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The Official Grand Theft Auto IV thread: The World Is Yours

TTG said:
Ok, I give up. How do fuck do you get a 6 star rating without going onto an island that's off limits? I've unlocked all the islands and don't have a save point far back to go back and go that route.

I've tried everything. Getting to 5 is easy, very easy. 6 doesn't come up no matter what I do. 3 or 4 helicoptes. Taking down 20-30 police/swat/whatever the fuck. Ofcourse then I log on to youtube to see someone use the fire hose on the truck to about 2 cars and force a 6 star rating that way... seems fair. o_O
1. Go to a safehouse with a lobby
I used the Playboy X one
2. get some heat on you
3. get into cover behind a corner inside
4. aim at the door
5. shoot at everything that comes through (blindfire will keep you safe)


Finncognito said:
1. Go to a safehouse with a lobby
I used the Playboy X one
2. get some heat on you
3. get into cover behind a corner inside
4. aim at the door
5. shoot at everything that comes through (blindfire will keep you safe)

Yea that's what I ended up doing after trying for about an hour WITHOUT breaking the game. What's funny is that I probably killed almost as many just trying to get it without doing that, but I suppose you have to kill them one after another. Shooting them down one by one from a distance is no good. And blowing up cars/trucks/helicopters means shit.

And just to add insult to injury. I grabbed a helicopter after I was done and flew to another island. Landed across from a pay n spray, where nobody saw me(the radar was still on because of helicopters). But I guess because the game has to shift all the resources to the police there wasn't a single car parked or driving, and I looked for a bit. Evenutally the police caught up and that was that.

Not exactly a high point for the design team at rockstar north. :lol


I'm confused about the online dating thing. I found a check and clicked "Date" but then nothing happened. Am I supposed to wait for a phone call or an e-mail message? Also, do I only date her online or do I meet her in real life? Thanks in advance.


Just beat the game for the 2nd time. Took me a little over 14 hours with a bunch of screwing around. Skipped all the secondary missions though.

Did the
route this time around, and I have no idea what you people are talking about. The
chase was easy as hell. FAR easier than the
chase you do in the other ending. The latter actually slips around in the sand AND you have to get up to speed, then time and aim a
jump off a ramp to make it to the chopper while doing it.
Made both the first time.

Weaksauce GAF. Weaksauce to the max.

SamuraiX- said:
I'm confused about the online dating thing. I found a check and clicked "Date" but then nothing happened. Am I supposed to wait for a phone call or an e-mail message?
Also, do I only date her online or do I meet her in real life? Thanks in advance.

Hopefully by "real life" you mean the game world. Then, yes.


raYne said:

By "yes" do you mean I'm waiting for an e-mail or a phone call? And when should I go back to the cafe to check if it's an e-mail?

raYne said:

Hopefully by "real life" you mean the game world. Then, yes.

No dude! I was actually hoping there would be a real-life girl based on the same identity as the chicks you can meet online in the game! That'd be so fucking awesome!

In all seriousness, yeah, of course I meant in the game. I'm fucking juggling the IN-GAME Internet vs. the real-life Internet, as well as IN-GAME real-life vs. real-life real-life now. This is damn ridiculous. :lol
What the F, David Blaine!

If you don't "try your luck" at the end of the date, it counts as a bad date in your stats no matter how much fun she had or how much your percent goes UP?

I did the first date with
and didn't "try my luck" for obvious reasons. I got the thumbs up icon and my percent went from 60% to 83%, but in the stats it's listed as a bad date. I've got OCD about stats, so I'm really anal about that stuff and I don't have a save to go back to so I can fix it. Goddammit. I have to try to sleep with these women every single time? What if I have a headache or an early meeting the next day?! :(
border said:
I just shot his TV since I couldn't write down the phone number quickly enough. I figured that he would freak out and I'd fail the mission immediately but, he got up, stood right in front of the window and I shot him. It doesn't make much sense the someone hiding out from potential assassins would do that, after seeing a bullet fly through his window and blow up his television set.

