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The Official Grand Theft Auto IV thread: The World Is Yours

Iamthegamer said:
I really can't believe how bungled the social club is. it might as well not exist, it's so fucked. my stats haven't been uploaded whatsoever.
I agree. If all it did was show your in-game stats on the website and allow you to look at your friends', it would be cool.


This game is AMAZING

Playing story again on PS3.

Dwayne spoiler
I was doing the first mission where you need to go and get revenge for his girlfriend and you chase the guy on the bike.

I knocked him off and totally expected him to just try and run. Instead, he pretends to be dead on the ground, i get off my bike which he notices. Then he gets in a car and starts to run Nico over time and time again. I then jack that guy, he gets out and starts lighting the car up with bullets, i then get out and take him down finally.

totally unexpected. Sometimes having missions go wrong on you, shows the best of what this game can be.


just looking on the social club, and so far the record for 100% completion is 24hours 31seconds, and the record for beating the story mode is 9hours exactly.
What the fuck with hating the hater. The guy was invincible FOREVER, I had tons of clear shots on him but of course there needs to be an awful chase before I can kill him. I just wish the game would at least tell you when the invincibilty is over, since otherwise I am getting attention from the cops when I don't need to be.


Man, free mode with a bunch of friends may be the most fun thing ever. I think all the people bitching about this game just don't have a good group of people to play in the sandbox online.

I mean, seriously, a whole thread devoted to whining. Someone should make a "Thing's you DON'T like about Uncharted" thread and see how long that stays open in comparison.


Anyone have any tips for the last mission? At least I'm pretty sure it's the last mission. I have to follow Dimitri's helicopter in a boat until I can get close enough to Jacob's helicopter. The thing is, I can never seem to catch up to his helicopter though even though I take a direct path. And the one time that I did get into the helicopter I was shot down and killed.
Vaxadrin said:
Man, free mode with a bunch of friends may be the most fun thing ever. I think all the people bitching about this game just don't have a good group of people to play in the sandbox online.

I mean, seriously, a whole thread devoted to whining. Someone should make a "Thing's you DON'T like about Uncharted" thread and see how long that stays open in comparison.
Me and 2 friends spent hours messing around in free mode the other day, epic chases through the subway tunnels, me on a bike trying to outrun 2 supercars who need to crush me, shooting the tyres out on our bikes and driving our grind-a-trons (tm) through the city trying to escape the police.

Things I'd love for DLC for free mode:

1) A cargo plane I could drive a car off a ramp into the back, I've always wanted a game that lets me do this
2) The ability to plot my own races
3) Turning the subway trains on


voltron said:
I hear that the ZiT function is now working perfectly.... can anyone confirm this? Im about to check anyway...

There was a problem with the ZiT function? By the ZiT function, I assume you mean the artist/song title display from your phone.

darkflight said:
Things I'd love for DLC for free mode:

1) A cargo plane I could drive a car off a ramp into the back, I've always wanted a game that lets me do this
2) The ability to plot my own races
3) Turning the subway trains on (race tracks along the subway line)
4) Parachutes
5) Hanging off vehicular transport with ease (action button implement)
6) ATV's, Go-Karts, Bicycles (and hell maybe even hang gliders *shrugs*)


Vaxadrin said:
Man, free mode with a bunch of friends may be the most fun thing ever. I think all the people bitching about this game just don't have a good group of people to play in the sandbox online.

I mean, seriously, a whole thread devoted to whining. Someone should make a "Thing's you DON'T like about Uncharted" thread and see how long that stays open in comparison.

so youre 360 is back up and running?


Ryuuga said:
There was a problem with the ZiT function? By the ZiT function, I assume you mean the artist/song title display from your phone.

Yep Ive ZiTTed around 15 - 20 songs and only 3 ever turned up on socialclub.com. Other people reprted the same problem - however itss apparently fixed now.
Yeah, I've done around 10, but 0 have showed up on the social club. Also, it still says I'm stuck at 31% (actually around 70).

What a wasted opportunity


I'm kind of disappointed with the size of the stunt jumps. They're all so small. The only good one I've found is one that jumps across the water from Alderney to Algonquin.
kylej said:
98%, just gotta finish up Stevie's cars. I hope my social club profile updates before that 100% contest thing is over.
Damn kyle, you're so far ahead of me :)

I'm done with the pigeons, and 1/3 of the way through the jumps and Stevie's car missions. I'm saving the random encounters, friend missions and vigilante stuff for later - hopefully they'll be more fun and less of a grind.
I love the free mode in GTA IV. I wish you could do all of the side stuff (Darts, bowling, Strip club). Does anyone knows if the amusment park will ever open. I'm half way trough and i don't see it open.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Silversmith said:
I love the free mode in GTA IV. I wish you could do all of the side stuff (Darts, bowling, Strip club). Does anyone knows if the amusment park will ever open. I'm half way trough and i don't see it open.
yea, what's the point of having an abandoned amusement park anyways?


For something fun, try loading as many people as possible onto a bus, stock up with SMG's and armor, then drive around killing as many cops as possible. The bus is like a tank.

Ploid 3.0

Darkflight said:
I wish I could turn the police off while pigeon hunting.

Not being able to turn cops off is very annoying. When I chain explode cars I have to spam the lower wanted level cheat each time somethkng blows up.

