coils, do I need that fancy litte reader that tells you the resistance as you wrap the coil? Or could I just wrap a drill bit 13 times? ITS A GOOD IDEA TO HAVE AN OHM READER AT LEAST YOUR FIRST FEW TIMES OF BUILDING SO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU WILL BE GETTING WITH THE SETUP YOU HAVE AT HOME (WIDTH OF DRILL BIT, GAUGE OF WIRE, TIGHTNESS OF WRAPS, ETC.)


Answers in your quote
Anyone else planning on picking up the Sigelei 100w plus when it drops in early December?


Button looks to be better quality, extra magnets instead of screws, and a spring loaded 510. I haven't been this excited for an electronic product in quite some time.


Anyone else planning on picking up the Sigelei 100w plus when it drops in early December?


Button looks to be better quality, extra magnets instead of screws, and a spring loaded 510. I haven't been this excited for an electronic product in quite some time.

SHIT DAMN MOTHER FUCKER, i just got my sigelei last week and a spring loaded 510 is basically all that i would add to this =/ well it looks like ill be getting another one in Dec
I almost pulled the trigger on the 100w but held back for some reason - glad i did. Btw, if you are worried about your adjustable center pin you could "invest" in this little guy from Fasttech:



Might pick a couple of these just in case. Would also make a great replacement for a Nemesis rotating top cap when paired with those little discs for direct 510 to battery connection.


Can anybody recommend some amazing juices? My local shop's selection is getting old aside from some new vendors they've brought in (Space Jam and Vintage Vapors).

I just ordered some Zombie Blood and Melon Boba from Good Life Vapor, but I need some new, amazing juices.

What are some juices you guys have found that have been great, all-day vapes? Im open to any flavors.


Can anybody recommend some amazing juices? My local shop's selection is getting old aside from some new vendors they've brought in (Space Jam and Vintage Vapors).

I just ordered some Zombie Blood and Melon Boba from Good Life Vapor, but I need some new, amazing juices.

What are some juices you guys have found that have been great, all-day vapes? Im open to any flavors.

My main stuff right now is The Gentleman's Reserve from The Steam Co. Very similar to Five Pawns' Castle Long, I just prefer this blend. I have a lot of other flavors I really enjoy but they all kind of orbit that one as my everyday vape. One of the few I don't mind recommending to anyone's tastes.


lot of people use a heavy menthol flavor to get rid of this

i don't really have this problem

Yeah, I've been working on a vile menthol all day long that makes me want to vomit every time I vape it. Hasn't helped so far, but...

Protect your olfactory nerve, friends. Life is much blander without the ability to taste.


Got some new juices in the mail today. First time I've ordered from online vendors since I started vaping in September '13. Needless to say I was super excited.

Cosmic Fog's Milk & Honey: Wow! Believe the hype, people. The best way I could describe it is that it tastes very much like a sweet cream. By far the strongest sweet dairy taste I've had. I'm not big on cream , custard, or other dairy flavored juices but this is fantastic. It feels very light as well. But I've been using high VG(not max) juices lately so that may be why. This is my new all day juice.

Good Life Vapor's Zombie Blood: I'm a little disappointed in this one. I think I was too hyped up for it . It tastes like its description, but it's not as good as I had hoped it would be. I had them add a little menthol to try and make it like their discontinued "Zombie Brains" juice. But I can't taste the menthol at all. I'm not sure if they forgot or if it's just a very, very subtle menthol flavor. It is a good juice and I'm sure I will burn through the bottle quickly. I just have to remember to not get so hyped when ordering juices online from here out.

Good Life Vapor's Melon Boba This juice is TASTY as FUCK. This is the first melon flavor that I've enjoyed. There's a hint of cream and mint that really makes this juice pop. I highly recommend it if you're looking for something new. One of my local shops had tried to mimic this flavor for months and eventually gave up. Having tasted it now, I can completely understand why.


Wasn't expecting my rDNA 40 until Monday, but I checked the mailbox and there it was!

Pretty stoked, going to try building a nickel coil in the Russian 2.0 I ordered to go with this and get it up and running.

Edit - Got my first nickel build up and running in my Russian 2.0... damn that is nice. Hitting like a champ.

I'm heading to pick up my ecig tomorrow morning, after smkoing what will hopefully be the last cigarette of my life right now. Any tips, stuff that's good to know for a beginner?
Man I feel so noob, here I am with a KangerTech EVOD and some nic free juice...

I came from the other direction - the health effects of smoking turned me off but I liked the idea of smoking. Vaping was a step up.

Amibguous Cad, best advice I have is to experiment with different flavours. People have different tastes - I find more candy oriented flavours generally too sweet at the place I go to, but I like their minty flavours a lot more, for example. Hard to say from the perspective of trying to quit, though...