Funny how what impresses one person as attention to detail can totally take another person out of the game.

Well, shooting the TV isn't what I'd consider impressive attention to detail if you're addressing that to me. That's pretty lame actually and I didn't do that for the same reason you didn't think it would work. Shooting out his satellite dish so he gets up to check the TV is what I thought was impressive. Just randomly shooting stuff up in his apartment and he stupidly goes and stands in front of the window is not.

SamuraiX- said:
By "yes" do you mean I'm waiting for an e-mail or a phone call? And when should I go back to the cafe to check if it's an e-mail?

You get replies via e-mail. Give it at least a in-game day before you check again. FYI, you can only date a few women in the game.
of which are found on the fake Internet.


Just learned that the full RGB range option in the XMB was ruining my black levels so loaded up GTA to see the difference (much better).

Anyways, got out from my hideout in Algonquin and received a call from one of the contacts (
). While Niko was talking with him a huge crash occured in front of me, with 6 or so cars involved.

Two of the drivers got out and started arguing with each other, then fighting. Someone called the police, I presume, because in 30 seconds or so two police cars came. The officers got out and started threatening the drivers (who were still arguing) that if they won't stop fighting they'll start shooting. Drivers didn't stop and the officers opened fire. Hilarity ensued when the drivers responded by getting out their guns and it all ended up in a massive shootout with people screaming, cars exploding and ambulances screaming in. All this while I standed there doing nothing.

I love this game. :lol
Just beat the game, and I'm really sad that the story's over. The final few choices that Niko faces are pretty interesting- I love how most people chose different things based on how they perceived the characters throughout the game.

Overall, it was a fantastic experience. Not only does it have one of the most engaging stories in any game, but it's also one of the best presented games out there. As the game progressed into Alderney, I found myself caring less for the mafia missions, probably because so many characters get involved. Near the end of the game, as the story started to focus on Niko and Roman more, it started getting incredible again.

Now, time to start enjoying multiplayer more. I'm sure I'll go for 100%, but it'll definitely take time (I'm at 69% right now).


UncleGuito said:
Just beat the game, and I'm really sad that the story's over. The final few choices that Niko faces are pretty interesting- I love how most people chose different things based on how they perceived the characters throughout the game.
Same here. For example, in my main game I let all the innocents live.
(the guy Vlad sends you to kill, Duayne's girlfriend, the random old Jewish guy and the girl that runs out of the bedroom that you meet on high rise/roof apartment mission, the guy you confront on the roof of the projects etc).
They didn't do anything to me, so there's no reason to take them out.

When it came to the story choices:
-I took out Duayne since I knew Playboy longer and he had more potential to help me accomplish my goals. Duayne didn't have anything to offer me 'cept for being a needy whiny baby which was evident before, but was REALLY obvious the second time around since I saved him then. I also ended up avoiding any "dates" with him or even answering his calls near the end. Hell, the one's I did answer, I'd just hand up on him mid-whiny sentence. :lol

-I took out Francis since he was a corrupt cop anyway. Plus he knew too much about me and had enough power to make my life miserable if he felt the need to in the future.

-Took the revenge route, because I certainly didn't spent all that time searching for the dude to kill him, just to have a change of heart. At the very least, I put him out of his misery. I also most definitely wasn't going to deal with Dimitri after he screwed me over the first time. I find it hilarious that people are so gullible that they didn't expect him to do it again if they chose the Deal. The revenge ending is also much better anyway.

As I said before, I did the opposite choices in my 2nd playthrough and felt I pretty much got everything right the choice-wise the first time around.

edit: RE the Social Club:
The Zit stuff finally reflects the things I chose 2 weeks ago. Timely Rockstar... very timely. Yet, I've beaten the game twice now and it still doesn't show that I've done it once... *highfive*


TTG said:
Ok, I give up. How do fuck do you get a 6 star rating without going onto an island that's off limits? I've unlocked all the islands and don't have a save point far back to go back and go that route.

