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The Official Jeanne D'arc Thread - SRPG goodness from Level5 for 29.99$


6 hours playing time today has left me thinking this is easily the best RPG I've played this year and perhaps the best game overall. For the first time since GBA Tactics Ogre I feel it's a "real" tactics game, one without lots of tacked on nonsense or throwaway characters. The graphics are terrific, the combat is well done (though maybe a tad easy starting out), the music (sadly, the track number is limited) is very, very good (especially with a great pair of headphones. seriously.) and it's just...fun, I guess.

Easily the PSP game of the year for me, and the RPG of the year, and may yet be game of the year. If you have the slightest interest in the series or just good games, play this. Best $30 I've spent on gaming in a long time.
System crashed at the store I ordered the game at, so even though it's out and they likely have it in a box somewhere in the back I can't get it.


Love it so far... only a few hours in, but it's easily the best handheld game of the year -- barring some terrible twist in the story or gameplay, I don't think that's so unrealistic either. Sadly, it probably won't sell very well... nothing like it should.


Picked it up today along with Bioshock and Ninja Gaiden Sigma, I poped it into my PSP and haven't been able to put it down. The only fault I see with the game is that it's much too easy to make gold, I've played for about 9hours and it's good thus far. The anime cutscenes are great and the voice acting is superb. Definitely worth picking up for anyone who's in doubt and likes SRPGs.

The game itself runs pretty fast compared to SRPGs like Spectral Souls which ran from 20fps to 5fps, Jeanne D'ark feels like it's a steady 30fps all the way through.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I got to mission six overnight. I really, really like it. It's been a while since I played an SRPG with such high production values. My only presentation complaint is the dithering, which is severe in areas with fog.

But...wow, I really like it. It's a little on the easy side, but it's very fun and I enjoy it. I really like some of the little touches they added into the combat.


Currently on Stage 6 (just starting).

This game is awesome, I absolutely love it.

The UMD works with 3.40 OE-A, btw.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
Awesome game. Love the combat system.

Btw, is that the same toad from Rogue Galaxy? :lol


Yeah, it is.

I'm really surprised this game is so good, considering how much of a disaster Rogue Galaxy is. I don't think I ever sold a game so quickly.

Now should I stay up late and try to get a couple more battles in, or risk getting up too late tomorrow?



...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
I love Level 5, I really do. Give them a proper budget and they'd probably put out an RPG better than anything SE could do.


I'm almost ashamed to ask, but has anyone been able to find the final hidden sphere (after you find all 5 amulets) on the games official site? I can't seem to figure out where it's hidden, and I'm hoping it will reveal the a wallpaper of the game's boxart.


I found myself failing a couple times due to the
turn limit
. I guess it's a nice
mechanism to force you to play up-tempo

It's a good game though, well worth the price they're asking for it. The anime cutscenes are pretty well done too.

Galactic Fork

A little fluff between the ears never did any harm...
I went to go get it today and they didn't have it. A friend of mine has it and she keeps scaring me with comments like "It's not very intuitive" and "Final Fantasy Tactics Light" (I'm pretty sure that was an insult). She's been playing it a bunch though, so that's a good sign.


AlphaSnake said:
I love Level 5, I really do. Give them a proper budget and they'd probably put out an RPG better than anything SE could do.
Which I hope White Knight Story will awesome...


Lv-5 can do no wrong! Loving this. A job system would've made this A+++, but I digress.
I'm kinda concerned how the world map seems awfully small. Anyone know how long is the game?


jiggle said:
Lv-5 can do no wrong! Loving this. A job system would've made this A+++, but I digress.
I'm kinda concerned how the world map seems awfully small. Anyone know how long is the game?

If things continues like I have play, easily 20+ hours. Beat stage 12.

