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The Official MADWORLD Thread of No Means Yes and Yes Means A--wesome!


Regulus Tera said:
It seems this game got a 9 at Nintendo Power.

Good score, will wait for confirmation before putting it in the OP.

Anyway, here's a great article on the enemy AI and the difficulty of the game:

Which means that taking out the cannon fodder, weakest of the weak enemy grunts is not difficult at all. When you have a game where running around killing all the enemies is supposed to be fun, making them so hard that you can’t kill them wouldn’t be fun at all.

So instead, we thought making a game where the difficulty would come from trying to score the highest number of points for a kill. Depending on the kill you use against an enemy, their AI reacts differently, or you might see something that makes you laugh, so you should focus on trying to score as many points as possible.

Of course, there are obviously people who enjoy fighting really challenging enemies. We’ve got you covered inside the stages with the “grunt leaders,” as well as the bosses that appear at the end of each stage. They’ve all got special AI during battle, so you should really be able to sink your teeth into the fight and enjoy the challenge.


I declare that there aren't enough brutal slaughtering GIFs.


That last one came out funny for some reason. Still awesome, though.

Now I'm off to find more stuff to GIF. Someone with IGN Insider could get some good ones from their Kills Montage video, but it wouldn't let me download it without Insider.

EDIT: Fixed the last one, and another.



Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I'm surprised we're able to get a source that MadWorld got 9/10 in Nintendo Power, but we're not able to get a summary of the pros and cons.

The big questions on replay value, general length, difficulty, etc still haven't been properly answered. COME OOOONNNNN!

Davey Cakes

This game is REALLY gruesome. Those gifs are good evidence of this.

Still looks pretty darn crazy and awesome, though. Stylistic, over-the-top, and fun. I can really see why people are excited.


Black-Wind said:
fixed... and no problem man ;D

KevinCow said:
I declare that there aren't enough brutal slaughtering GIFs.


That last one came out funny for some reason. Still awesome, though.

Now I'm off to find more stuff to GIF. Someone with IGN Insider could get some good ones from their Kills Montage video, but it wouldn't let me download it without Insider.
the backbreaker is so awesome, everytime iam watching the trailer this scene gets me again, so cruel and lovely! The part where the guy is shot to the moon is hilarious too!
16 days baby!


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Matsuno speaks!


"When PlatinumGames approached me for MadWorld, I thought about whether or not gamers actually expected a complex world setting or narrative in an action game. Personally, I don’t buy action games for their stories. However, due to the recent evolution of hardware, games have become more detailed, as can be seen by the ever improving graphics. Due to this, I can understand that modern gamers are not satisfied with action itself. So, for gamers that set a high value on atmosphere and depth of the story, I was requested to build the game’s world and script from the ground up. "

"The setting of DeathWatch (an illegal underground live show) came from these two contradictory orders - the acceptance and negation of violence. In the extraordinary world of the DeathWatch games, violence and brutality is not only required, but accepted. However, once you step out of the show, the world outside is ruled by normal conventions. It’s not only in MADWORLD. Haven’t you felt that big contradiction in your life? I would like gamers to play the game so that they can experience the unusual world & its story that was created from these two conflicting orders. "


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
schuelma said:
I think it's pretty cool how from what he said it feels like the story was shaped using what they were aiming with the game itself as a basis instead of the game being built to support a story/setting. Focus on gameplay ideas and atmosphere first then build the rest with that, it's the best scenario to me.

The development team gave me two guidelines. First, “Jack is not a righteous person”. This is because he has no hesitation in regards to his violence. Secondly, “Violence is accepted in the world”. This was from the same reasoning as the first point. During gameplay, they did not want the players to doubt their action when performing an extreme act of violence.

On the other hand, the producer believed that “Violence should ultimately be denied in the end”. It meant that we had to be concerned about the current circumstance surrounding the videogame industry. I thought it was a quite reasonable request because, as a company, both SEGA and PlatinumGames did not consider violence right.
I wonder how this view will be implemented. I trust it won't be something forced since he says his objective was indeed to create a contradiction.

Finally, it may be a little difficult to catch everything in the story by only playing the game once. With each replay you can understand the true meaning of each character’s dialogue more and more.
There's also a Q&A with Inaba, as well as two commercials.

Q&A: http://wii.ign.com/articles/959/959443p1.html

This part caught my eye at the end:

Q: This game seems to share many similarities with the last Clover studios game, God Hand. Would this be considered to be a fully realized version of God Hand's development? It seemed quite surprising that the game was in a gameplay-demonstratable form when it was unveiled back in Spring 2008.

Atsushi Inaba: These two titles are for the core gamers, but have very different game concepts, so MW is not like a full version of the GodHand. One of the important concepts of GodHand was to make challenging gameplay that players will have fun through clearing the challenging stages. Compared to this, after we have chosen the Wii platform, we developed MW to have easy control and difficulty (with some additional features like additional kill moves). So we can say MW is very original game.

Commercials: http://wii.ign.com/dor/objects/14253678/madworld/videos/madworld_trl_tvspot15_030409.html


Bleh. "After we chose Wii" you decided to make it easy? After you made it ridiculously hardcore, and scared off every mother/grandparent Wii owner? I want some ball-breakers, dammit.


pakkit said:
Bleh. "After we chose Wii" you decided to make it easy? After you made it ridiculously hardcore, and scared off every mother/grandparent Wii owner? I want some ball-breakers, dammit.

You are taking that out of context, he said easy controls and difficulty most likely meaning varied difficulty levels instead of hard and super hard.

nice. has anyone seen them on tv?