I've tried everything. Getting to 5 is easy, very easy. 6 doesn't come up no matter what I do. 3 or 4 helicoptes. Taking down 20-30 police/swat/whatever the fuck. Ofcourse then I log on to youtube to see someone use the fire hose on the truck to about 2 cars and force a 6 star rating that way... seems fair. o_O

EDIT: couldn't do it without breaking the game. How annoying. I guess the good ol days of shooting down helicopters and blowing shit up to get the highest rating are over. Now to get it you just find a building with one entrance to funnel them into and blast them one by one...
Get helicopter, land on roof, unleash hell on to the pathetic wretches below. It doesn't ramp up to 6 stars as fast as the prior games so just keep at it.


funkmastergeneral said:
What's this social club people keep talking about?
The most un-social social club ever created.

You basically link your gamertag/psn ID and your gameplay is tracked and uploaded to the site. It keeps track of your activities and stats and compares them to friends/other players. Gives you the ability to "Zit" songs from the game radio and purchase them online. Takes gameplay info to do LC Police updates, showing the deadliest places in LC, crime rate percentage and a bunch of other chaos stats from all players and sums them up in text and map graph form. There's a bunch of other stuff as well.

If it worked anyway.

Dama said:
Any help on the bank robery mission? I keep dying when I try to escape from the subway station. thx
Meaning after you
go up the stairs and to the streets? You aren't supposed to still be fighting... that's why there's a getaway vehicle there.


Dama said:
Any help on the bank robery mission? I keep dying when I try to escape from the subway station. thx

There's a healthpack on the second level down in the subway. There should be an SUV parked right in front of you when you come back out. Then it's as simple as getting to a spray shop. The only time I had to restart(in classic GTA fashion) is if my teammates couldn't get out of a burning car or were too far from me.

the 250k is nice too.


voltron said:
holy shit - thats good work!

I always thought it would be possible if you could just get a tiny bit of space around you to slip unseen into a pay'n'spray but I havent managed to do it yet.

Howd you pull it off?

After I got the 6 star, I jumped in a helicopter and flew around until I lost the police choppers. Then I bailed out over the water, swam to a boat, floored it out of the circle and hid. After a couple seconds the wanted level disappeared.

kylej said:
got my 100%. Social Club still says I'm at 68% complete :/

I'm at 92.50% right now and the Social Club has exactly zilch for me :/ Rockstar better fix it before the contest ends.
Story time...

My youngest brother is ten years old and he was diagnosed with PDD(a type of Autism) when he was three. Anyway, he absolutely loves skyscrapers and cities. He constantly has us print out pictures of high-rise apartments, famous skyscrapers, and city skylines.

Anyway, I thought that he might like the helicopter flying in GTA IV, so I told him to come into my room and watch the Helicopter tours. Needless to say, my brother is in awe at how beautiful the city is and he has been watching me go on tours for the past half hour. I am on my third tour right now. I rarely see him this enthralled in something. Thank you Rockstar, tell your artists you have done an amazing job. The city Rockstar has created is amazing, and is breathtaking from above.


First tragedy, then farce.
so in got the mystery mission (question mark on the map)... the guy acted like i should have known who he is... but its the first time Ive seen him.
Dama said:
Any help on the bank robery mission? I keep dying when I try to escape from the subway station. thx

Body armor is a must. And use cover, lots of cover. I finished that mission on my second try but only because I only shot at the cops when I was absolutely sure I'd hit them and not expose myself to gunfire.


snack said:
Story time...

My youngest brother is ten years old and he was diagnosed with PDD(a type of Autism) when he was three. Anyway, he absolutely loves skyscrapers and cities. He constantly has us print out pictures of high-rise apartments, famous skyscrapers, and city skylines.