The prairie is crazy, unless your characters are lvl30+ stay away. I made the mistake of entering the stage and totally got destroy. The dragons are so damn strong. 800 hp each, with 2 dragons and other enemies.
end Spoilers
Impressed so far. Good music, graphics and anime cutscenes (which unlock one by one in the "anime theater"). God Speed is interesting, you wipe out a group of enemies in one turn like checkers. Not sold on the skill stone system yet, but I have a lot of playing around to do. I love being outnumbered in battles, it puts a real sense of urgency on clearing a group as fast as possible. This is my first Level 5 game, first srpg since tactics advance, and first rpg for psp....so far so good.


AlphaSnake said:
I love Level 5, I really do. Give them a proper budget and they'd probably put out an RPG better than anything SE could do.

Like what, Dragon Quest VIII?

ex0du5 said:
The wiki page says this is being released for the DS...is this true?

This is a Sony game, so... no, it's not going to be released on the DS. Level 5 did announce that it'll be revealing a new self-published DS RPG at TGS, but it's not going to be Dark Cloud, Rogue Galaxy, or Jeanne d'Arc as all of those are Sony-owned franchises.


ethelred said:
This is a Sony game, so... no, it's not going to be released on the DS. Level 5 did announce that it'll be revealing a new self-published DS RPG at TGS, but it's not going to be Dark Cloud, Rogue Galaxy, or Jeanne d'Arc as all of those are Sony-owned franchises.


Guess I'll be picking this up, along with Final Fantasy Tactics, and Disgaea on the PSP later this year (or early 2008). It's going to be SRPG madness :lol.


colinp said:
Would it be wrong to pick this up this weekend in anticipation of buying the PSP slim next month?
No since I bought it day 1 and I'm also waiting to get the 2000 series next month.


there is joy in sucking dick
Just bought the last copy at a out-of-the-way Gamestop. The other one I went to didn't have any left.

It seems as though each Gamestop only got 3 copies or something :lol RIDICULOUS!
I still couldn't get my pre-ordered copy today because of the store network cluster fuck so I went to another store and bought this game. Been playing through Jeanne D'Arc while I wait for the Folklore demo to download, and I've got to say I'm pretty damn impressed with what I've played thus far.

Technically this has to be one of the most impressive looking games on the PSP.

Galactic Fork

A little fluff between the ears never did any harm...
Failed to get the game today too... What the crap sony? Why is a first party game so hard to find. They should have let Atlus publish and distribute it, then I could find it!


ARGH! didn't get it either. my store sent it to me yesterday, so it should be here today, but no, the stupid german mail didn't deliver it. i'm going to holiday tomorrow, so no jeanne d'arc for me on the ride. ;(


I think the good reviews have something to do with this game being a little difficult to initially find. Wait a few days or a week and it should be easily obtainable. On the first day, all the gamestops in my city showed it was sold out. I went in today and scooped up a copy. Might've been the last copy, I'm not sure. They also gave me a demo of the game......:lol gave it to my friend.


there is joy in sucking dick
I just played a few stages at work and it really feels like a polished FFT/Ogre Tactics hybrid. Put me in the camp that is also diggin it. I didn't really need it but its nice seeing in depth explanations for newbies at the beginning of the game. They way it was presented was pretty cool.

I think there being no Class System and it feeling like a FFT/Ogre Tactics is going to be jarring but I'll move beyond it.

On another note, I like the way you can really home in on what angle you want to view the map. In FFT, you would sometimes feel like your viewpoint is being obscured and there was nothing you can do about it. In Jeanne d'Arc, you can really mess with the viewpoint.

Also, the FMVs are pretty cool. It does give the lil' chibbi like characters more character than they would ever have with just in game dialog and movement.


Just started playing, about a couple of hours in, and loving it so far(even though I'm still pretty early in). Looks like Level 5 has done it again.

Kind of funny, I got the last copy yesterday at my local EB. They actually had a younger kid behind me that wanted to purchase the game too. The look on his face that followed after he learned I just bought the last copy was priceless. I'm an ass:lol


Ristlager said:
Anyone know if there is much to do outside the story, eg optional quest/monsters ala item world in disgaea?