One of them was on SPIKE on Monday night


pakkit said:
Bleh. "After we chose Wii" you decided to make it easy? After you made it ridiculously hardcore, and scared off every mother/grandparent Wii owner? I want some ball-breakers, dammit.

Did you read the "Enemies of MadWorld" entry on Platinum Games' site? They said the regular enemies are pretty easy, but there are midbosses and stuff for people that want a challenge.


Unconfirmed Member
Late to the party. Did anyone ever figure out what the song and singer was from the MadWorld Christmas video?


Volcynika said:
Did you read the "Enemies of MadWorld" entry on Platinum Games' site? They said the regular enemies are pretty easy, but there are midbosses and stuff for people that want a challenge.
Just kidding. I'm listening to Nintendo Voice Chat and Bozon said on hard mode he died around 15 times during the tutorial.

Bozon said:
God Hand was nothing, this game is impossible.
:eek: :0 :O


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
I heard Bozon died twice when the SEGA screen popped up.


Not Wario
NP isn't exactly my favorite source of criticism (if you want to call it that) these days, but it's nice to hear Madworld is being received well. I had always intended to check it out if it turned out good (simply out of good will for Clover) but literally nothing I've seen of the game appeals to me. Its "hardcore" nature has been defined entirely by its violence and darker content in all the articles I've seen on it and the gameplay itself always appeared to be nothing more than shallow masculine empowerment with no depth- what I figured a real "hardcore" gamer would want.

Of course I'm saying all this because the positive reception seems to point to the contrary. It appears (and I hope this is true) that my impressions were wrong and that the game does have the substance to merit the attention it's been getting. This isn't entirely surprising given the pedigree of the team behind it, but I certainly had my doubts, as evidenced above. Here's hoping it'll be worth picking up next week.
schuelma said:
"The setting of DeathWatch (an illegal underground live show) came from these two contradictory orders - the acceptance and negation of violence. In the extraordinary world of the DeathWatch games, violence and brutality is not only required, but accepted. However, once you step out of the show, the world outside is ruled by normal conventions. It’s not only in MADWORLD. Haven’t you felt that big contradiction in your life? I would like gamers to play the game so that they can experience the unusual world & its story that was created from these two conflicting orders. "

Ya know, I still don't like this game. The overuse of horrendous violence and vulgar language annoys me to no end. I know this game will be cited numerous times in the future as prof that our hobby is mindless and barbaric.

That being said...

Matsuno brings a perspective, narrative wise, that I can respect and appreciate. I've learned my lesson, context is everything. While I can't say I plan to pick this game up, I can and will say I think it will be a find addition to the gaming collective.


Surprisingly there has not been too much controversy so far. Is it just not popular enough for the usual suspects to claim it is corrupting youth?

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Vinnk said:
Surprisingly there has not been too much controversy so far. Is it just not popular enough for the usual suspects to claim it is corrupting youth?

Resident Evil 5 has been hogging all the controversy. :(


Vinnk said:
Surprisingly there has not been too much controversy so far. Is it just not popular enough for the usual suspects to claim it is corrupting youth?

Its not real enough looking, people do not realize how genius it was to go black and white which makes the red blood appear cartoony and exaggerated

The youtube video with the mom laughing while she saw what MadWorld was about probably helped them realize the over the top style that much more
TheChillyAcademic said:
Ya know, I still don't like this game. The overuse of horrendous violence and vulgar language annoys me to no end. I know this game will be cited numerous times in the future as prof that our hobby is mindless and barbaric.

You know, I would totally agree with this, but MadWorld actually embraces and really pokes fun at the nature and acceptance of violence. I would compare the feeling I get from MadWorld to something like No More Heroes, another game that is extremely violent and features a lot of vulgar language, but is really more of a commentary on those subjects and a parody of it.

What I don't get from MadWorld is the sense of the condescending tone, mockery, or outright stupidity in the vulgarity that plagues a game like Army of Two or Killzone 2 or something. I think a huge difference there is how seriously the game takes itself. Army of Two and Killzone 2 both tended to take themselves seriously and the cursing in both games just didn't work and was juvenile at best, and is pretty embarrassing.

MadWorld clearly doesn't take itself seriously (the intent is to make you laugh, after all) and so the over-the-top aspects of it not only easier-to-swallow but actually entertaining.


That difficult on hard? Not a masochist and don't have the time or patience for that kind of difficulty so I'll stick to normal.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
pvpness said:
Knew the game was gonna be awesome... but harder than GodHand? Goddamn. So happy Matsuno is involved in this.

Uh, I'm pretty sure the comments about "harder than GodHand" are tongue in cheek.


pakkit said:
So to combat those who don't want kills or boss kills spoiled, you're posting them as GIFs now?

I'm not trying to spoil anything for anyone. I just thought these would make good GIFs, and thought it would be appropriate to share them in this thread, seeing as how this is the MadWorld thread.
timetokill said:
You know, I would totally agree with this, but MadWorld actually embraces and really pokes fun at the nature and acceptance of violence. I would compare the feeling I get from MadWorld to something like No More Heroes, another game that is extremely violent and features a lot of vulgar language, but is really more of a commentary on those subjects and a parody of it.

I would have to agree for the most part and you put it very well. In a medium such as gaming, commentary can play a much more active role then in other forms of entertainment. At the same time, while violence doesn't bother me, there is still a part of me that shudders at the brutality in this game. I can and do appreciate the art style however.

timetokill said:
I think a huge difference there is how seriously the game takes itself. Army of Two and Killzone 2 both tended to take themselves seriously and the cursing in both games just didn't work and was juvenile at best, and is pretty embarrassing.

You and I will now fight to the death -.-
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