I'm heading to pick up my ecig tomorrow morning, after smkoing what will hopefully be the last cigarette of my life right now. Any tips, stuff that's good to know for a beginner?

Once you find a ecig setup that you like (one or more setups that vape really well), it becomes all about the juice. Once you have a good vape and a good vape juice you should be good.

You know what youre getting? The options can be overwhelming!

Pete Rock

The best beginner setup I have seen is an Ego-C Twist with an Aspire Bottom Dual-Coil Clearomizer. With a carrying case and a charger and an included bottle of juice it should be $50 retail.

My local vape shop picked up "Reserved" which is a new high vg drip line from "Cool Breeze Vapors" who I was not familiar with beforehand.

They've got a vanilla custard called After Dark that is really quite good, but then there is a "cinnamon bun" flavor called Sinfully Delicious that is just outrageous. The closest thing I can compare it to would be Apple J4X or Gambit from Five Pawns, but it really blows both of those out of the water. The cinnamon and dough taste is so heavy, it is like you are eating a churro while drinking a horchata and freebasing a cinnamon bun. Ridiculous. The highest nic they manufacture and sell in is 6 so it's really only for drippers. Didn't end up picking any up but damn. Worth mentioning for sure.

Edit: Just saw this, lol - "KnuckleUp" box mod:
I have been having an issue where all the juice I buy tastes like shit. So, I'm at my local shop and see the istick by eleaf on the shelf. It's so tiny and I ask if I can try my Nautilus Mini on it. I bump it up to 12 watts on the recommendation by a guy who happens to be using the same setup. Immediately, the heat and immense flavor hit my tongue. It's so fucking good. All of my flavor problems have been from using the MVP2. All this time I've blamed it on the juice or coils and didn't stop to think my battery could be the cause (I'm a noob).

TL;DR: MVP2 is garbage (at least mine was) and the iStick is king.


so I was looking around that fasttech site and was wondering if anyone has had experience with them. I heard I may take forever to get the shipments, but besides that, yea? nay?
so I was looking around that fasttech site and was wondering if anyone has had experience with them. I heard I may take forever to get the shipments, but besides that, yea? nay?

As with any kind of clones, it will be hit or miss.

My advise would be to only buy stuff with good reviews and dont buy something that you wouldn't mind having at less than ideal quality.


so I was looking around that fasttech site and was wondering if anyone has had experience with them. I heard I may take forever to get the shipments, but besides that, yea? nay?

Quality is hit or miss, but at those prices it's usually worth the gamble. What are you looking at buying?

Batteries can be dicey to get through customs I hear.

edit: I didn't see the update. Yeah, careful with the batteries. A lot of times those won't make it here for whatever reason.
Don't buy batteries (or devices that have batteries in them) from FT. Read reviews on the other stuff. I have received some real gems from there, as well as a few turds. Shipping is slow but it's free and coming from China so it's to be expected.


so I was looking around that fasttech site and was wondering if anyone has had experience with them. I heard I may take forever to get the shipments, but besides that, yea? nay?

There's no problem at all with the company, as long as you're willing to wait for your order. Its usually about 3 weeks.

But more importantly is knowing what youre buying and that the reviews are good. And yes, anything with a battery will have a hard time making it through customs.

Another factor i consider to be major when shopping fasttech is whether the item is in stock or not, because sometimes it can take longer than their ETA.


well bloody hell. batterys was the main reason i was looking at fasttech. damn...

anyways... on to juices! I was wondering, since I pretty much have been sticking to a tobacco flavor, if there was anywhere that had sample packs or something. with all this talk of ppl loving this flavor or the other, I was looking into broadening my horizons. but since I live in podunk smallville USA, my only choice to sample anything different is a shop which pretty much buys bulk china stuff and relabels it. I'd just hate to drop $20+ on a bottle only to find out that its not for me.
Give Vape Wild a try. Free shipping or orders over 25 and they have sample packs. I just ordered about $50 dollars worth of juice from them and they gave me 5 free samples to try. Pretty decent stuff so far - especially for the price.

You could also try Mt. Baker Vapor.


well bloody hell. batterys was the main reason i was looking at fasttech. damn...

anyways... on to juices! I was wondering, since I pretty much have been sticking to a tobacco flavor, if there was anywhere that had sample packs or something. with all this talk of ppl loving this flavor or the other, I was looking into broadening my horizons. but since I live in podunk smallville USA, my only choice to sample anything different is a shop which pretty much buys bulk china stuff and relabels it. I'd just hate to drop $20+ on a bottle only to find out that its not for me.

Mount Baker sells a sample pack of their best sellers for $8.99 + shipping.There are 5 kinds of juice and each bottle is 5ml. I haven't had any of those flavors but Mount Baker does make some pretty tasty juice.