I'm at the point where I feel like I have to just do missions to get my mony's worth. Or sell it. I never sell my games but I'm really thinking about starting now. At least this one time. Maybe a gaf trade for CoD4 goty edition.
Hmm, the social club had some of my stats and was saying I was 50% through, now its saying I'm 0% through and has lost all my stats, what a fantastic site.


Strangely, I've found that now I'm past the final mission and just going for 100%, I'm having much more fun. Without the pressure of continuing the story (my own 'what the fuck is going to happen' pressure) I can play the game more organically and just dick around. I actually want to date chicks and hang with my friends now, too. Weird. I just hate that I lose like 10K every time I die. What the hell is up with that?

And yeah, still finding new things and getting new quotes is mind-boggling. Just yesterday I got a lapdance from two chicks at once in the strip club for the 1st time. "What are you, sisters or cousins or something?" Lol.
AkuMifune said:
And yeah, still finding new things and getting new quotes is mind-boggling. Just yesterday I got a lapdance from two chicks at once in the strip club for the 1st time. "What are you, sisters or cousins or something?" Lol.

Lol. You've given me something to shoot for during my replay through.
I slammed into the rear of a taxi. So obviously the driver caught on fire. As he stepped out and ran around burning to death, a cop was climbing into the passenger seat, because that's the logical thing to do really. He too caught on fire of course. Then another cop attempted to steal another taxi, but he never got to as the first taxi had caught on fire and was now exploding in his face.


Okay. I'm giving up on Kate. It's been like 5 or 6 dates so far and nothing is happening. Did I screw up somewhere? Doesn't feel like it.
Finally, I have crossed the finish line.

So this... is what the dream feels like. This is what we've been longing for.

I had a feeling of dread ever since I was presented the choice between money and revenge; knowing then that there was no way that there'd be as triumphant an ending as the GTA 3 era games. Usually, either are regarded as the 'wrong' choice against doing 'the right thing.'

I let Niko's enemy go, thinking that it'd be the right thing to do, and chose to kill Dimitri, once again being convinced that it was the right(est) thing to do. I figured that it'd be Roman or Mallorie that got it though, not Kate who pretty much made the money out to be the asshole move.

The last mission frustrated the hell out of me but was a hollywood spectacular, par for course for the GTA games. Funny thing was, I had managed to get on the helicopter on the first attempt, but I was so caught up in the moment I ended up crashing the helicopter into the river instead of using the right trigger. After that I had to redo that whole thing 3 times before I nailed the jump and got on. I got hit by that rocket and was about to throw a fit until the cutscene kicked in.

It's still sorta sad that there's no ultimate ending to turn to, but I guess I should be happy. I was expecting the darker story direction to get Niko killed.


Now, that just leaves the multiplayer to get into. I can already feel my faith in humanity dropping as I type this.


dork said:
Stupid trying to get people to like me, driving to pick up people and go to a diner, is stupid

You only have to go out with people until they become good friends/girlfriends. Maybe 2-4 times depending on if you do jobs for them. It doesn't take long at all to take them to dinner anyway. Comedy club and going drinking are worth it, eating is worth it if you need health anyway... and it's almost always worth it in the end.
Stoney Mason said:
Then don't do it. Outside of the first date you aren't required to, for completion of the game.
Some of the abilities you get are useful though. And I get a guilty conscious. :(
Dwayne's associates can be assholes though. Brought them over to help me out dealing with the army of cops that were chasing me. The bastards refused to open fire for two minutes. And when we got to the airport, being chased by SWAT buses, and I stopped, they got out of the car and walked away. I ran them over. Punk ass bitches.

And Brucie can go to hell. At first you think he's funny but he gets so damn obnoxious. I wanna punch him. I think I will. You won't ruin his sidemissions if you do? And once you've unlocked his ability, is it possible to un-unlock it? What is his ability anyway, I forget. Chopper ride?

AkuMifune said:
And yeah, still finding new things and getting new quotes is mind-boggling. Just yesterday I got a lapdance from two chicks at once in the strip club for the 1st time. "What are you, sisters or cousins or something?" Lol.
I was hit by a car as usual. The driver ran up to me and said "Honey, get out here!" or something to that effect. His girlfriend who was sitting in the car said something like "I can't hear you, speak louder!" I thought that was a bit surprising. And I have been hit by cars A LOT of times. Of course, me hearing her say that meant she was full of shit. Then the guy jumped back in the car and sped off. I think they may have been criminals or something. But anyway, I climbed on top of my sideways-parked taxi and shot it right in the face.


Dwayne and Playboy X were my favorite characters. They were EXTREMELY convincing, and Dwayne more so later on in the game. Sometimes I wish GTA had a smaller cast so they could focus more on one main story and a few characters and their development. You always end up doing missions for the whole Benetton family.

EDIT: Funny thing that happened on my first date with Michelle: we get back to our car from bowling, turn the engine on, and suddenly a criminal runs by trying to escape a cop and hides by ducking in front of my car. I pull back, and the cop busts him!:p


Have A quick question: After I beat the game, Kate's Percent was only 45.00% and she doesn't respond to any of my calls anymore, only to her answering machine. will she eventually call me or something?


The hell? Did I skip over a whole set of missions from a character named Bernie (I'm currently just finished with Phil's first mission)? I was checking GameFAQs for something and there's all these missions listed before the ones I'm at...


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Costanza said:
The hell? Did I skip over a whole set of missions from a character named Bernie (I'm currently just finished with Phil's first mission)? I was checking GameFAQs for something and there's all these missions listed before the ones I'm at...

You cant skip them. They are critical to the plot
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