Anybody know where to find
's Gem of Portent? I have the Gem of Blood and the Gem of Darkness but hell if I have any idea where to find that one.
BlueTsunami said:Three things I dislike about the game
1) Loading
2) The enemy AI in battle hiccups when it highlights an enemy and waits 3 seconds or so just so it could choose to Wait. I find that really annoying.
3) I wish I could skip certain sequences. Be it the Transformations, to Enemy/Ally skills and the fucken toad animation when combining skills (I JUST WANT TO SKIP THE TOADS MOUTH SWISHING ARGH). It seems simple enough, they should have put in a way to just press a button to skip the sequences.
mistuhcahlos said:The loading isn't bad. Just return the game.
.BlueTsunami said:Three things I dislike about the game
1) Loading
They are not bad at all.
2) The enemy AI in battle hiccups when it highlights an enemy and waits 3 seconds or so just so it could choose to Wait. I find that really annoying.
Never even noticed that, I have been playing non stop
3) I wish I could skip certain sequences. Be it the Transformations, to Enemy/Ally skills and the fucken toad animation when combining skills (I JUST WANT TO SKIP THE TOADS MOUTH SWISHING ARGH). It seems simple enough, they should have put in a way to just press a button to skip the sequences.
Toad takes like 2-3 secs whats the big deal? You must hate all RPGs. Just about all of them have pauses for magic and other animations. It would be weird if they allow you to skip them since they add to the immersion of the game.
PistolGrip said:
badcrumble said:Anybody know where to find's Gem of Portent? I have the Gem of Blood and the Gem of Darkness but hell if I have any idea where to find that one.Roger
Diablos said:Umm... the battle at- WTF? Talk about outnumbered!Patay
Please tell me all I have to do is kill off.Bartolomeo
I can't stay alive if I try to defeat everyone, my party has no chance when the reinforcements come.
what are you smoking? the issues are very real i have stopped binding just because of the annoying wait.PistolGrip said:
wtfBlueTsunami said:I won that fight while I was at work and yeah, you have to defeat everyone. Its a pain in the ass since theres a noticeable jump in difficulty with the enemies.
devilscallmedad said:what are you smoking? the issues are very real i have stopped binding just because of the annoying wait.
and WTFi leveled up jeanne to 34, gave her fruits etc etc and completely ignored liane now suddenly the game kills her off and somehow expects me to move forward with a level 15 character which can't even hit an enemy ? To add to the woes gilles my second main charcter just left WTF Level 5? please someone tell me that jeanne/gilles comeback after a couple of levels or i am not playing this anymore
Diablos said:Umm... the battle at- WTF? Talk about outnumbered!Patay
Please tell me all I have to do is kill off.Bartolomeo
I can't stay alive if I try to defeat everyone, my party has no chance when the reinforcements come.
mint said:game is too sloooooowwwwww for my tastes. bring on fft kthx.
Is there a lot of slow down in the game or are you simply using some sort of fast forward option in with the custom firmware?Superman00 said:Get the custom firmware and up the speed. Make the game faster.
Mefisutoferesu said:Is there a lot of slow down in the game or are you simply using some sort of fast forward option in with the custom firmware?
Cloudy said:The game is great. With all the crap/ported RPGs on the system, this game and Brave Story are great additions to the PSP lineup..
Oldschool said:Best game available on PSP.
Oldschool said:And 2nd best SRPG ever.
Kammie said:One thing I don't understand, however: with all the anti-religious slants that previous JRPGs have taken, why the hell is Jeanne not hearing God's voice? Please don't tell me they've substituted that for a freaking speaking armlet. Talk about squandering a potentially interesting plot element.![]()
GreenGlowingGoo said:I'm debating on whether or not to write a really long post on why I won't play this game anymore. It would be a long block of spoiler text filled with my bitter tearful ranting! I want to get it off my chest, but even with the spoiler covering, I'm worried I'll give away something to somebody who hasn't progressed that far.
Yeah, I was able to get through it on the second try.Superman00 said:That stage is pretty easy, you should lvl up the characters a bit at the free stage. I just whittle down the enemies health and let Jeanne and Gilles transformation annihilate them all. Kill like 5 or 6 enemies per turn easily.
Drinky Crow said:so give liane a couple HP+ skills.
Diablos said:Yeah, I was able to get through it on the second try.
Those damn reinforcements kept coming, I wanted to pull my hair out. Surprisingly only one of my guys died.
NowJeanne is "dead" and until she's discovered again I have to use... Liane? lolz, she has like 86 HP, I never use her.
<@paper> heh
<@paper> you know what's weird?
<@paper> I saw Jeanne d'Arc on sale at Target
<@paper> in a
<@paper> "we gotta get rid of this shit, sho nuff" sort of way
<@Martyr> oh?
<shroudie> eh, not too bad
<@Martyr> that sucks
<@paper> yea
<@Martyr> game's supposed to be pretty cool
<@paper> it's only been out what? two weeks/
Rummy Bunnz said:The sluggishness of the AI bothered me, too. 333mhz seemed to make it a bit more tolerable, but that may just be me imagining things.
jiggle said:don't spend permanent stat up onLiane!
GreenGlowingGoo said:(wallofblacktext)
Also, the gameplay itself is kinda simplistic compared to other SRPGs, I do like the customization of the stones, but it doesn't seem like enough. And the battles, at least for me, have been a little too easy. But all that would be forgivable if the plot didn't ruin it for me.
OK, that concludes my big rant on why I won't play Jeanne D'arc anymore. If you read this, umm thanks! And I refer back to my apology at the beginning of the post.
If you are using 3.52 M33-4 you can access it from the xmb by pressing [Home]Rummy Bunnz said:Hold down R while the system's starting up. You can choose CPU speed in there.
If there's an easier way to do it I'd love to know about it!