Thinking about buying one of these Eleafs as my first vaporizer.

But this all seems more complicated than I expected. Assuming that I have no budget and want the highest quality, most convenient and portable vape available, what would you guys recommend to get me set up as a complete newbie to liquid vaping besides buying disposables at gas stations? Is there a Pen style vape better than the Eleaf?

I did read the OP, but it hasn't been updated since March, and vaping technology seems to be advancing rather quickly.
Thinking about buying one of these Eleafs as my first vaporizer.

But this all seems more complicated than I expected. Assuming that I have no budget and want the highest quality, most convenient and portable vape available, what would you guys recommend to get me set up as a complete newbie to liquid vaping besides buying disposables at gas stations? Is there a Pen style vape better than the Eleaf?

I did read the OP, but it hasn't been updated since March, and vaping technology seems to be advancing rather quickly.

The Eleaf iStick and the Nautilus Mini are what I use. Nice warm vape with great taste. Rebuilding and dripping do not appeal to me at all. This is a very convenient and portable set up. I carry mine in my pants pocket all day with no problems. The quality is solid for its price point.

Pete Rock

SvoeMesto has been teasing V4 for the last month or so, I'm hoping for a revolutionary rebuildable atomizer that can be in our hands by the end of the year.

I think my upgrades would be limited to an atomizer device that would fit that criteria, and a really sick box mod with a huge wattage range and a better form factor than the traditional single-barrel regulated VV mods such as the ProVari or Nivel from SM.

Still rocking my ProVari 2.5 and Genesis Style Zen-Atomizer ~


The Eleaf iStick and the Nautilus Mini are what I use. Nice warm vape with great taste. Rebuilding and dripping do not appeal to me at all. This is a very convenient and portable set up. I carry mine in my pants pocket all day with no problems. The quality is solid for its price point.

Sounds good, I think this will be my first setup then.

I don't know what rebuilding and dripping are, but it sounds like some shit that I don't want to deal with.

Thanks, I'll report back once I make the purchase with some impressions.
Sounds good, I think this will be my first setup then.

I don't know what rebuilding and dripping are, but it sounds like some shit that I don't want to deal with.

Thanks, I'll report back once I make the purchase with some impressions.

Just some tips for you:

I typically go through a coil in 1-2 weeks depending on the type of juice. Coil life will depend on how much juice you use and the type of juice. Typically lighter colored juice makes the coil last longer and the thicker, darker gunks up the coil quicker.

Make sure to prime the coil. Put 2-4 drops down the center on the coil, install the tank together, primer puff a few times on lowest airhole setting without firing the battery and let it sit for 5 minutes.

Once it is primed and sat a bit, start off on low wattage 6-7 watts and incrementally work your way up. I feel it helps to break in the coil for whatever reason. I have found that my sweet spot is around 12-13 watts.

Make sure to clean it out once in a while. You'll notice some residual juice in drip tip area. I just use a paper towel.

Also, I might be a heathen, but I just change juice on a whim without washing the tank. Takes about 4-6 puffs to get rid of the previoys juice.

For juice, I have found that 70/30 and 60/40 (PG/VG) is the best ratio for me. Aspire doesn't recommend anything below 50/50. I accidentally bought some 10/90 and it was terrible. Others may have a different experience than me but this is what I stick to.

Since, this is the setup I use and plan on using for awhile, let me know if you have any questions. I'm still pretty new to this myself so others can correct me if I'm wrong.


SvoeMesto has been teasing V4 for the last month or so, I'm hoping for a revolutionary rebuildable atomizer that can be in our hands by the end of the year.

I think my upgrades would be limited to an atomizer device that would fit that criteria, and a really sick box mod with a huge wattage range and a better form factor than the traditional single-barrel regulated VV mods such as the ProVari or Nivel from SM.

Still rocking my ProVari 2.5 and Genesis Style Zen-Atomizer ~

They just put out a promo video for the Kayfun 4. Not sure if it's revolutionary, but it looks interesting enough. Having access to the build deck without having to drain the tank will be nice.


Just some tips for you:

I typically go through a coil in 1-2 weeks depending on the type of juice. Coil life will depend on how much juice you use and the type of juice. Typically lighter colored juice makes the coil last longer and the thicker, darker gunks up the coil quicker.

Make sure to prime the coil. Put 2-4 drops down the center on the coil, install the tank together, primer puff a few times on lowest airhole setting without firing the battery and let it sit for 5 minutes.

Once it is primed and sat a bit, start off on low wattage 6-7 watts and incrementally work your way up. I feel it helps to break in the coil for whatever reason. I have found that my sweet spot is around 12-13 watts.

Make sure to clean it out once in a while. You'll notice some residual juice in drip tip area. I just use a paper towel.