Anyway, I thought that he might like the helicopter flying in GTA IV, so I told him to come into my room and watch the Helicopter tours. Needless to say, my brother is in awe at how beautiful the city is and he has been watching me go on tours for the past half hour. I am on my third tour right now. I rarely see him this enthralled in something. Thank you Rockstar, tell your artists you have done an amazing job. The city Rockstar has created is amazing, and is breathtaking from above.

Aww thats cute man.


StoOgE said:
so in got the mystery mission (question mark on the map)... the guy acted like i should have known who he is... but its the first time Ive seen him.

It's probably Frances Mcreary. He's the cop you meet for like 20 seconds through Manny(FROM THE STREETS!). I didn't realize who he was at first either, eventually I figured it out.


First tragedy, then farce.
TTG said:
It's probably Frances Mcreary. He's the cop you meet for like 20 seconds through Manny(FROM THE STREETS!). I didn't realize who he was at first either, eventually I figured it out.

ok... i remember now thx
Oozer3993 said:
After I got the 6 star, I jumped in a helicopter and flew around until I lost the police choppers. Then I bailed out over the water, swam to a boat, floored it out of the circle and hid. After a couple seconds the wanted level disappeared.

I'm at 92.50% right now and the Social Club has exactly zilch for me :/ Rockstar better fix it before the contest ends.

So what exactly is this prize for getting 100%? I should have 100% by the 19th (finally got all the pigeons today) and am wondering what the Key To The City is


Dartastic said:
So. When will I actually get to take
inside, or make out with her, or SOMETHING? Girl really needs to put out. :lol

I hate how she gets all pissed when you shoot your gun around her.


Core407 said:
I hate how she gets all pissed when you shoot your gun around her.

I've taken her on like 5 dates. I only have one more mission with her family. I just want some action, and I want to see how Packy reacts! :D

Edit -
kylej said:
Nope, she doesn't give it up.

WHAT!?!?!?!? I should have known... :lol


UncleGuito said:
Now, time to start enjoying multiplayer more. I'm sure I'll go for 100%, but it'll definitely take time (I'm at 69% right now).

Is it possible to always get 100%, or have I potentially already done something to preclude me from getting 100%? I am at around 70% complete right now, I think near the end.


How many side missions (deliveries) are there for
Little Jacob

I've done a lot in a row now and I'm getting tired of them. Same action sequences over and over. (I want to get them all done in one sitting.)


womfalcs3 said:
How many side missions (deliveries) are there for
Little Jacob


Then you have 10 cars to deliver for Brucie. Another 30 cars for
Brucie's friend
. 200 Pigeons. 50 Stunt Jumps. 30 criminals to hunt down across all the islands. 15+ encounters you have to search for, and you have to stop 20 crimes while they happen.

The fun never stops!
funkmastergeneral said:
Wow these stunt jumps are a bitch. THEN WAS PLENTY GOOD ENOUGH JACKASS :(
I'm finding I will do near as dammit the same jump twice in a row, one will fail, the next will pass and I'm landing like an inch different to last time, they can be really annoying in where exactly you need to land.
lawblob said:
Is it possible to always get 100%, or have I potentially already done something to preclude me from getting 100%? I am at around 70% complete right now, I think near the end.
I'm pretty sure that it's always possible to get 100%, regardless of what choices you make during the story mode.


funkmastergeneral said:
Wow these stunt jumps are a bitch. THEN WAS PLENTY GOOD ENOUGH JACKASS :(

try it with a bike. I have a theory that it doesn't count it if your tires don't touch the ground first
pj325is said:
try it with a bike. I have a theory that it doesn't count it if your tires don't touch the ground first

What's really bugging me about them is I'm apparently over shooting the magic landing spot apparently, according to a video on youtube. I've had some really cool stunts with perfect landings and they get nothing because they don't land in the right spot.
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