There are several "free" maps that I've run into so far with optional (and tough) fights. Once you beat the game you can reload your save and keep on playing with a few new things being added in.


Finally got my copy yesterday ( I had to go to a total of 5 stores before someone had one) Sony seriously undershipped this little gem.

I played the first couple of missions seems like a solid title, can't wait to put some time into this next week in between classes.


Kiriku said:
Funny how I managed to get the game yesterday, and I live in Europe and had to import. :p

I'm still waiting on my copy to get to me (hell, I'm still waiting on P3 to get to me ;_;) and I imported it too to europe sooo.... I hate you!
I've got to say I'm quite impressed with the gameplay. I like the depth that's emphasized with the positional play resulting in unified guards and attack bonuses via burning aura's. And the turn limit per map has been keeping things moving at a brisk pace.


sex vacation in Guam
Ok so I'm up to level 30 now. Seriously this is the best game I have played on the PSP. I'm really loving everything from the music, to the combat, and even the story. Anime cut scenes are great and the battle music is really nice. The little touches they added to combat like being able to
create a latter or a bridge
:) are great.


This game needs to be hyped some more. I'm not a SRPG fan but I love this game. Best gamble I ever made on a game purchase.
Okay that one bit of randomness aside--a mission depending upon the survival of an NPC, the guy got slaughtered in two turns before I could even get a healer within casting distance of him, nevermind sending back-up units to protect him. Second time through no such problem--I have to say that this game kicks serious amounts of ass.

I know some of you are having problems landing a copy of this game but more people should be talking about Jeanne D'Arc. Nevermind that this is probably the best new release on the PSP at the moment or that this is one of the best rpgs/srpgs available on the system (both are perhaps dubious distinctions in the eyes of some?) this is just an all around kick ass addition to the genre on a whole.

It's such a refreshing change of pace with its emphasis on speed and aggression due to limited turns per map, limited uses of uber powers and positional play with its unified guards and burning aura's.


there is joy in sucking dick
jaundicejuice said:
It's such a refreshing change of pace with its emphasis on speed and aggression due to limited turns per map, limited uses of uber powers and positional play with its unified guards and burning aura's.

I am warming up to the Time Limit. Definitely forces you to really push foward instead of sit back. I also love how Level 5 had the foresight of implimenting the Time Limit and the Unified Guarding, they seem to go hand in hand. Being rewarded for keeping your group together, in close proximity works well when you have to push foward so you finish the objective was definitely good thinking.


jaundicejuice said:
Okay that one bit of randomness aside--a mission depending upon the survival of an NPC, the guy got slaughtered in two turns before

Trying to save
? or his friend?
It's just nice to not have to play another Final Fantasy Tactics/Disgaea (Can't speak for Tatics Ogre having never played it, although I do own Knights of the Lodis), you don't always need some massive and complex job system in every srpg. It's Fire Emblem lean in that regard. I guess it just makes Jeanne D'Arc more suited to the portable experience but on the other hand it's such a fun game I've just been sitting around at home playing it.

I'm also enjoying the revisionist "history" here.

jiggle said:
Trying to save
? or his friend?

Yeah, my first time through I had no chance.
was dead before I could even get anyone in range to help him out. Second time round his guard lasted one turn longer and he dodged one attack, it made all the difference.


you can't put a price on sparks
the game is pretty good, but doesn't do much to really show itself as a unique game.

i personally don't dig the setting, France/England is just sort of boring.

i like the easy customization they have

they needed to have voice acting for every line of dialogue, but they didn't do it :( . only having them in the (very nice, i might add) anime videos takes away from the story.

no actual town exploration makes the game feel flat.

game is very linear. not much to do "on the side" or whatever. but it does seem like there are a nice amount of stages, regardless.

these are my initial impressions so far. its enjoyable, but i think it could have been more, at least as far as i'm in to the game.
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