Also, I might be a heathen, but I just change juice on a whim without washing the tank. Takes about 4-6 puffs to get rid of the previoys juice.

For juice, I have found that 70/30 and 60/40 (PG/VG) is the best ratio for me. Aspire doesn't recommend anything below 50/50. I accidentally bought some 10/90 and it was terrible. Others may have a different experience than me but this is what I stick to.

Since, this is the setup I use and plan on using for awhile, let me know if you have any questions. I'm still pretty new to this myself so others can correct me if I'm wrong.

I've been reading about coils going out quickly specifically on the Nautilus Mini, kind of disappointing that coils will be an extra cost, but that's not a big deal since I plan on having 2 atomizers(clearomizers? so much terminology to learn O_O) eventually.

I will share this deal I found on Ebay for the Eleaf iStick + Several choices of clearomizer for $60 Shipped. Nearly $20 cheaper than any other website I've found.


Thinking about buying one of these Eleafs as my first vaporizer.

But this all seems more complicated than I expected. Assuming that I have no budget and want the highest quality, most convenient and portable vape available, what would you guys recommend to get me set up as a complete newbie to liquid vaping besides buying disposables at gas stations? Is there a Pen style vape better than the Eleaf?

I did read the OP, but it hasn't been updated since March, and vaping technology seems to be advancing rather quickly.

I also have an Eleaf iStick/ Nautilus Mini setup and I absolutely love it. I also have a Tobeco clone dripper that i can use on it as well that fires at 1.1 ohm. Anything under 1 ohm and it won't fire. I'm new to rebuildables and I think the iStick is a good battery to learn on before I get a mechanical mod.

I highly recommend the iStick.

Just some tips for you:

Make sure to prime the coil. Put 2-4 drops down the center on the coil, install the tank together, primer puff a few times on lowest airhole setting without firing the battery and let it sit for 5 minutes.

Once it is primed and sat a bit, start off on low wattage 6-7 watts and incrementally work your way up. I feel it helps to break in the coil for whatever reason. I have found that my sweet spot is around 12-13 watts.

IMO the Nautilus coils don't need priming at all. It's not like a carto or a standard bottom dual-coul. I run a very high VG juice in it and as long as you follow the instructions let the juice sit for 2-3 minutes before using it with a new atomizer, you'll be fine. I do agree though to not fire a new atomizer at a high voltage and slowly work your way up. They seem to last longer that way. I also feel that if I use the Nautilus with the largest airhole, the coil doesn't get as hot and that will also help it last longer.
I just paid £3.20 postage. Still, great deal. Picked up 60mls at that price. Thanks for the heads up.

Did they add it at the last second? I'm on the Paypal order page (considering adding a few more juices) and it's still just saying the total of the juice. Oh well, still a great deal as you said :)


Just got my istick and nautilus mini, bought some ejuice and fired it up after waiting a couple minutes after filling it.

I'm noticing a slight metallic taste, is this normal or did I burn out the coil by not waiting longer?

Messing around with the various voltage settings, I think I'm a low voltage(3v) user, tried at 5 and it was harsh enough to make me cough.
Anyone know if there is a difference in how much air you get between a Nautilus and Nautilus mini? I would have thought it was the same but heard otherwise and wanted second (or third) opinions.


What's the hype behind the Atlantis? Are they rebuildable or do you need to buy aspires pre made heads? If they aren't rebuildable, then forget about it. Hows the flavor? Are they prone to leaking? Why would I want one over my orchid?


What's the hype behind the Atlantis? Are they rebuildable or do you need to buy aspires pre made heads? If they aren't rebuildable, then forget about it. Hows the flavor? Are they prone to leaking? Why would I want one over my orchid?
Nope. Not rebuildable. Though the Kanger Subtank is. It is, however, an incredibly effective off-the-shelf sub-ohm tank that produces the best flavour and the biggest clouds I have ever experienced. It nullifies the need for rebuilding. My drippers are in the drawer. Probably for good. But then, I was never really mad about the building process anyway. Just gimme dat flavour. And no, it doesn't leak.


I played around with an Atlantis for a day. While the flavor is superb, and the clouds are surprising, the idea of paying $4-5 per head sort of dampens my enthusiasm for it. I feel like I'm probably better off sticking with my RDAs when I'm at home, and using my tanks while I'm out.


Looks like Good Life Vapor got those NJOY Artist vapes in. Picked up a few bottles of those to try since they seemed interesting (mainly Dragonscape and Samba Sun) and they had a 25% Black Friday deal going on.

Also picked up one of these Atlantis tanks to try out. I'm not thrilled about the head prices so I don't know whether it'll stick around in my rotation but it seems pretty neat. I have not been that satisfied with my Russian 2.0 four builds in, and I'd still like some kind of tank to have around for situations where I don't feel like dripping.
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